WHAT'S UP – September 2024
Belinda C. Dunn
Virgo New Moon
September 2 @ 9:58 pm EDT
Pisces Lunar Eclipse
September 17 @ 10:34 pm EDT
Autumnal Equinox
September 22 @ 8:44 am EDT
September is typically a transitional month. The dog days of summer
begin to mellow into noticeably cooler nights as attention returns to
work and school, schedules and routine. The fields are overflowing with a
ripening harvest, and preparations are in place
for autumn festivals. Not only is transition apparent in natural
cycles, but planetary trends suggest an interlude for processing the
immense changes taking place on planet Earth.
First, Uranus, the planet of wide ranging evolutionary change, begins a
retrograde phase on September 1. Considering that Uranus has an 84 year
orbit, over decades, Uranus introduces new possibilities, making
obsolete what is no longer relevant, and gradually
replacing outdated systems. Initially, this process can appear
upsetting and irreverent, shocking and chaotic, but Uranus is always
pushing the envelope for radical progress. The retrograde phase
indicates a pause for assimilation and adjustment, which makes
sense as Uranus is retrograde through to late January 2025.
Additionally, on September 1, Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn for
its final stint in the zodiac sign of leadership, authority,
governments, and corporations. Pluto is a generational planet, and since
entering Capricorn in 2008, Pluto has uncovered the
roots of plutocracy embedded in systems of social organization.
Pluto exposes corruption in high places, and its transit through
Capricorn set off a meltdown of financial institutions along with
government intervention. Significantly, the first black president was
elected in 2008, initiating a social experiment in the balance
of power and leadership that continues to this day. In true
synchronicity, Pluto hovers in the final degree of Capricorn until
November 19, entering Aquarius for the next twenty years.
Another planetary trend dovetails with Pluto's wrap-up, and this is
Neptune. Currently hovering in the final degrees of Pisces, Neptune
relates to long term social cycles. Neptune entered Pisces in 2011-12,
bringing with it a focus on the oceans, water pollution,
deep water drilling, climate change, social inequity, prescription and
recreational drug abuse, religion and spirituality. In spring 2025,
Neptune transitions into the next zodiac sign of Aries, beginning a new
165 year cycle.
What does it mean for these two power planets of generational impact to
hover in the final degrees of their respective zodiac signs? First, this
clearly indicates a crescendo effect of multiple cycles ending. It's as
though the humanity can no longer sustain
with the mindsets and beliefs that have powered it thus far. It's like
hitting a brick wall of serious limitations surrounding dependence on
fossil fuels, tribalism, addiction, greed, power and control. It's not
possible to continue unless radical and sweeping
reform occurs. So far, no matter what it looks like on the surface,
events have conspired to serve evolution.
This is the message of Neptune and Pluto, planets extraordinaire.
Orbiting beyond the rings of Saturn, known as transpersonal planets,
their primary action goes far beyond the individual, working on
collective consciousness. There is a trio of transpersonal
planets with Uranus being the third. To underscore these messages,
Uranus is currently transiting in the final degrees of Taurus. By summer
2025, all three planets enter new territory. It's plain to see, the
collective zeitgeist, “defined as the spirit or
mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and
beliefs of the time,” is undergoing far reaching transformation.
It is against this celestial backdrop of immense proportions that we
take a look at September's trends. Beginning with a Virgo New Moon on
September 2, attention turns to productivity. Virgo is the zodiac sign
of health, work and service. Clearly, work and
health go hand in hand. One is not possible without the other. This
lunar cycle is optimal for checkups, and improvements in lifestyle and
daily routine. Virgo shines a light on seemingly innocuous habits that
affect, over time, one's health and well being.
On Labor Day, the traditional end of summer vacation, this New Moon is
in opposition to Saturn in Pisces. Saturn is the taskmaster, and
throughout the first week of September, circumstances carry more weight,
showing up as heavy, laborious, and consequential.
It's important to slow down, if possible, and rest, if necessary. This
is not a week to force solutions, but to carefully and methodically take
care of business.
Additionally, after six weeks in Gemini, Mars transits into Cancer for a
lengthy stay over the next 8 months. This can be quite an adjustment as
Mars in Gemini has been restless and rambunctious, vocal and social.
Entering Cancer on September 4, attention retreats
to home base. Symbolized by the crab, ruled by the tides, emotions are
in flux, and primal instincts tend to be raw and unfiltered. On multiple
levels, themes emerge around safety and security, nurturing and
This sentiment leads into a super charged Lunar Eclipse on September 17.
Also a SuperMoon, this eclipse will be visible in most of the western
hemisphere. Always a Full Moon, an eclipse of the Moon is a sight to
behold as Earth's shadow visibly moves across
the Moon's surface.
Astrologically, the chart shows Moon conjoining Neptune in Pisces while
opposing Sun in Virgo. This potent combination heightens sensitivity and
awareness of inner dimensions and unseen forces. This eclipse can be
enlightening for some, but disorienting and
confusing for many. For those people and groups susceptible to
suggestion, this eclipse can tear off the blinders and shake their world
view. Similar to pulling back the curtain in Wizard of Oz, to find a
little man pulling the levers of control, Neptune's
super power dispels illusion.
Coming down to earth, and seeing reality for what it is, can feel like a
bumpy landing, a hard fall from grace. This theme is even more
important as Mercury, the planet of logic, opposes Saturn on September
18, and Sun opposes Neptune on the 20th. The human
mind is capable of believing just about anything, and this trait will
be on full display. In fact, it's not too far a stretch to predict a
crisis in belief, a falling apart of apparent reality to reveal hidden
Even though computers can pinpoint exact timing, eclipses have long term
implications. Eclipses always come in pairs, and September's Lunar
Eclipse will be followed by a Solar Eclipse on October 2. Typically,
eclipses take place over a six week window. Themes
begin to surface four weeks before, and continue for several weeks
after the final eclipse in the pair. So, from mid-August to mid-October,
be on the look out for significant realizations that alter perception,
and consequently the trajectory of plans and
On September 22, the Autumnal Equinox marks the Sun's entrance into
Libra. Symbolized by the scales of balance, daylight and darkness are
equal, hanging in the balance, in between two eclipses, tipping the
scales toward justice. Of all the zodiac signs, Libra
is expressly attuned to fairness, or lack thereof. But, for many
reasons, life on earth isn't always fair or balanced, and this can be a
source of frustration for those souls in tune with the scales. Here we
find the legal experts, diplomats, mediators and
peacekeepers, working tirelessly for the benefit of all.
The equinox astrology chart shows Sun approaching a conjunction with
South Lunar Node in Libra, exact on September 29. Additionally, on the
final day of September, Sun conjuncts Mercury in Libra. All these
factors line up for significant breakthroughs, and
major announcements, in diplomatic measures at home and abroad. More
than likely, the upcoming Solar Eclipse on October 2, will seal the
On the personal level, all types of relationship are up for review,
including the relationship with yourself. Each of us have the scales of
balance wired into our biology. Believe it or not, the majority of
humans prefer peace, and actively work toward peaceful
relations. Current trends can highlight the inner workings of a
specific relationship, and in some cases, a relationship may fall by the
Essentially, this is a time for evaluation, illuminating personal blind
spots in regard to getting along with others. Blame and projection are
slippery slopes toward dysfunction and conflict. It isn't always about
the other person, in fact, relationships test
us, try us, and humble us to be more self aware, and responsible in
thought, word and deed. “Be kind,” no matter what, is Libra's motto.
In 1962, Thomas Kuhn, an American physicist, philosopher, scientist and
historian coined the term, “paradigm shift.” A buzzword of our times,
alluded to repeatedly, it remains largely misunderstood. It's like an
oasis on the horizon that never seems to fully
materialize. Humanity appears to be stuck in the past, struggling to
make sense of the present, and virtually unprepared for the future.
Reviewing planetary trends for this year and next, it's time to once
again take “paradigm shift” off the shelf, dust it off, and really
understand the monumental, multifaceted, shift humanity is undergoing.
Not only does this bolster the spirit and ignite confidence,
but it perfectly describes the indescribable. Summed up as, “A paradigm
shift is a significant change in how people think and do things,
replacing an existing way of thinking with a new one.”
Truly, a paradigm shift has been happening all along for those with eyes
to see and ears to hear. But, the time is NOW. Over the next several
years, and throughout this decade, all the incremental stages coalesce
into a sweeping revision of the human story,
not to be feared, but celebrated.
WHAT'S UP – August 2024
Astrologer Belinda C. Dunn
Leo New Moon
August 4 @ 7:13 am EDT
Mercury retrograde
August 5 @ 12:56 am EDT
Aquarius Full Moon
August 19 @ 2:26 pm EDT
As summer Sun heats up and beats down, it's time to buckle up for the
roller coaster ride of August. Planetary trends are in full force,
intensifying uncertainty and unrest. Up and down, and all around,
muddling through unforeseen complications is a full time
job for many people.
Similar to children running from one ride to another, in all directions
at once, drama runs high. The house of mirrors can be fun, or perhaps a
spin on the bumper cars is next? But one thing is certain, in this
carnival like atmosphere of a highly controversial
and consequential election season, anything goes.
Let's begin with the cross quarter day of Lammas on August 1, timed
halfway between Summer Solstice and Autumn Equinox. There is a subtle,
but distinct, shift in the quality of light as first crops come to
harvest. Traditionally, bread is baked with freshly
harvested grain, and ceremonies of gratitude are performed.
Early in the month, on August 4, a New Moon in Leo sets the stage for
weeks to come. In this case, both Sun and Moon are highly energized by
Jupiter and Mars in Gemini. This is a supportive and positive
combination, and themes revolve around leadership and
authority, power and control, messengers and the message.
Jupiter transits through Gemini every 12 years. Currently in the zodiac
sign of education, Jupiter is activating key planets in the USA chart,
namely Uranus and Mars. A full scale, no holds barred campaign is taking
place from a variety of perspectives. Jupiter
can elevate the dialog while offering a smorgasbord of options. The
good news with Jupiter in Gemini (May 2024 – June 2025) is open
mindedness, transparency, and more availability of information.
However, think of communication as thought waves that carry specific
points of view strung together by energetic lines of information. In
this contentious, high stakes election season these lines are flooded
with misinformation, tainted with division, and manipulated
by hired media specialists. These digital streams of data are
controlled and biased, fashioned to influence and persuade the voting
As much as circumstances beg for and demand decision, Mercury is
retrograde for most of August. Necessary and important conversations are
taking place even though consensus may be hard to come by. Plans and
proposals are in revision based on fluctuating circumstances,
and firm decisions will come later. Now it the time to lay all options
on the table for consideration.
Going retrograde in Virgo on August 4, the mental environment is
logical, critical and discerning. This is a good thing, because Virgo is
practical, reasonable and precise. In other words, sweeping
generalizations and unfounded promises will be put to the test,
and examined thoroughly. Across the board, many situations can improve
with the help of Virgo's common sense. Additionally, Venus transits
through Virgo (August 4 – 29), and Sun enters Virgo on August 22.
On August 14, Mars conjuncts Jupiter in a fairly rare, every 2+ year
aspect. On the positive side, this planetary combination enhances
motivational, inspirational and high minded dialog. On the more
troubling side, Mars activating Jupiter can be arrogant, grandiose,
pretentious and self righteous. Obviously, all the ingredients are
present for over-the-top proclamations and promises.
However, Mercury retrogrades back into Leo on August 14, and over the
next week, Mars joins Jupiter in a tense square to Saturn. This is
especially notable as Jupiter square Saturn occurs approximately every
five years. Known as the social planets, working
together they define structures of government, law, institutions,
education, and social norms.
This interesting combination carries even more weight as the first
square since the initial conjunction of Jupiter with Saturn in December
2020. Therefore, this is a testing of founding principles, perspective,
and the arc of social development over long cycles.
By now, Jupiter is in Gemini, and Saturn is transiting through Pisces.
On one hand, Jupiter encourages open dialog, diversity and progress. On
the other hand, Saturn reflexes to the past, reflecting on the “good ole
days,” in an attempt to turn back the clock.
Planetary squares, especially between Jupiter and Saturn, can intensify
the need to break through restrictions while bringing situations to a
stalemate. It is a crossroads of potentials, a pause to regroup and
venture forward with cautious optimism. This is
the first of three squares taking place over months (August 14,
December 24, June 16, 2025).
This brings us to a potent Full Moon, a SuperMoon, exact on August 19.
Not only is this the first day of the DNC convention, but numerous
astrological trends converge to boost energy, and up the ante. Let's
take them one by one.
First, this is the first of four SuperMoons occurring over the course of
months (August 19, September 18, October 17, November 15). Due to the
Moon's closest orbital approach to Earth, the Moon appears 14% larger
and 30% brighter. A SuperMoon is a Full Moon
on steroids.
A standout feature in this Full Moon chart is a T-square. This
configuration occurs when two planets are in opposition to each other
with a third planet squaring them both. In this instance, Venus in Virgo
is opposite Saturn in Pisces. This is a sign of bittersweet
endings tinged with the challenge to let go and trust the process.
Reminiscing, assessment and grief are part of the process of regrouping
and moving forward.
Meanwhile, Venus and Saturn are squaring the Mars/Jupiter conjunction.
Taking place over days, all these aspects play out from August 14-22.
There is contradiction here as many factors collide, perhaps summarized
as enthusiasm tempered with realistic assessment.
Mars squares Saturn exactly just after midnight (EDT) on August 15.
Likened to one foot on the gas pedal with the other on the brake, this
aspect can be frustrating, at the very least. It is best to not force
solutions, or give into pressure. There may be interruptions
to plans, and delays to rework strategies and reverse course. The
general atmosphere tends to be deflated, irritable, tired and impatient.
This is the “give it a rest,” aspect.
If this isn't enough, another fascinating piece of the puzzle involves
Venus and Mars. The most commonly used symbols in biology for the female
and male of species are identical to the astrology symbols for Venus
and Mars. In ancient mythology, Venus was the
goddess of love/beauty/harmony, and Mars was the god of
On August 22, Venus engages Mars in a tense and powerful square. Putting
a spotlight on numerous social issues, Venus is transiting through
Virgo, the zodiac sign of work and health. It's time for women and men
to speak up on behalf of families everywhere.
It's not a secret that many communities are grappling with underfunded
public education and other vital social services. People are working
longer to make ends meet. The list goes on to include soaring costs of
housing, availability of health care, widespread
substance abuse . . . no wonder, the average family feels downtrodden
at every turn.
No matter what issues come to the fore, there will be differences in
approach, and tense debate for the upper hand. The whole dynamic between
the sexes will be on full display. The loving nature of Venus can
express as the “iron fist in the velvet glove.” Meanwhile,
Mars in Gemini is up front, blunt and bold. This planetary combination
is alluring and attractive as much as it can stir up contrast and
aversion between the sexes.
Finally, in the build up to the Full Moon, retrograde Mercury makes a
second square to Uranus the day before, August 18. Additionally, like an
exclamation point, Sun conjuncts Mercury on the same day. This is an
important day in any retrograde cycle, signaling
decisive moments and major decisions.
But, let's back up to the first of three Mercury squares to Uranus on
Sunday, July 21. This was the day President Biden announced his decision
to not seek a second term. As shocking as this news was to many, it
came as no surprise to others. This is the nature
of Mercury squaring Uranus. Due to the timing of Mercury retrograde,
there will continue to be after shocks and adjustments through to
September 7, the third and final Mercury/Uranus activation.
For all of the empathetic sensitive people out there, you probably have
discovered the necessity for energetic protection. In terms of the body
politic, current social conditions are extremely toxic and volatile.
Rising above these challenges, especially keeping
vibes high and clear, can feel exhausting and draining.
I have purposely avoided making predictions on winners/losers,
especially in light of fluctuating and unpredictable trends. But, a
social environment in which fear mongering, name calling, bullying, and
demonizing the “other side,” is unhealthy. Not only is
this unproductive, but a population that succumbs to pressure
campaigns, gas lighting and other tools of intimidation and
manipulation, is dangerous. There are no winners.
In recent weeks, everywhere I went, people were talking, fearful of the
future. It's up to each citizen to remain on an even keel, clear headed,
practically informed, participating in ways that feel good,
contributing to a wholesome path forward for the nation
and world.
WHAT'S UP – July 2024
Belinda C. Dunn
Cancer New Moon
July 5 @ 6:57 pm
Capricorn Full Moon
July 21 @ 6:17 am
Fireworks and fanfare, parades and picnics, the United States celebrates
248 years of history. However, at this crucial turning point, July
begins with more questions than answers. No matter where one turns these
days, there is little availability of forthright
and reliable answers, much less consensus. No doubt, pundits and
prognosticators of every persuasion are attempting to predict outcomes.
It's almost laughable, except so many prevailing issues are dead
At every turn we hear the word, “unprecedented,” and astrologers agree. A
major confluence of planetary trends confirm the unique and
unpredictable nature of current events, but used wisely, astrology is a
cosmic weather report. With this in mind, let's begin
with overall trends for July, and conclude with my annual,
“Astrological State of the Union.”
The first week of July is very active as Mercury enters Leo on the 2nd.
On the positive side, Mercury transiting through Leo is playful and
entertaining, fun loving and creative. Symbolized by the majestic lion,
this zodiac sign of leadership is naturally proud,
strong and courageous. Inspirational speaker Simon Sinek has this to
say, “Leadership is the awesome responsibility to see those around us
rise. You, everyone of us, can choose to be the leader we wish we had.”
In general, Mercury is the planet of communication, governing the
essential processes of thinking, learning, writing, speaking and
listening. At its best, Mercury bestows intelligence, mental agility,
curiosity and discernment. As Mercury transits through Leo,
individuals and groups may proudly and vehemently defend their point of
view. Fixed opinions and stubborn mindsets may prove difficult to
counter. Even under threat, the lion will never back down, and fight to
the end. This is a month to avoid getting caught
in circuitous arguments, and choose your battles wisely.
In particular, Mercury opposes Pluto on July 2-4, stirring up trouble.
Watch for obsessive thinking, power struggles, confrontation,
disclosures and revelations. Later in July, Mercury squares Uranus on
the 21st, the first of three aspects. Due to a retrograde
phase in August, Mercury will activate this planet of unexpected
turnarounds over the next seven weeks. Anything goes in this turbulent
and stormy election season as Mercury squares Uranus for the second time
on August 18, and again on September 6-7.
Life happens against the backdrop of the 28 day lunar cycle, and New
Moons are optimal for planting seeds of intention. Time set aside for
contemplation, assessment and goal setting is fruitful and productive.
Like having a wind at our back, the more we consciously
participate in natural cycles, the more cosmic forces can assist.
On July 5th, New Moon in Cancer sets the stage for upcoming events. In
addition to Moon conjoining Sun, beautiful Venus joins the party,
beginning to rise in the evening sky on July 11. All together, these
factors indicate a return to home base. Also transiting
through Cancer, Venus amplifies heartfelt issues surrounding home and
family life. Venus reminds us that security is not just material
comfort, but a sense of emotional safety, bonds of affection and
Fast forward to the Full Moon on July 21st. Now things really begin
heating up in a perfect storm of astrological trends. In addition to the
uncertainty of Mercury square Uranus, the Full Moon intensifies power
struggles. And pouring more fuel on the fire,
Mars conjuncts Uranus on July 15, entering communicative Gemini on the
20th. All together, these trends collide during the RNC Convention, and
although outcomes are undetermined as of now, the social atmosphere is
obviously inflammatory and volatile.
Let's zero in on the Full Moon, and the message it presents. Along the
eastern seaboard, illuminating the nation's capitol, Sun rises at dawn
as Moon sets in the west. Additionally, conjoining the Moon, Pluto is
setting in the west. Astrologically, this is
an amazing synchronicity with long term implications for the nation and
world. Symbolically, it's all about authority and leadership, power and
control. Heavy handed, forced control is no longer advisable or
effective for society at large. At its best, despite
appearances, these planetary trends support a widespread redefinition
of power for generations to come.
With all this in mind and heart, let's turn to the United States as
reflected in astrological trends. The most widely used chart is
calculated for July 4, 1776, 5:10 pm, Philadelphia, PA. This is an ideal
time to take a broad view of the nation's destiny since
Neptune is stationary, and retrograde on July 2nd. In other words,
Neptune continues to be a prominent influence similar to that historic
day in 1776. In fact, if Neptune had been discovered, and the founders
had telescopes, they would have seen Neptune directly
overhead. Getting perspective on Neptune is key to understanding the
Neptune's influence can be difficult to detect, because it manifests in
extremes. The highest expression is idealism, the perfect picture, as
put forth in the Declaration of Independence, “We hold these truths to
be self evident, that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,
that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” While
these are inspiring and admirable ideals for the founding of a country,
at this juncture, this brings us to another
gigantic question mark. How realistic are these ideals given the
current social environment?
This brings us to the darker side of Neptune which distorts spiritual
truth for personal gain, and thereby codifies it into ideology.
Depending on social norms, culture and historical context, beliefs shift
and change over time. So, what happens when idealism
meets reality? The natural spiritual aspiration of Neptune gets lost in
translation. Ideals become tainted, spun, twisted and turned into
concepts, dogma, religion, politics, and moralistic declarations of
right and wrong.
Even the Bible states, “For now we see through a glass, darkly.” It is
virtually impossible to replicate, or even understand, spiritual reality
in this world of form. Neptune's influence is otherworldly, literally
out of this world.
Again, the United States chart is very revealing in that Neptune is
overhead, but in stressful aspect with another prominent planet, Mars.
Not only does this increase patriotic tendencies, but the collective
identity asserts itself blindly at times, driven
by passionate beliefs that may, or may not, be true. Mars fights for
what it “thinks” is right.
Not only this, but Mars is in communicative Gemini. On the plus side,
the country has led the world in telecommunications, transportation and
technology. Mars in Gemini is naturally curious, exploring and traveling
the globe. An interest and appreciation of
other nationalities has made it the most diverse country in the world.
Home to the everyday hero, this planetary combination supports
humanitarian outreach at home and abroad.
As of May 25th, Jupiter entered Gemini, and over the coming year, these
characteristics will become even more pronounced. In perfect
synchronicity, Jupiter conjoins Uranus in the USA chart on July 4th.
And, Jupiter conjoins Mars in the USA chart next spring,
April 30, 2025. Promising a pivotal year for the country, Jupiter
bestows optimism, abundance, opportunity and good fortune. So no matter
what is happening politically, many circumstances stand to benefit from
Jupiter's positive rays.
In fact, Jupiter is the planetary ruler of the USA chart (Sagittarius
Ascendant), and the overall social environment leans toward
friendliness, honesty, joviality, generosity and growth. However, when
taken to extremes, Jupiter's potential morphs into prideful
arrogance. Comedian and commentator Bill Mahar says, “In a study of
eight developed countries, USA students scored dead last in math skills,
but were #1 in confidence in math skills. Yes, we're #1 in thinking
we're #1 !”
The next important piece to the puzzle is more technical, but bears
interpretation. Astrologers pay attention to the calculated timing of a
progressed Moon 30+ year cycle. As of March 25, 2024, the country
experienced a progressed New Moon in Pisces. Loosely
interpreted, this trend represents conclusion, the ending of cycles,
but literally the dark of the Moon without clear direction. Generally,
it takes a full year before new direction becomes apparent, and this
brings us to 2025.
Additionally, transiting Saturn is exactly conjoining the USA progressed
Moon in Pisces. To review, Saturn is bottom line reality, down to
earth, practical and responsible. Society is enduring a tremendous push
and pull between illusory and fabricated “truth,”
and common sense. In the end, Saturn will prevail, but using the
analogy of a jet plane coming in for a very bumpy landing . . . what
will it take for citizens to come to their senses?
To answer this question, let's return to the USA chart. As mentioned,
Neptune is prominent at the apex of the chart. But, importantly, Neptune
was in Virgo that July day in 1776. This position is the epitome of
pragmatic and practical realism, putting ideals
to work in the name of service to the greater whole.
However, currently transiting through Pisces, Neptune is opposite its
original placement in Virgo. Essentially, Neptune dissolves boundaries
of everyday awareness, opening consciousness to greater meaning and
purpose. Presently, a majority of people find themselves
stuck in the daily grind in lives devoid of meaning, and bereft of
Over time, this has created a vacuum for other forces with their agendas
to take hold and take over. This is the most challenging effect of
Neptune. The human psyche is malleable, and depending on conditions,
susceptible to manipulation, programming, coercion
and control. And if this isn't enough adversity, the darkest side of
Neptune involves all manner of intoxicating substances, and mental
On national and global levels, one planetary cycle after another is
peaking and ending this year. In so many words, the call to pray for the
soul of America is not too far off. Individually and collectively, we
are hard pressed to examine and redefine guiding
principles in order to effectively address a multitude of issues. This
is not the time to hide one's head in the sand, but face reality
squarely, heroically, and “keep on keeping on.”
WHAT'S UP – June 2024
Belinda C. Dunn
Gemini New Moon
June 6 @ 8:38 am
Summer Solstice
June 20 @ 4:51 pm
Capricorn Full Moon
June 21 @ 9:08 pm
A month of sun and fun, travel and discovery, the planetary trends for June promise surprising twists and turns in the adventure of life. By now, Sun is in Gemini along with Mercury and Venus, but the big headline is Jupiter's recent transit into Gemini on May 25. All told, this combination brings a smorgasbord of options after many months of stagnation.
In essence, Gemini is the teacher, journalist, neighbor, traveler, and storyteller. Out and about, Gemini is inquisitive and engaging, sharing ideas, and networking people together. Symbolized by the twins, Gemini is dual and mutable, shape shifting to make the story captivating and fascinating. No doubt, the daily news feed will be filled to overflowing with one revelation after another, coming fast, and yes, furious.
Like quicksilver, Mercury, the planet of communication, is transiting through Gemini (June 3 – 17). Therefore, the first half of June is especially busy as people examine and discuss the many options available. Some people will spin in confusion, others will have their decisions made for them, and still others will leap at the chance to start afresh based on new perspective.
Transiting through Gemini for the next 12 months, Jupiter is telling a new story for those with eyes to see and ears to hear. Getting off to a tremendous start, Jupiter harmoniously trines Pluto on June 2. Both planets are in air signs, Gemini and Aquarius, respectively. Air is light, bright, free, moving and shifting direction almost instantaneously. New awareness is dawning all at once, changing minds and opening hearts. Like being jolted awake out of a deep sleep, it's past time to awaken from the collective nightmare on planet Earth.
In a multitude of ways, humanity is living through unprecedented times, especially in the availability of information traveling at lightening speed across the globe. Just as nature's vitality is rooted in cross pollination, this is true for humans too. This is an inception point as Jupiter trines Pluto in air signs. Sparking invention and innovation, there is hope in the air as people network knowledge and share discoveries.
A New Moon in Gemini on June 6 sets the pace for the next lunar cycle. Venus is exactly, to the degree, conjoining Moon and Sun. Venus is the lover, mediator, beautician, artist and creator. In Gemini, Venus holds out an olive branch, underscoring a basic truth; language and cultural differences can tear society apart, or build society up. Time and again, Venus chooses to build consensus, and revel in the creative potential of diversity.
So far, these trends appear smooth and easy, but where is Saturn, the taskmaster,
lurking in June? In this case, the New Moon is in stressful square with
Saturn playing out over the course of 10 days (June 4 – 14). Addressing
trial and error in the game of life, Saturn is very precise in its function;
when one door closes, another door invariably opens. Saturn doesn't always
give us what we want, but what we need.
Currently transiting through Pisces, Saturn's job is to cut through illusion, and deliver bottom-line reality, always. The very nature of Saturn is to narrow focus, provide discipline, and enforce consequences. Additionally, Saturn's effects are more weighty this month as Saturn prepares for its annual retrograde phase, June 29 – November 15. Saturn in Pisces (2023-2026) marks the completion of a 30 year karmic cycle, and it is not surprising to witness many crucial issues coming to a climax in preparation for an entirely new cycle starting in 2025-26.
The zodiac signs of Gemini and Pisces are mutable, the term astrologers use for adaptable, resilient, vacillating and changeable. Whereas the New Moon in Gemini increases restlessness and indecision, Saturn in Pisces tends to activate unconscious drives beneath the surface of everyday thinking. People may feel overwhelmed and stressed for no obvious reason. The proverbial monkey mind can jump all over the place, shifting from hyper-analysis to nonsensical delusion the next. Circumspection in thought, word and deed goes along way in maintaining equanimity, especially the first half of June.
Another important consideration is Venus transiting through Gemini (May 23 – June 17). As the planet of love, beauty and harmony, Venus is feminine in nature. During these weeks in Gemini, it is very likely that women in mass will find their voice, rising up and speaking out. Additionally, the prominent Jupiter/Pluto aspect supports participation, and mobilization of large groups for common purposes.
Of course, not all impassioned causes mobilize for the good of all.
This may be especially apparent as Mars squares Pluto, June 10-13. Now in Taurus, this security driven Mars seeks comfort, consistency and reliability. But in stressful aspect to Pluto, Mars stirs up trouble, and these days can be especially intense, contentious and controversial. Considering the current social environment, it doesn't take much to feed the fires of animosity and dissent. Another reason to remain vigilant, “keeping your wits about you.”
Heated and hurried intensity begins to abate by June 16, Father's Day. Venus enters Cancer in the evening, and the next day Mercury enters Cancer and conjoins Venus. This planetary combination is generally loving and affectionate, calming and relaxing. This is the zodiac sign of home, land, parenting and family.
Just like the seaside crab burrowing into safety, natural instincts are reliable indicators of genuine emotion beneath the surface of mental constructs. Associated with the Moon, Cancer is the zodiac sign of early conditioning within the family unit. From the womb to the grave, the imprint of early childhood environment, ancestral heritage, and genetic make-up is programmed, and difficult to escape from.
Watch for a palpable energy shift the week of June 16. Of special note is the summer solstice marked by Sun's entrance into Cancer, exact on June 20 @ 4:51 pm (EDT). Always a highlight of the year, solstice is the longest day in the northern hemisphere. Through the corridors of history to modern times, the solstice stands out as a time for ceremony, contemplation, forgiveness and healing.
The potential is further amplified by a Full Moon the next evening, June 21st. For all sky watchers out there, this is a spectacular occasion not to be missed. In the eastern time zone, as our Sun sets in the west, Moon will be rising in the east. In astrology, the horizon sets the chart, potently activating any luminaries, planets, and constellations across this axis. Interestingly, the entire Eastern Seaboard will experience the concentrated activation of this Full Moon.
The Full Moon chart shows Moon in Capricorn opposing Sun, Venus and Mercury in Cancer. Highlighting domestic issues at home and abroad, watch for major events on the national level that ripple through the populace affecting real estate, financial security, women, children and families. Widespread dysfunction, economic pressures, and social tension are a heavy weight for most families to carry in this current environment.
Shedding light on terrestrial affairs, there is a confluence of auspicious celestial events in June. Summer solstice, peak seasonal light, is greatly magnified by the Moon's full illumination. And, if this isn't enough, our solar system is being bombarded by massive solar flares. All part of natural cycles, our Sun is producing peak solar flare activity, 2023 – 2026. These flares are being tracked, but difficult to predict on a daily basis. Just know X-flares are rare and exponentially stronger than normal. Lighting the night sky farther south than ever before, the aurora borealis is a spectacular result of maximum solar activity.
Meanwhile, on planet Earth, humans are encountering an undeniable reality of place in the vastness of space. Mind blowing and mind expanding, how do little minds make sense of this fathomless immensity? Perhaps the proverbial, “light at the end of the tunnel,” is closer than we “think.” Most likely a good dose of humility and reverence does far more good than fear and denial. After all, even from the beginning of time, it is written in Genesis, “Let there be Light.”
WHAT'S UP – May 2024
Belinda C. Dunn
Taurus New Moon
May 7 @ 11:22 pm
Sagittarius Full Moon
May 23 @ 9:53 am
is well under way by now, and any slowdowns or delays are in the past.
Perhaps a late frost threatened tender young buds, or tempestuous
winds stripped the ground bare. This is all part of the cleansing power
of nature in preparation for fertile growth ahead. This sentiment
applies to our personal lives as well. Between Mercury retrograde most
of April, Mars in Pisces, and the reset of a monumental
Solar Eclipse, it's time to put the past to rest. Planetary energies
during May signal full speed ahead.
Mercury continues its lengthy stint in Aries, but returns to the exact
degree of retrograde around May 13-14. Known as the shadow phase,
this means all decisions/plans/communications from mid-March onward,
are wrapping up and resolving. On May 15th, Mercury leaves Aries to enter Taurus, and attention naturally turns to more practical and grounded matters.
in Pisces throughout April, Mars just entered Aries, and May begins
with an energetic push of can-do action. The ideas, dreams, visions
and inspiration during winter months have been sorted through for
practicality, and are now ready for manifestation. “Just do it,” is more
than a Nike slogan, it's an attitudinal mindset exemplified by Mars in
for any activity that requires effort such as competitive sports,
athletics, physical fitness and rehabilitation, Mars transits through
Aries every 2 years. Across the board, in all types of endeavors,
taking initiative can be challenging, but once the ball is rolling it is
much easier to continue the momentum. The last two weeks of May are
especially activated when Mars energizes themes around
the recent Solar Eclipse (19 degrees Aries).
month, one of the most important planetary trends of 2024 activated as
Jupiter conjoined Uranus on April 20. This aspect was not just for
a day, but continues to offer support and possibility for years to
come, especially in the areas of sustainability, agriculture, earth
sciences, environmental causes, landscape beautification, productivity
and economic progress.
On May 7th,
a Taurus New Moon assists in grounding projects and manifesting
visions. Each and every New Moon is optimal for seeding
intentions; really taking the time to sit with, clarify and state
intentions. Considered the most fertile zodiac sign, Taurus ensures
growth when conditions are right. The astrology chart demonstrates an
impressive line-up of Venus, Moon, Sun, Jupiter and
Uranus, all in Taurus. Despite a social atmosphere riddled with chaos
and uncertainty, there is a movement toward simplicity and serenity as
the majority of people choose to build security, as much as humanly
in these turbulent times, the ripples and waves of dissent continue to
undulate over the landscape, locally and globally. As Pluto
begins its long term transit through Aquarius (2023-2043), humanity is
facing down numerous dire consequences beginning with neglect of natural
law. It is up to people to adjust and survive on an evolving planet,
not the other way around.
is fascinating to watch the symbols and signals when a major planet,
such as Pluto, changes zodiac signs. For example, the epic film,
made its debut last year, winning numerous awards, including Best
Picture. Historically accurate, the film expertly depicts the heretofore
little known story of the development and detonation of the first atom
bomb. Taking place in the decades following Pluto's
discovery in 1930, the film conveys a stark picture of reality, what is
at stake for humanity, and global implications.
signposts of Pluto entering Aquarius are visible. Artificial
intelligence is a big one, and here to stay. The long term effects of
on the human organism, especially the development of young minds, has
widespread implications for the health and sanity of society. As
authoritarian leaders battle it out, concentrated power is in the hands
of a few. Already there is a massive humanitarian
crisis due to warfare, climate change, immigration, and economic
disparity. What do these issues have in common? On some level, they
affect everyone to some degree, underscoring the fragility of life on
planet Earth, and the urgent need to come together in
solving world problems.
this focus on Pluto? Drilling down, this powerhouse of a planet is
stationary April 29 – May 7, beginning a retrograde phase on May 2.
Erin Sullivan writes, “At the station-retrograde the planet is
virtually at a standstill, and has appeared so for a couple of weeks.
Its power has become concentrated and its apparently inert station
creates a sense of impending change, but the quality of
change is unknown. The mood of a station-retrograde is one of
suspense.” Retrograde for the next 5 months, Pluto goes direct on
October 11, another major turning point of 2024.
on . . . there are many fortunate developments throughout May as Sun
and Jupiter are closely aligned, exactly conjoining on May 18. Be
aware of a palpable energy shift on May 20 as Sun enters Gemini, and
Jupiter closely follows, entering Gemini on May 25th. Of course, Sun transits through Gemini yearly, but Jupiter's orbit is significantly longer, 12 years. We can look forward
to Jupiter in Gemini until June 2025.
contrast between Jupiter in Taurus during the past 12 months, and
Jupiter in Gemini for the next year, promises to pick up the pace, and
quickly! While Taurus has supported slowing down, grounding and getting
back to basics, Jupiter in Gemini indicates a readiness for discovery,
learning, and expanded horizons.
"The cat is out of the bag,” so to speak. No more stalling and beating around the bush, Jupiter in Gemini is frank, talkative, engaging, friendly and transparent. This is the zodiac sign of siblings, neighbors, relatives, short journeys and education. Jupiter's benevolent rays of open mindedness suggest a growing atmosphere of interest in discussing differences, cultivating commonality, teaching and reaching across the fence.
many cases, this trend increases the potential for shrugging off
animosity, and stepping away from disagreements for the sake of
However, since Jupiter's influence is to enlarge and expand, the flip
side can produce heightened allegiance to cherished belief systems,
fixed opinions, and extreme dogmatism. Certain factions may become even
more reactionary, vocal and impassioned, mobilizing
to defend entrenched beliefs, rightly or wrongly.
the culminating Full Moon on May 23 is optimal for taking the pulse on
emerging trends. By now, Sun is in Gemini, and the Moon opposes
in Sagittarius. This combination ramps up activity, movement and
travel. A sense of freedom permeates the air as schools begin to let out
for summer, and graduations take place across the country. Experiential
learning takes the place of book learning as vacation
plans get underway.
and inspiring, every Full Moon stirs the soul, lighting up the
landscape and dispelling darkness. Not only is this an astronomical
but a Full Moon heightens and sensitizes emotions while illuminating
human affairs. A point of culmination, little remains hidden, especially
in the human psyche, and this Full Moon is potently charged with
revelation, a real turning point for the nation and
zodiac sign of Gemini functions as journalist, teacher,
conversationalist and storyteller. Sagittarius rises above the fray to
take in the
big picture, aiming for the real truth, and nothing but the truth, in
the administration of justice. In the astrology chart for May 23, both
Sun and Moon harmoniously aspect Pluto in the early degrees of Aquarius.
all appearances, Pluto stirs up trouble, but its primary action is to
expose corruption, purge dysfunction, and detoxify environments,
leaving little untouched. While many issues linger from the past,
begging for resolution, Pluto in Aquarius is more about where we are
going, than where we have been. A reckoning of gigantic proportions is
taking place across the globe. Of course, this can't
happen over night, but the wheels of transformation are already in
motion, and the next several years are crucially important.
the standpoint of astrology, multiple planetary cycles are in various
stages of completion, and a new age is dawning. But, even in darkness,
there are glimmers of saving Grace. Reflecting on the recent
conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus, a message rings true, “Cultivate
gratitude and appreciation in daily life. Notice the little beauties in
front of you every day. Nature's gifts, freely give, are
priceless. Take the time to find a pace you can live with that
incorporates relaxation and recreation, balance is key.”
WHAT'S UP - April 2024
Belinda C. Dunn
Mercury in Aries
Retrograde - April 1 – 25
Aries Solar Eclipse
April 8 @ 2:21 pm (Eastern Daylight Time)
Scorpio Full Moon
April 23 @ 7:49 pm (EDT)
of spring are springing up everywhere with all the invigorating
vitality of April, one of the most important months of 2024. Seemingly
rising out of no man's land, this month brings the reset of a Solar
Eclipse AND much awaited conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus. To use a
gardening metaphor, both of these factors signify a turning over of soil
to plow fertile new ground for a fruitful harvest
in seasons to come.
start with the Aries Solar Eclipse exact on April 8, 2:21 pm in the
eastern time zone. The locations activated by the eclipse path are
always significant, and this eclipse sweeps through Mexico, Texas,
across mid-western states, the Great Lakes region to New England and
eastern Canada. During daylight hours, this is a Total Eclipse with
spectacular viewing along its arc of travel.
by a Lunar Eclipse on March 25, the stage is already set for monumental
shifts on every level. You may look back over recent weeks
to recognize the themes in your personal life. Eclipses occur alongside
the Moon's nodes, and currently the nodal axis is North Lunar Node in
Aries and South Lunar Node in Libra. This can feel like a tug of war
between individuality and relationship, but operating
in a myriad of directions, because life itself is about relationship.
From one's relationship with self, to others, and the collective at
large, relationship is part and parcel of this dimension.
this Solar Eclipse is potently, decidedly, aimed toward Aries, and
there is no getting around this fact. This is a rare chance to really
connect with your essence, vitality, and values to create a firm
foundation for years to come. There is no giving yourself away, or
minimizing your contribution with this eclipse. All the stumbling blocks
of co-dependence, people pleasing, going along to get
along . . . these are readily apparent, and recognized as the energy
drains they are. This is a reset of character, personality, drive and
motivation. What lights your fire? What brings a smile to your face? Go
towards enthusiastic and authentic expression,
and you will never be led astray.
makes this Solar Eclipse so special? The chart itself shows Venus,
North Lunar Node, Sun, Moon, Chiron and Mercury all in Aries. But the
big wow factor is Chiron's exact conjunction with Sun and Moon, 19
degrees Aries. Astrologers have been studying Chiron since its discovery
in 1977, but there is still ambiguity as to its essential meaning.
Known as the “wounded healer,” what does this really
go back to the mythology for a moment. Named after a centaur, this
small planet orbits between Saturn and Uranus. Horse body with human
torso and arms, the centaurs were known as a raucous bunch; loud,
unruly, pillaging, wreaking havoc. They were also immortal, but as the
story goes . . . Chiron was the most civilized of the centaurs. He
received a mortal wound, and to assuage his pain, Chiron
undertook the quest for healing the split between the spiritual and
instinctual sides of human nature.
searched high and low for answers to his dilemma, essentially the
internal conflict and psychological suffering of embodiment within
a physical form. Since Chiron's discovery, the field of holistic
healing has grown exponentially with no end in sight. Increasingly, it
is possible to consciously experience life as a fully functioning human
being across a broad spectrum of mind, emotions,
feelings, heart, body, soul and spirit. Not only is this an enormous
evolutionary leap, but healing happens automatically with awareness,
commitment and effective techniques.
this Solar Eclipse is infused with healing potential, and and it can be
very helpful to know where/how it activates in your personal
chart. In general, themes clearly revolve around taking charge of YOUR
life. In most cases, this doesn't mean controlling anyone or anything,
but really getting in touch with your will to live, and exist freely as
the unique being you are. Every being/body
is directly connected with Source, and the influx of light is
tremendously regenerating with this Solar Eclipse in Aries.
in all respects, healing is rarely a straight forward path. As much as
Aries can be impatient, and “want it now,” it is a timely process.
Again, let's look to astrology for timing, and notice Mercury is
retrograde in Aries for most of the month (April 1 – 25.) No matter what
the issues are, Mercury retrograde will drive awareness very deep into
the process, and while this is personal, there
are definitely overlaps with collective consciousness, in particular
the wounds most people carry as a result of social programming and
not only does the Solar Eclipse strongly activate Chiron, but Mercury
conjuncts Chiron three times over the course of months (March
20, April 15, May 6). In general, Mercury retrograde is a phase for
careful research and cautious planning, so it will take time for puzzle
pieces to fall into place. Of course, there will be pressure to make
decisions and move quickly, but careless and incomplete
decisions may be retracted at a later point. Realistically, a clear way
forward may not be evident until late May when Mars conjuncts Chiron on
the 29th. After months of dubious delays and deliberations, Mars will
step on the gas and get things moving.
if this puzzle isn't complex and multifaceted enough, let's consider
the long term transit of Eris in Aries (1926 – 2048). Eris is the 2nd
largest of recently discovered dwarf planets. Orbiting in the farthest
reaches of our solar system, in mythology Eris was sister of Mars, and
goddess of discord. Usually a hum in the archetypal landscape, Eris is
the feminine counterpart of bold, courageous
assertion, making a stand and taking a stand when necessary.
orbiting at 25 degrees Aries, transiting Mercury powerfully activates
Eris from mid-March to mid-May. Considering social conditions,
it is no surprise that Eris, the street fighter for truth and justice,
is highly active and may prove to disrupt and overturn prevailing
disputes around woman's rights. Eris also sticks up for the downtrodden
and forgotten, the marginalized and disadvantaged.
No matter what, archetypal Eris is not content to sit on the sidelines,
her voice will be heard, and this spring is the kick-off season.
potential is taking place against the backdrop of these times, namely
the on-going transits of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces. Adding to
the mix is transiting Mars in Pisces (March 22 – April 30). Similar to
an ocean's undertow, these swirling energies can be psychically draining
and emotionally disturbing. Protect and promote health, get plenty of
rest, and listen to your body.
is key as certain powers thrive in the cloak of deception, purposely
sowing seeds of confusion and delusion. It is essential in
these times to be aware, and stop abdicating personal power and choice
to outside forces, especially AI generated media. At all times, remember
who you are.
standout trend for 2024 is Jupiter's conjunction with Uranus, exact on
April 20. Jupiter's orbit is 12 years while Uranus has an 84 year orbit.
In terms of planetary cycles, they join forces every 14 years, and the
last conjunction occurred three times (summer 2010 - winter 2011).
Jupiter is the planet of opportunity, expansion, enthusiasm, confidence
and good fortune. Uranus is the planet of breakthrough
innovation, specifically in all fields of science, industry and
is a very unique combination as the conjunction occurs in Taurus,
traditionally the zodiac sign of ownership; money, banks, possessions.
Watch the headlines for significant developments in financial
transactions and institutions, and possibly drastic fluctuations in
market value.
energies free things up, so financial exchanges such as selling or
buying property can feel fated, and suddenly liberating. In a myriad
of ways, there will be attempts to stabilize and consolidate while
taking advantage of opportunity. Jupiter does everything in a big way,
so progress is the name of the game in a season of fortunes made, and in
some cases, fortunes lost.
likely, this trend will contribute to earth changes and climate
disasters. At the very least, it can serve to increase awareness of
issues, and spur on development of cutting edge solutions. It can also
shake the bedrock of materialism, helping people turn to what is most
valuable, life itself. To sum up, this trend has so much potential to
enliven and awaken the sleeping masses.
special note, this conjunction is a few days before Earth Day, feeding
into the climatic themes of adaptation and survival on this continually
evolving planet. And, as if to underscore the celestial messages, there
is a Full Moon on April 23rd. By now, Sun is transiting through Taurus
and Moon opposes in Scorpio. Nowhere is the play of opposites so evident
as in the contrast between these zodiac
signs; life and death, desire and allowing, serenity and intensity,
beauty and the beast, embodiment and transcendence.
to the probing and questioning nature of Scorpio, issues related to
worth and value can rise to the surface to be
reckoned with. Any areas of imbalance will make themselves known in a
sifting and sorting of priorities. Aside from monetary value, the
direction is toward Taurus. Can frantic grabbing and grasping bring
peaceful solutions? Can monetary value be placed on
serenity, security, comfort and beauty? In most cases, of course not.
April is the month to get your bearings, cultivate appreciation for what
is truly valuable, and stand your ground.
WHAT'S UP – March 2024
Astrologer Belinda Dunn
Pisces New Moon
March 10 @ 5:00 am (EDT)
Spring Equinox
March 19 @ 11:15 pm (EDT)
Libra/Aries Full Moon
March 25 @ 3:00 am (EDT)
begins with a felt sense of life force rising from winter's slumber as
early green sprouts push up toward sunlight. Springing into view,
one by one, nature's parade begins. First, barely noticeable tiny
spring beauties, than crocus, followed by daffodils, hyacinth and
and stirring everything awake, this very same life force moves through
the human body as a resurgence of vital energy. Almost overnight,
moods lift and attitudes shift as daylight grows day by day. As with
any seasonal transition, change requires resilience, adjustment and
adaptation. In spring, this is especially the case as the body is more
vulnerable to extreme temperature fluctuation. The
common adage, “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb,”
speaks to the winds that can vary from fierce and frigid one day, to
gentle and mild the next.
the month begins, Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Neptune transit through
Pisces, the 12th and final zodiac sign. Implying there are things to
up and finish up in order to prepare for a new cycle, Pisces is
contemplative, intuitive, sensitive and mystical.
particular, a Pisces New Moon on March 10 has the potential to call
forth these introspective qualities as a honing tool of direction and
New Moon is couched between Saturn and Neptune. These planets represent
the gap between manifested reality and idealistic yearnings. It can
seem nearly impossible to close the gap without the broad perspective
that spirituality offers. Presently, we don't have to look far to
witness the desperation and depression written on the face of humanity.
If you dare to, just look around, it can be overwhelming,
but this is when the healing balm of Pisces can step in to offer
forgiveness, release, understanding and compassion.
clues point to the ending of cycles. Not only is this the last New Moon
before Spring Equinox, but Venus transits through Pisces, March
11 – April 4. Then Mars joins the party, transiting through Pisces
March 22 – April 30. This suggests some lag time between the energetic
jump start, so typical of spring, and the introspective nature of Pisces
which instinctively seeks a slower pace for quiet
astrology, Aries is the 1st zodiac sign, and spring is considered the
beginning of the astrological new year. Like seeds planted in fertile
soil, intentions planted during the equinox have great potency for
successful manifestation. As Sun enters Aries, the equinox chart shows
an unusual planetary line-up of North Lunar Node, Mercury and Chiron.
Let's unpack this configuration one by one.
the transiting North Node has been in Aries since summer 2023. Like a
shining north star, this position shows the optimal growth pattern
for individuals and collective consciousness. It is like a theme song
always playing in the background. In this case, Aries is encouraging and
promoting the dynamic qualities of self awareness, self reliance, and
courageous assertion of what is meaningful
and true for you.
Mercury is transiting through Aries for a lengthy stay of many weeks,
March 10 – May 15. Due to a Mercury retrograde phase April 1 – 25,
there will be many opportunities to see these themes in action. It
isn't necessarily an easy process as social conditioning leans toward
people pleasing, and going along with the crowd. One of the best ways to
access the constructive side of Aries is through
physical activity. Aries energy is pioneering and entrepreneurial,
forthright and bold. Whether your goals are small or large scale,
personal or work related, these are weeks to really get traction, and
take advantage of these energetic trends.
third factor is Chiron's transit through Aries (2019 – 2026).
Discovered in 1977, and observed by astrologers to this day, Chiron
an enigma. It has been dubbed, “the wounded healer.” In the personal
chart, it suggests the deepest core wound, but most importantly, the
alleviation of suffering through effective healing techniques. In the
decades since its discovery, personal growth and
alternative healing methods have grown exponentially.
order to access Chiron's healing potential, it is necessary to break
through denial. At this point in evolution, humans manufacture suffering
out of ignorance of natural consequences. Laboring under pressure,
humanity is lost and burdened with ancient wounds of a
psychological/spiritual nature. As an archetype, Chiron shakes things
up, strips away resistance and removes barriers to admitting painful
wounds. Only then, can effective solutions be accessed for self,
others, and society as a whole.
in Aries speaks to individual rights against the backdrop of societal
relationships. Increasingly, the individual appears to be losing
rights, hemmed in by cumbersome regulations, restrictions, moralistic
judgment, and financial pressure. While there are numerous examples, the
pandemic brought these issues to the surface, especially in forced
mandates. The public at large rejected these mandates,
and eventually it came down to the individual choosing autonomy
whenever possible.
addition to the Sun's transit into Aries, powerful trends are gathering
momentum for an upcoming eclipse cycle activating the zodiac signs
of Aries and Libra, namely a Lunar Eclipse on March 25, and a Solar
Eclipse on April 8. In general, the effects of eclipses are far
reaching, and repercussions can manifest for months, but short term
intensity begins to build approximately 4 weeks before the
exact date. Therefore, March and most of April are intensely energized
by these eclipses.
Lorna Bevan writes,” Eclipses are dramatic cosmic wild cards in our
horoscopes. They shake us out of complacency so we can move from
one level of maturity to another. They are some of the most dramatic
tools the universe uses to get us to pay attention to areas in our life
that need to change. They uproot us, surprise us, and get us moving to a
higher plane, and they work very rapidly.
Eclipses want us to change, and change we do!”
take a look at the astrology chart for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. As
mentioned, there is a major alignment in Aries, but Moon is opposing
in Libra. This zodiac polarity shows the juxtaposition of self and
others. Already themes are clear, relationships are the focal point of
change in many arenas. Business and personal partnerships are due for
honest and open communication with the goal of cooperation
and teamwork. However, conflicted relationships can reach a point of no
return, because the growth pattern is toward authentic self expression.
by the scales of justice, Libra is the zodiac sign of legalities. The
daily news is saturated with one legal battle after another in
a combative tussle for influence and supremacy. At great expense, the
courts are bogged down and burdened to the point of dysfunction. This
lunar eclipse suggests, if not guarantees, major disclosures and
decisions in most legal matters, but there are no easy,
straightforward answers.
Mercury prepares to go retrograde on April 1st, there is a crescendo of
complications that may take weeks to resolve. Mercury ensures a
in-depth reckoning with matters at hand; personally, nationally,
globally. If this isn't enough, consider the upcoming Solar Eclipse on
April 8 is exactly conjunct Chiron. As a cosmic weather reporter, these
are unusual and unpredictable trends to watch closely,
learn from, and adapt to. With a good dose of curiosity and detachment,
Aries helps us fearlessly meet each and every challenge with good humor
and trust in favorable outcomes. Meanwhile, the planets remind us,
“Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures.”
Enjoy the show!
WHAT'S UP – February 2024
Belinda C. Dunn
Aquarius New Moon
February 9 @ 5:59 pm
Virgo/Pisces Full Moon
February 24 @ 7:30 am
Current trends and themes of January really take off during February, all part of the sure-footed, rapid fire start of 2024. All bets are off, all planets direct, there is no time like the present for sustained momentum and manifestation. An exquisite, fine tuned moment, perfectly posed between past and future, all collide in the NOW.
Pluto is now in Aquarius, a long term transit of 20 years, and it's a whole new era. It is helpful to remember, the planetary ruler of Aquarius is Uranus, the most unpredictable planet. It's action tends to be sudden and inexplicable, but freeing and progressive. No wonder an atmosphere of uncertainty seems to permeate just about everything. Over recent weeks, in the media and conversation, I have witnessed many people crossing their fingers in a gesture of hopeful outcomes and good luck.
To review, Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of tradition, heritage and the past. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the most forward thinking and futuristic planet. February begins with Sun and Pluto in Aquarius, but Mercury, Venus and Mars transit through Capricorn. Similar to crossing a high bridge over a steep and treacherous ravine, the passage from the familiar and known across to the other side is unnerving, to say the least.
Taking this analogy further, some people on the bridge want to turn around, cling to the familiar, and go no further. Others recognize the futility of holding on to what is no longer feasible, see the necessity of crossing the bridge, and know, in reality, there is no turning back from the future.
On the surface, it may appear the planetary action of Saturn and Uranus are contradictory. Saturn upholds law and order, precedence and established norms. However, when the letter of the law overrides the spirit of the law, chaos ensues. The original purpose becomes lost in burdensome and complex interpretations. The action of Uranus helps to identify purposeless restrictions, and actually overturn, and even rebel against the established order. Uranus is the planet of revolution.
Another way to look at these planetary energies is to consider the wise and experienced parent, and the rebellious teenager. As the authority in charge, Saturn can be stern, insensitive, controlling and moralistic. The parent tries to protect and warn the teen of potential pitfalls based on their own experience. It's so easy for a teenager to see how the parent is stuck in control, albeit necessary to some extent. Every generation goes through this struggle, and any parent knows the challenge of this stage from adolescence to adulthood.
Ideally, there is respect and honesty through this difficult passage. It takes listening, patience, admission, sincerity and love to navigate this transition. If these elements are not present in some form, rebellion can easily take over, and rule the day. To some extent, this is where the country finds itself at this juncture.
How does this fit into our personal lives? The push and pull of Saturn and Uranus can be internalized as the critical parent and innocent child, the strict disciplinarian and rebellious youth. All the do's and don'ts meet the instinct to be free and unbridled. Of course, balance in somewhere in the middle, but it is a test of perspective to live within the boundaries of form, neither blindly accepting nor rejecting structure, but growing and evolving within healthy parameters.
By the New Moon on February 9, Sun and Moon conjoin in Aquarius, and over the course of February, one by one, Mercury, Mars and Venus enter Aquarius. Truly, the pull of the past collides with a push for progress. In fact, the New Moon exactly squares Uranus, and more than likely, there will be unusual and unprecedented circumstances that require ingenuity, and thinking outside of the box. At the same time, parameters are fixed to a certain extent, but ultimately, nothing is set in stone.
Annually, the Chinese Lunar Year coincides with the Aquarius New Moon, and the year of the Dragon begins on February 10. An iconic image of Asian culture, the supernatural and mythical dragon breaths fire, embodying the essence of power and success. A dragon year is considered auspicious, fortunate, and filled with opportunity for positive improvements.
Let's consider Aquarius is the zodiac sign of friendship and community. As an air sign, it is sociable and communicative, eccentric and individualistic. “Dancing to the beat of your own drum,” sums up Aquarius. In combination with Pluto's decades long transit in Aquarius, February is the month to get in touch with what you know to be true for yourself. Follow your interests and passions, joining with others on a similar wavelength.
February is the month to watch for bellwether trends. There are three key dates to watch. On February 5 Mercury enters Aquarius and conjuncts Pluto. February 12 – 14, Mars enters Aquarius and conjuncts Pluto. And last, but not least, Venus enters Aquarius on the 16th and conjuncts Pluto on the 17th. And to top it off, Venus exactly joins Mars on February 22. In consideration of the timing, please put several days on either side of these exact dates.
The flow of these dates is fascinating, and likely to unveil major revelations over the course of February, personally and collectively. First, Mercury's activation of Pluto strongly suggests intense communication, and obsessive analysis as the result of breaking news. Similar to taking the lid off Pandora's box, the contents spill out, threatening to overtake logic and commonsense. People, and the public at large, may be especially vulnerable to suggestion, persuasion, control and misinformation.
Next Mars, the action planet, activates Pluto. Information, news and revelation from previous weeks tends to spill over into aggressive acts along with the desire to exert control, and take charge. Astrologer Robert Hand sums it up, “This transit is a strong stimulus to any kind of ambition, but the danger is its energy can be rather violent and disruptive. It represents a ruthless burst of ego energy that does not take kindly to limitation.”
In a positive light, Mars conjunct Pluto bestows strength and commitment to take action on behalf of the common good, despite all odds. Acts of selfless heroism set examples for others to follow. Since the conjunction is in Aquarius, the urge to connect, join and participate in groups is especially featured. Anthropologist Margaret Mead sums it up, “Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.”
And this isn't all . . . on February 17, Venus joins the party, conjoining Pluto in 0 degrees Aquarius. Venus adds an extra benefit of attraction, magnetism and charisma to the mix of human interaction. Venus gives permission to love freely, but intensely. At the same time, this activation can produce compulsion and blind infatuation.
Once a year Venus conjoins Mars, and this is exact on February 22. This transit is optimal for romance and friendship, naturally increasing the desire to share beauty, loving feelings, and socialize. Lifting spirits and increasing confidence, it can help get even the most introverted person off the couch and into the world. Additionally, a variety of creative pursuits can flourish when Venus is part of the mix.
So far, February is a month of passion, courage, creativity and inspiration, but a Full Moon on February 24 presents another story. By now, both Sun and Mercury have entered Pisces, and the Moon opposes in Virgo. Still in the depths of winter, health issues can surface, reinforcing the importance of proper rest, nutrition and warm surroundings. Emotional and mental health is featured strongly as lethargy and depression may be on the rise.
Transiting within a few degrees, Mercury and Sun are preparing to exactly conjunct Saturn on the 28th. These final days of February indicate a reality check of epic proportions. Not only is an undeniable reality setting in, but Saturn's influence can throw up road blocks, detours and delays. Some situations will require a pause for adjustments and regrouping. Forward momentum can come to a halt, and some doors may close permanently. Similar to a balloon popping, people may feel startled, deflated, lost and hopeless.
However, there is good news with this alignment as Jupiter's benevolent grace boosts and supports universal law and good will. Acting as a fulcrum of stabilizing balance, in harmonious aspect with Saturn, together these planets ensure that, “All good things come to those that wait.” The patience, endurance and commitment of Saturn blend with Jupiter's good fortune.
Going back to the analogy of a bridge. Over the past several years, the United States experienced a Pluto return, a rare astrological cycle of 246 years. Still within orb of influence, Pluto exposes corruption, overturns precedence, breaks down structures and eradicates dysfunction. In the initial stages, Pluto's action is chaotic and destabilizing, definitely not an easy, straight forward process.
However, this timing relates to the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Actually, the country's founding took place over the next decade, and the Constitution was signed on September 17, 1787. Pluto in the Constitution astrology chart is 14 degrees Aquarius. As Pluto begins its transit through Aquarius, does this ring a bell? How often do we hear pundits label the current impasse as, “Constitutional crisis.” A sign of the times, basic founding principles are repeatedly questioned for endurance and relevancy.
We don't have to look to astrology to recognize the need for clarifications, upgrades and possible amendments to the Constitution, but astrology gives timing. The Pluto return for the USA Constitution chart is 2032-33. Since Aquarius is futuristic and progressive, I can imagine leaders and future generations coming to a consensus, and collectively choosing to update antiquated laws. All things considered, this may be a far stretch for most people, but astrologically it makes sense.
Going back to the analogy of a bridge. The passage over this bridge is not for a day, month, or even year. It is the unrelenting march of generations crossing this bridge, slowly, deliberately, steadily advancing and making progress.
In 1970, this sentiment was popularized in the song, “Bridge Over Troubled Waters.” The lyrics are a beautifully haunting song of friendship, “Sail on by, your time has come to shine, all your dreams are on their way, see how they shine? Oh, if you need a friend, I'm sailing right behind, like a bridge over troubled waters.”
When I started this article weeks ago, the image of a bridge surfaced very clearly, and carried through to the last paragraph. But yesterday, I noticed Dolly Parton, in celebration of her 78th birthday, released her moving rendition of this iconic song, and it is definitely worth taking a listen to.
This is a glowing example of Aquarius in action. This timeless song is resurfacing as a synchronous reflection of the collective zeitgeist. “Synchronicity, coined by renowned psychologist Carl Jung, refers to the occurrence of meaningful coincidences that cannot be explained by cause and effect alone. These events seem to be purposely connected, guided by a universal intelligence that goes beyond rational comprehension.” Truly, everything and everyone is connected in this grand and beautiful web of life. And so it is.
WHAT'S UP – January 2024
Astrologer Belinda C. Dunn
Mercury direct
January 1 @ 10:08 pm
Capricorn New Moon
January 11 @ 6:57 am
Leo Full Moon
January 25 @ 12:54 pm
As weeks, months, and years begin, only to quickly pass, picture a calendar in the wind, one page after another flying off, lifting up, spiraling into the atmosphere. Each page peeling off, almost too fast to comprehend, this is the image for 2024. Overall, the planetary energies are fast-moving, compelling, astonishing, hard to grasp, difficult to make sense of. Keeping up with the rapid pace may be head spinning at times, but in most instances, progress is needed and necessary, exhilarating and welcome.
Let's start with the most impressive page turner of all, Pluto's transit into Aquarius. 2023 was the preview as Pluto entered Aquarius on March 24, only to retrograde back into Capricorn on June 11 for the remainder of the year. However, Pluto returns to Aquarius this month, January 20. But once again, Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn for a final review during autumn months, re-entering Aquarius on November 19, 2024, where it will remain for the next 20 years. All this to point out, the slow, orderly, evolutionary and transformative nature of Pluto.
Orbiting in the far reaches of our solar system, Pluto is the planet of collective consciousness. Affecting generations, Pluto's action is to expose and breakdown what is no longer relevant. Since 2008 Pluto has been in Capricorn, drilling down, both literally and figuratively, into the very structures that hold society together. Dependence on fossil fuels is first and foremost. Cumbersome laws and regulations have brought progress almost to a standstill. Mistrust of authority is at an all time high while enormous financial and corporate interests compete to wield the most power. Globally, nations are grappling with tyrannical leaders attempting to exert control over the masses. The list goes on . . .
Already apparent, the transition into Aquarius is toward technology and science. As Pluto in Aquarius begins to take hold, major advancements are already in the making. The next 20 years will bring humanity face to face with an interconnected global society. The effects of technology will be exposed as detrimental and dangerous, but also amazingly constructive and life enhancing. In its pure expression, Aquarius is socially conscious, egalitarian, androgynous, and futuristic.
Energetically, this is quite a shift, especially considering the heavy, earthy nature of Capricorn, and the light, airy nature of Aquarius. To get a feel for the differences, consider what it takes to move earth. Bound by gravity, and immovable without the right equipment, earth takes an enormous amount of effort to transport and relocate. As for air, a simple exhale can move the leaves on my houseplant, and thank goodness for the circulation of heated air throughout my home on this cold winter day.
How does this translate to current affairs? For eons, people have mined the earth for its riches, but extreme dependence on fossil fuels is threatening species, habitats, air quality and human health. During the next 20 years, humanity will look to the skies. The most rapidly developing energy sources are solar and wind technology. From flying personal vehicles to space travel, it's hard to imagine what is in store for future generations.
In astrology, air is the element of communication, connection and community. The air signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius quintessentially revolve around people and human interaction. The technology is already in place for rapid, almost instantaneous, dissemination of information, innovation, inventions and education. This will empower the masses, both locally and globally, to step up and participate more fully in the collective destiny.
One of the major trends for 2024 is Jupiter entering Gemini on May 25. Activating and harmonizing with Pluto in Aquarius, Jupiter gives an extra boost of confidence, optimism, opportunity and good fortune. Across a broad spectrum, many projects can really take off in rapid succession. For too many years, conditions have demanded steady fortitude to just get by, but 2024 is a tipping point. Mass movements of darkness and destruction have had their way, but current trends indicate masses of people mobilizing for goodness, light and planetary awakening.
January gets off to a fast start as Mercury in Sagittarius goes direct on the 1st. As mentioned in December's article, Mercury retrograde provided a pause to rest, dream, imagine, and tap into reservoirs of inspiration. By the Capricorn New Moon on January 11, the next steps for manifestation are visible, and together with Mars entering Capricorn on January 4, there is a return to practical matters along with a pervasive sense of no time to waste in getting back to business and tasks at hand.
A standout dynamic in the New Moon astrology chart shows competing factors between responsibility to self and others. There may be a stark contrast between obligations and real responsibilities. This leads to a review of actual priorities vs. freedom and autonomy. The New Moon is exactly square the lunar nodes in Libra and Aries, therefore many relationships are under the microscope. In some instances there are no easy answers, but the trend encourages independence and clear boundaries.
In its annual cycle, our Sun leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius on January 20. This day rings a bell as it is the same day Pluto enters Aquarius. Thus, both Sun and Pluto are in exact conjunction at 29 degrees Capricorn first thing in the morning, and by evening they have transitioned into Aquarius. This is a day to watch for portents and omens of future trends, personally and collectively.
This powerhouse of a conjunction is summarized by astrologer Robert Hand, “In general it indicates intense experiences that do not allow you to stay at the level of surface manifestation. You will really have to get involved in whatever you do today, and the results may be quite powerful. Pluto relates to the forces underlying all experience and leading to fundamental evolutionary changes from within. The inevitable power of these changes produces the major occurrences in the world – growth, evolution, decay and death, as well as rebirth and regeneration.”
Understandably, events on one day can't define a single transit of this magnitude, but the energies roll into the next work-a-day week of January 22 – 26. There are two main astrological events, a Full Moon on the 25th, and Uranus going direct 26-27th. Let's take them one by one.
First, this Full Moon carries specific themes of the Aquarius/Leo polarity. With Sun and Pluto firmly in Aquarius skies, the Moon is transiting through Leo in opposition to this conjunction. Any opposition brings contrast, and possibility differences and separation. Heartfelt and dramatic expression is the hallmark of these signs. In essence, Leo is more single minded and solo in its creativity, and Aquarius is group creativity. Aquarius knows that not all problems can be solved by one person, but generally solutions involve a group, a tribe working in unison with a common purpose.
This lunation can also surface the downside of Aquarius, namely extreme detachment, alienation, isolation and disconnection from the warmth of human contact. A very real threat, technology is playing an enormous part in both isolating people, but also bringing people together. One of the primary characteristics of Aquarius is the tribal instinct, and the inborn need to experience a sense of belonging. In fact, in many cases, this instinct is as powerful as the instinct to survive. One of the big challenges of Pluto in Aquarius will be maintaining emotional connection and thriving in an increasingly technologically driven society.
Additionally, the planetary ruler of Aquarius is Uranus. This mighty and extraordinary planet has been retrograde since August 28, 2023. Going direct on January 27, Uranus is known for its unpredictable, unusual, “out of the blue,” and turnaround manifestations. The archetypal wheel of fortune is spinning, and no one knows where it will land. But in the moment, it is advisable to watch the trends, and take the pulse of progress. The action of Uranus is to undermine the staid and outdated while offering innovative solutions to the problems that plague humanity.
This is a trend of positive momentum, because the same day Uranus goes direct, Mercury conjoins Mars in Capricorn in trine to Uranus in Taurus. This combination of planetary factors is decisive, blunt, definitive, and bottom line real. At some point, the bill comes due. This trend will continue to have substantial impact for the remainder of January, setting the tone for 2024.
Additionally, Venus is in Capricorn providing extra grounding in the manifestation of practical plans as well as long term projects. Words commonly associated with Capricorn are accountable and responsible. Since 2024 begins with a strong emphasis on these character traits, be on the lookout for a widespread reckoning of gigantic proportions, individually, collectively, globally.
In conclusion, a summary of Pluto's transit through Capricorn is in order. Starting in January 2008, this year was monumental in the candidacy and election of the nation's first black President. The autumn months were particularly historic as enormous financial institutions collapsed like dominoes. To avoid catastrophe, the government was forced to intercede and bail out the banks. Not only are the repercussions still in play, but it further undermined trust in authority and government.
Initially, Pluto's action exposed massive greed and corruption in the financial system. Then it started digging deeper to expose misuse of power and authority in high places, in particular, the mega wealthy top 10%. Meanwhile, leaders pandered to the masses, selling a version of reality for their own benefit. This has led to a collapse of truth and trust in governments and public institutions. Since Pluto breaks down what is no longer relevant, where does that leave society? What are the lessons to be gleaned, and where do we go from here?
While there are numerous implications, too many to site in this short article, Pluto's transit through Capricorn has provided a crash course in corporate, financial and government systems. On a daily basis, the news spews out words such as, “autocracy, socialism, fascism, communism, theocracy, plutocracy.” It's all about power, who has it and how to get more. But, rising to the surface with increasing awareness is the word, “democracy.” Democracy, while far from perfect, is emerging in a new light with more curiosity and appeal. Yes, fissures in the structure have been exposed, but this is the first step in remedying the malady.
For those that question, the system has deteriorated to the point that election workers are bullied and terrified to show up and serve. Neighbors are afraid to disclose political affiliation. Families are torn apart with ideological fanaticism. People stare into screens only to be programmed, polarized, paralyzed. This is not sustainable.
Most importantly, democracy is a system that requires education and participation. “Of the people, by the people, for the people,” means just that. Pluto's transit through Aquarius has great potential to awaken and mobilize the masses for the welfare of all in this vast and interconnected web of life on planet Earth.
What's UP – December 2023
Astrologer Belinda C. Dunn
Sagittarius New Moon
December 12 @ 6:32 pm
Mercury retrograde
December 13 @ 2:09 am
Winter Solstice
December 21 @ 10:27 pm
Cancer/Capricorn Full Moon
December 26 @ 7:33 pm
As in years past, December is typically a month for completion, reviewing priorities, tying up loose ends. Deadlines become lifelines with keen eyes on clearing the slate, preparing to begin afresh as 2024 dawns bright and hopeful. Wrapping up projects and presents, it's a busy month in all the ways we are familiar, however planetary trends underscore a profound reckoning with the past in order to face the future.
First of all, Mercury is retrograde for most of the month (December 13 – January 1, 2024). While this may play havoc with gift purchases and travel plans, Mercury retrograde contributes to a pervasive sense of slowing down the pace to rest, reflect, and assimilate the many challenges of 2023, personally and collectively. And yes, slowing down to enjoy and savor the quickly passing moments of this extraordinary panorama, life on planet Earth.
Right from the get-go, rapidly transiting Mercury enters Capricorn on December 1. Here we experience the interplay between Sagittarius and Capricorn. Each zodiac sign evolves upon the lessons of the previous sign. For example, Sagittarius is inspiring, aspiring, exploring and philosophical. Capricorn is down to earth, practical, cautious and realistic. It can be a balancing act, but both archetypes are essential in avoiding extremes and maintaining balance. Sagittarius has the vision, and Capricorn has the know-how to manifest the vision.
How does this apply in practical ways? Sagittarius loves a party; decorations, food, games, music, gifts, guests . . . the more the better! But when the actual event approaches, without realistic preparation and expectation, many complications can arise. Running out of time is a big one. Missing ingredients for a special delicacy is another. Travel delays, long lines at the grocery, guests unable to attend for one reason or another, all this and more can dampen the festive spirits.
This scenario can play itself out in a multitude of ways, but let's consider Sagittarius and Capricorn from another vantage point. Each zodiac sign has its downside. Ruled by Jupiter, Sagittarius energy can be extravagant, capricious, righteous and entitled. Ruled by Saturn, Capricorn energy can be strict, serious, pessimistic and miserly. So, as with everything in life, attitude is all, and balance is key.
These themes may be exaggerated, especially the first half of December, highlighted by a Sagittarius New Moon. Exact on December 13, the Moon exactly conjoins Sun, amplified and empowered by the addition of Mars in Sagittarius (November 24 through January 4, 2024). And within hours, communicative Mercury goes retrograde in Capricorn. Acting as a cosmic punctuation mark, keep eyes wide open for exclamatory remarks, cries of outrage, rhetorical questions, pompous righteousness, and narrow minded assertion of subjective truth. Mars will go to war for beliefs, but this can be an enlightened choice point for a world in conflict.
On the other hand, Neptune is very active in December. This can go both ways. While many minds succumb to pressure and propaganda, Neptune can cut through the fog of delusion while exposing underlying issues, and ulterior motives. Intensifying its planetary influence, not only does Neptune go stationary direct on December 6, but the New Moon, Mars and Mercury activate Neptune in a stressful square. From the last week of November to the second week of January, there are many opportunities to see through mirrored illusions to the other side of reality.
Primarily affecting the mind of humanity, many people may be experiencing cognitive dissonance. For example, advertisers sell their own version of reality, but it is a glorified picture, out of touch with most people's day to day life. Politicians sell their version, while the clergy sells theirs. Bottom line, no one knows who and what to believe anymore. Socially and culturally, there is a pervasive lack of meaning, a dark night of the soul, commonly labeled as an existential crisis.
Frankly, how many of us reading this article rely on spirituality, in one form or another, to get through the day? The core knowing/belief that, no matter what, life has purpose and meaning, and humans are not some random afterthought of a sadistic and punishing god. Antiquated ideologies along with distorted perception have controlled society for centuries, if not eons. “Far from the madding crowd,” it takes courage and tenacity to strike out on your own, seeking and finding a purpose you can live with.
It is natural to contemplate life's meaning as another year concludes, and the transit of Mars through Sagittarius can facilitate inspiring ideas and prophetic visions. However, similar to poor radio reception, Neptune's influence can distort and disrupt incoming information. This is true in the public square as well as one's personal life. Pure vision is inspiring, unselfish, always ringing true within one's heart. Discernment is essential in navigating through these challenging, but powerful trends.
On December 21, the Winter Solstice solemnly marks the transition from one season to the next. In the northern hemisphere, days are short, but nights are longer as the season of hibernation begins. By now, Sun enters Capricorn and conjuncts Mercury within 24 hours. This is a very important point in any Mercury retrograde cycle. This joining of solar identity with mercurial consciousness can clarify and define the decisions characteristic of a Mercury retrograde phase.
The solstice astrology chart shows a predominance of earth signs, namely Sun, Mercury and Pluto in Capricorn, and Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. For a good part of the month Mercury harmoniously engages Jupiter in a trine, exact on December 7 & 18. This will draw out the beneficial qualities of Jupiter, especially because Jupiter is preparing to go direct on December 30.
To review, Jupiter entered Taurus on May 16, and turned retrograde on September 3. Jupiter continues in Taurus until next spring, entering Gemini on May 25, 2024. Therefore we are more than halfway through this transit. The earthy grounding of Taurus provides a tremendous boost in practical matters such as generating income, self-worth, and value in the marketplace. It's a good time to pay off debts, and even get ahead in a tricky economy. The focus is on meeting basic needs, but also finding satisfaction in routine accomplishments and everyday comforts.
The Full Moon chart for December 26 shows Jupiter in harmony with Moon, Sun and Saturn. Even though a Full Moon tends to illuminate extremes, what is revealed carries forward into 2024. Throughout winter months, Jupiter sextiles Saturn in a stabilizing and grounding aspect. The expansive, visionary and generous nature of Jupiter combines with Saturn's realistic assessment to get the job done. Herein is a rare opportunity to balance inflow with outflow in a variety of practical areas, financial as well as lifestyle.
However, another standout planetary trend is exact the week between Christmas and New Year's Eve. This is actually a culmination of trends delineated earlier in this article, but on steroids as retrograde Mercury conjoins Mars on December 27, squaring Neptune the next day. This planetary combination can amplify the tendency in human nature to deny, avoid responsibility, and escape reality. Here is the pitfall of addiction in all its myriad of forms, but avoidance of reality doesn't make it go away.
Of course, this is a harsh dimension of immense suffering, and the human spirit yearns to be free, high and happy. Even for the sane and healthy, this planetary combination can put tremendous strain on the psyche, and it takes awareness to manage expectations around the holiday season. For those challenged with mental illness and/or substance abuse, these are especially challenging aspects.
Not only is it important to be cautious in operating machinery this week, but it may be wise to hold one's tongue to sidestep circuitous arguments. Predictably, the airwaves will be saturated with voices sounding off about one injustice or another. Selling their own version of reality in the form of zealous ideology and incendiary remarks, nothing is off limits in the effort to persuade the masses to a particular point of view. However, as much as this planetary combination has a potential downside, the highest expression includes inspiration, creativity, truth and transcendence.
Every year has its highs and its lows, but overall, 2023 was exceptionally turbulent on many levels. Many doors closed, once and for all. Many changes and challenges were happening simultaneously. No doubt, the pressure to expand, grow and evolve beyond comfort zones will continue. Nevertheless, as the year draws to a close, current planetary trends offer a message of hopeful possibility and stalwart resilience.
In-between eras and ages, in-between Pluto's transit from Capricorn to Aquarius, in-between both Saturn and Neptune's slow but sure transit through Pisces. Considering Pisces is the 12th and final sign on the zodiac wheel, the themes of release and completion are visibly apparent. I am reminded of the wise words of Einstein, “We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”
It may be hard to believe, and even harder to remember, but problems are actually gifts woven into the tapestry of existence. It is quite fitting that 2023 concludes with more questions than answers. December's planetary trends are optimal for reverie, dreaming, creating, playing, praying and envisioning. 2024 . . . . here we come !!!
Many thanks dear readers for taking this journey through time with me, month after month, year after year. It is a joyful pleasure to share astrology with you, and I deeply appreciate your time and business. May you and those you love have a wonderful holiday season. See you in 2024, and healthy and Happy New Year!
WHAT'S UP – November 2023
Astrologer Belinda C. Dunn
Scorpio New Moon
November 13 @ 4:27 am
Gemini/Sagittarius Full Moon
November 27 @ 4:16 am
a dimension of immense diversity and contrast, is undergoing
unprecedented upheaval, and slowly, over time, ultimate transformation.
We see this mirrored
throughout the natural world, and, of course, humans are no exception.
Still reeling from the effects of October's eclipses, November is a
month for resourcefulness, adjustments and acceptance.
of this writing, the sights, smells and sounds of autumn are
unmistakable. Swirling in the wind, colorful leaves cascade to the
ground. The air is filled
with autumn's unique fragrance as flocks of chorusing birds head south
for the winter. While all this beauty is mesmerizing, all signs point to
the inevitable approach of winter as Sun transits through Scorpio, the
zodiac sign of mysticism, metaphysics, death
and rebirth.
in eclipse season, the Lunar Eclipse on October 28 unearthed, uprooted
and unleashed a tumult of challenges. Many question, “Has the world gone
mad?” The
ever present choice is to release the superfluous, discard meaningless
pursuits, thereby cross the threshold of everyday awareness to enter
realms of psyche, soul, spirit, and pure consciousness. This is the
domain of Scorpio; unadulterated, raw, blatantly
honest and intensely revealing.
tide begins to turn mid-month with a New Moon in Scorpio. Astute,
courageous, emotional, investigative and intuitive, Scorpio is
associated with the water
element. The common adage, “Still waters run deep,” sums up Scorpio.
Beneath a seemingly tranquil exterior, one never suspects what dwells
below the surface. Hidden secrets are only revealed when covers are
thrown off, and the uncompromising truth is exposed
for all to see.
is one of the most dramatic and dynamic lunations of the year. As Moon
conjoins Sun in a New Moon on November 13, two key planets are involved,
Mars and
Uranus. Upping the ante, Mars is in Scorpio (October 12 – November 23).
However, Mars opposes Uranus on November 11, and Sun conjoins Mars on
November 18. Therefore, this entire week is sandwiched between two major
planetary alignments with the potential for
unexpected, sudden and fateful change.
review, Uranus is transiting through Taurus, the zodiac sign of
possessions; notably property, currency, acquisitions, banks and other
financial institutions.
Clearly, resources on a global scale are in drastic fluctuation as
leaders and power brokers make deals with little regard for the
individual. Technology is taking over the majority of transactions, and
in the topsy-turvy world of modern finance, resources
move at lightening speed, and hopefully, without disruptive glitches.
the front end, Uranus can manifest as chaos, but we don't have to jump
to conclusions that this is all bad. Even though the terrain may appear
rocky and uncertain,
these energies free up restrictions, and overturn, “the best laid plans
of mice and men.” Additionally, weather related disasters and earth
changes are on the rise. Nature may very well step in as a factor in
diverting resources and changing plans.
this week concludes, the conjunction of Sun and Mars is willful and
passionate, determined and driven. Some people won't take “no,” for an
answer. Other people
may be on autopilot, responding to situations with frantic urgency. It
is a week for caution as well as circumspection, another reason to go
slow, stay aware, and double check motives.
back up for a moment, in another major turnaround for humanity and
planet Earth, Saturn goes direct on November 4. In addition to marking
the cycles of life,
Saturn is the taskmaster, providing the testing ground for humans to
grow beyond the rings of Saturn. As the planet of cause and effect, it
is karmic in nature with roots of current challenges buried deeply in
the past. Saturn tests the human spirit to expand
and mature through conscience, determination, patience and
a preview of things to come, Saturn entered Pisces in early March.
Going retrograde on June 16, recent months have brought numerous endings
in a variety
of circumstances. Similar to having the rug pulled out from under one's
feet, there can be a sense of emptiness, disorientation, regret and
grief. Contemplation on the meaning of life opens doors of perception
beyond earthly trials and tribulation. Based on
these months of review, it is time to move forward with renewed
acceptance of life's hardships, and a good dose of compassion for self
and others.
Saturn travels through Pisces, the 12th
and final sign on the zodiac wheel, until May 2025. So, this karmic
planet is transiting
through the most karmic zodiac sign of Pisces for some time to come.
Additionally, slow moving Neptune has been transiting through Pisces
since 2011. In the spring of 2025, both planets transit out of Pisces
and enter Aries, the zodiac sign of rebirth.
no one and nothing untouched, these trends are monumental in scope. It
is hard to describe present conditions around the world without using
words such
as, “illusion, disruption, disillusionment, alienation, dissolution.”
Many systems are collapsing under the weight of dysfunction.
though humanity appears to be hitting a wall, this astrological
analysis is not about frightening anyone, or increasing anxiety. In
fact, while the proverbial
end times can appear so near and real, this is a purging, a cleansing
of gigantic proportions, a clean sweep of all that has gone before.
is going direct at zero degrees Pisces. Meanwhile, Mercury, Sun and
Mars transition into Sagittarius on November 9, 22 and 24, respectively.
One by one,
they will trigger and manifest Saturn challenges in ways that are
specific to each person's blueprint, and the planet's evolution. The
triggering aspect is a stressful square, but less tangible in
Sagittarius, the zodiac sign of ideology, religion, philosophy
and belief.
can the vastness of belief be nailed down, defined in a set of
principles, codified into laws, upheld as truth? For the human mind,
it's virtually impossible
without falling into the entrapment of dogma, false gods, and
dependence on outer authorities. It's a very slippery slope of steep
decline when individuals and groups adhere to a set of beliefs to the
exclusion of factual evidence. Just turn on the news, the
airwaves are filled with voices defending their position with the
so-called right to espouse unfounded beliefs to the point of outright
planetary trends can intensity differences of opinion, but opinions are
just that, they aren't necessarily fact based. The public square is
with deceit and dissent which brings to mind the common adage, “Talk is
cheap.” What is helpful about these trends is Saturn's influence,
namely reckoning with reality. There are situations when restraint is
necessary and consequences ensue, no matter how
harsh the karmic backlash for those involved.
brings us to the Full Moon on November 27. As with any Full Moon, there
is culmination and illumination of specific issues. The chart shows a
notable T-square
with Mars and Sun joining in Sagittarius, opposite Moon in Gemini, and
altogether in stressful square with Saturn. In highest expression, these
are zodiac signs of honesty and truth. However, in this era of
delusion, truth is distorted for personal gain, political
power, and corporate profit.
November 17-18, Sun conjoins Mars in Scorpio, a suggestion of issues
brewing that must be addressed in order to move forward. On November 24,
Mars enters
Sagittarius, still empowering and conjoining the Sun. Considering that
Mars has a 2+ year orbit, this underscores November as a month whereby
push comes to shove. Action must be taken.
is the test of Mars, because Mars will fight, argue, compete and
defend. In mythology, Mars is the warrior as well as the hero. The
question remains, what
type of action will provide optimal results for all concerned? The
bottom line comes down to destructive action or constructive
word about Mercury, and the importance of communication. On November
10, Mercury enters Sagittarius, and within hours, activates Saturn in a
stressful square
signaling communication barriers and limited thinking, all contributing
to a standstill in negotiations and hampering forthright decisions.
This is the planetary signature of “agreeing to disagree.”
the waters further, timed exactly with the Full Moon on November 27,
Mercury is in stressful square to Neptune. On one hand, this can expose
and awaken intuitive knowing, but on the other hand, the unvarnished
truth may be hard to come by. Why? Together these planets are hard to
pin down, lending an idealistic, illusive and dreamy atmosphere. For
those vulnerable and gullible, be alert to scams.
Another important note for the end of November, Mercury is entering its
shadow, preparing for its retrograde phase (December 13-January 1,
this isn't enough to contend with, Daylight Time concludes on November
5. In the midst of seasonal change, as outer light recedes, attention is
drive inward
to the everlasting light within. By now, Sun, Mercury and Mars are
transiting through Sagittarius skies. As the Sagittarius Archer pulls
back his bow, literally aiming toward Antares, the heart of the
Scorpion, we are reminded of all that is beautiful, gracious
and free.
world is filled with abundance, but it is only humans that grab and
grasp the tangible while forgetting the true purpose of existence.
Thanksgiving is a
holiday of giving thanks for an abundant harvest. In light of a year
that has been challenging for so many people around the world,
thankfulness and generosity are more essential than ever. This is a core
lesson for the nation. Instead of merely giving lip
service to gratitude, it is possible and timely to radiate and share
heartfelt gratitude for the many blessings of existence
. Let the festivities begin!
What's Up Astrology
October 2023
Solar Eclipse
14 @ 1:55 pm
Lunar Eclipse
28 @ 4:24 pm
leaves gently falling, vivid blue and clear skies, what's not
to love
about October. Signs of seasonal change are everywhere from
shortening daylight to the first touches of frosty nights. And
October really delivers in major astrological events, namely a
Eclipse on October 14, and Lunar Eclipse on October 28.
occur as a routine alignment between Earth, Moon and Sun. In a
Eclipse the Moon comes between Earth and Sun, temporarily
the Sun's light. In a Lunar Eclipse, Earth comes between Sun
Moon, casting its shadow upon the Moon. All of this occurs
along the
ecliptic, the magnetic plane of Sun's annual rotation. A Solar
Eclipse is always a New Moon, and a Lunar Eclipse is always a
special note are the lunar nodes, mystical points in space
where the
Moon's orbit crosses the ecliptic. The point in the zodiac
over which
the Moon crosses from south to north latitude is called the
Lunar Node; the point over which the Moon crosses from north
to south
latitude is called the South Lunar Node. These points
slowly through the entire zodiac over an 18.6 year cycle.
know we're getting technical here, but the main takeaway is
current position of the nodes. Last July 17th, the
shifted into North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra,
where they
will remain until January 2025. Essentially, this means the
Solar Eclipse kicks off a new learning pattern that continues
together these trends define the most relevant and current
in Earth school. The lunar nodes in a personal chart suggest
optimal growth pattern for a given lifetime, including the
residual of familiar habits and conditioning from previous
lives, and
the evolutionary potential of constructive adaptation.
this to collective consciousness means the current growth
pattern is
toward the North Lunar Node in Aries, and away from the South
Node in Libra. What does this mean ???
of all, this activation is stirring up relationships big time.
many people do you know that are either ending a relationship
starting a new relationship? Or deeply considering the role of
relationship in their life, and the importance of remaining
true to
one's self, no matter what. This includes the vital importance
awareness, cutting through convention, and designing
relationships in
keeping with loving kindness.
most of us are honest with ourselves, consistent and
relations remain a mystery to be solved whereas skillful
relating is
a lifelong learning challenge. Why? This dimension is all
relationship. From horizontal relationships with self and
others, to
vertical relationship with Earth and Source, there is no way
to avoid
or discount the essential nature of connection. It is built
being human. But, unfortunately, this is one area where we are
given an owner's manual, but mostly left to our own devices to
it out.
we see the condition of society today. Turn on the news, the
headlines reveal anything but peace and harmony, understanding
compassion, tolerance and wisdom. Instead, society is riddled
projection, polarization, blame, discrimination and judgment.
So this
is the learning pattern, and October's eclipses are bringing
this, and more, to a critical point of no return.
The Sun is in Libra now, the master negotiator, mediator and peace keeper.
Symbolized by the scales of justice, this is a month of weighing many concerns,
examining situations for fairness, coming to terms with present and past
relationships across the board. Don't hold back the eyes wide open revelation
of personal blind spots, tendencies to blame, offloading emotion onto other
people and situations. Listen deeply, within and without, for ways to create
more connection and true understanding. These are the golden gifts of a
Solar Eclipse in Libra.
the world stage, newsworthy stories run the gamut from
treaties and alliances to all out aggression and conflict.
There will
be a scrambling for international partnerships in commerce,
defense and government. In terms of law and order, expert
will be called in to negotiate terms of engagement in a sticky
tangled web of lies and deception. Those in the legal
profession will
be working overtime. If at all possible, avoid legal disputes.
If you
are in the middle of legalities, know this month is a turning
and ultimately justice wins out.
a result of the Libra Solar Eclipse conjoining the South Lunar
the dark side of compliance is more obvious. Humans are taught
from a
very young age to follow all rules, do what you're told, keep
peace, and don't ever rock the boat. Of course, there is
purpose in
congeniality and consideration of others. However, these
eclipses can
intensify the extreme imbalance of going along with the crowd
to the
detriment of ethical standards. Peace can never be forced,
when there are self centered ulterior motives hiding in the
month begins with Mars transiting through Libra, therefore
run high, and people are willing to fight for what they
believe. Mars
entered Libra on August 28, entering Scorpio on October 12. In
hindsight, September was a month of negotiation and diplomacy
in both
national issues and foreign policy. World leaders took the
time to
travel and meet face to face in strengthening alliances. In
during the last few days of September, Mars gave a preview of
what is
to come by activating the upcoming Solar Eclipse point.
October 8th, Mars activates Pluto in a tense and
square. There is even more intensity applied in that Pluto is
stationing retrograde, exact the next week on October 10. In
the run
up to the Solar Eclipse, a multitude of issues surface. Pluto
has a
repetitive quality. In other words, issues that were
resolved can rear up again, surfacing memories, reactions, and
unresolved emotions. Navigating this planetary combination
takes awareness and detachment.
through Libra, October 4 – 21, Mercury acts as a supportive
influence. Throughout August and September, Mercury was in
emphasizing daily routine, productivity, health and lifestyle.
Libra, Mercury will help cooler minds to prevail, and it's not
moment too soon. You may find yourself in the middle of
relationships, a go between, holding the space for cooperation
the planet of communication, important and even life changing
conversations are in the making. Speaking clearly and
attentively can make a huge difference in a variety of
Of particular note are the days of October 18 – 22. Both Sun
Mercury exactly conjoin the Libra South Node, but square
Speech tends to be insightful but blunt, and even tone of
voice can
giveaway underlying tension, irritation and frustration. Watch
secrets and true intent to be exposed and forced to the
is a dramatic shift of energy by the week of October 23 as
Mercury and Mars transit through Scorpio. The shift from Libra
Scorpio is typically quite noticeable as Libra is more outer
and socially acceptable, whereas Scorpio is psychologically
and internal. There may be an instinct of retreat to lick
wounds, or simply establish balance after recent turmoil.
Scorpio has
an extraordinary capacity to process complicated emotion, and
deep seated issues that many people avoid or deny.
brings us to the Lunar Eclipse on October 28. In the zodiac
signs of
desire, value, worth and shared resources, financial
conditions take
a front seat. The astrology chart for this eclipse shows Moon,
Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, opposite Sun, Mercury and Mars
Scorpio. Similar to a seesaw, the ups and downs of control can
produce drastic differences in perspective, such as how to
money, invest, take risk or hold back. Some
individuals/businesses/government may be forced to go for
broke while
others take a more cautious route.
eclipse also reveals underlying financial issues, personally
collectively. Because Jupiter is strong at this time, there
may be
disclosures around expenditures. In general, Jupiter is a
influence, but Jupiter has a downside in excess, indulgence,
gullibility, overspending and gambling. You may find yourself
up your finances, getting a grip on wasteful spending,
leaks in resources, and confronting others that may be taking
advantage of a good thing.
are just some possible manifestations of this Lunar Eclipse.
In fact,
many areas of personal and collective experience can feel the
repercussions. Weather related disasters, social, geographical
and geological instability can produce extreme financial
pressure and
loss of property. This leaves insurance companies scrambling
cover, and federal programs under pressure to deliver. Again,
we are
back to the theme of shared resources associated with Scorpio,
activated by this eclipse.
some good news for celebrating Halloween. A playful and
Venus trine Uranus gets the creative juices flowing. Venus
through meticulous Virgo, gives extra attention to details,
and in
positive combination with Uranus, artistry is free and
As Venus is the planet of beauty, love and affection, all
relationships receive a boost of shared camaraderie and
conclusion, October is one of the most active and decisive
months of
2023. Breakdowns and breakthroughs produce rapid change, but
all in
keeping with universal flow and cosmic purpose. Years ago, I
wrote an
article, “The Mystery, Myth and Reality of Eclipses.” To
here is an excerpt: “Understanding the mechanics of eclipses,
well as the psychological response, goes a long way in
emotional reaction. Rather than feeling out of control, as
something is happening to us, we can realize the benefits in
natural cycle between our planet Earth, Moon and Sun.
Apprehension is
replaced with encouragement and strength, placing us in the
point of
power. Eclipses are powerful statements of celestial
alignment, the
exclamation point of stellar signature. Seen in this light,
evoke a sense of wonder, and we regain our intuitive
connection with
UP – August 2023
C. Dunn
Full Moon
1 @ 2:32 pm
New Moon
16 @ 5:38 am
23 @ 3:59 pm
Full Moon
30 @ 9:36 pm
brilliance from the center of our solar system, Sun is
through its own sign of Leo. Regal and majestic, surrounded by
pride, the lion and lioness embody sovereignty, strength and
August, the eighth month of the year according to the
calendar, was named after Augustus Caesar, the first Roman
but the word itself denotes majesty, respect and veneration,
qualities of true leadership.
month begins with a Full Moon on August 1st.
Astronomically, a Full Moon occurs when the Moon reaches
illumination as a result of being opposite the Sun. This is
in understanding the astrological dynamic as Moon in Aquarius
Sun in Leo. Therefore, a blending and balancing of forces
this case, the dynamic Leo urge to freely express as an
meets Aquarius, the needs and identity of community, tribe and
society at large. Both are necessary. Leaders need a group of
to lead, and typically groups look to leaders for direction.
Leo is
also connected to entertainment, and every performer needs an
are big examples, but as archetypes, what is the function of
Leo and
Aquarius on the personal level? This is especially important
understand as the world at large struggles to enter the Age of
Aquarius. It's all about leadership, but the contrast is
clear. The
world stage is filled with self-centered, short sighted, heavy
handed, cruel and power hungry leaders, but the reality is
deeper. In all walks of life, benevolent, generous and
leaders are being called to participate, to turn the tide of
authoritarianism, and stand strong in the face of injustice.
Essentially, in big and little ways, each of us are called to
autonomy, as author of our own life while tapping into the
strength of true alignment with guidance, and connection with
light within, as the sunlight of being, the sum of any given
all themes around personal expression and group interaction,
Full Moon is also a SuperMoon giving an extra jolt of
Additionally, both Moon and Sun are in square with Jupiter, so
dramatic and expansive initiatives may, or may not, be for the
greater good. There is pressure to take charge, make
overstep boundaries, and control outcomes. But importantly, as
any Full Moon, maximum illumination comes with more
especially in issues that may have been unconscious and hidden
up to
this point.
significant planetary trend involves Venus transiting through
Leo. As
of July 23, Venus is retrograde for the entire month of
August. As
the planet of both sacred and profane love, Venus retrograde
a review of one's values, attractions and sensibilities.
Likes/dislikes, beauty/crassness, attraction/revulsion . . .
play of polarity is especially strong. Of course, Venus
can stir up all sorts of trouble in relationships as this
takes the covers off socially informed strategies while
individuals deeper into acknowledgment of true heart feelings.
Erin Sullivan writes, “This distinction between sacred and
love is one of the most potent archetypes in the history of
civilization, and plays a tremendous role in the development
of inner
harmony in individual psychology. It may be why much
rumination over
love, values, creative issue and diplomacy occurs both
globally and
individually when Venus stations, turn retrograde and remains
so for
forty days, communing with immutable forces which guard the
mysterious knowledge.”
anatomy, Leo is associated with the heart. spine and back, and
metaphysically, Venus is associated with the heart chakra.
Essentially, Venus in Leo is spontaneous, passionate, playful,
joyful, the life of the party. There is great potential this
month to
cut through the meaningless and superficial, cast aside
burdens, and
discover authentic expression.
Leo New Moon on August 16 further empowers Venus in her
and heartfelt attunement to what really matters in life.
this lunation is in exact square to Uranus, underscoring a
need for
personal freedom that many people will express as dissent,
recalcitrance, and even outright of revolt. There may be
ruptures in work, disintegrating of short term and long
relationships, chaotic and unpredictable events. As the game
planet, Uranus tends to upend, “The best laid plans of mice
the time of this New Moon, both Mercury and Mars are
through Virgo. In harmonious trine to Uranus, this planetary
combination lends a much needed earthy, practical and
influence. Many people may find that keeping their heads down,
focusing on work related projects, and simply putting one foot
front of another, is the best strategy in times of chaos,
and change.
is the zodiac sign of work, service, health and healing. As
vacations wind down, Mercury and Mars in Virgo greatly assist
young and old to settle back into supportive routines and
habits. The mental state is ignited with the passion of Mars,
but in
Virgo, the mind is naturally more analytic, methodical and
is in Virgo until August 27, but due to a retrograde phase,
transits through Virgo for an extended spell (July 28 –
October 5).
Key dates to watch: Mercury retrograde on August 23, Mercury
on September 15. As Mercury is the planet of communication, a
retrograde phase requires a discerning eye on details, reading
between the lines, patience and careful planning. Even so,
breakdowns and technological errors are known to increase
Mercury retrograde.
both Mercury and Mars in Virgo, interpersonal communication
takes on
more importance. Verbal interchange can be impulsive and
undermining even the best of intentions. However, there is a
difference between negative irritability, and truth telling.
One is
just venting, the other is direct, discerning and purposeful.
there are ruptures in relationships due to misunderstandings,
it may
take until mid-September to turn things around.
week of August 20 begins with a yod planetary configuration,
otherwise known as “finger of fate,” or “finger of God.” Sun
transits in the final degrees of Leo before transiting into
Virgo on
the 23rd. Meanwhile, Sun is inconjunct Neptune and
In general, circumstances may feel out of one's immediate
control. It
can be challenging to find common ground in daily
interactions, and
even more so in negotiations. Approaching situations with
and arrogance fall short of making progress, and getting the
Mars is opposing Neptune on August 22, just in time for Sun to
Virgo, and Mercury going retrograde on the 23rd.
This is a
turning back week. It may appear that certain areas of life
progress without making peace with the past. In some
situations, this
can be a full stop. Other situations may require a pulling
back for
adjustments. When Neptune is part of the equation the
imagination can
run wild, possibly veering into extreme negativity, criticism,
despair and disillusionment.
final days of August conclude with Uranus stationary
retrograde on
the 28th, joining five other planets in their
retrograde phase (Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto).
Intensifying the Uranus archetype, the initial response may be
observation of circumstances that are no longer relevant,
lackluster, dull and stultifying. Uranus is retrograde until
January 2024, and over these months uncomfortable feelings of
dissatisfaction, alienation and detachment may produce radical
departures from the norm, but forcing exploration of feasible
fascinating aspect of this planetary trend involves Venus
in stressful square to Uranus. Since Venus transits quickly in
comparison to Uranus, there are three times of intense
(July 1-3, August 8-10, September 28-30). Tracking the timing
in your
life may reveal specific themes around romance, partnership,
entertainment, finances, agreements, contracts and creative
A telling example is the on-going strike of WGA (Writers Guild
America, and SAG-AFTRA (Screen Actors Guild and Federation of
Television and Radio Actors). Taking to the streets and
airwaves, in
response to an increasingly competitive entertainment
industry, they
are exposing the underbelly of Hollywood, telling a story of
inequity, negligence, financial hardship, and a failing
this isn't enough, the month concludes with a Full Moon on
August 30.
This is the second super-charged SuperMoon in August. It is
rare to
have two Full Moons in a given month, thus the familiar idiom,
in a blue Moon.”
now, Sun is in Virgo, and Moon opposes in Pisces. This day may
heavier than usual as Moon joins Saturn, but the tension may
been building since the previous weekend when Sun opposed
There is a general lowering of vitality with these aspects,
and it's
important to guard health as well as emotional vulnerability.
daily grind of the workaday world looms large for the general
and many people may feel dispirited, exhausted, overwhelmed
likely, this is a low note for the end of August, but with
it's easily manageable for most, and it helps to remember,
too shall pass.” Time is marching on, but we were made for
times; a season of struggle and strife, breakdown and
darkness and transcendence. Your radiance and presence lights
smiles, opens hearts, and makes all the difference in the
July 2023
Belinda C. Dunn
Capricorn Full Moon
July 3 @ 7:39 am
Cancer New Moon
July 17 @ 2:33 pm
Long and relaxed evenings, flowering fragrance drifting through
the air, fireflies twinkling in the dusk . . . what's not to love
about summer. In full swing, July is typically an active,
recreational and fun filled month. July begins with a favorable
and supportive Mercury/Sun conjunction in harmony with Jupiter.
Grounded and practical, at the same time spontaneous and
insightful, the mind flows in creative channels. Decisions are
easier to come by as attitudes are more positive and optimistic.
In the early morning hours of July 3, signifying a culmination of
recent weeks, a Full Moon brings focus, intensification and
activation. With the Sun transiting through Cancer and Moon
opposing in Capricorn, archetypal themes revolve around balance of
career and family, work and play. It's possible to have it all,
but juggling of priorities is most likely.
Leading into Independence Day celebrations, this Full Moon
highlights domestic issues, personally and locally, against the
backdrop of national interests. Founded 247 years ago, the country
stands at a crossroads as Pluto returns to dig up the past, purge
dysfunction, and enlighten the future trajectory. A reckoning of
gigantic proportions, turning back is not an option, although many
attempt to turn back the clock to an idealized past that no longer
exists. Read on for my annual, “Astrological State of the Union,”
but first let's continue with July.
On July 10, Mars finishes its transit through Leo and enters
Virgo. Leaving behind playful, dramatic and fun loving Leo, Mars
in Virgo prefers routine, taking up unfinished tasks, and resuming
the daily grind of work, work and more work. Mars transits through
Virgo until August 27, so keeping the balance between work and
play is even more important, especially given the season. You may
find yourself working at play, or working to make time for
recreation. And for those fortunate ones, work is play.
In addition to Mars, Mercury is changing signs, leaving Cancer and
entering Leo. However, in the final degree of Cancer, Mercury
opposes Pluto on July 10 before it transitions into Leo. Here
again is an important and demonstrable shift of focus. In this
case, Mercury is the communicator, dredging up the past,
uncovering the dross and gross, driving home the message that in
order to move forward, it is necessary to address lingering
issues. Emotions run high, even exploding into plain view. Mercury
opposite Pluto tends to be forthright but controlling, frank but
harsh. There are no easy answers here.
Continuing on to the next week, a New Moon on July 17 initiates
the next lunar cycle. Both Sun and Moon join in Cancer, but
opposite Pluto in Capricorn. Unspoken tensions can erupt,
especially in the sensitive areas of home and family. In this
current social, economic and political environment, pressures on
the family unit are enormous. Overall, conditions on a variety of
fronts tend to be uncertain and stressful, perhaps threatening and
overwhelming. The tension carries through the entire week,
culminating Friday evening as Sun exactly opposes Pluto (July 21).
Many astrological trends converge this week, making it one of the
most important weeks of 2023. In addition to a New Moon, the Lunar
Nodes change signs. Since January 2022, the North Lunar Node has
been in Taurus, and South Lunar Node in Scorpio. Not only is the
nodal cycle intimately connected with eclipses, but the nodes
typify specific archetypal themes.
This week, exact on July 17, North Lunar Node enters Aries, and
South Lunar Node enters Libra. Over the next 18 months, there is
less emphasis on money and resources, and more emphasis on people
and partnership. Of course, all these factors blend together, but
there is a dawning realization of individuality within the context
of relationships. The direction of growth is personal empowerment,
self reliance and self sufficiency in order to establish and
maintain harmonious alliances. Teamwork and cooperation takes on
even more importance in securing a positive future for all.
Combining the grit of Aries with the grace of Libra, strong
partnerships can be forged for years to come.
This doesn't mean relationships will be easy, but they will be
tested. Venus, the planet of love, is active and prominent this
month. Transiting through Leo, Venus goes retrograde on July 22,
the same day Sun enters Leo. Retrograde Venus indicates a backing
up, perhaps turning away, to give space for all involved. Not only
will specific parties and relationships be under review, but many
people will find themselves looking deeply into personal motives,
desires, attitudes and early programming. There may be a sense of
coming back to square one, another swing at the bat to make or
break alliances.
Venus will be retrograde until September 3, so this is not an
overnight process. One of the core characteristics of Leo is
authenticity, being real, not hiding behind the scenes, but
dramatic and expressive. Cutting through detachment, denial,
coldness and reserve, holding nothing back, passion drives people
to love and be loved. But, it's a process, and the tenderness of
Venus can soften the blow.
This transit of Venus is especially consequential for baby
boomers, the Pluto in Leo generation (1939 – 1956). Depending on
the birth chart, the majority in this age group can expect
intense interactions, and potent transformation. Now elders of the
tribe, their wisdom and experience may be called upon, tried and
tested for relevancy. In the school of life, experience can be a
harsh teacher, but this isn't a time for blame and self-pity, but
a time of reckoning and release.
This shift of the nodal axis brings humanity to a crossroads. From
the standpoint of astrology, we're back to Pluto in the final
degree of Capricorn in square to the lunar nodes for the remainder
of 2023. To review, each zodiac sign has thirty degrees, and the
last degree is technically called the anaretic degree. This
sensitive point is literally called the fate degree, a critical
degree of crisis, convergence and culmination.
A turning point of gigantic proportions, it is here that we find
ourselves as individuals, a nation and world. The stakes are high,
the pressures are mounting, where do we turn for answers and real
solutions to the dilemmas in front of us?
Thinkers pontificate and leaders discuss, often throwing around
the label, “existential crisis.” Out of curiosity, I looked up
existentialism, defined as, “a chiefly 20th century philosophical
movement embracing diverse doctrines but centering on analysis of
individual existence in an unfathomable universe and the plight of
the individual who must assume ultimate responsibility for his
acts of free will without any certain knowledge of what is right
or wrong, good or bad.” Whoa! No wonder so many people feel lost
in a world supposedly devoid of meaning and purpose.
Against this backdrop of ideological confusion, the nation
struggles to right itself, get back on track, embody and actualize
the ideals put forth by the founding fathers. Ideals such as
“life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” freedom for all,
equality, unity in diversity. Everyday is a slippery slope, a
quagmire that must be addressed and reckoned with in order to move
The United States astrology chart for July 4, 1776 shows Neptune
in Virgo on the mid-heaven, the highest point, overhead, emanating
the idealism so characteristic of American values. But current
trends show Neptune is transiting through Pisces, the opposite of
Imbuing the atmosphere with confusion, delusion and deception,
many people are divorced from reality. And, as is so typical with
Neptune's influence, they don't even know it. These trends work on
behalf of the spinners of truth, the illusionists, those married
to dogma, propaganda, hoaxes and scams. It's a dangerous
influence, but in the end, just a mirage.
Astrology gives timing. Let's take a look, beginning with Pluto.
Since Pluto has a 246 year orbit, last year was the first time in
the nation's history that Pluto returned to the exact degree in
1776 (27 degrees Capricorn). Clearly, this stirred up a hornet's
nest of unresolved issues, specifically around authority,
government, race, gender, inequality, law and order.
But, as Pluto transits very slowly, the nation is in a critical
stage of uncovering dysfunction along with tremendous pressure to
evolve to the next level. Additionally, this year and next,
transiting Pluto activates the progressed USA Pluto at 29 degrees
Capricorn, so we're not out of the woods yet. Additionally,
Pluto's transiting square to the lunar nodes is the epitome of a
crossroads, an intersection of numerous factors, all with enormous
consequence. In the end, this is a point of evolutionary pressure
to update and upgrade fundamental structures and principles.
Just as in the country's founding, it's a long term process and
project. It took another twelve years for the Constitution to be
finalized in 1787. The chart for the Constitution shows Pluto in
Aquarius, an inventive, egalitarian, socially conscious and
progressive influence.
Currently, Pluto entered Aquarius last March, but has retrograded
back into Capricorn. Again, Pluto will enter Aquarius next January
2024, only to retrograde back into Capricorn for a brief stay
(September - November 2024). The technical term is “cusp,” a point
of transition, the in between place of endings and beginnings.
However, it is November 20, 2024 when Pluto enters Aquarius for
the long haul, a transit of 20 years. Pluto's return in the
Constitution chart is 2032-33. Slowly, but surely, over the next
decade, a fresh generation will come into play, a generation with
an eye on survival, a generation not afraid to examine the past,
overturn norms when necessary, and rewrite the future more in
keeping with present reality.
Meanwhile, both Saturn and Neptune transit through Pisces.
Literally and figuratively, this planetary trend is a cosmic
flushing of karmic residue. Toxic sludge is overflowing, blocking
the drain, distorting reality. There is little to hold onto,
nothing makes sense. Current struggles and travesties are
temporary challenges, grist for the mill of planetary awakening.
There will be many endings over the next several years, a profound
time of purification, surrender and release.
All this to make ready for Saturn and Neptune entering Aries in
May 2025. A rebirth of sorts, symbolizing the proverbial rainbow
after the storm, 2025 will be here before we know it. By summer
2025, the powerhouse planets (Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto),
transition into new territory. In air and fire signs, the
atmosphere will be lighter, freer, more transparent. In harmonious
support, the possibilities are endless in furthering the light,
expanding potential, envisioning and manifesting a positive future
in an increasingly connected global community.
June 2023
C. Dunn
Full Moon
3 @ 11:42 pm
New Moon
18 @ 12:37 am
21 @ 10:58 am
reeling from the repercussions of two powerful eclipses and
retrograde, June begins with an instinctive thrust to move on,
the page, and start a new chapter. Since Mercury went
retrograde on
April 21, a day after a Solar Eclipse in Aries, there has been
prolonged period of waiting for the other shoe to drop, both
in our
personal lives, but most definitely in the collective field.
there are “disturbances in the force,” but wait no longer, the
planetary trends for June indicate breakthroughs, and patience
to the skies, Mercury went retrograde at 15 degrees Taurus,
conjunct Uranus at 17 degrees Taurus. Unnerving, puzzling and
hard to
decipher, it's like coming to a cliff and stepping back,
fearful to
look over the precipice, not knowing what lies below. Is it an
soft landing into a cushy pillow? Perhaps it is the most
inviting and refreshing lagoon. Or perhaps it's a long drop,
and a
parachute is not only recommended, but essential.
it's been a long wait since late April. May was a month of
uncovering, peeling away one layer after another, to reveal
causes and underlying issues. Understandably, emotions have
run high
in the midst of challenges, and many situations came to a
point. From within and without, the message rings loud and
change is the name of the game, adaptation leads to
resilience, a
necessary skill in this year of flux and uncertainty.
on June 4, Mercury makes an exact conjunction with Uranus. The
breaks, so to speak, and breakthroughs come in the form of
shifts in perspective, startling insights, meaningful
life changing decisions and welcome surprises. A prevailing
sense of
freedom eases heavy burdens, lightening the load and
liberating the
course, not all surprises are welcome, especially at the
outset, but
there is a general freeing up, a loosening of control. Extreme
polarities and fixed opinions, previously set in stone, are
simply by virtue of truth. Fighting the good fight, however
justified, may be pointless, and some situations can spur a
giving up
and giving in.
major planetary alignment of May 15 – 18, involving a tense
T-square between Mars, Jupiter and Pluto, is waning, but still
effect. Intense and combative tendencies that started in the
half of May may seek resolution as Venus opposes Pluto on June
Driven by urgency and karmic patterns, there is a culmination
as all
vantage points are laid on the table for resolution.
dynamics show up in the Full Moon astrology chart for June 3rd.
The Sun is now transiting through Gemini, and the opposing
Moon is
in Sagittarius. After two months of Mercury in Taurus (April 3
June 10), all sorts of things are breaking lose. Full Moons
tend to
be emotional, intense and revealing, but this is also a
SuperMoon. At
perigee, the Moon is in its closest approach to the Earth. Not
will the Moon's illumination be amplified, but it will be
larger on the horizon.
archetype of Gemini represents the storyteller and teacher,
conversationalist and neighbor. What has not been spoken is
freely expressed. Additionally, both Gemini and Sagittarius
restless, ready for adventure and wide open spaces. Final
bells are ringing, graduations are underway, and summer travel
are in full swing.
atmosphere shifts significantly by mid-June. Saturn is
its first retrograde station since entering Pisces on March 7.
retrograde station, especially by Saturn, represents a slow
down, a
pause, an important time to collect one's thoughts, and attune
guidance. This is especially the case in Pisces, as solutions
complex problems may not be readily discernible. In fact,
Pisces is
the zodiac sign of faith and trust in the unseen, ineffable
indivisible. You may consider the conditions in your life
since early
March. Is there a call for trust and relinquishment of
control? Do
you feel as though there are many “things” out of your
this is further compounded by Neptune in Pisces reaching its
point on the very last day of June. Therefore, the second half
June is a metaphorical hall of mirrors, where one image after
is distorted, questioned, tested, found wanting, and in some
shattered. The fine line between illusion and reality is
exposed on
the cutting edge of social and mental health.
decades, there has been a lot of talk about a new age dawning,
Age of Aquarius. And there are clear signs of extraordinary
shifts in
existence for each and every being. However, for the most
part, the
collective consciousness remains in the grip of antiquated
mind sets,
programmed belief systems, and a load of karmic baggage that
little sense without a broader perspective.
much as Neptune's influence can be both seductive and
confusing, the
Gemini New Moon on June 17th can energetically cut
the fog. With Sun, Moon and Mercury in Gemini, the mental
state is
alert and astute in identifying its own traps and illusions.
Just as
sunlight dispels fog, the application of conscious awareness
unconscious conditioning is enlightening.
the same time, this New Moon shows a potential conflict
unconscious drives and everyday mentality, but this
discrepancy is
precisely the vehicle for breaking through. Writing, drawing,
painting, any type of creative expression, can be a great
asset in
exposing the the maze of one's internal world. It can be very
helpful to talk things through with a trusted confident as
helps the stream of consciousness to identify itself and flow
healthier channels.
June 15, in the buildup to the New Moon, Mercury in Gemini is
stressful aspect to Saturn in Pisces. Together, these planets
into the dark territory of cynicism, pessimism, despair and
depression. It may be tempting to focus on what is not
working, jump
to conclusions and limit possibilities. If possible, it is
to hold off any major decisions, and aim for a more balanced
perspective over the next several weeks.
in all, this New Moon is in stressful square to Neptune, so
awareness, care and caution is needed to move forward with all
facts along with a positive attitude adjustment. When it comes
Neptune, we can't rule out the possibility of fraud being
or exposed. Unfortunately, deception for monetary and personal
is rampant in society. Propaganda, another form of deceit,
takes many
forms in efforts to sway public opinion, and assert control of
the narrative.
days to be aware of include June 18 when the Sun squares
Neptune, and
June 25, when Mercury squares Neptune. For those suffering
addiction, and other mental health challenges, June can be a
month of
crisis with the potential for healing and recovery. Even for
the most
stable of personalities, this is a time for pausing,
questioning, and
by all means, “keeping your wits about you.”
the midst of a profound reckoning with present reality as well
as the
past, we come to the annual Summer Solstice on June 21st. Not
only is
this the longest and lightest day of the year for those of us
in the
northern hemisphere, but Moon, Venus and Mars align in Leo.
strength, current trends are invigorating and revitalizing, an
excellent compliment to the potentially enervating effects of
and Saturn.
special note about Venus and her transit through Leo. Venus
Leo on June 5, and due to a retrograde phase, continues in Leo
October 8th. We will revisit this planetary trend
throughout the summer months. In general, Venus in Leo helps
out the warmhearted, ardent, expressive, romantic and creative
of human nature. Leo is also the zodiac sign of entertainment,
summer fun includes concerts, art shows, theater, and other
that showcase talent.
an extra boost to the expressive arts, Mars is transiting
through Leo
(May 20 – July 10). To quote Shakespeare, “All the world's a
stage, and all the men and women merely players.” Even people
prefer to stay in the background, may find themselves in the
limelight, for one reason or another. At the same time, the
for attention and admiration may be even more exaggerated in
personalities. Mars in Leo strengthens the will, therefore,
assertion and arrogant control can be problematic in
that require cooperation and negotiation. There are several
days to
be especially alert, June 25-27, when Mars is in stressful
square to
Uranus, the wild card planet.
the most part, June is an active month, and most of the
planets are
in air and fire signs (Gemini & Leo), but by month's end,
is an elemental shift to water and earth signs. As of Summer
Solstice, Sun is now transiting in Cancer, and Mercury enters
on June 26. Symbolized by the crab, dwelling between land and
there is an instinctual response toward the comfort, safety
protection of home and family.
this is the ideal, but so often these days, many people and
struggle to maintain basic necessities, much less serenity and
bonds of love and affection. A sign of the times, dysfunction
widespread, and many factors figure into this equation. At the
time, the human species is dependent on these fundamental
relationships and environments for survival.
to astrology, Mercury is not visible in the morning or evening
from June 24 to July 9. Additionally, Mercury is conjoining
Sun the
night of June 30. An important point in Mercury's cycle, the
mind is
more connected and responsive to the solar urges of awareness
expression, insights and decisions. As they are both in
Cancer, this
is especially relevant in terms of location, safety and
security, and
close relationships within the home and family.
and beyond all material circumstances, dwells the inner home
being, your personal safe space. The comfort of a burrow, the
tranquility of a cave, the solace of a garden, here abides the
of all creation. What is being birthed through you? With all
busyness of summer fun and adventure, it's possible to dive
deep into
the waters of one's inner being, and discover the peace that
all understanding.” Enjoy!
May 2023
C. Dunn
Lunar Eclipse
5 @ 1:34 pm EDT
14 @ 11:17 pm EDT
New Moon
19 @ 11:53 am EDT
the globe, many ancient traditions recognize, honor and
celebrate the
beginning of May. To this day, Gaelic/Celtic traditions are
in the celebration of Beltane. Known as a Cross Quarter Day,
marks the halfway point between Spring Equinox and Summer
Children dance around a May pole, and leave baskets of flowers
neighbor's doorsteps. Communities gather around a bonfire to
symbolically cleanse the dank, dark days of winter, and
welcome the
return of increasing sunlight.
the Buddhist tradition, the Full Moon in May is known as Wesak
festival, a commemoration of the birth, enlightenment and
death of
Buddha. Spiritually significant, the veils between dimensions
known to part, and guidance is more readily available to
It is a time for honoring the Masters, those that have gone
the constrictions of dense earthly consciousness to find
freedom in
the eternal NOW.
to astrology, our Sun is transiting through Taurus. From the
perspective, Taurus is the zodiac sign of ownership, the
keyword, “I
have.” Yes, Taurus governs earthly possessions, and everything
senses can experience, but on an esoteric level, Taurus is the
memory track.
example, picture your favorite flower or favorite place.
Remember the
smells, feel the touch, allow memories associated with special
moments to surface. Perhaps a flood of memories arise, and the
experience becomes full bodied, even to the point of momentary
all this is well and good with positive recall, but what about
trauma, the exceedingly painful memories that linger, distort
deny present moment awareness? When these memories are
humans are habituated to react in a variety of ways, most of
exacerbate the problem. negatively impacting others, and
society at
large. Everyone suffers hurt and pain, it is part of the human
experience, but how one deals with this is a matter of choice.
what does this have to do with astrology, and the planetary
for May, specifically? This brings us to the Full Moon Lunar
on May 5. All eclipses are powerful turning points, and this
Moon is no exception. Sun is in Taurus, beckoning us outdoors,
the garden and the beauty of nature. However, Moon is in
recognized as the most intensely emotional zodiac sign.
powerful alignment and activation of eclipses is connected to
lunar node cycle of 18.6 years. Currently, the North Lunar
Node is in
Taurus, and the South Lunar Node in Scorpio. The growth point
Taurus, and the cultivation of gratitude and grounding. The
Node represents what is stuck, repetitive, habitual and
than likely, this Full Moon can intensify emotions due to
deeply held
animosity, past grievances and unresolved issues. Of all the
signs, Scorpio struggles to forgive and forget. This is a
point of confrontation as the shadows of the past surge into
personally and collectively. Leaders and nations on the world
are especially susceptible to exaggerated power plays. The
speak volumes. Reminiscent of the garden, the serpent like
hides, ready to strike, quick to defend.
the positive thrust of growth and opportunity clearly points
Taurus themes. In addition to North Lunar Node - Mercury, Sun
Uranus are currently transiting through Taurus. To use another
gardening metaphor, this combination serves to prepare the
turning over soil, composting waste, digging out weeds,
dealing with
roots and stones that may compromise growth.
relevant is Uranus transiting through Taurus (May 2018 – July
2025). Spending approximately 7 years in a zodiac sign, Uranus
is the
game changer planet, stirring up the status qua, not only
on change, but actively showing the way toward progress. To
Uranus in Taurus highlights the fundamental areas of currency,
banking, financial institutions, ecology, food production,
resources, and the environment. Undergoing upheaval, and ripe
innovation, these specific areas tangentially affect almost
and everything.
of the most notable examples, at the top of the list, climate
is no longer a fantasy. Floods, fires, landslides, and
are making it a reality. Whole populations are being displaced
due to
dwindling resources. The impact of fossil fuels on air quality
spurring on development of electric vehicles. Toxic explosions
poor water quality are opening eyes to the vital importance of
the cutting edge of the future, Uranus is the planet of
radical and
sweeping change. The common adage, “Necessity is the mother of
invention,” speaks to the action of Uranus. This is just the
beginning. Yes, there are things to wrap up, but for the most
this entire month initiates a full on focus toward the future.
depends on awareness, information and education. The month
with Mercury, the planet of communication, retrograde in
Taurus. It
can be helpful to look back to April 20/21st. Not
only was
there a Solar Eclipse in Aries, but Mercury went retrograde.
there can be frustrations and delays, this retrograde phase
the need for careful examination, planning, research and
review. Taking the extra time is worthwhile and necessary in
order to be
prepared when Mercury goes direct on May 14.
important planetary trend begins as Jupiter enters Taurus on
16th. This is especially significant in that
Jupiter has a
twelve year orbit through the zodiac, spending approximately
months in a given zodiac sign. Therefore, over the course of
the next
year, the general atmosphere is more practical, down to earth,
and stabilizing.
course, recent years have been anything but stable, in fact,
unsettling and tumultuous. So this trend is relative to
conditions, but overall, most people will experience Jupiter
Taurus as the opportunity to take a breath, slow down, and
and smell the roses.“ Although many challenges remain, this is
phase of acclimation, defined as, “becoming accustomed to a
climate or new conditions,” the new normal. Jupiter in Taurus
enhances the important qualities of resilience and tenacity in
midst of life's vicissitudes.
a unique opportunity, the faster moving celestial bodies are
lined up
to activate Uranus very powerfully. Sun conjoins Uranus on May
Mercury conjoins Uranus on June 4, and Jupiter conjoins Uranus
spring, April 21, 2024. Computers can pinpoint exact dates,
but in
reality, watch for specific themes emerging this spring that
to build over the next 12 months.
of the most extraordinary qualities of Uranus is
synchronicity. Be
alert to random and weird happenings that appear to come out
nowhere. Spontaneous and radical realizations sweep away the
Technology continues to advance at a dizzying rate. Perhaps
disorienting for the general public, a burst of innovation
a new trajectory toward the future. For example, what if
extraterrestrials landed on the White House lawn? Although, I
necessarily see this happening, the implications are mind
and a fun way to think outside of the box.
if this isn't enough . . . let's add Pluto into the mix. As
in previous articles, Pluto just entered Aquarius. But, on May
Pluto goes retrograde, retracing its orbit for the next five
In the process, Jupiter in Taurus will square off with Pluto,
on May 17. Additionally, Mars enters Leo on May 20, and
Pluto. Known as a T-square, this planetary combination
contradiction, but cuts through ambivalence, procrastination
put, all these factors translate into powerfully,
consequential and
transforming days, May 15 – 24. The words that come are, “Do
die.” Some relationships may hit a wall. Many situations can
amok, not as punishment, but as hard, cold facts bear down,
cannot be avoided any longer. It is a reality check of
proportions. Why? Mars fights to survive and thrive. Jupiter
and expands. Pluto digs up the dirt for evolution and
a whole, humans are stuck between a rock and a hard place,
with no
easy remedies in sight, no ready solutions to fall back on.
There is
an intensity, an urgency to act, to fix, manage and control.
It is
likely, there will be those individuals, groups, leaders and
countries that give into the pressure to assert control. Top
management, authoritarian proclamations, cumbersome
inequitable application of laws, complicated theories . . .
all these
serve to topple false ideologies and free society from
is Pluto's long term transit through Aquarius really mean?
put, it is power to the people. It's grassroots collations of
citizens saying loudly and emphatically, “Enough!” It is
returning to the core values of one's inner heart, connecting
the reality of Earth's magnificence and nature's beauty. It is
autonomy and freedom through taking personal responsibility.
It is
commitment to choose life sustaining and enhancing lifestyles.
of the above is clearly the higher octave of Pluto in
Aquarius, but we know Pluto has a dark and dirty side.
Flashing in neon lights, the
signs are already visible. Transiting through Aquarius for the
20 years, technology is altering the human experience and
advances are rapidly revealing expanding universes beyond
comprehension. Quantum psychics is unveiling a truer version
existence. Medical science is drastically improving health,
longevity, and perception of the human body/mind complex. The
on-going development of artificial intelligence holds both
and peril.
many assumptions, but little do we know. All the so called
improvements and apparent progress are breeding a multitude of
that must be addressed. Questions that Pluto in Aquarius will
over time. What are the short and long term effects of
technology on
the human mind and body? The effects of technology on young
impressionable minds? The potential power of the media to
persuade, delude and divide people? What about the core
ethical and
moral considerations of what is acceptable and unacceptable
society at large?
these questions hit at the heart of what is means to be a
human being
in global community. Spoken like a true millennial, my
summed it up, “Look at all the problems technology is
creating. It
gives us something to do, but it can take over our life, if we
it.” Frankly, we nervously laughed at the absurdity of it all.
my mind flashed on my day, another day in the life of a baby
stretching to learn and adapt in this ever expanding landscape
technological wonder.
April 2023
C. Dunn
Full Moon
6 @ 12:34 am EDT
Solar Eclipse
20 @ 12:13 am EDT
21 @ 4:35 am EDT
unmistakable signs of spring are everywhere, and April begins
with a
combination of inspired initiative and purposeful intention.
Just as
planting a garden is a combination of vision and
experimentation, planetary trends provide a testing ground of
possibility. It begins
with preparing the ground for what is viable and productive in
long term. Some seeds sprout and grow into healthy plants,
seeds fall on barren ground.
are numerous factors to consider in the manifestation process,
and a
Full Moon on April 6 illuminates the optimal way forward.
with this lunation, the Sun in Aries powerfully activates and
energizes both Jupiter and Chiron. Recently, Jupiter exactly
conjoined Chiron (March 12) after months of building momentum
issues of self-reliance, courage, confidence, trust, healing,
one's bliss, and following one's heart.
is the zodiac sign of personal growth that supports acceptance
life on its own terms, without denial or rose colored glasses.
many cases, this process has required a genuine attuning to
one's own
path along with a willingness to go it alone, if necessary.
natural passion, independence and fortitude of Aries has
tested the
authenticity of many relationships both personal and
Full Moon astrology chart shows Sun/Jupiter/Chiron joined in
Aries, a
powerful symbol of initiative and opportunity. At the same
time, Moon
in Libra opposes these planets. As with any Full Moon, there
is an
atmosphere of intensity, promise and pressure, but in this
relationships come to the forefront. Often taken for granted,
relationship skills develop over time with maturity and self
awareness, listening and learning as well as honest
communication. It
is not easy to tame the needs and drives of the ego self in
order to
build these skills. In reality, for most humans, it takes a
can be helpful to watch for matters coming forward the first
week of
April. There is tremendous momentum to get the ball rolling.
But the
question remains. . . to what degree are your goals supported
others? Is it necessary for others to understand or join you?
In some
cases, there may be a clash, a need for clear communication, a
standing up for yourself. In other cases, people around you
may be
fully supportive and cheering you on. In the end, it doesn't
as these planetary trends place the focus on being true to
the days and weeks of April unfold, these themes continue to
culminating in a Solar Eclipse on April 20. In the final
degree of
Aries, this eclipse sets the stage and seals the deal. Perhaps
of contemplation, reflection and preparation have brought you
to this
point. Perhaps circumstances shift and change abruptly,
forcing your
tends to be true for any eclipse, solar or lunar, is the
revealing of
what has been hidden, but working on a subconscious level.
Lorna Bevan writes, “Eclipses are the dramatic cosmic wild
cards in
our horoscopes. They shake us out of feelings of complacency
so that
we can move from one level of maturity to another. They are
some of
the most dramatic tools the universe uses to get us to pay
to areas in our life that need to change. They uproot us,
us, and get us moving to a higher plane, and they work very
deep dive into the archetypal meaning of Aries can elucidate
trends, especially the long term effects of a Solar Eclipse in
Aries is associated with Mars, the planet of action. The word
comes is dynamic, defined as, “characterized by constant
change in
activity or progress; positive attitude, full of energy and
ideas.” The noun for dynamic is, “a force that stimulates
or progress within a system or process.”
the personal level, this Solar Eclipse in Aries highlights
areas of life that can be enriched through action,
goals that demand exertion and stamina, such as physical
fitness and
healthy competition. Aries instills a tremendous boost of
and entrepreneurial know-how. In combination with Jupiter in
it is advisable to grab hold of this positive momentum like a
lifeline for months to come.
energy is very passionate, albeit impulsive, forceful and raw,
will fight for justice driven by the perception of what it
is right. Therefore, the tendency to battle it out and force
solutions, underscores the need to choose your battles wisely.
eclipse can bring out the very best in selfless and heroic
Admittedly, in some cases, it can bring out the worst of human
in acts of control and aggression.
the planetary perspective, there are some strong modifying
Mars just entered the zodiac sign of Cancer on March 25 This
is an
important development after seven months of Mars in restless,
there and everywhere Gemini. Throughout April, and most of
May, Mars
in Cancer supports an instinctive retreat to the quiet and
safety of
home. Like a crab burrowing into the sand, there is a settling
outer drives to take care of domestic matters, such as home
improvements, gardening, landscaping, family interactions, and
emotional well-being.
Mercury enters Taurus on April 3, and due to a retrograde
Mercury transits through Taurus until June 11. Harmoniously
with Mars in Cancer, attention flows to stabilizing and
daily life. The welcome practicality of Taurus serves to
and integrate security needs on many levels.
is retrograde from April 21 through May 14. Taurus is the
zodiac sign
of ownership, exchange, currency, banking and financial
Due to recent bank failures, repercussions may continue to
through society. The degree to which effects are felt is
linked to
shifting value in the marketplace, public trust and consumer
matter how outer conditions show up, this retrograde phase is
evaluation of personal finances, income and investments.
retrograde is always a time for careful review in order to
informed decisions. This retrograde can really drive home the
necessity to stay grounded, ensure the basics, and maintain
during the inevitable cycles of economic fluctuation.
April 20, the Aries Solar Eclipse is followed by Sun entering
and Mercury going retrograde on the 21st. The shift
be apparent and palpable. As Mercury goes retrograde, it is
orb of influence with Uranus. This initiates a remarkable
of Uranus in its long term transit through Taurus (2019-2026).
In and
of itself, this transit shakes things up for purposes of
reconstruction. Uranus, the wild card planet, frees up energy,
and is
known for sudden turnarounds in the midst of dead ends,
and dysfunction.
brings us to April 22, the annual recognition of our precious
and the vital importance of preservation of endangered species
natural habitats. How appropriate for our Sun to be in Taurus
Earth Day. In 1970, over half a century ago, the first Earth
Day was
recognized, and the movement continues with more urgency than
before. The combination of Sun, Mercury and Uranus in Taurus
heightens awareness of human impact on the environment,
change, sustainability, earth sciences and green technology.
planets have been direct since mid-January. Mercury will be
the first
to back off, followed by Pluto going retrograde on May 1st.
Thus, the final week of April brings a pause combined with
intensity. The long awaited Pluto transit through Aquarius is
beginning. This year we get a taste of Pluto in Aquarius
(March 23 –
June 11). Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn for the rest
of 2023,
only to return to Aquarius in early 2024.
is a language of archetypal symbols, and Pluto is a
planet affecting the evolution of collective consciousness
over the
span of generations. Each generation builds upon the other
the backdrop of the prevailing zeitgeist, defined as, “the
intellectual, moral, and cultural climate of an era.”
Historian and
astrologer Richard Tarnas states, “One of the things that's
about understanding the whole idea of world transits is they
represent very powerful archetypal wave forms that surge into
collective psyche, into the given culture, at a given time.”
transition of Pluto into Aquarius takes place over several
years, but
it is November 2024 when Pluto enters Aquarius for the long
remaining in Aquarius for the foreseeable future, until 2043.
symbol for Aquarius is the water-bearer pouring forth the
elixir of
life upon planet Earth. Dwelling in the skies, above it all,
helps humanity look to the heavens for meaning, ultimately
the true purpose of human existence in the vast and
potential of cosmic consciousness.
is clear to see, humanity stands on the threshold of
evolutionary development. Across a wide spectrum of human
nothing like this has happened before. The stakes are high,
there are
no road maps to follow. On the positive side, Pluto in
promotes invention, innovation and adaptation, all necessary
survive and thrive in this new world dawning.
March 2023
C. Dunn
Full Moon
7 @ 7:40 am (EST)
20 @ 5:24 pm (EDT)
New Moon
21 @ 1:23 pm (EDT)
fields lay fallow, harvest long over, we are in the final
weeks of
winter as our Sun orbits through Pisces, the last sign in the
wheel. Stoking the fire with wood yet again to warm chilled
the flames are hypnotic, and the gazer is easily transported
into the
luminous and liminal states of consciousness that Pisces knows
well. As if floating on cosmic currents, reflection and
come naturally, “far from the madding crowd.”
planet associated with Pisces is Neptune. Dreamy and
imaginative, but
often delusional and confusing, Neptune is quite strong this
and we will explore specifics later in this article. As the
zodiac sign, Pisces governs the areas of life known for
perhaps even confinement; hospitals, prisons, monasteries,
convents, and spiritual retreat centers, east and west.
Environments conducive
for healing, what these “places” have in common is solitude
quietude, and in many cases, redemption and reform.
Sun is transiting through Pisces, and on March 7 the Moon in
opposes Sun providing the illumination of a Full Moon. Always
critical time in the lunar cycle, this is a phase of exposure
culmination. All issues on the table, the instinct is to clear
way by releasing what is no longer needed. In your home, this
can be
sorting out the clutter and giving unused items away. On the
emotional level, it's an optimal time for forgiveness, simply
allowing haunting memories to dissolve away, once and for all.
Full Moon supports physical body cleansing, and fine tuning of
and lifestyle.
planetary factor contributing to a pervasive sense of
involves Saturn and Pluto. Both planets have come to 29
degrees in
the zodiac signs Aquarius and Capricorn, respectively.
that each zodiac sign covers 30 degrees in the 360 degree
cycle, 29 degrees is considered to be a “fate degree.”
known as the anaretic degree, this is a very significant,
pressure mounting to handle any issues that have been put off.
common habit of human nature is to avoid difficulties through
procrastination. Of course, this happens in our personal
lives, but
on the larger social level this tendency has become very
example, in numerous instances, those in charge continue to
put a
band aid on problems to avoid addressing serious underlying
such as infrastructure, debt, immigration, homelessness,
proliferation of guns, partisan bickering, just to name a few.
and over again, “kicking the can down the road,” does nothing
delay the obvious need for reform and real solutions. Coming
to a
critical head, these planetary trends present an unavoidable
reckoning with reality on many levels of our personal and
let's consider Saturn in the final degree of Aquarius,
Pisces on March 7. A long term trend, Saturn marks the cycles
of our
lives, transiting through Pisces for the next two years. For
sensitive to energies, the shift will be quite notable
throughout the
month of March. A sampling of archetypal themes of Saturn in
Pisces include: oceans, water supply, pollution, foundations,
boundaries, assistance for the destitute, substance abuse,
(pharmaceutical and recreational), prison reform, health care,
quantum physics, practical spirituality,
collective spiritual awakening.
Next let's consider Pluto orbiting in its 246 year cycle. A small planet
with enormous implications, Pluto is a generational planet. Throughout
this year, Pluto is wrapping up a fifteen year transit through Capricorn.
Entering Aquarius on March 23, Pluto will spend several months in the zodiac
sign of the Water Bearer, then retrograde back into Capricorn mid-June,
returning to Aquarius in January 2024.
Pluto will hover around the intense, fated, consequential, and
pivotal anaretic degree for many months this year and next.
Underscoring the pressure to evolve in the completion of one
transitioning into what's next, Pluto will be in 29 degrees of
Capricorn, September/October/November 2024. Surprisingly, but
appropriate and fitting, the next presidential election is
to be a major turning point for the nation and world.
Pluto transits through Aquarius until 2044! While we will observe and interpret
Pluto in Aquarius many times, here are some of the archetypal themes: futurism,
AI, technology, science, space exploration, extraterrestrial lifeforms,
global coherence, quantum field, community, human rights, evolution, sustainability
and survival. Like a rocket ship leaving the heavy gravitational field
of Earth, Pluto in Aquarius will be an acceleration beyond what has been
known and explored so far. Hard to predict, but fascinating to watch.
addition to Saturn and Pluto changing zodiac signs, Mars
Gemini and enters Cancer on March 25. This is especially
given that Mars has been in Gemini since late August 2022.
autumn and winter months, Mars in Gemini has been restless,
exploring, moving, hard to pin down. A multitude of options
emerged, many voices loud and clear. The need for flexibility
adaption has never been greater, especially when direction
like wind, or it appears nothing is moving forward.
is in Gemini in the USA astrology blueprint, and the basic
drive of
the nation is to explore, educate, communicate, and establish
ground across a diverse population. Mars is the archetypal
wisely wielding the two edged sword, aiming to build consensus
maintain peace. The highest expression of Mars is the right
use of
will and intelligence for constructive good.
the Mars transit concluding this month, has been harsh and
uncompromising on the social level. In stressful aspect to
an aura of deception, confusion, mayhem and malaise has
forward movement for months, if not years. Echoing across the
airwaves, many untruths are promoted in the spin,
contradiction and
distraction of media.
on March 14, the third and final square of Mars to Neptune has
potential to cut through the fog with a crescendo of
consequences for
those entities promoting lies for personal and financial gain.
Additionally, March 15 – 17, Sun and Mercury conjoin Neptune
really drive home the message.
Watch this entire week for propaganda, explosive exposes, exclamatory statements,
and sensitive revelations. Personally and collectively, the blinders are
off during this dramatic turning point of a week. Like lancing a festering
boil, what comes to the surface may be difficult to see, but over time,
a sigh of relief along with turning the page on the past, makes it all
Feeding into a palpable energy shift, Sun enters Aries on March 20 with
an Aries New Moon the next day. Initiating spring in all its glory, the
equinox signals a sacred passage into another turn of the zodiac wheel.
Primordial and pure, the air is filled with hopeful expectancy. From the
standpoint of astrology, this is the most auspicious and powerful time
to set intentions and initiate long term goals, precisely because of manifestation
only is Sun and Moon in Aries, but the New Moon astrology
chart shows
Mercury, Chiron and Jupiter all in Aries. Similar to having
the wind
at one's back, cosmic currents provide a burst of
encouragement, a
chance to stand back up, and begin again.
special relevance this month is Jupiter conjoining Chiron,
exact on
March 12. A momentum has been building since Jupiter entered
last year. This planetary combination intensifies the healing
potential of self reflection, personal responsibility, and
through on urges from one's innermost, true essence. Even in
the face
of doubt and despair, this living spark dwells within,
forward with radical courage and bold action.
March draws to a close with an enthusiastic boost of verve and vitality.
On March 26-28, Mercury conjoins Jupiter & Chiron. Clarity and direction
overflows into April as Sun in Aries conjoins Chiron and Jupiter (April
5 – 11). It's all about taking initiative when so moved. These coming weeks
are a culmination of Jupiter's transit through Aries that started last
spring, and this Spring Equinox and New Moon are super charged like no
other. Considering Jupiter has a twelve year cycle, and Aries is new beginnings,
the long term implications are enormous.
The key phrase for Aries is, “I am.” So simple, and yet so profound. It
can be helpful to consider all the ways life has pushed you to grow, breaking
free of habitual comfort zones. For example, learning to say, “No!” Going
it alone, when necessary. Being OK with not knowing every detail, even
going out on a limb to follow your gut instinct, and pursue your passions.
Aries is the quintessential trailblazer, cutting a path through the underbrush for others to follow. But, Aries doesn't look back, and could care less about leading the pack. The Aries energy says, “Just do it,” and everything else falls into place.
entire zodiac wheel is contained within your personal
astrology chart
calculated from the time, date and location of your birth.
shows up in each chart as the area of life that is receiving
upgrade, a boost of inspiration and direction. Just as spring
is the
season of renewal and rebirth, consider the ways life is
giving you
another chance to bloom as the extraordinary and unique being
are, and will always be.
February 2023
C. Dunn
Full Moon
5 @ 1:28 pm
New Moon
20 @ 2:06 am
begins with all planets direct, all systems GO! Pulling out of
starting gate after nine weeks of Mars retrograde (October 29
January 11), many obstacles and delays fall away in a burst of
momentum, a welcome relief. In fact, all planets are direct
February and March. Direct means just that . . . straight,
on target, but what does this really mean?
pay attention to the apparent motion of planetary bodies,
using the
terms direct, stationary and retrograde. In reality, we know
cannot go backward, but it is strictly from our vantage point
Earth. From all appearances, a planet can move through a
zodiac sign,
then slow down, pause, and reverse its passage until pausing
stationing direct to move forward retracing its path. As
obtuse and
illusory as this appears, like clockwork, the effects are
very apparent, especially in terms of timing.
a planet returns to the exact degree of its station
retrograde, it
signifies a completion of the phase, and entering new
territory. For
example, Mercury went retrograde on December 28 @ 24 degrees
Capricorn. Mercury went direct on January 18, returning to 24
Capricorn on February 7.
during the first week of February we will see a wrap-up of
projects, matters, topics and decisions that may have been
for months. This is especially the case as Mercury conjoins
Pluto on
February 10, in a dramatic and grand finale. Soon after, on
11, Mercury enters the next zodiac sign of Aquarius, a clear
that 2023 is well on its way.
example involves Jupiter's transit through Aries. Jupiter went
retrograde on July 28, direct on November 24, but finally
enters new
territory on February 14, which happens to be Valentine's Day.
this case, you may reflect on the new directions you felt last
when Jupiter entered Aries. At that point, you may have
areas of life that no one else could do for you, but from the
of your being you felt a keen rising up of direction along
with a
good boost of self reliance. Perhaps like a young child that
says, “I
can do this myself. This is mine to do.”
may have taken months of gathering courage, refining the
dream, going
back to the drawing board again and again to double check, all
preparation for Jupiter in Aries. A leap of faith, a gigantic
push of
can-do initiative, in many ways, only now is it possible to
get the
year underway. Jupiter transits through Aries until May 16
when it
enters the next zodiac sign of Taurus, a grounding and
in this month, shedding light on terrestrial matters, a Full
Moon is
exact on February 5. In this case, the awe inspiring
occurs with Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Leo. Whenever these
energies are activated the themes of leadership and group
consciousness arise. In general, a leader needs a group to
lead, and
conversely, a group typically functions best with some type of
leadership. This applies to governments, social groups,
organizations, and the family unit.
the current social environment, there is often a dearth of
leadership. Glorifying power and attention, strong
personalities vie
for leadership positions, but the essential qualities of
leadership are often missing. Leading by example, the true
demonstrates, to the best of their ability, the admirable
traits of
responsibility, capability, honesty, humility, altruism, and
will for all.
Aquarius/Leo Full Moon powerfully illuminates leaders and
those they
purport to serve. Stirring up a multitude of extreme
Uranus, the planet of revolt and sudden change, is in tense
aspect to
both Sun and Moon. Suggesting images of the tower in the Tarot
this is a tower moment. And not only this, activating in the
signs of Taurus/Leo/Aquarius, long standing conditions are
collapsing, shaken to the very foundation.
the world of men, leaders rise and leaders fall. Dynasties
rise and
dynasties fall. Nations rise and nations fall. The most
intractable and defended personalities may attempt to dig in,
there is little they can do to stem the tide of public
opinion. Many
leaders may find themselves hard pressed to maintain power and
influence in the throes of these planetary alignments, unless
is accountability, and a true reckoning.
themes will continue to roll out through the coming months and
especially as Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23. Heralding a
new era
of, “power to the people,” this game changer of a planet will
continue to expose and hold leaders to task for their actions.
the personal perspective, the Sun's annual transit through
(January 20 – February 18), highlights the importance of
freedom to
express yourself in alignment to core values, and your unique
essence. It can be quite exhilarating to throw off the
shackles of
conformity, and let your true self shine. Additionally, the
Full Moon
in Leo enhances the vital importance of fun, play, spontaneity
always, Venus is visible and shining in the night sky during
February. Transiting through Pisces (January 26 – February
Venus supports tremendous heart expansion beyond self interest
experience transcendental compassion. This is such a gift to
drop prejudice and judgment of self and others to realize
bonds of affection, no matter what.
to our humanity, and the human condition which includes
Venus in Pisces helps to dissolve separation, victimization,
hopelessness and helplessness. This trend increases and
culminates on
February 15 as Venus conjoins mystical Neptune. Thus, the
planet of
human love joins the planet of spiritual love beyond all
Your heart may go out to others, and watch for opportunities
assist and offer solace to those in need.
recent months, there has been a big focus on Mars in Gemini.
after 10 weeks of retrograde, Mars is picking up speed. Most
and projects will benefit from an uptick in energy, vitality,
momentum and direction. Mars will spend all of February in the
stages of Gemini, retracing its orbit and preparing to enter
territory mid-March. A day to watch is February 5 when Venus
Mars in a stressful square aspect. This isn't a big deal, but
relationships may be stretched to accommodate the needs of all
parties. Mars in Gemini can be all over the place, while Venus
Pisces prefers quiet, creativity, romance, and mystical
brings us to the New Moon in Pisces on February 20. In the
degrees of Pisces, Moon joins Sun to plant seeds of intention
for the
next lunar cycle. Signaling the final weeks of winter in the
hemisphere, in preparation for spring, this lunation is
and reflective. In the dead of winter, taking a long winter
nature withdraws to root deeply, restore and rest.
the last sign in the zodiac wheel, Pisces is about
control over what is uncontrollable. It is also about the
and benefits of living spirituality. So often humans turn away
spiritual connection as something abstract, fanciful and
unobtainable. Many names, forms and attributes are given in
to define Source, when in reality, life itself is a
manifestation of
spirituality. Living a spiritual life simply means choosing
accepting love, lightness, joy, humor, compassion and peace.
It isn't
rocket science, but makes all the difference in the world.
this month of quiet receptivity, you may receive practical and
inspiring guidance to carry into March, and years to come.
This New
Moon presages a major planetary transit, Saturn entering
Pisces on
March 7. This shift will be real and palpable as Saturn
through the most mystical zodiac sign for the next three
years. While
we will return to this topic many times, for now, suffice it
to point
out, Saturn in Pisces can initiate a spiritual renaissance on
with Pluto changing signs in March, this is a preparatory
month. If
you notice certain things are ending in both your awareness
and life
circumstances, this is all for the good. We know humanity
stands on
the precipice of great challenge, but extraordinary potential.
are, after all, in the second decade of the 21st
Technology is developing at a dizzying rate, weather related
disasters are increasing exponentially, collapse of habitats
is only
too real, and humans must adapt to survive.
and Pluto will help us do just that. Orbiting through the
signs of world service, Aquarius and Pisces, we are destined
realize our common bonds, the interdependence of each and
species. On one hand, dogmatic, conditioned and destructive
systems can fall away to reveal a galactic heritage. On the
hand, the expansion of consciousness will literally call forth
revelation, and renewed purpose in what it means to be a human
Truly, the journey is just beginning, and the final frontier
January 2023
Belinda C. Dunn
Full Moon
6 @ 6:08 pm EST
12 @ 3:56 pm EST
18 @ 8:12 am EST
New Moon
21 @ 3:53 pm EST
the Earth turns in perfect concert, New Year celebrations, one
another, burst out across the globe, saying goodbye to the
past while
ringing in the new. For most, there is joyful and gleeful
anticipation of a clean slate, a chance to begin anew. For
anticipation mingles with dread, tainted by real and desperate
conditions, just another date manufactured by adherence to the
Gregorian calendar.
this realm of contrast, on this small, blue/green gem of a
planet, we
don't have to ascribe meaning as much as to know there is
behind all events on planet Earth . . . if one looks for it.
and making meaning in this apparently random cosmos is what
humans do
best as an essential part of our shared humanity.
is winter in the northern hemisphere, and 2023 begins on a
note. The stinging, biting, cold wind of reality is blowing up
storm. Not only is Sun in Capricorn, but Mercury, Venus and
join in a rare conjunction, applying a powerful punch of truth
take a look at Mercury first. Tracking its motion is a reality
giving many clues as to decisions, and timing in general.
entered Capricorn on December 6. You may have noticed a more
and realistic state of mind. Mercury in Capricorn is optimal
organization, and identifying priorities in the step by step
of getting the job done. But, just when the plan appeared to
be laid
out and doable, Mercury went retrograde on December 29th.
For some people this means going back to the drawing board,
making new plans. For others, this signifies the real work
in manifestation aided by the diligent, patient and methodical
of Mercury in Capricorn.
goes direct on January 18, an indication of progress based on
previous weeks of review. At this point, Mercury will retrace
tracks, continuing in Capricorn until February 11 when Mercury
Aquarius. Therefore, from early December to mid-February,
there are
nine full weeks of stops and starts, all in reckoning with
However, there is a fine line between dealing with issues in a
realistic way, and/or giving in to cynical and fatalistic
grasp the importance of this transit, we go back to Pluto.
the story of collective and evolutionary consciousness, Pluto
has a
246 year orbit, spending approximately 14-15 years in each
sign. Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, a year marked by the
conclusion of Bush's presidency along with revelations of
turmoil, corporate greed, and massive bank bailouts.
Tremendous and
unprecedented developments came in November with Obama's
and his campaign slogan, “Yes, we can!”
years since have brought more and more revelations of the
activities of governments, financial institutions,
corporations, and
so much more. In many cases, the underpinnings of power have
exposed for what they are, a vain attempt to maintain control,
at any
cost. Acting without regard for the environment, people,
society, and
sovereign countries, strong armed bullies have run roughshod
human decency and common goodwill.
days are over. Really? You may ask. But, now that Pluto is in
final degrees of Capricorn, its work is largely done. This
March 23rd, to be exact, Pluto enters the next
zodiac sign
of Aquarius. While humans, and the planet, may be on the brink
extinction, a whole new era is dawning on planet Earth.
the meantime, Pluto transiting at 27-29 degrees of Capricorn
bring many conclusions throughout the year. In numerous
scenarios, the curtain will close, falling on an empty stage.
once revved up audience is ready to move on, no longer
Other more important and compelling matters begin to emerge,
ready to
take center stage, marking 2023 as a year of transition.
the year gets underway, there are three significant go ahead,
lights in January. In addition to Mercury direct, Mars goes
direct on
January 12, and Uranus on the 22nd. Altogether,
planets give a tremendous boost to any and all projects that
been delayed, or on hold during autumn months.
the planet of action, Mars is especially pertinent. Let's
Mars entered Gemini on August 21. It was full speed ahead
until a
sharp retrograde turn on October 29. On the energetic level,
this may
have felt like approaching an enormous hurdle, or even running
into a
brick wall. Issues cropped up, and circumstances demanded a
pause of
reorientation, along with careful planning in order to move
remains in Gemini through winter months, completing this
transit around the Spring Equinox. Since Gemini is the zodiac
sign of
communication, media, education, travel, transportation,
and relatives, you may have found one or more of these areas
transiting through Taurus, Uranus has been retrograde since
24. This combination has produced extreme fluctuations in
value, currency, corporate funds, and financial institutions.
combining the freedom and inventive urge of Uranus with
Taurus, the
zodiac sign of money, we have seen the development and rise of
cryptocurrency as a means of digital transaction. During the
retrograde period, one of the largest exchanges collapsed,
in more efforts to regulate this method of exchange. Over the
three years, it will be fascinating to see how Uranus in
continues its experiment with digital currency.
plays a key role during the Full Moon activation on January 6.
harmonious alignment with Sun and Mercury in Capricorn, watch
positive developments in practical matters; profession,
investments, property, finances. As much as Uranus implies
change, in the earth element, there is a longing for stability
the push for progress. Additionally, Jupiter transiting in
gives an extra dose of purposeful entrepreneurship. With
over, congress back in session, and people back to work, many
projects are able to thrive, and benefit from this planetary
enters Aquarius skies on January 20, and the Moon soon follows
in a
New Moon on the 21st. Marking the Chinese New Year
on the
22nd, this annual celebration always follows the
first New
Moon of any given year. In the very early degrees of Aquarius,
auspicious joining of Moon with Sun plants the seeds for
lunar cycle as well as the year of the Rabbit. All together,
factors initiate a year of good fortune as the Rabbit totem is
as lucky, patient, calm and gentle.
Aquarius is the zodiac sign of futurism, innovation,
and progress. Forward thinking, Aquarius is more about where
we are
going, than where we have been. Like a rocket ship leaving the
gravity of Earth, this New Moon in Aquarius instills a
boost of powerful intention. Leaving the orbit of dense
Aquarius is airy, light, free, mentally creative and
there are two planets in Aquarius, Venus and Saturn. Venus is
Aquarius most of January, from the 2nd to 26th. As the planet
love, Venus in Aquarius supports equality, human rights,
and community involvement while giving permission to love life
live free. Rigid social conventions fall by the wayside as
each and
all are unique in their own way. “Dancing to the beat of your
drum,” sums up Aquarius.
brings us to Saturn in Aquarius. It takes Saturn approximately
years to transit through the entire zodiac. Spending 2½ years
each sign, Saturn marks the cycles of our lives as well as
social and
cultural trends. Now in the homestretch, Saturn is completing
transit through Aquarius this winter, entering Pisces on March
can look back over the past two years, and consider the themes
Saturn's transit through Aquarius. Of course, themes around
abound, but what really is freedom? As much as freedom is
espoused as
a core value, especially in the United States, there are many
and misunderstandings. In fact, freedom cannot really be
freedom if
actions bind an individual or group to destructive
consequences, and
limited outcomes. Real freedom comes with responsibility and
conscience, never giving license for whatever and whenever.
Even the
universe has laws.
both Saturn and Pluto shifting zodiac signs in March, this is
indication of numerous endings, too many to count, as one
thing after
another wraps up in natural conclusion. In many ways, 2023 is
a year
of clean-up while navigating the currents of personal and
the same time, 2023 is not a year for wishful thinking and
colored glasses. There are very real challenges, at least on
dimension, as the fortunes of men rise and fall, ebb and flow.
I am
reminded of the analogy of riding a bike while trying to fix
tire. It seems impossible, but it is clear to see, the
before humanity are complex and multifaceted, immense and
except perhaps in the eyes of the future, our children.
the Chinese year of the Rabbit gets underway, the iconic image
of a
magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat comes to mind. Did this
happen? How is it possible? The mind is bewildered, blown
away, in
the presence of magic. In many ways, this is what is being
right now. Standing on the precipice, on the brink of
opportunity, we live in an era of tremendous invention, and
unparalleled advancement across a wide spectrum of
possibility. Is it
possible for humans to solve the riddles of our time? Yes
indeed, the
miraculous is happening every day.
December 2022
C. Dunn
Full Moon
December 7 @ 11:08 pm EST
December 21 @ 4:50 pm EST
New Moon
December 23 @ 5:16 am EST
December 29 @ 4:32 am EST
customary, December begins with all the fanfare, and over the
extravagance, of the holiday season. Lights, camera, action!
decking the halls can be a joyful expression for many, too
often the
season becomes a minefield of expectation and burdens,
depending on
where you stand. From the standpoint of astrology, Neptune is
prominent planetary player for the first half of December, and
we may
do well to remember the aphorism, “All that glitters is not
First of all, strengthening its influence, Neptune is stationary direct
on December 3. Neptune is transiting through Pisces, a very inspirational
combination, but possibly innocent, gullible, and easily persuaded. A hallmark
of these times, elements of the nonsensical weave with confusion as the
mind spins in an endless circle of truth vs. falsehood. Neptune teaches
that only essential Truth can be real, while falsehood is but illusory,
always changing, mutating into the next drama.
there are many ramifications, and every planetary combination
manifests with both opportunity and challenge, December begins
an aura of, “What's happening ??!!” Mercury is in stressful
square to Neptune on the 1st. Venus follows
squaring Neptune on December 4th. It may feel like walking through a hall of mirrors, gazing at reflections, knowing that at any moment the mirror can shatter and scatter beyond repair. Because once the illusion falls apart, there is no turning back.
All these factors feed into the approaching Gemini/Sagittarius Full Moon,
exact on the evening of December 7. Shining bright, this lunation amplifies
all facets of communication, personally and collectively. In fact, there
are numerous breaking developments as the Moon exactly conjoins Mars in
Gemini in opposition to the Sun in Sagittarius. The very word “opposition”
implies conflict, difference of opinion, and efforts to persuade others
to one's point of view. The air waves will be on fire with the latest story,
and a sense of urgency and pressure can overtake reason.
Sagittarius, the zodiac sign of belief, can range from open minded and
curious to dogmatic, opinionated, and close minded. Most likely, this Full
Moon concerns the finalization of mid-term elections that can change minds,
or deepen division. The political turmoil of recent years is not just a
war of words, but a war of ideology. Reading like an open book, this Full
Moon has the potential to illuminate contradiction, duplicity and fantasy.
It is a turning point, a decisive note on which to end the year.
Another key factor for consideration involves transiting Mars retrograde
(October 30 – January 12). It can be helpful to look back to important
events in late October. To some degree, November was a month for pausing,
perhaps stalling, allowing adjustments and alterations to future plans.
December is a month for defining and refining direction, and beginning
to make movement, if possible.
Returning to Neptune, the Sun makes a final square to Neptune on December
14th. Therefore, the first half of December can be a breeding ground for a
proliferation of schemes and scams with desperation as the driving force.
Of course, this can wreak havoc on gift purchases, so choose wisely and
carefully. Likewise, the high side of these planetary alignments can instill
compassion for those in need, and can result in extraordinary acts of generosity.
the week of December 19, grounding planetary influences come
to the
forefront. Marking the annual Winter Solstice, Sun enters
on the 21st. The longest night of the year in the
hemisphere, solstice is a time for honoring traditions,
candles and basking in the glow of a perfectly stoked fire. By
Mercury and Venus are in cautious and practical Capricorn, and
solstice chart shows a predominance of the earth element.
solemn and responsible, Capricorn energy helps to stabilize
metaphorical ship on stormy seas of planetary evolution.
days, Moon joins Sun is a Capricorn Super New Moon, exact on
23. In the dark of the Moon, setting the tone for year-end
reflection, this is an especially important lunation for each
all. Concluding a divisive, turbulent and war torn year, a
reckoning is taking place. From a multitude of vantage points,
are asking, “Where do we go from here?”
The New Moon chart shows a major grouping of planets in Capricorn. In addition
to the luminaries, Sun and Moon, there are three planets, Venus, Mercury,
Pluto. Known as a stellium, these concise and powerful alignments can dissolve
illusions and fantasies, and dash expectations on the hard, cold rocks
of reality. This is when the rubber meets the road in a call for responsible
management of resources, starting with one's immediate sphere of influence.
what makes this New Moon even more powerful is Mercury
preparing to
go retrograde on December 29th. As Mercury begins
routine (3 times a year) retrograde, it is within three
degrees of
Pluto, very close. As though egging Pluto on, Mercury will not
an exact conjunction with Pluto until February 10. So, even
there is plenty of time to get the drift, in reality, there is
time to waste.
take a laser like focus into the compelling lessons of the
teacher Capricorn. To recap, in its long 246 year orbit, Pluto
been transiting through Capricorn since 2008. Wrapping up
years of history, next year Pluto enters Aquarius around the
Equinox. It is clear . . . a tremendous shift, monumental in
is underway. It is so easy to lose sight of this in the
humdrum of
daily life, but nevertheless, we are along for the ride.
An apt representation of Capricorn is the hermit on the mountain top, holding
high a lantern to light the way for other climbers. In this way, Capricorn
is wiser, stoic, more experienced, and above it all. Capricorn also represents
the parent, and in particular the father. While this may be an idealization
of parenting, and most parents understandably fall short in real life circumstances,
the ideal parent is reliable, consistent, caring and conscientious. Older
and wiser, a parent takes the long range view, fostering character development
in offspring, and development of the internal compass commonly called conscience,
morality, ethics.
Shifting gears . . . in this day and age, the community and family unit is besieged with dysfunction and numerous societal stresses. Substance abuse is rampant, schools are no longer safe havens, there is violence on the streets, political turmoil, economic disparity, mental illness is normalized, and meanwhile, greedy, tyrannical leaders play around with weapons of mass destruction. Need I go on?
realize this is not a positive note on which to end the year.
but this major alignment in Capricorn with Mercury activating
over the coming weeks, it's time to face reality. Otherwise,
we may
miss the substance and continue to blindly stumble along in
desperation and delusion. This alignment can assist each and
to grow up, sidestep the habit of victimization, and mature in
and bounds by taking personal responsibility. Tap into inner
guidance, your GPS of personalized instructions, and discover
ways to
fortify yourself for the inevitable vicissitudes and storms of
the national picture . . . all year we have been tracking
return to its exact degree in 1776, the signing of the
Declaration of
Independence. The third and final conjunction is December 28th.
This makes complete sense to astrologers, and no wonder so
systems are in a state of decay and breakdown, re-imagining
reconstruction. Pluto is literally flushing out the past.
often, as archetypal god of the underworld, Pluto gets a bad
Pluto's job is to bring enlightened awareness into areas of
and repression. Exposing the underbelly, so to speak, Pluto's
is transmuting, transforming and transcending. This takes many
such as the psychological pressure to evolve, exposure of
criminality, pollution and decomposition.
As the world turns, humans tend to forget that beneath our feet, night
and day, is earth, our glorious planet Earth. Under the surface, there
are vast stores of minerals, gems and crystals. Under the seas, a vast
wealth of sustenance and wildlife. Abundance is the nature of life, but
all this is pushed aside, easily forgotten in the insatiable rush to dominate,
acquire, accumulate. But, whether acknowledged or not, humans are on a
treasure hunt for the real wealth, the Truth beyond all understanding.
In conclusion, I am reminded of a remarkable story of the clay Buddha.
In 1955, a clay statue of Buddha was being moved to a new temple in Thailand.
In transport, the clay cracked to reveal a pure gold Buddha. Apparently,
during an invasion centuries earlier, monks covered the Buddha with clay
to protect and preserve it from harm.
This story has so many layers of relevance and meaning, but the essence
is a helpful reminder. No matter what “things” look like on the surface,
appearances can be deceiving. Beneath all trials and tribulations, sorrows
and joys, abides a hidden existence, waiting to be discovered, waiting
to be known, and ready to be embodied.
As another year draws to a close, may each of you, your loved ones, and
all beings experience the true wealth; peace, happiness, health, contentment,
and a deep abiding sense that all is well, and love really does make the
world go 'round.
the season, goodwill to all, and 2023 . . . here we come !!!
November 2022
C. Dunn
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
8 @ 6:02 am
New Moon
23 @ 5:57 pm
gets underway with a beautiful quarter Moon in the night sky.
Signaling the halfway mark between a Scorpio Solar Eclipse on
25, and a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on November 8, the Moon's
grows and expands, waxes and wanes, in perfect rhythm,
touching all
life on Earth.
any given month, the quarter Moon is a phase of adjustment.
The seeds
have already been planted at the New Moon, gestation is taking
and the manifestation process is underway. In this case, still
reeling from the effects of an intense Scorpio eclipse, life
seems to
hang in the balance. This in-between place is rarely
comfortable, but
Scorpio teaches a compelling lesson. Life is meant to be lived
fearlessly, boldly, courageously, as a marvel of gigantic
proportions, no matter what. The mythical and mystical
reduced to ashes, rises again.
November 8, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is exact near sunrise in
Washington D.C. Setting the stage for national mid-term
taking place that day, the astrology chart portrays various
vying for power, competing for control. No doubt, this is a
election, and planetary trends indicate major and far reaching
light of this, let's take a good look into the lunar eclipse
First of all, there is a planetary alignment called a
T-square. In
and of itself, this shows opposition and tension with no easy
in sight. There is a tendency to polarize in one direction or
another, but answers are not forthcoming due to complexity and
T-square has three potent points, activating the fixed zodiac
of Scorpio, Taurus and Aquarius. Denoting arrogant and
adherence to fixed positions, there is very little
flexibility. No
matter how much fear mongering, spin and contradiction, “might
makes right,” no longer applies. Behind the scenes, there are
larger forces at work, ready to break forth and demand
aligned and currently transiting through Scorpio, the chart
Sun, Mercury, Venus, and south lunar node in this potent sign
metamorphosis. The areas of sexuality, occultism, death and
inheritance are generally ascribed to Scorpio. However, from
perspective, inheritance is so much more than money and
property. It
is the ancestral and genetic inheritance of blood lines
with the mingling of sexual juices leading to conception and
this and more, Scorpio governs the reproductive organs and
procreation. As a key player, Venus is the divine feminine,
and it's
no surprise that the health and reproductive rights of women
are on
the ballot. Add in a good dose of articulate Mercury in
Scorpio, and
a chorus of voices and votes will echo across the land.
opposition to these Scorpio placements, the lunar eclipse
chart shows
Moon exactly conjunct Uranus on the north lunar node. All in
this amplifies themes around the environment, climate change,
disasters, insurance, resources, money and property. Since the
represents the mood of the general public, this shows a
readiness for
progress and substantial change. It's a “whatever it takes,”
mindset. There is power and strength erupting into plain view.
as the wild card planet, the effects of Uranus tend to be
unpredictable, unruly and revolutionary. Transiting through
Taurus (2018 – 2025), awareness continues to build around the
development of clean technologies, sustainability,
preservation of
species and habitats, and effective use of resources. There is
window of opportunity here, and the clock is ticking.
brings us to the third point in the eclipse chart, transiting
in Aquarius (2020-23). In general, the overall social
environment has
been filled with complex challenges, and contradictory
responses. On
one hand, Aquarius is about freedom, but Saturn promotes
restraint and responsibility. Locked in a stalemate, here we
see the
clashing crescendo of numerous issues, such as gun control,
immigration and abortion, to name a few.
mentioned in previous articles, Saturn and Uranus have been at
for two years. Still in a tense square, this planetary
energizes the naysayers, those content to make waves and
but do nothing. Tracking these planets back, we come to
January 2021.
Not only was this the inauguration of a new administration,
but a
significant group of people still reject the results. This is
one example, but there are many other instances of stoking the
of dissent, fighting against the perceived “other,” digging
very stubborn positions, and holding up progress.
is clear to see the importance of this election as a
referendum on
all of the above. Other areas of importance according to the
symbolism of astrology include Aquarius themes such as human
science and technology. Taurus themes such as the economy,
financial institutions, and natural resources. Scorpio themes
such as
mortality, sexuality, psychology and mysticism.
begins with Mars having just gone retrograde on October 30th.
In general, all the forward momentum and externalized drive of
action oriented Mars hits a wall of resistance, a full stop in
cases. Retro literally means to back up, reverse direction,
and step
back as focus becomes more internalized, and priorities
clear. Roadblocks and detours actually refine and define
over the coming months.
the personal level, areas of life most affected will depend on
house location of transiting Mars in your natal chart. Mars is
retrograde until January 12, a long haul, but knowing about it
offset frustration due to thwarted desires, unresolved
overwork, deadlines and pressure. Other responses may include
overwhelm, depletion and low vitality, so by all means, take
care and
be aware. The more introspection and acceptance, the more
situations can be handled effectively.
the collective level, Mars transiting through Gemini
highlights the
areas of travel and transportation. Looking back to when Mars
Gemini on August 20, by mid-September one of the top news
stories in
the United States was the illegal busing of immigrants from
one state
to another. This is one example, but on the global level,
masses of
people are on the move, migrating to safer ground. Numerous
are forcing people to relocate, and Mars retrograde can
these challenges as though the immigration crisis is on
Gemini governs all aspects of communication; thinking,
listening, analysis, education. In this media driven age of
technology there is tremendous distortion of information. Take
pick, which version of reality do you wish to subscribe to? It
is one
thing to exchange points of view, and expand perspective, it
another to present false content for personal gain. Currently,
media is undergoing radical scrutiny, and Mars transiting
Gemini will energize these important topics.
dark, down and dirty, a Scorpio Solar Eclipse can feel, things
not as bad as they appear. Each zodiac sign compliments and
upon the other, and this is especially true with Sagittarius.
Building toward a New Moon on November 23, Venus, Mercury and
enter Sagittarius (November 16, 17, 22, respectively).
is an enormous, palpable and profound shift. After scouring
depths, and transforming the shadows, Sagittarius comes along
light our fires, literally and figuratively. Soaring on the
wings of
inspiration, Sagittarius instills a festive mood, uplifting
spirits, and introducing the holiday season.
in synergy, within minutes of the Sagittarius New Moon,
Jupiter goes
direct. Jupiter, the planetary ruler of Sagittarius, has been
retrograde since late July. Going direct in Pisces, it is very
by degree to Neptune. Earlier this year, April 12 to be exact,
two giants combined their message to deliver both a warning
and a
vision. It's about the essential role of spirituality,
especially in
these troubling times. Many seeds were planted, many minds
and many hearts opened.
Erin Sullivan writes, “Periods of retrogression are subtle and
evolutionary. Jupiter's purpose in its retrograde cycle is to
one with the deeper and more personal sense of justice, not
jurisprudence, but that which is correct for one's integral
and health. It is the annual opportunity to contemplate and
upon aspects of our life in which we need to explore our
code of ethics.”
Jupiter goes direct, the quest for meaning based on personal
experience, is integrated and made ready for expression.
meaning, life is devoid of purpose. Another way of putting it
. . .
without Jupiter's beneficial rays, life ceases to be anything
than an exercise of the senses. Jupiter bestows humor,
confidence and
optimism even in the darkest hours.
the mood, setting the stage, and laying the table for a
feast, all factors combine to enhance a sense of exquisite
and reverent purpose. Impossible to grasp in all its fullness,
meaning cannot be mandated or decreed, coerced or manipulated,
because it resides in the deepest recesses of each human
heart. And
for this we are grateful.
October 2022
C. Dunn
2 @ 5:07 am ET
Full Moon
9 @ 4:55 pm ET
Solar Eclipse
25 @ 6:49 am ET
the standpoint of astrology, there is so much going on this
October begins with Mercury the messenger going direct on
October 2,
and over the course of October both Pluto and Saturn go direct,
Mars goes retrograde. By month's end, a Scorpio Solar Eclipse
aside the curtain, revealing the depth and breath of hidden
It is clear to see, like flashing neon lights, the cosmos is
announcing major shifts in a multitude of matters, shaping and
reshaping the trajectory of things to come.
begin with Mercury. This important planet goes retrograde three
a year for about 21 days. In this case, Mercury went retrograde
September 9. Signaling a review is necessary, it can be helpful
note conversations, news, decisions and considerations from late
August and early September. Delays are common during Mercury
retrograde, but in hindsight this apparent slowdown brings the
clarity needed to advance with confidence on down the road.
went retrograde in Libra, symbolized by the scales of justice,
associated with relationships, partnerships, and legal disputes.
Mercury goes direct in Virgo, bringing things down to earth,
tuning the practical details necessary for resolution and moving
particular note is Mercury opposite Neptune (September 23 –
10). Presenting a real conundrum, this is when the rubber meets
road, and factual evidence meets an illusory underworld of
deceit and
manipulation. On one hand, this appears contradictory, riddled
conflict. On the other hand, evidence is undeniable. In general,
these days call for caution, because the mental state is
inclined to
be dreamy, vague, and impressionable.
planetary factors feed into the events during this first week of
October. First, powerhouse Pluto is stationary October 3 – 15,
intensifying themes of exposure, corruption, control and
dissolution. Transiting through Capricorn in its 246 year orbit,
Pluto has been
retrograde since late April, returning to the exact degree at
time of the nation's founding. Clearly, repercussions are
immense and
far reaching as headlines reverberate with dire warnings such
“democracy in peril,” and “constitutional crisis.”
there is turmoil with no easy answers in sight, but Pluto's
action is
to expose criminality, breakdown what is no longer relevant, and
ultimately upgrade and transform fundamental principles and
underlying foundations. Moving very slowly, Pluto is a
and evolutionary planet, and the process is underway, it just
time. The next exact conjunction is December 28, so we will
return to
this topic in coming months.
24 hours of Pluto going direct on October 8, there is a Full
Shedding illumination on all things terrestrial, Moon in Aries
opposes Sun in Libra. Opposition brings confrontation, and
themes culminate during this awe-inspiring lunation. These
signs represent the interplay between self and others. Aries is
individual being true to oneself. But, “no man is an island,”
Libra encapsulates the dynamic role of relationship in all
forms, and
the social skills required for cooperation.
an additional boost to relationship themes, this Full Moon chart
shows both Sun and Venus conjoined in Libra, the quintessential
energy of peace lovers and peace keepers. Adding an interesting
twist, Moon joins Chiron in Aries. For many people, this dynamic
surface wounds of inadequacy, loss of self, regret, people
and forcing solutions to keep the peace.
Full Moon can take each of us very deep into what matters, the
essential nature of self within the context of relationships, an
of life that can be hard and even heart breaking. It helps to
permission to self and others to follow and navigate from the
core of
internal guidance, rather than glossing over, manipulating, or
attempting to hide true feelings. This unique planetary
supports soul searching, emotional honesty, meaningful dialog
week of October 17 is highly energized as Sun/Venus in Libra
Mars in Gemini, but square off with Pluto. This is a very tense
volatile combination, more than likely, producing revelations of
truth, broken contracts, shaky alliances, and power struggles
that go
nowhere. Now that Pluto is direct there is an acceleration along
the pressure to address underlying conflict that stands in the
way of
situations that have been held up over recent months are
loose as Saturn goes direct on the 23rd. Saturn went
retrograde in early June, and summer is generally a slowdown and
regroup season. Moving slowly and cautiously, Saturn trends
patience and persistence, but momentum builds as obstacles fall
the wayside. Reality sets in, consequences must be faced, and
mid-term elections are around the corner.
is currently transiting through Aquarius (December 2020 – March
2023). This is Saturn's final retrograde in Aquarius, entering
terrain early next year. Additionally, this is Saturn's final
square with Uranus. The past two years have been fraught with
resistance and rebellion as these two giants have been at odds.
Similar to trudging forward in gale force winds, just about
everything seems to take more effort.
in Aquarius has encouraged tremendous innovation in science and
technology. At the same time, humans are challenged to adapt in
burgeoning landscape of technology. The question remains, “Can
humans adapt, and actualize these developments to preserve and
improve life on planet Earth?” Over the past two years, there
been an increase in social isolation, alienation, mental
detachment from reality, and over-dependence on technology for
interaction. When in fact, Aquarius is the zodiac sign of
group creativity, cohesive community, and humanitarian outreach.
all this isn't enough to make October the turning point of 2022,
there is a Scorpio Solar Eclipse on the 25th.
always have long term ramifications, and astrologer Lorna Bevan
writes, “Eclipses are dramatic cosmic wild cards in our
They shake us out of complacency so we can move from one level
maturity to another. They are some of the most dramatic tools
universe uses to get us to pay attention to areas in our life
need to change. They uproot us, surprise us, and get us moving
to a
higher plane, and they work very rapidly.”
Solar Eclipse is paired with a Lunar Eclipse falling exactly on
election day in the United States, November 8. In terms of
democracy, the stakes have never been higher for the nation and
world. Clearly, indicators are already in place for substantial
far reaching change as the old order is passing away, and the
generation of leaders rise up to take the world stage.
there is the transforming power of eclipses, combined with the
intensity and mystery of Scorpio. As keeper of secrets,
governing all
things hidden and taboo, Scorpio is the zodiac sign of
sexuality, occultism, death/rebirth and transcendence. On the
collective level,
more than likely, issues of mortality, reproductive rights,
abuse, persecution, sabotage and slander, corruption and
will surge to the forefront in explosive developments.
Scorpio rules over shared resources such as taxes, insurance,
inheritance. On the personal level, now is the time to take
stock of
investments, possessions, income and expenditures, and reduce
The energy of Scorpio is to purify and purge, detoxify and
All in the recognition that life is short, all things pass away,
it doesn't pay to hang on to things that have outlived their
a water sign, Scorpio is emotionally sensitive, finding it
to forgive and forget, but holding onto grievances only
increases the
heavy burden of resentment. Symbolized by the scorpion dwelling
the shadows, these eclipses can surface the deepest and darkest
memories held in the emotional body.
There is a world of difference between ruminating endlessly about the past,
and staying locked into harmful emotional patterns, or simply allowing
memories to surface, flow out and release, once and for all. It's the difference
between wallowing around in a fetid, murky swamp, or sipping cleansing
waters from a fresh spring.
as if this isn't enough, the month draws to a close with Mars
retrograde on October 30. Transiting through Gemini, Mars is
assertive, frank, inquisitive, restless, and in some cases,
ready for
a fight. But, retrograde Mars is the cosmos announcing, “Whoa,
your horses, stop, sort things through, think things out, and
Mars is fairly rare, occurring every two years. The last
was September – November 2020, during the last presidential
election. In hindsight, it is clear to see the many obstacles,
inconsistencies, controversies and complications.
year, the mid-term elections take place on November 8. Not only
Mars retrograde again, but there is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse.
Additionally, Mars in Gemini returns and precisely activates
Mars in
the United States astrology chart (October 4, November 24, March
2023). A return of this nature underscores the importance of
election, but also the logistical process of elections taking
seamlessly and accurately, or not.
nation's astrology chart shows Mars in Gemini square Neptune,
through coming months transiting Mars will again square Neptune
(October 12, November 19, March 16). Mars and Neptune can
truth, and contribute to extreme ideologies, delusion,
apathy, and general confusion. In a war of words, Mars will
fight for
what it “thinks,” is right, and in the current hyper-political
and divisive atmosphere, this is a warning of potential
a positive note, leaders will realize problematic and unclear
election results are not helpful for them, citizenry and
because it undermines the validity of government. Election
with consistent guidelines nationwide are a possibility before
next presidential election.
conclusion, in the past week I have overheard conversations in
grocery and gym that really caused me to pause. . . .
discussions of
the “End Times.” Having lived in North Carolina for over thirty
years, I am used to evangelical religious views, however these
conversations were different; emphatic and persuasive, tinged
fear, but infused with awe.
From my point of view, I just smiled. There are so many approaches to reckon
with current events, but I remembered planet Earth is entering an eclipse
season, a Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, no less. The highest octave of Scorpio
is represented by the mythical Phoenix transforming, rising up from the
ashes of its own destruction. No matter what it looks like on the surface,
every ending has a beginning, and the Phoenix rises, again and yet again.
September 2022
Belinda C. Dunn
Mercury retrograde
September 9 @ 11:38 pm
Pisces Full Moon
September 10 @ 5:59 am
Autumn Equinox
September 22 @ 9:04 pm
Libra New Moon
September 25 @ 5:55 pm
Beginning with an upswing in energy and enthusiasm, Mars harmonizes with
Jupiter on September 1st. No matter what hurdles life presents, there is
a sense that nothing is too big to handle successfully. Big thinking
outside of the box aids in the setting of goals, and embracing potential
in many endeavors.
As planetary trends come and go, take note of Jupiter's beneficial rays
by breathing in and absorbing the confidence and inspiration offered
during this time, because it can be tapped into for future reference.
This is especially the case as Jupiter is retrograde in Aries. Themes
continue around self-respect, personal empowerment and clear boundaries,
particularly when faced with a tornado like spin of controversy,
persuasion, intense emotion, and other forms of social control.
In addition to Mars and Jupiter, communicative Mercury joins the party
in Libra. During the first two weeks of September, these three planets
join in synergistic harmony. Mars in Gemini can be blunt, direct and
forceful, speeding the dissemination of information, data, talking
points. Mercury in Libra brings clear articulation with fair and
equitable solutions for all involved.
Against the backdrop of these positive and supportive planetary trends,
Mercury begins a retrograde phase on September 9. Astrology gives the
gift of timing. Make note of newsworthy stories, conversations, insights
and decisions that come to the forefront late August and early
September. More than likely, what arises and erupts will require some
time to come full circle to a point of resolution. Typically, this is
when Mercury goes direct on October 2, and completes its shadow phase on
October 17.
One more point to consider with this three planet alignment, Mercury and
Mars are in the air signs of Libra and Gemini. Jupiter is in the fire
sign of Aries. Air and fire intertwine, feeding off each other. Fire
enlivens, warms and increases the flow. And, literally and figuratively,
air is the information highway of the planet. Providing a cross
pollination of ideals and ideas, inventions and innovations, watch for
significant developments on many levels; diplomacy, treatises, commerce,
science, education, alliances, partnerships.
There is one caveat to be aware of . . . Mercury in Libra opposes
Jupiter in Aries. In effect for weeks, it is helpful to be aware of the
exact dates of September 2, 18, and October 12. While Jupiter expands
whatever is in its sphere of influence, it can also go to extremes,
exaggerate, and blow issues out of proportion.
Here are some indications of Jupiter out of balance; seeing the
potential and losing sight of logistical reality, throwing caution to
the wind, over projecting available resources, zealous persuasion,
righteousness, entrenched opinions of right/wrong, arrogance &
entitlement. Through these weeks, it may be helpful to recall the common
adage, “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.”
Moving on to the Full Moon of September 10. Both Sun and Venus are
transiting through earthy and practical Virgo. In opposition, the Moon
and Neptune are in Pisces. Here is the juxtaposition of embodiment on
this physical dimension. The body needs care to be healthy and
functional, but spirit infuses meaning and purpose into daily tasks.
This is an excellent time to tap into guidance, activate intuition, and
expand awareness beyond material circumstances. True health is
holistic, encompassing and honoring the mind/body/spirit connection.
Venus is in Virgo for most of the month, beginning on Labor Day and
completing on September 29. Now is the time to tap into and express love
in action. Venus enhances positive Virgo characteristics such as
sincerity, diligence, attention to detail, craftsmanship, studiousness,
productivity and service.
Meanwhile, Venus in Virgo squares Mars in Gemini, exact on September 16.
This is not the most compatible or harmonious combination. Both are
mentally astute, but Mars in Gemini wants results in a hurry whereas
Venus in Virgo is thorough and patient, methodically wading through
details, aiming for excellence. One approach is not better than the
other, and when recognized, all factors can work together for satisfying
As always, the Autumnal Equinox marks a time honored and sacred passage
as Sun enters Libra. Exact on the evening of September 22, the astrology
chart shows Mercury in exact conjunction with the Sun. This is always a
significant phase in any Mercury retrograde cycle, but this conjunction
is particularly potent in tandem with the Equinox.
Typically, Mercury is visible, low in the eastern sky just before
sunrise, or low in the west just after sunset. But this is the point in
the cycle when Mercury is not visible, due to its proximity to the Sun,
shifting from evening visibility to morning (September 17 – 30).
Acting as a seeding and gestation, the mind draws inward to contemplate
and evaluate the past while orienting to the future. Astrologer Erin
Sullivan describes this process, “The traditional approach to the
retrograde cycle, for instance not signing contracts or initiating new
enterprises or making major purchases still stands. Symbolically, there
are opposing forces at work that operation somewhat like driving with
the emergency brake on – the exciting energy of new beginnings combined
with a sense of restraint creates inner tension. Over the next ten or
eleven days between the inferior conjunction and the station-direct, one
should allow some latitude for new potentials, options and opportunities
to develop.”
With the Sun and Mercury in Libra in opposition to Jupiter in Aries,
many themes revolve around people. More than likely, important decisions
arise in relationships. It may be a challenge to strike a balance
between the needs and desires of the individual, and the commitments of
a relationship, and social contracts in general. With any opposition, it
is a matter of honoring both parties, and finding a path of compromise,
but this is not always possible. In some cases, the best option may be
“agreeing to disagree,” and moving on.
These themes continue strongly to the Libra New Moon on September 25.
Mercury has slipped back into Virgo, conjoining Venus on the 26th. On
one hand, there is a demand for new direction, and upgraded approaches
to persistent issues, signified by the New Moon. On the other hand, the
mind is more introspective, hidden within the the final stages of a
retrograde cycle.
Although there are pressing demands, the combination with Mercury and
Venus in Virgo places the attention on work, work and more work. This is
a very industrious combination, and most people are willing to
participate when given the chance to share their talent. Loving
solutions to complex problems come easily, especially when it comes to
Additionally both Mercury and Venus are in harmony with Pluto in
Capricorn. Even though motives may vary, the mind is prepared to probe
the depths during this final week of September. Communications tend to
be revealing, matter of fact, practical and logical. This is all in
preparation for the first week of October when both Mercury and Pluto go
direct. Signaling that much of the groundwork is complete, long term
projects are ready to land on fertile ground.
Mid-week, exact on September 27-28, Mars positively aspects Saturn. This
helpful and supportive combination is all about building consensus and
connection in the networking of ideas, people and projects. With Mars in
Gemini and Saturn in Aquarius, this is local as well as global.
Innovation thrives in an atmosphere of camaraderie, and appreciation for
We are in the final throes of a two year long transit that started in
January 2021, Saturn square Uranus, presenting an intense conflict
between the known past and future potential. Contending with stops and
starts, and everything in between, it has been difficult to get
traction, to get ahead in the spin of systems colliding, uncertainty and
cynicism. The troubles and trials, the struggles on this dimension have
reached a culmination point.
There is a quickening, and in the northern hemisphere it's harvest time.
Picturesque and iconic, the verdant fields of summer give way to golden
grain. An essential part of harvesting grain is the winnowing process,
loosely defined as sifting, fanning with air to separate the nutrient
rich grain from the outer hull.
In these final final months of 2022, be prepared for much to fall away,
inwardly and outwardly. However, with a good dose of discernment,
September is a month to make the most of opportunities that come your way.
August 2022
Belinda C. Dunn
Aquarius/Leo Full Moon
August 11 @ 9:36 pm
Virgo New Moon
August 27 @ 4:17 am
Summer sun is summer fun! Blazing from the center of our solar system,
our Sun emanates pure life force, radiating, animating, illuminating.
The Sun is in Leo now, reigning supreme as majestic lions guard their
pride. Intensely loyal and loving, the lion archetype is a source of
inspiration, strength and survival, but like fire, this strength can
wield great power to enliven and enlighten, or burn and destroy. This is
the energy of August.
To review, on July 31 there was a rare joining of Uranus and the North
Lunar Node. On August 1st, Mars joins these giants, all in Taurus.
Typically, Taurus prefers comfort, and works for stability, but these
days are anything but stable. Uranus turns just about everything on its
head, suddenly unsettling the apple cart, and in many cases, 180 degree
turns of fate. Admittedly, life on Earth is not going very smoothly now,
and this planetary combination can move mountains, and shake up the
status qua.
Every year, in late July and early August, our Sun rises and aligns with
Sirius, the brightest star. Known as the Lion's Gate, a portal opens,
streaming powerful frequency upgrades upon each and all. In astrology,
Sun has affinity with the third eye, the seat of awareness, the part
consciousness that is eternal, going in and out of bodies and dimensions.
Against this backdrop of metaphysical potency, let's take an in-depth
look at the Full Moon on August 11. The astrology chart shows complexity
with many opposing factors vying for attention, vying for power. Taken
all together, the luminaries (Sun & Moon), planets Mars, Saturn and
Uranus, and the lunar nodes all align in unique combination, a fixed
Grand Cross.
From our vantage point on Earth, a Grand Cross literally forms a cross,
spanning the sky with four points, all in 90 degree angle of each
other. The cross is a potent mystical symbol of spirit in matter,
surrender and release. Astrologically, at this time, these four
energetic points are in the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and
On this Full Moon, Sun is in Leo, opposed by Moon and Saturn in
Aquarius. This highlights the juxtaposition between leadership and the
public. There are dynamic, honest and capable leaders, and there are
crooked, selfish and power hungry leaders. Authority can go two ways, it
can be used to exemplify, empower and protect or, as is so often the
case, authority can be used and abused to deceive and mislead for
personal gain. Stunning in scope, all these options will be on full
display, altering public opinion, and the trajectory for years to come.
Additionally, the combination of Moon with Saturn speaks to the heavy
burdens imposed upon individuals and the collective body. Heavy handed
restrictions and regulations are up for review. The public is no longer
willing to labor under false pretenses as all is exposed. There is a
rumbling, a deep unearthing of the collective conscience as more voices
speak up, and rise up, to meet the challenges of a new world being
birthed, the Age of Aquarius.
The next piece of the Grand Cross puzzle involves transiting South Lunar
Node in Scorpio. Dark and hidden, repressed and habitual, driven by
desire and power, Scorpio holds the secrets to life's mysteries. Daily
news presents one story after another of depravity, crime, thoughtless
cruelty, sexual exploits, and more, in the free for all exposure of the
super rich and powerful.
Additionally, Scorpio is the zodiac sign of death and rebirth. Not only
is this process occurring in the public arena, but within the
consciousness of humanity. As people struggle to make sense of
senselessness, there is a natural introspection, personally and
collectively. As difficult and trying as this appears, a profound
purification is taking place on very deep levels.
The zodiac sign opposite Scorpio is Taurus. The key phrase for Scorpio
is, “I desire,” and the key phrase for Taurus, is “I have.” Both signs
relate to money, possessions, resources, inheritance and power.
Currently the lunar nodes are activating these signs (January 2022 –
July 2023). Here is an opportunity to redefine value in the marketplace
as well as personal values. But, in the meantime, inflation continues
demanding adjustments in buying/selling and lifestyle.
The North Lunar Node in Taurus shows the direction of positive
potential, and open doors of opportunity. Here there are two major
planetary activators, Uranus and Mars. Throughout July and August,
anything goes. Closing doors and opening doors, catapulting
consciousness to a new level, the themes are resilience, adaptation,
acceptance, and gratitude for the simple pleasures of life.
The planetary ruler of Taurus is Venus, the planet of love and beauty.
In contrast, the planetary ruler of Scorpio is Pluto, the planet of
pollution, toxicity, fanaticism, criminality, breakdowns/breakthroughs,
death and transformation. As a species, we are living through very Pluto
times, but the direction is clear, especially as Venus enters Leo on
August 11, and that evening a Full Moon illuminates the darkness.
Over the past several years, starting in March 2020, Saturn and Uranus
have been in tense and stressful aspect. However, from now to the end of
2022, this aspect is peaking, reaching a culmination point this autumn.
To review, Saturn is the planet of responsibility, and Uranus is the
planet of freedom. The tug of war between these archetypal energies is
apparent in many arenas across society in a continual play of opposites.
Interestingly, both these planets have affinity with the root chakra at
the base of the spinal column. Realizing how to maintain balance with
each polarity is key to grounded functioning in this world of form. One
is not possible without the other. For example, true freedom is based on
taking responsibility for ethical conduct generated from within, rather
than falling back on externally imposed restrictions/laws/regulations.
We don't have to look far to see the effects of Saturn/Uranus.
Widespread alienation, disregard for authority, rage against the system,
rebellion, unfair laws and business practices, attempts to control and
restrict personal freedoms . . . the list goes on. Across the globe,
society is attempting to function in the midst of financial uncertainty,
climate change, hopelessness and homelessness, dread and fear of the
For two years, Saturn has had the upper hand. In other words,
consequences of short sighted vision, irresponsible actions, and poor
decisions have been holding humanity hostage. All the while making it
virtually impossible to get enough traction to pull out a dysfunctional
However, now through November, Uranus rises to the occasion as the
stronger planetary influence. In addition to its conjunction with the
North Lunar Node, Uranus holds tight at 18 degrees Taurus for weeks on
end. Beginning a retrograde phase on August 24, the energy of Uranus can
be likened to a long awaited thunderstorm. Lightening on the horizon,
pressure building, the action of Uranus is electrifying, sudden and
On the 3-D level, Uranus tends to bring sudden shifts in perception as
though consciousness is thrust into new territory. Like a stranger in a
strange land, many people may experience alienation, abrupt turnarounds,
and change in circumstances. Although not necessarily easy, this can
bring improvements in the long run. Typically, a sense of clarity and
knowing, release and relief, accompanies Uranus.
Another very significant planetary transit is Mars entering Gemini on
August 20, and due to a lengthy retrograde phase from late October to
early January 2023, this monthly article will return to the importance
of this trend over coming months. In general, Mars in Gemini is
friendly, curious and informed, but restless, vacillating and on-the-go.
For now, suffice it to note the palpable energy shift late August.
Wrapping up the month is a Virgo New Moon on August 27. In the early
degrees of Virgo, attention returns to school, work, and routine in
general. As in any New Moon, orbiting Moon joins Sun in setting the
stage, anchoring and energizing the next level of Earth school
curriculum. In stressful aspect to Mars in the early degrees of Gemini,
there can be pressure to multitask, make quick decisions, gather
information and plan for months to come. This is an excellent time to
set intentions for the next lunar cycle with particular emphasis on
health, productivity, harvest and other practical matters.
Finally, how to prepare for August when planetary trends appear to be
anything but calming, grounding, soothing and restorative? How to surf
the turbulent waves, a breaking tsunami of change?
First, there is a great cleansing taking place, and it is time. Momentum
has been building for decades. Secondly, in a hurry to prosper and reign
supreme, humans have lost touch with universal laws, repeatedly
violating and ignoring nature's intelligence. It's really very simple.
At the heart of the matter is a loss of aliveness, a loss of conscience,
a denial and turning away from reality. It is a very long ancient story
with many twists and turns along the corridor of time. But in this
moment, solutions are more present than many realize, the garden is
July 2022
Belinda C. Dunn
Capricorn SuperMoon Full Moon
July 13 @ 2:38 pm
Leo New Moon
July 28 @ 1:55 pm
Summer is here and the sizzle is on! In celebration of Independence
Day, stars and stripes of red, white and blue wave in the breeze as
fireworks light up an indigo evening sky. Thankfully, from the
astrologically perspective, the elements of water and earth predominate,
offering a calming and grounding influence, a much needed reprieve from
the intensity of current events.
We will begin with an overview of general trends applicable for
everyone, and conclude with an interpretation of current trends based on
the United States astrology chart, in what has become my annual
“Astrological State of the Union.” Ruled by the planet Uranus, astrology
is an ancient system with time tested relevance to the past, present and
future. In this era of heightened polarization and political bias,
astrology can offer a detached view of the nation's faults and failings
as well as its strengths and overall destiny.
Right from the get-go, the month begins with Mars in stressful square to
Pluto on July 1st. Mars has been in Aries since May 24, an impulsive,
energized and volatile combination that has brought the darkness of
destruction into the light of day. However, in contrast, Mars in Aries
has brought many truly heroic deeds to the forefront.
Mars is the fighter, for good or ill, fortifying and encouraging
positive and effective response to crisis. In combination with power
hungry Pluto, the underworld is on full display, and repercussions of
disclosure come to a critical head. The process of disclosure and
evaluation is on-going on multiple levels of personal and collective
experience. People can no longer afford to keep heads buried in the sand
when basic human rights are repeatedly disregarded.
On July 5th, Mars leaves Aries, and enters grounding, stabilizing and
practical Taurus. Additionally, Mercury enters Cancer, and together
these influences reflect a return to sensibilities with a focus on home,
family and finances. With a harmonious flow between mind and action, it
is possible to make wise decisions, follow through, and actually get the
job done.
By mid-month, exact on July 13th, there is a Full Moon. With the Sun in
Cancer and Moon in Capricorn, this is a SuperMoon amplifying and
intensifying current themes. In fact, Moon conjoins Pluto in Capricorn,
igniting issues that carry through another week, culminating on the
evening of July 19 when Sun opposes Pluto. Pluto's action is repetitive,
digging deeper, not leaving a stone untouched. Issues tend to resurface
with the same old arguments, going around and around, triggering similar
emotional responses.
Additionally, communicative Mercury is a key player transiting through
Cancer, and more than likely, there will be major revelations,
announcements and decisions altering the trajectory for weeks and months
to come. Surface appearances fall away in the relentless, challenging
and psychologically probing Pluto energy. Whether it is immediately
recognized or not, Pluto brings sweeping and permanent change. Once
Pandora's proverbial box is open, there is no turning back.
Energies begin to shift dramatically on July 19 as Mercury enters proud
and majestic Leo. The Sun closely follows, entering Leo on Friday, the
22nd. Full of vitality and creativity, Leo is the zodiac sign of fun and
play, recreation and entertainment. Crowning the last week of July is a
New Moon in Leo on the 28th.
In the dark of the Moon, 24 hours before the exact New Moon, there is an
opportunity to release outdated modes of pleasure seeking. There are
many social pressures around entertainment, and what is considered fun
is unique to each person. In this heavy and consequential social
atmosphere, it is so easy to get caught up and lost in the seriousness
of so-called reality. Here is an opportunity to re-frame and ignite
one's unique expression of happiness.
This New Moon is in harmonious alignment with Jupiter, the planet of
inspiration, optimism, altruism and benevolence. Giving a boost of
confidence in matters of truth and justice, Jupiter promotes fair,
ethical and equitable solutions. Known as the great benefactor, Jupiter
gives all this, and more, while adding a good dose of levity and humor,
even in the darkest hours.
July 28th is also important as Jupiter begins a retrograde phase for the
next four months. Since Jupiter's action is to expand and grow, the
station retrograde can slowdown or halt progress. In terms of run-away
inflation, this can be a good thing. In terms of personal progress, this
can signify matters outside of one's control, and even a loss of
perspective and confidence.
Astrologer Erin Sullivan writes, “The station suddenly arrests or
withdraws the expansive mood and inverts the energy. The change in tone
or pattern of growth is usually directly related to hierarchy of some
kind, in which personal decisions become impotent or insignificant. It
becomes apparent that more time is likely to be necessary to evolve the
idea, project, relationship or plan.”
Jupiter's transit feeds directly into an exceptional and unique
astrological alignment exact on the afternoon of July 31st. Even though
computers can pinpoint the timing, in reality this trend is in effect
all year. Basically, transiting North Lunar Node is conjunct transiting
Uranus in Taurus. The next day, August 1st, Mars in Taurus activates
this conjunction. Giving another tremendous boost, this triple
conjunction is in harmony with Venus. What does this mean?
First of all, like so many situations in our current reality, there will
be great contrast. These factors point to sudden endings as well as
sudden and inexplicable breakthroughs. Taken one by one, the North Lunar
Node functions like the north star, the direction of evolutionary growth
and opportunity. Mars is passionate, activated and energized. Uranus is
the planetary wild card, virtually impossible to predict.
All these factors blend together suggesting pressure and instability
fueled by a desire for freedom, at all cost. Long standing conditions
can no longer stand. The inherent drive for security, safety and
prosperity can force people, individually and collectively, to make
instantaneous adjustments. Some decisions will be impulsive and radical,
while others choose wisely. The wheel of fortune is spinning out of
control, and where things land, no one knows.
From another angle, Taurus is the zodiac sign of possessions, currency,
commerce, banking, financial institutions and the environment. One of
the astrological highlights of 2022, an enormous paradigm shift is
taking place in the value of financial markets, supply of goods and
services, and economic transactions in general. The pandemic, and other
consequences of natural and man-made disasters is taking a heavy toll.
This is a time to pay attention, mind your own business, and take care
of your own.
With all this as a backdrop, in honor of Independence Day, let's turn to
my annual, “Astrological State of the Union.” While an entire book can
be written on the United States astrology chart, there are four primary
trends in consideration for now.
First of all, the Pluto return. It takes Pluto 246 years to cycle
through the entire zodiac. On July 4, 1776, Pluto was in the late
degrees of Capricorn. This year Pluto is returning to this exact degree
on February 20, July 11, December 28. This is monumental, and obviously
the country is going through a major overhaul of ideology, values, laws
and systems of governance. Society today is vastly, almost unfathomably
different, from the social systems of 1776. It's time for an upgrade and
rewrite, although messy and disturbing in the meantime.
Astrologer Lorna Beven writes, “When Pluto entered the sign of Capricorn
in November 2008, The Great Eliminator began to expose all that was
false, covert and hidden, within ourselves, within organizations,
institutions, mega-corporations, governments. Fourteen years on and we
find ourselves in the death throes of authoritarian darkness, which now
seeks to eradicate the collective soul. But Pluto is transpersonal – far
bigger than any human power games – and utterly relentless – the birth
of the new will not be thwarted. These last two years of Pluto in
Capricorn are bringing out the worst of the worst of the patriarchal
freaking out, violence, coup attempts, dictator meltdowns, and rage
against all of it.”
The second trend of note involves Neptune, the planet of deception,
transiting over sensitive points in the country's chart (Mars in Gemini
square Neptune in Virgo). Wreaking havoc in terms of identity, ideology,
media and misinformation, widespread disillusionment has fed into a
confusing mix of dysfunction and desperation. Neptune is slow-moving
with a 165 year orbit, so the effects have been building for years, but
2021-2022 is the culmination of a profound and insistent soul searching
for every American, and the country as a whole.
The third trend involves Mars in Libra, and its progressed retrograde
phase that started in 2006. Mars will be retrograde for approximately
65-70 years, a very long trend by any standards. Typically, Mars is
proactive, taking action, impulsively fighting or initiating conflict.
Clearly, the country has participated in its share of war over the
Thus far, this retrograde phase indicates diminished motivation,
distaste, reservation and caution in foreign affairs, especially on the
part of the general public. Mars retrograde is just that, a backing
away, a retreat, a reluctance to getting involved in draining, long
term, and no win conflicts. Mars in Libra promotes peace-keeping,
mediation, cooperation, diplomacy and consensus building in partnership
with other nations.
On the home front, retrograde Mars in Libra intensifies the frustration,
and vacillation between resolving differences with weaponry and
violence, and/or resolving differences with diplomacy. As the Libra
scales of balance swing from one wild extreme to another, it adds to the
polarization of viewpoints, underscoring the fundamentals of law and
order, and the need for comprehensive reform, no matter which side of
the fence one sits on.
The fourth astrological factor involves the nation's Moon in Aquarius,
and Saturn's current transit though Aquarius, culminating in an exact
conjunction early next year (February 11, 2023). In this case, Saturn is
restricting and limiting the Moon, representing women and the general
public. From
a faltering economy to health care access to public safety, this is a
heavy load for the public to bear. While there are attempts to curtail
civil liberties, ultimately the spirit of freedom, represented by the
Moon in Aquarius, will not be denied.
In preparing this article, I found it almost impossible to adequately
simplify, and consolidate the many complex and multifaceted issues we
face as a nation and a global community. Perhaps best to use these brief
interpretations as a jumping off point for your intuitive insight, your
unique and personal connection with guidance, and all that is. From the
infinitesimal to the most galactic, there are larger forces at play in
absolutely everything. Enjoy the ride!
What's UP – June 2022
Belinda C. Dunn
Mercury Direct
June 3 @ 4:00 am
Sagittarius Full Moon SuperMoon
June 14 @ 7:52 am
Summer Solstice
June 21 @ 5:14 am
Cancer New Moon
June 28 @ 10:52 pm
Airy, light, fluid and free, June begins with Sun in Gemini, associated
with the element air. Daylight hours have been steadily increasing since
Winter Solstice, and the peak of illumination is reached on June 21, the
beautiful fulfillment of Summer Solstice. Frigid and fierce winter winds
are long past. The soft, gentle, warming caress of a summer breeze
touches the cheek and tousles the hair.
The seasonal shifts are palpable and real, especially heightened with
Jupiter's transit into Aries (May 10). This is very significant given
that Jupiter has spent all year in Pisces. You may look back over the
past five months and notice the introspective, contemplative, floating
and drifting sense of going nowhere fast.
One by one, three planets, Venus, Mars and Jupiter have taken their turn
in conjoining Neptune. Otherworldly, dissolving the boundaries of
consciousness, clearing the karmic slate, humbled and receptive, many
people are ready to stand back up, and move forward based on alignment
with higher and more rarefied frequencies.
Transiting over the world axis of zero degrees, Jupiter's entrance into
Aries represents a rebirth. As much as Pisces is receptive and passive,
Aries is energetic and active. Take to heart the insights and
revelations of recent months, no matter how abstract or hard to put into
words. The cosmic tide has turned, and Jupiter in Aries is leading the
way for each and everyone.
In general, Jupiter is the planet of expansion, growing whatever it
touches. This can mean many things, but at its core, Jupiter's
beneficial rays instill a willingness to learn and explore. Now in
Aries, the uptick of energy can be summed up in the word VERVE, best
defined as vigor, enthusiasm, vivacious, get-up-and-go. Jupiter has a
twelve year cycle, and it may be helpful to recall the last time Jupiter
transited through Aries; June – September 2010, and again in 2011,
January – June.
Adding to this major shift is passionate and mobilizing Mars transiting
through Aries (May 24 – July 4). In Aries the entire month, Mars just
conjoined Jupiter on May 29, but the repercussions continue to unfold.
For most people, this will be an enthusiastic rebirth of focus and
drive, a felt sense that now is the time to get ahead, and gain traction
to manifest goals. But for others, this planetary combination ups the
ante, pouring more fuel on the fire. There may be no escaping the
intensity and necessity to get moving in new directions.
However, there is a delay factor built into the cosmic plan, such as
Mercury retrograde. As humans tend to be impulsive and hard-headed,
Mercury makes sure that all details are in place for progress, and
decisions are in alignment with destiny. June begins with Mercury within
days of completing a retrograde phase that started May 10th.
When Mercury goes direct in the early morning hours of June 3, it is in
Taurus, squaring off with Saturn. Adding to the drama, shortly
thereafter, Saturn goes retrograde on June 4. This combination, in and
of itself, signifies extreme differences of opinion, perception and
logic. Communication may be loaded with prejudice, and decisions
involving others may reach an impasse.
Saturn typically brings a realistic, bottom line approach, and does not
shy away from discussing the hard truth. Many people will not approve of
or like what they are hearing/seeing. All sorts of issues will be
breaking loose in a definitive, without a doubt, upset. The impulse is
to talk it out, but this can lead to circuitous debate that gets
nowhere. Better to let the dust settle, because forcing others to see
one's point of view only increases resistance.
In terms of decisions, on May 9, Mercury went retrograde in Gemini,
symbolized by the twins looking toward each other in agreement, or
looking away in opposite directions. Therefore this retrograde phase has
been characterized with indecisiveness, duality or duplicity. As Mercury
goes direct it returns to Gemini on June 13, allowing for elaborations
and more information to come forward. Additionally, Sun is transiting
through Gemini, so exchange of information is paramount in effectively
moving through obstacles.
This brings us to a Full Moon SuperMoon on June 14. This is a
particularly energized culmination of recent months, if not years. With
Sun in Gemini, and Moon opposing in Sagittarius, this lunation activates
very sensitive degrees in the USA astrology chart, Mars in Gemini in
stressful square to Neptune.
To back up for a moment, the transiting lunar nodes were in
Gemini/Sagittarius from May 2020 through January 2022. Gemini is the
messenger and storyteller, Sagittarius is the more abstract content of
belief and ideology. At their best, these zodiac signs are impartial in
delivering objective information. In combination with Neptune, to a
large degree, this trend helps to account for extreme viewpoints,
confusion of facts with fiction, blind patriotism, and the plethora of
Considering the 1/6 Commission is scheduled to begin public hearings on
June 9, all these factors come together to bring everything out in the
open. The timing is impeccable and laser-like as repercussions ripple
across the country and reverberate around the world.
The next day, June 15, Mars conjoins Chiron in Aries, energizing the
archetypal wounded healer. This combination does not allow us to rest on
our laurels, but underscores an on-going healing process of self
reclamation. Especially beneficial is the clarity and strength to stop
and drop depleting habits patterns. To optimize Chiron, it is a matter
of coming out of denial by admitting painful aspects of one's past that
may be lingering in the energy field. The next step is cultivating and
accepting healing, however it shows up in the present.
Moving on . . . the tide turns on June 21st, the longest and most light
filled day of the year, Summer Solstice. It just so happens the Sun is
rising over the east coast, shining the solar spotlight on Washington
D.C., and highlighting domestic issues on a national level.
Additionally, Saturn is overhead, very close to the USA Moon in
Aquarius. Numerous factors point to these summer months as pivotal for
the nation as a whole.
The solstice chart shows Moon in Aries in its last quarter phase.
Additionally, Moon will transit over Jupiter, Chiron and Mars, all in
Aries. Accentuating the potency of this seasonal turning point, themes
revolve around one's personal domestic setting as well as the
independence and self-sufficiency of Aries.
The month wraps up with a New Moon in Cancer on the evening of June 28,
symbolized by a crab burrowing in the sandy tides, flowing with the
rhythm of land and sea. Instinctual and protective, this is an
excellent time for retreat. Typically, focus goes to home improvements,
landscaping, gardening, food preparation, family relationships, and
perhaps stay at home vacations. In general, any new moon is optimal for
setting goals, preparing and planting seeds of intention for the next cycle.
Earlier in the day, Neptune goes retrograde instilling a creative,
imaginative, inspirational and transcendent atmosphere. At 25 degrees,
Neptune is orbiting through the later degrees of Pisces now, and will
remain retrograde until early December. This planet of illusion,
confusion and disillusionment has been playing havoc with everyday
Neptune's more disturbing tendencies have been allowed to run rampant,
and can be seen in the proliferation of scams, outright lies, illicit
drugs, mental illness and mass psychosis. The station point (June 23 –
July 4), suggests a reversal in direction with the possibility to see
through these distortions. Invoking and expanding awareness is the first
step in recovery across a wide spectrum of human ailments, personally
and collectively.
Finally, within all the pushes and pulls of planetary influences, what
is the optimal direction? In part, the answer to this question takes us
back to the lunar nodes, in particular the North Lunar Node in Taurus
(January 2022 – July 2023). In essence, Taurus is the most fixed and
stable zodiac energy. After the chaos of recent years, a majority of
people, to one degree or another, find themselves yearning and working
toward increased security and stability. Think of the Taurus bull
grazing comfortably in a luscious, green pasture.
On the other hand, when people, individually and in groups, are
disenchanted and fueled by rage, this dynamic easily becomes a tinder
box ready to ignite, a lethal combination. Perhaps society has reached a
dividing line between those fighting for change, willing and capable of
using violence, and those fighting for change through constructive
channels. One response is loaded with angst and drama, the other
response, for the most part, is drama free.
North Lunar Node in Taurus suggests: Enjoy the simple treasures of day
to day existence. Life doesn't have to be so complicated. It's okay to
slow down. Discover and cultivate beauty. Spend time in nature. Share a
heartfelt hug, a sincere smile. Now is the time to be an instrument of
peace. Generosity and gratitude make all the difference in the world.
May 2022
Belinda C. Dunn
Mercury retrograde
May 10 @ 7:47 am
SuperMoon Lunar Eclipse
May 16 @ 12:14 am
Gemini New Moon
May 30 @ 7:30 am
NOTE: All times are given for Eastern daylight time – EDT)
Marking the sacred passage of time, the first day of May is halfway
between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice. Known as Beltane in ancient
Celtic lore, and celebrated to this day, May 1st honors the beginning of
planting season, and the promise of a fertile harvest to come.
Our Sun transits through Taurus now, and we begin the month within 24
hours of an outstanding Solar Eclipse, exact on April 30. Any eclipse is
a reset; stirring up the status qua, peeling away layers of distraction
and denial, revealing what has been unacknowledged up to this point. As
if this isn't enough to shine a new light on old stories, this Solar
Eclipse activates Uranus, often manifesting in sudden, erratic and
inexplicable ways. Especially take note of May 5th as the Sun exactly
conjoins Uranus.
Blended together the symbols are poignant and potent. The key phrase for
Taurus is, “I have.” This is the zodiac sign of ownership, taking many
forms, but especially money and possessions. Living in a society that
places so much value on “things,” this month may present a crisis of
resources. A widening gulf between opulence and destitution continues to
deepen, like a chasm threatening to consume all in its path. Leaders,
financial institutions and nations may be scrambling to preserve power,
status and relevance in a “dog eat dog,” world.
On the personal level, this is a month to take stock, review investments
of time and resources (especially waste and/or energy drains), make
adjustments, and cultivate security, comfort and serenity in daily life.
As part of an 18.6 year eclipse cycle, this eclipse aligns with the
transiting North Lunar Node in Taurus. Similar to having the wind at
one's back, the way is clear despite turbulence and pulls to the past.
What needs to be removed stands out in stark relief. It is just a matter
of staying the course when possible, taking care of business as
appropriate, identifying direction, and stepping across the threshold
into upgraded systems of commerce, productivity, and even financial freedom.
This may be easier said than done, but in astrology it is said, “The
planets incline, they do not compel.” This is a month to be aware of
desires, obsessions and compulsions that may arise within yourself,
another person or circumstances. Why? The Taurus Solar Eclipse is
followed by a SuperMoon Lunar Eclipse on May 16th. Therefore, there are
no easy, clear cut solutions for a vast majority of the problems in
front of humanity. Between a rock and a hard place, no amount of pushing
and pulling, manipulating and controlling, lying and distorting can
alter the trajectory of events that have already been set in motion.
Culminating mid-month, this isn't just any Full Moon, it's a SuperMoon,
occurring when the Moon is perigee (closest approach to the Earth).
Intensifying the emotional and reactive qualities of Moon, tensions have
been building for months. Like a pot simmering on the stove reaches its
boiling point, May is a decisive month with long term ramifications. It
may be messy at first, and take some weeks to simmer down, but a variety
of circumstances will be different, and permanently altered from here on
The astrology chart for this lunar eclipse shows the Moon in Scorpio
conjoining the South Lunar Node in Scorpio, all in square to Saturn in
Aquarius. Known as a T-square, this configuration presents a series of
hurdles like an obstacle course. For those invested in power, there is
an overlying perception that it is possible to force one's will upon
others, but power grabs meet with resistance, especially with Saturn in
humanitarian Aquarius.
The juxtaposition between Taurus and Scorpio is that of life and death.
This lunar eclipse brings destruction of life and property into
perspective. Cycling through the seasons, the tree of life buds and
blooms, offering sustenance and shady protection, only to go dormant for
a season. Accepted as normal and natural, there is great beauty in the
process, but when life is willfully disrupted and destroyed, it is no
longer beautiful.
One more note on the current transit of North Node in Taurus, and South
Lunar Node in Scorpio (January 2022 – July 2023). Eclipses, both solar
and lunar, manifest on a precise alignment of lunar nodes, Earth, Moon
and sun. These current eclipses are a mirror image of eclipses next
autumn (Solar Eclipse/October 25 and Lunar Eclipse/November 8).
Throughout 2022, evolutionary themes revolve around innovation of
upgraded systems of commerce, monetary exchange, ecology and
sustainability. All this takes place against a backdrop of inefficiency,
lawlessness, criminality, destruction and abuse of power. Since Uranus
is transiting through Taurus (2018-2025), those
individuals/systems/corporations/governments stuck in the past, may find
themselves caught in the undertow of disruptive turmoil. Uranus suggest
the vital important of getting on the innovation train or being left in
the dust.
This is especially the case as Jupiter enters Aries on May 10th.
Signaling a whole new cycle of growth, Jupiter in Aries can fire up all
sorts of projects and opportunities. Additionally, Mars enters Aries on
May 24, conjoining Jupiter on the 29th. Considering the passivity and
lull in momentum over recent years due to a pandemic, this planetary
conjunction gives a much needed boost of confidence.
Together Mars joining Jupiter can be impulsive, entitled, forceful and
self absorbed. More than likely, there will be these types of actions,
but for the majority of people, this is a much needed “shot in the arm.”
No, not another vaccine, but a metaphorical injection of vitality,
interest, energy and determination. There is no time like the present
for courageous and bold action, heroic deeds for the good of all.
In addition to this powerfully intense eclipse season of revelations and
disclosures, Mercury is going retrograde on May 10. Timing is
everything. Mercury begins its retrograde phase in Gemini, but
retrogrades back into Taurus, taking its time, drilling deep beneath the
surface of ambivalence, cover ups and pat answers, personally and
collectively. When Mercury goes direct on June 3, just about everything
the eclipses stirred up can begin to resolve. Delays and complications
that arose in late April are most likely addressed, but still require
focused determination in staying the course.
However, keep in mind, as Mercury goes direct, it is in stressful aspect
with Saturn. Similar to having one foot on the brake, and the other on
the gas pedal, obstacles may delay forward momentum. Differences in
approach and opinion may halt progress temporarily, and require extra
effort to think through carefully, and articulate clearly. The common
adage, “When one door closes, another door opens,” is a good reminder.
By May 20, Sun enters Gemini, the zodiac sign of communication,
education, short journeys, neighbors and siblings. The next day, May
21st, the Sun conjoins Mercury retrograde, always an important day in
any Mercury cycle. Watch for enhanced learning through the exchange of
information, and connection with others. Of course, summer travel and
vacation plans will come into play along with getting out and enjoying
the great outdoors. The month wraps up with a Gemini New Moon on May 30,
Memorial Day. Kicking off a summer of fun, Gemini is on the go, ready
for adventure.
In conclusion, a full picture of current trends takes us back to the
rare conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune, exact on April 12, and
continuing to activate as Mars joins Neptune on May 17-18. It can be
helpful to consider how this trend has been manifesting in your life as
it is an opening for all that is to come. The overall energetic has been
that of release and surrender, a deep letting go.
On the physical dimension, Jupiter's conjunction with Neptune has
manifested plenty of very difficult and challenging conditions. Many
people have been experiencing health issues. Many others, in fact, whole
groups of people, have been caught in a web of lies, devastation, loss
and grief. These are not easy times.
Current planetary trends are complex and multifaceted. Therefore, when
astrology points to the joining of Mars with Jupiter in Aries on May 29,
signifying an invigorating upswing, it may seem far fetched from the
trenches of a very dark hole.
Many people resist the word surrender, because it has been associated
with weakness. The English dictionary defines surrender as, “the action
of yielding, giving up power, control, or possession.” However from the
spiritual standpoint, this definition does not take into account the
deeper meaning that has little to do with outer conquest and ego driven
It is a process. A very real experience that arises out of
vulnerability, a place most of us resist. It is a learning and leaning
into life, accepting life on its terms, and ultimately a state of
acceptance. From this state of emptiness and receptivity, miracles can
and do occur, but they cannot be forced, they can only be welcomed.
April 2022
Belinda C. Dunn
Aries New Moon
April 1 @ 2:24 am
Libra Full Moon
April 16 @ 2:55 pm
Taurus Solar Eclipse
April 30 @ 4:28 pm
Spring is in full swing as we enter another month with tons to unpack
from the cosmic perspective. Right from the get go, an Aries New Moon
provides a reset for new beginnings. Mid-month a Full Moon showers
illumination on terrestrial matters while leading to a spectacular Solar
Eclipse on April 30th. Clearly, the flux and flow of Moon's cycle is
very strong this month, providing the thematic framework for numerous
long term planetary trends.
Depending on your time zone, the New Moon will occur on March 31 or
April 1. In the eastern United States, Moon will join Sun in the depths
of night's darkness. Like an egg being fertilized, much is going on
beneath the surface, out of sight. It is a time of gestation and
preparation, a time of intention, holding the faith in that which is
As the first zodiac sign, Aries gives an energetic push to forge ahead
despite obstacles or detours. A spring flower pushing up and through
dense earth, or a tender tree sprout growing through cracks in concrete,
the signs of rebirth are testament to life's primordial strength,
forever dwelling within apparent delicacy.
Three significant and impressive planetary alignments show up in this
New Moon chart. First, Moon and Sun are couched between Mercury, the
planet of conscious awareness, and Chiron, the wounded healer. Thus, the
primary focus is standing strong as an individual, trusting and allowing
a direct connection to the greater whole. It is no longer a matter of
relying on other gods, but to go directly to Source as a felt sense of
unification and spontaneous healing.
Chiron, a little known planet discovered in 1977, is the archetypal
healer. In mythology, Chiron was a centaur with a horse's body and a
human head. Centaurs are immortal, but as the story goes, Chiron was
deeply wounded, and in his search for relief, Chiron discovers and
cultivates many facets of the healing arts.
Today, after decades of research, astrologers interpret Chiron as the process
of uncovering deeply suppressed wounds that numb down, dumb down, and block
presence. It is tricky business to come into human form. There are many
distractions and desires, challenges and tests, all designed as a complete
package in Earth school curriculum. Energetically, Chiron plays a unique
role in amplifying awareness as to the nature of wounds, giving permission
to come out of denial while providing the impetus for coordinated and synergistic
holistic healing.
The second major alignment in this Aries New Moon reset is a joining of
Venus, Mars and Saturn, all in Aquarius, the zodiac sign of friendship.
This unique planetary combination signals major turning points on a
global scale. Shifting alliances open new channels for exchange in a
cross fertilization of innovation and resources. Blended together, Venus
aims for cooperation, Mars activates the will to take action for good or
ill, and Saturn is a restraining force.
When Mars exactly conjoins Saturn on April 4, more than likely, the
international community will be prepared to take measured and restrained
action to curtail unlawful aggression on many levels. There is a
tightening of controls, doling out of consequences, underscoring the
reality, there is no going back from here. Saturn's transit through
Aquarius (2020-23) is accelerating the kind of rapid change that
typically comes out of pressing circumstances, bringing to mind the
proverbial, “Necessity is the mother of invention.”
The third major alignment involves Jupiter's conjunction with Neptune in
Pisces, exact on April 12. These planets align every 14 years, or so.
However, this alignment is especially potent as both planets have an
affinity to Pisces, and the last time this occurred was 1856. Blended
together, this trend amplifies themes of dissolution, disorientation,
loss, release and surrender.
A watershed year, much is passing away on this dimension. Familiar ways
of organizing reality are falling short of providing structure,
individually and collectively. On one hand, uncertainty, anxiety and
fear are at an all time high. On the other hand, a transforming and
transcendent spiritual opening is incomparable to anything ever
experienced before. Triggering a karmic delete of multiple time lines,
mass consciousness is ripe for revelation.
In the face of many unknowns, grounded clarity begins emerge by the the
Full Moon of April 16. The Moon is in Libra, elevating and illuminating
the spirit of cooperation. By now, both Venus and Mars have entered
Pisces, giving an extra push for compassionate outreach and humanitarian
Softer and gentler, Venus conjoins Neptune on the 27th, and conjoins
Jupiter in the final hours of April 30th. Energetically, human love is
elevated beyond self interest to encompass altruistic values. At this
moment, with so much turmoil and tragedy in the world, it is not hard to
imagine under what circumstances the human heart may truly be touched,
opening to genuine loving care and kindness.
One caveat on the personal level, these trends underscore the need for
self care. For everyone, but especially sensitive individuals, there is
a susceptibility to stress, because veils between dimensions are very
permeable, and psychic boundaries are dissolving. Extreme sensitivity,
emotional overwhelm and exhaustion, can indicate an absorption of
collective distress. Of course, this actually harms rather than helps.
If you notice this happening, it's time to step back, turn off
technology, eliminate distractions, cultivate stillness, and spend time
in nature.
Another key factor in late April involves Pluto's long term transit
through Capricorn reaching a point of retrograde on the 30th.
Considering Pluto's influence in fueling authoritarian styles of
government, this retrograde suggests a review of objectives, especially
in matters of domination and control.
Pluto has been direct since October 5, accelerating power grabs and
destructive forces. For the coming five months, retrograde Pluto
indicates a halt, even an about face. More than likely, overt aggression
will be thwarted and bogged down in diminishing support as Pluto's
intensity and timing throws up roadblocks.
All these factors are building to a Solar Eclipse on April 30.
Generally, there is a felt sense of an approaching eclipse, although
effects can build for weeks before, and stretch out for months to come.
Eclipses come in pairs, and this Solar Eclipse/New Moon will be followed
by a Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon on May 18.
Eclipses are always game changers. This specific eclipse is in Taurus,
the zodiac sign of ownership, banking, exchange, commodities, currency
and possessions. This eclipse is especially significant given the roller
coaster ride of money markets, supply chain disruptions, reliance on
fossil fuels, runaway inflation, widespread poverty and homelessness.
Coming to a critical head, this eclipse activates Uranus in Taurus
(2018-2025). Known as the wild card planet, the action of Uranus tends
to be sudden and unpredictable, especially in circumstances that have
been stagnating in status qua mediocrity.
This Solar Eclipse sets the stage for rapid and pervasive adjustments in
financial matters, personal income and lifestyle choices. Beneath all
the material stuff of things money can buy, is the foundation of value.
This is an optimal time to sincerely consider, and rediscover your true
motivations, and thus true worth.
Living in a world that places so much value on possessions, perhaps this
eclipse will play a part in redefining value, including humanity's
connection to Earth. It is fitting that Earth Day is celebrated every
April 22nd as Sun enters Taurus. A fascinating synchronicity to note . .
. this year marks the 22nd Earth Day on the 22nd day of April in 2022.
In numerology, 2 is the number of relationship, collaboration and
In spring 1970, the first Earth Day was born out of a growing concern
over the use of toxic pesticides, led in large part by Rachel Carson's
research, and seminal book, “Silent Spring.” I clearly recall seeing,
“Silent Spring,” on my parent's bookshelf, a Book of the Month
selection, sent out to all subscribers. The title was ominous, how could
spring be silent?
Carson, a conservationist, made it her life work to educate the public
on long term effects of pollution. Initially, Carson's controversial
book met with fierce opposition, especially from chemical companies
manufacturing the pesticide DDT. Despite opposition, eventually DDT was
banned, leading science and government to acknowledge human impact on
the environment, and the seeds of a grassroots environmental movement
were planted in the hearts and minds of humanity.
Here we are 50 years later in a reality check of gigantic proportions.
Although many successful strides have been made, much remains to be
accomplished. As one species after another is facing extinction, we may
ask ourselves, “Is human life staggering on the brink of survival?”
If we look closely with open eyes and open hearts, a paradigm shift has
been taking place over these decades. For those that remember, the
prevailing mindset last century was based on Earth as a thing, an
unlimited resource to be coaxed and prodded, mined and drilled, used and
abused. Little thought was given to human activity and industrial
impact. Those days are over.
Everyday, human consciousness is expanding to include Earth as a living
ecosystem, a rare gem of a planet in a vast, revolving, evolving system
of galactic proportions. The human body is designed to connect deeply to
Earth while soaring to the heavens. In reality, we are living in a
beautiful garden where nature gives abundantly, freely, unconditionally.
May we receive and share these gifts with humility, gratitude and
March 2022
Belinda C. Dunn
Pisces New Moon
March 2 @ 12:35 pm
Virgo Full Moon
March 18 @ 3:18 am
Spring Equinox
March 20 @ 11:30 am
In the northern hemisphere, from the seasonal perspective, March is the
most transitional and dynamic month of any year, and 2022 is no
exception. Gazing outside my window now, forest trees are bare bones,
but by month's end, these same trees will be overflowing with life
force, bursting into bloom, unfurling tiny leaves in every shade of
spring green.
As the human body is a part of nature, not apart from nature, this
stirring to life can be experienced as a revitalization of body, mind
and spirit. March is an exceptional month for cleansing practices. After
a winter of heavier, warming, comforting meals, there is a natural
attraction to lighter, greener and easy to digest foods. This urge to
purify can take many forms such as fasting, spring cleaning, recycling,
donating surplus, and preparing garden soil. In general, it's about
releasing burdens to lighten the load, and give space for life force to
move freely.
From the standpoint of astrology, rare and extraordinary planetary
alignments underscore this process of renewal. Characteristic of spring,
this stirring to life is a quickening, and with all planets direct, it's
time to get moving. Truly, humanity stands at the threshold of
unprecedented spiritual expansion. It's just a matter of recognizing the
doorway, and choosing to step through into a whole new world.
Right from the get go, a New Moon in Pisces sets the stage on March 2.
The astrology chart shows an impressive and significant emphasis on the
zodiac sign of Pisces. As our Moon joins Sun in Pisces, these faster
moving luminaries conjoin Jupiter and Neptune, planting the seeds for
another cycle. Exact dates are: March 2, 3, 5 and 13th.
Currently, Jupiter is preparing for an exact conjunction with Neptune on
April 12. To give some perspective on timing, it is helpful to consider
Jupiter's 12 year orbit through the zodiac, spending approximately 1
year in each sign. In contrast, orbiting in the outer fringes of our
solar system, Neptune has an orbital cycle of 165 years. Therefore, the
alignment of these two planetary giants is fairly rare, and the last
conjunction occurred in 2009, a year characterized by all the hope of
Obama's first year in office, set against the backdrop of massive bank
bailouts and economic turmoil.
In preparation for this major conjunction, let's take a deep dive into
the symbols of Jupiter and Neptune. First, both planets are at home in
Pisces, the zodiac sign of surrender, purification, release and
forgiveness. Jupiter is the ancient ruler, and Neptune is the modern
ruler. Both planets are highly spiritual, and potently transforming.
Jupiter uplifts and inspires while Neptune dissolves the boundaries of
everyday consciousness. They are more about the intangible and ineffable
than the material and concrete.
Keywords for Jupiter in positive expression include optimism,
enthusiasm, ethics, purpose, confidence, adventurous, expansion, truth,
justice, philanthropy, generosity, benevolence. In contrast, the more
challenging manifestations of Jupiter show up as extravagance,
indulgence, risk, exaggeration, gullibility, grandiosity and entitlement.
Some keywords for Neptune in positive expression are compassion,
empathy, devotion, mystical, intuitive, artistic, reverent, visionary,
oceanic, ethereal, contemplative. Neptune has a very difficult shadow
side that can manifest in delusion, deception, glamour, confusion,
addiction, escapism, apathy, psychosis and victimization.
Astrologer Dane Rudhyar writes, “The zodiac sign of Pisces has a
passive, receptive, 'psychic' aspect; but it also the sign in which the
sword of severance can be handled to cut through the phantasms of
accumulated and festering subconscious and karmic memories. As the last
sign of the zodiac, it represents both the karmic pressure of the past,
and the great effort of repudiation and purgation needed to overcome the
past. It is a symbol of collective crisis, or group catharsis.”
The effects of this momentous conjunction are clearly visible, but for
purposes of this article, I will attempt to summarize in a few short
sentences. In the chaos and confusion of extreme paradigm shifts,
changing of cultural epochs, erosion of ethics, questioning of faith . .
. humans are seeking meaning in the midst of widespread suffering.
There is a prevailing sense of being lost in a sea of meaninglessness.
Many people are asking, “What is the purpose of life?” And, for the most
part, existing belief systems fall short of providing much needed
relief. Conceptual frameworks are collapsing, and the contextual past is
rapidly becoming obsolete.
Depending on one's level of consciousness, these influences are
destabilizing, uncertain, devoid of meaning. However, disillusionment
can break through stagnation, providing fertile ground for deep release,
seeking, yearning, opening, a calling forth of new vision. It is just a
matter of, “Ask, and you shall receive.” The planets are lined up to
adjust, reboot, resurrect, and rise above.
Pisces themes carry through to the Full Moon on March 18, a culmination,
a cleansing in preparation for the renewal of spring. Additionally,
Mercury is rapidly transiting through Pisces, March 9 to 26. As the
planet of communication and cognition, Mercury conjoins Jupiter on the
21st, and Neptune on the 23rd.
All factors together, March is a month to give yourself space to
process, clarify intentions and attune to guidance. If your schedule
allows, take time off, turn off technology, and find respite in nature.
Cultivating relaxation supports the tremendous shifts and openings to
happen almost effortlessly.
And, as if this isn't enough! Let's back up to the first week of March,
and consider Venus and Mars. Throughout February, in tandem, both
planets have been transiting through Capricorn. Not only is there the
reset of a New Moon, but Venus/Mars conjoin and activate Pluto, exact on
March 3.
In February's article, I wrote a detailed interpretation of Pluto's 246
year cycle, and its return in the United States astrology chart. Exact
three times in 2022 (February 20, July 11, December 28), this Pluto
return can be likened to a crossroads of destiny as well as consequence.
On multiple levels, existing foundations are being reviewed and
examined. Circumstances, events and decisions carry greater weight in
this pivotal year.
U.K. astrologer Lorna Bevan has this to say on the subject, ”Pluto is
the planet of death and rebirth – the force that shatters the outworn to
ashes like a wrecking ball so new green shoots can grow. With
repercussions for all of us no matter where we live in the world, the
USA as a nation is being shaken by the seismic tremors of its first
Pluto return since 1776. The USA will be forced to look back to see
whether the original intentions set for the nation are still being
upheld, or if they need to be re-written.”
A plethora of issues that have been brewing for years, but especially
since November, erupt to a full circle crescendo. The atmosphere is
super charged, intense, revealing, explosive and transforming. On its
own, Mars conjunct Pluto is very ambitious, controlling, territorial and
power hungry. Mars takes action, and of course, the world's eyes are on
Russia and Ukraine.
However, Venus is the planet of mediation and diplomacy. Venus has been
transiting through Capricorn since November 5. This is the planet of
peaceful resolutions, win/win solutions, restraint and cooperation. Only
time will tell, but the interplay of Venus suggests receptivity to
possible options and workable solutions.
Fast forward to the weekend of March 5 & 6. Both Venus and Mars leave
Capricorn to conjoin exactly in the first degree of Aquarius. There are
radical shifts in energy and focus. In contrast to the heavy, serious
nature of Capricorn, Aquarius is light, airy and free. Uplifting and
exhilarating, in many respects, light is glimmering at tunnel's end.
Aquarius supports global initiatives, humans coming together in
synergistic and concerted effort as one planetary organism.
Before COVID was a reality, many people had metaphoric dreams of a
worldwide tsunami covering the globe. Taking this analogy another step .
. . as waves recede, there is a pervasive sense of being tossed up on
shore. Exhausted, gritty, disoriented, but still breathing, it's as
though humanity has been washed up on the shore of unexplored land. A
force beyond physical strength seems to pick up the heavy body, lifting
it to stand on wobbly legs. Eyes gaze, looking around, taking it all in.
Unsure of what this even means, everything is different. What used to be
so important, no longer carries as much weight. What used to be unknown,
shows up in stark relief. Unfathomable, unmistakable, inconceivably
enormous, this force is Source, life itself moving through everything,
each and all, creating and sustaining.
Life force as Source is very strong now. Heralding a new season, Sun
enters Aries on March 20, closely followed by Mercury entering Aries on
March 27. Symbolized by the Ram, Aries doesn't think as much as it
responds to this fresh insurgence of vitality. Pure, unfiltered,
energetic, the circle of life is continuously giving another chance to
stand up, shake off the past, cleansed and refreshed to begin anew.
Belinda C. Dunn
Aquarius New Moon
February 1 @ 12:45 am (EST)
Mercury Direct
February 3 @ 11:13 pm (EST)
Leo Full Moon
February 16 @ 11:56 am (EST)
As if on cue, February begins with a New Moon in Aquarius, just past
midnight on the 1st. The zodiac sign of Aquarius, ringing in the Chinese
New Year, the stuff of legends and dreams, hopes and aspirations, a new
year, a new age of brotherhood and sisterhood for humanity.
Since 1962, during a major alignment of six planets in Aquarius, the
signs have been building toward this ideal of universal harmony within
the human family. High ideals, to be sure, but evident in the words of
the hit musical “Hair.” Echoing through the airwaves for generations to
come, “Harmony and understanding, sympathy and trust abounding, no more
falsehoods and derision, golden living dreams of visions, mystic crystal
revelations, and the mind's true liberation.”
A full 60 years ago, in early February, a New Moon in Aquarius set the
stage for a major paradigm shift. Still unfolding and evolving, this
shift is a giant experiment of consciousness taking place around the
globe for every human, every life form and the entire planet. Like
today, Saturn was transiting through Aquarius (1962 – 1964), coming off
a hangover from its transit through Capricorn, and stirring alive a new
potential, an entirely new zeitgeist defined as, “the general
intellectual, moral and cultural climate of an era.”
For those readers alive in the 1960's, a simple recollection underscores
the absolutely massive social change that has taken place in recent
decades. On just about every level of human experience, a transformation
is taking place, but it's messy, and for the most part, we're in the
trenches. There are dark days, and even darker nights, but 2022 is not
the year to lose sight of possibility, especially in the face of
contrasting appearances. In actuality, the upheaval and turbulence are
visible signs of an old order falling away, and a tremendous rebirth
taking place.
As life is cyclical, in contemplating the lyrics of “Dawning of the Age
of Aquarius,” a key phrase jumped out as though in flashing neon lights,
“the mind's true liberation.” And so, this month of February as Moon
joins Sun, conjoining and activating Saturn in Aquarius, one of the key
themes is freedom that begins with the mind's liberation.
The brain is like a computer, it is physical, temporary, programmable
and susceptible to outside influence. It can never be the true self, but
a vehicle of consciousness, a tool of human experience in this
dimension. Every spiritual discipline, east and west, in one form or
another, points to the scattered and restless nature of “monkey mind.”
In astrology, planet Mercury rules over the everyday mind, while Uranus
is considered the higher octave mind of extraordinary illumination, such
as when the blinders fall away in those poignant and unforgettable
moments of, “Ah ha . . . now I understand!”
Moments like this are part and parcel of February's grace. Let's track
Mercury. Entering Aquarius on January 2, the year started with momentum,
but shortly stalled out as Mercury went retrograde on January 14 within
orb of Saturn's tight square to Uranus. On February 2, Mercury goes
direct again, but in very close proximity to Pluto in Capricorn.
In other words, no progress is possible without a reckoning with the
past. On February 14, Mercury re-enters Aquarius for the second time,
squares Uranus on February 24, and conjoins Saturn for the third and
final time on March 2. Therefore, the winter months are deeply
contemplative, a perfect season to observe the mind, and root out
misconstrued notions.
Technology has made global communication not only possible, but
pervasive. Instantly, news travels from one side of the globe to
another, spanning time zones in 24/7 connection. The reality of this
connectivity cannot be understated. Both a blessing and a curse, the
field of collective consciousness is easily swayed and overwhelmed with
extreme emotion and distorted thinking.
In the swirl of media, tainted by opinion and bias, it is essential to
partake of information from a very disciplined and discerning mindset.
This brings us to some of the key characteristics of Aquarius;
observation and detachment, including big picture thinking that rises
above tumult, bringing to mind the adage, “May cooler heads prevail.”
Throughout February, both Venus and Mars transit through matter-of-fact
Capricorn, conjoining on February 16. Adding another dimension to
current trends, these planets bring relationships into focus. The hearts
and flowers, romantic expectations of Valentine's Day may be toned down,
less sentimental, and more realistic. Once the romantic phase is over,
long term relationships require work, commitment and maturity.
Once Mercury goes direct, it's full speed ahead as all planets are
direct. Many projects that have been on hold will be able to move
forward. Taking advantage of these forward trends goes a long way in
getting a handle on goals. And four planets in Capricorn (Mercury/
Venus/Mars/Pluto), assist in grounding and manifesting goals.
Additionally, as these planets activate Pluto, roadblocks and
complications can help to define feasibility and purpose.
As mentioned in previous articles, Pluto continues a long term transit
through Capricorn (2008 – 2023). This is especially significant as Pluto
was in Capricorn in 1776, a key planetary factor during the
establishment of national identity as stated in the Declaration of
Independence. As Pluto transits through all zodiac signs every 246
years, 2022 is the first year in the nation's history that Pluto returns
to the exact degree of 1776. Astrologically, this is momentous, a very
big deal!
It is clear, with all factors lining up, 2022 promises to be a
significant turning point for the nation and world. There will be three
exact dates, but repercussions linger well into 2023. A planetary
return, in this case Pluto, typically requires an overhaul of systems.
Pluto dismantles what is no longer relevant, workable and functional.
First there is the breakdown, followed by a breakthrough which makes way
for rebuilding. Computers can give exact dates, but in reality this
process has been underway since 2008. The exacts dates are: February 20,
June 11 and December 29.
Astrology is a language of archetypal symbols ranging in frequencies
from challenging expression to positive manifestation. For example, some
of the keywords for Pluto include: catalyst, decay, toxicity, waste,
depravity, avarice, force, domination, suppression, sexuality, mass
consciousness, psychoanalysis, redemption, metamorphosis, regeneration.
Some of the keywords for the Capricorn archetype include: ambition,
discipline, control, caution, materialism, arrogance, privilege,
authority, ethics, accountability, efficiency, integrity. Additionally,
Capricorn is the domain of large organizational systems such as
governments, financial institutions and corporations.
We don't have to look far to see the effects of Pluto in Capricorn.
Blended together, it's a recipe for chaos, social upheaval, distrust of
authority, misuse of power, erosion of ethics, legal battles, and
destruction of norms.
While constitutional principles are being debated, infrastructure is
crumbling. While human rights are being examined, violence continues on
the streets, and in our schools. While leadership drags its feet in
bi-partisan bickering, families struggle to make ends meet. While
governments tout fair labor practices, employees work for slave wages in
unhealthy environments. While enormous sums of money and resources are
directed to a global military-industrial complex, many people go without
basic necessities. Need I go on?
Astrologically, the dark and stormy clouds over the nation have a silver
lining. As foundations crack and rock to the core, it is time for a
rewrite. Pluto's return is an optimal environment for revisiting
founding principles in this crash course in democracy. Of course, this
process is controversial, and not easy, but necessary for progress at
home and abroad.
On February 16, the day Venus and Mars join in Capricorn, there is a
Full Moon. With the Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Leo, this is an
auspicious and powerful pinnacle of collective reflection. Considering
the United States astrology chart, this Full Moon is exactly, to the
degree, conjoining the nation's Moon in Aquarius, symbolizing the
general mood, public opinion, social environment and domestic issues.
With Aquarian overtones of freedom, autonomy, equality, invention and
progress, this Full Moon highlights the possibilities of constructive
and beneficial leadership in contrast to cruel and heartless leadership.
Individual and collective response can range all the way from agreement
and compliance to rebellion and dissent.
Additionally, this Full Moon is in stressful square with the lunar
nodes. Together these factors align in a Grand Cross, one of the most
potent of astrological configurations. Likened to standing at the
crossroads, there are choices, but the way forward may remain unclear.
In many instances, it's “push come to shove,” with neither side budging,
and extreme polarization. However, the Moon's full illumination suggests
revelation and transparency along with necessary compromise for the
greater good.
Thankfully, there are some gentler influences in February. Namely,
Jupiter's transit through Pisces in harmony with Uranus in Taurus, exact
on February 17th. This combination enhances intuition, genius, invention
and expansive vision of possibility. Additionally, on February 18, Sun
enters Pisces, the final zodiac sign of spirituality, and the healing
release of forgiveness.
It is clear to see, February is a pivotal month in a pivotal year. If we
simply look at appearances, the picture is grim, frustrating and gloomy.
However, standing at the crossroads, looking up, vision expands beyond
the little mind, the conditioned mind of repetition, opinion,
narrow-minded thinking and prejudice. Current trends support and enhance
this rare opportunity to be free, truly free, in the only way freedom is
To conclude, in keeping with the zeitgeist of 2022, quoting rapper
Marlon Craft, “The ego's driving the car and it just depends on where it
gets it's license, how many of us really choose our own thoughts and
vices? Healin's not a feeling, it's a process. Progress not an object,
it's a concept. Humanity's a conscience not a contest.”
January 2022
Belinda C. Dunn
Capricorn New Moon
January 2 @ 1:33 pm
Mercury retrograde
January 14 @ 6:41 am
Cancer Full Moon
January 17 @ 6:48 pm
High hopes and aspirations abound as 2022 gets underway. Surely, this is
the year, this is the turning point for humanity on this blue-green gem
of a planet. Spinning and evolving in cycles upon cycles, each moment a
starting place. Like the archetypal Fool, first card in the Tarot deck,
each of us stand posed to leap into the unknown with only a backpack of
memories woven with dreams for a brilliant future.
January begins with Mars in Sagittarius, symbolized by the Archer,
aiming the arrow of truth toward a worthy target. Interestingly, this is
the zodiac sign of prognostication in all its various forms. It is so
tempting to make predictions in the attempt to nail down the future in a
nice and neat package. But, for the most part, these times we journey
through are essentially unpredictable, easily swayed and altered as
human consciousness evolves in the co-creating web of life.
However, this sense of rebirth, the anticipation of another chance to
“get it right,” creates a buoyancy, breathing life into an atmosphere of
heavy dread and disgruntled cynicism. The truth is out there, somewhere
between realism and fantasy, fact and fiction. From apocalyptic
destruction to idealized utopias, no one person can know the exact
nature of what is to come, but maintaining a balanced perspective is the
key to serenity.
As 2022 gets off to an enthusiastic start, the real work begins
immediately. Between a Capricorn New Moon on January 2, and Mercury
going retrograde on January 14, astrological trends point to getting the
job done while surmounting obstacles. In order to move forward, free and
clear, a great deal lingers from the past as carryover from the most
extreme and tumultuous years in recent history.
The New Moon chart shows Sun, Moon, Venus and Pluto all in Capricorn.
During the major planetary alignments of 2020, Mars/Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto
aligned in Capricorn, destabilizing everyday order like a house of
cards. For the past two years, dysfunction has shown itself on a global
scale, and society is struggling under the weight of antiquated systems.
Reorganization and overhaul of social systems is underway with no end in
Feeding into the Pluto return in the United States chart, 2022 is a year
whereby existing foundations have been sufficiently rocked, and the
necessity to restructure is the primary focus. Even in well established
institutions, eyes are turning to reform, and the implications are
Listening carefully, reading between the lines, the words
“constitutional crisis,” and “democracy in peril,” echo across airwaves,
and through the hallowed corridors of local, state and national
agencies. This breakdown is all in preparation for Pluto's transit into
Aquarius beginning Spring 2023, along with other significant planetary
shifts over the next several years that are actually quite positive and
Speaking of Aquarius, Saturn is transiting through this zodiac sign of
innovation and reform (December 18, 2020 through March 8, 2023).
Together with Jupiter in Aquarius, last year brought many developments,
especially in regard to a new administration, public health, education,
science and technology.
The need for adaptation continues, especially this month as Mercury goes
retrograde in Aquarius within proximity of Saturn, 10 and 13 degrees
respectively. From the timing perspective, this trend suggests that
circumstances/events transpiring mid-month may take until early March to
resolve as Mercury makes its final conjunction with Saturn March 2.
Doing a deep dive into the meaning of this Mercury retrograde, let's
turn to a general interpretation affecting personal matters. First of
all, Mercury represents everyday thinking, and general attitude. In
combination with Saturn, the early months of 2022 may present more
serious and weighty matters that take time and careful planning to
overcome. Typically, Saturn's influence can feel heavy and burdensome,
depressing and disappointing, so by all means, guard attitude and
thought processes with care.
Symbolically, Saturn is the stern, but well meaning father figure,
telling it like it is. In many instances, it is human nature to resist
the wise counsel that Saturn bestows, in favor of taking the “easier”
route. Saturn's influence requires focus, discipline, responsibility and
patience. However, on the personal level, Saturn grows, develops and
matures one's character while activating essential qualities of resolute
determination and commitment. It is not always easy to face challenges
with a positive attitude, but this is exactly what Saturn asks of us.
It is said that every dark cloud has a silver lining, and Mercury's
transit through Aquarius (January 2 - 25 & February 14 – March 9),
indicates bursts of genius in flashes of insight, upgrades and
downloads, and surprising solutions to complex problems. Watch for
synchronicity and connections with friends, community and tribe.
During the final week of January, on the 25th, Mercury retrogrades back
into Capricorn. Any retrograde phase implies the necessity for review
and research of possible options. This is especially the case now as
Mercury retrograde slips back to conjoin Pluto on the 28th. Closely
guarded secrets can no longer be hidden. Intense, explosive and
revealing, information coming to light may very well alter the
trajectory of goals.
Additionally, Venus in Capricorn is completing a retrograde phase the
next day, on the 29th, and the Moon is transiting through Capricorn
feeding into and activating these planets. These planetary alignments
are remarkable in force, bringing situations to a head. “The shift is
hitting the fan,” and there is no turning back. Ultimately, planetary
player Pluto brings far-reaching transformation, even though the first
stages may appear daunting along with strong emotional reactions.
When Mercury goes retrograde on January 14, Sun conjoins Pluto on the
16th, culminating in a Full Moon on the 17th. On many levels,
circumstances and conditions are precarious, and similar to dominoes
falling one by one, the tipping point is mid-month. This Full Moon lands
on a Monday, Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Themes of social injustice and
economic disparity combine with culture wars to expose and reveal
underlying agendas.
On top of all this, Uranus goes direct on the 18th, feeding into and
supporting dynamic and insistent calls for reform. Then Sun enters
Aquarius on the 19th, underscoring the necessity for sweeping changes.
Phew! It's quite the combination as January gets off to a fast and
furious start.
To review, throughout 2021, Saturn and Uranus were at odds. For example,
Saturn represents laws, regulations, responsibility and accountability.
When regulations become too constructive and threaten to take away
personal freedom, Uranus responds with rebellion and revolt.
Symbolically, Saturn is the adult, advising, correcting and instructing,
while Uranus is the rebellious teenager, experimenting and experiencing.
As prevalent as this push and pull has been, forced compliance can be
counter productive, but boundaries are necessary, and continue to be in
a state of flux.
It is helpful to consider benevolent Jupiter transiting in the early
degrees of Pisces. Jupiter is the wise sage, and Pisces is the zodiac
sign of spirituality. Literally and figuratively, this combination can
be the saving grace of planetary trends. Expanding awareness beyond the
everyday drama of little egos vying for control, Jupiter uplifts the
spirits, and ensures protection. By April, Jupiter conjoins Neptune in
rare potential for widespread awakening to life's unique purpose.
Another worthy trend to note is the shift of lunar nodes from
Gemini/Sagittarius to Taurus/Scorpio. Exact on January 18, all eclipses
for the next 18 months will activate these zodiac signs. With the North
Lunar in Taurus and the South Lunar Node in Scorpio, the archetypal
story line shifts to more practical matters, especially revolving around
security, resources, possessions, currency and financial institutions,
ecology and sustainability.
There is great potential as 2022 dawns. Developments during these early
months can bring focus and perspective in a timely review. A global
pandemic surged into public awareness during the rare and life changing
alignment of Mars/Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto, exact during
January/February/March 2020. The ripples and repercussions are still
rolling out in enormous waves of change on many levels of our collective
experience from the most personal to worldwide effects.
Current planetary trends activate this original inception point in a
grand finale. Indicating major strides in some type of resolution,
Mercury, Venus and Mars all conjoin Pluto in Capricorn. Starting last
month, Venus conjoined Pluto twice, digging deep, stirring up debris,
purging limitations, and exposing wounds, especially on the heart level.
The third and final conjunction occurs in early March. Meanwhile,
Mercury conjoins Pluto, exact three times (December 30, January 28,
February 11), and Mars returns to Capricorn on January 24, conjoining
Pluto on March 3.
Weather related disasters appear to be occurring with more frequency and
force. Hitting close to home, and sweeping through neighboring states,
the recent mega-tornado brought tremendous loss, grief and devastation.
The astrology chart for the event shows Venus conjunct Pluto, and Moon
in Pisces conjunct Neptune. While this planetary combination indicates
devastating destruction in heart wrenching ways, the outpouring of
compassion and assistance has been genuine and immediate for those in need.
From the astrological perspective, current planetary trends signal a
reckoning with the past in order to move forward. In our personal lives,
and across the globe, circumstances vary greatly, but underlying themes
are clear. While external events continue to unfold in a crescendo of
dysfunction, each person is pushed beyond their comfort zone to rise to
the occasion. To make a positive contribution in the lives of those
around us, and search within the heart of all hearts for what is truly
meaningful in this extraordinary journey called life.
December 2021
Belinda C. Dunn
Sagittarius Solar Eclipse
December 4 @ 2:43 am
Gemini Full Moon
December 18 @ 11:36 pm
Winter Solstice
December 21 @ 10:59 am
Twinkling lights all glitter and gold, familiar fragrances wafting in
the air, memories of seasons past stir the soul, it's December. The
month begins with all the fanciful hopes and dreams of Sun in
Sagittarius, zodiac sign of celebration. Time honored traditions mark
the passage of another year, in the slow, but sure, march of generations.
The month gets off to an enthusiastic start as Moon joins Sun in an
impressive Sagittarius Solar Eclipse on December 4. Eclipses always come
in pairs, and this eclipse energetically follows the lunar eclipse of
November 19; picking up the pieces, resetting the narrative with an
attitude of moving on. Powerfully transforming, these eclipses shed
light on the ever evolving lesson plan in Earth school.
Eclipses occur as Sun, Moon and Earth come into alignment on a regular
basis. This cycle is part of the 18.6 cycle of lunar nodes. On a
metaphysical/archetypal level, the nodes reflect specific themes. Since
May 2020, the North Lunar Node has been in Gemini, while the South Lunar
Node has been in Sagittarius. This is all to point out, December's
eclipse is a culmination, a wrap up of the previous 18 months.
What are the themes? Reflecting two sides of the same coin, both Gemini
and Sagittarius represent the mind, and communication of thought into
daily life. Gemini is the everyday aspect of thinking/
speaking/listening/learning/relating. Sagittarius is the inspirational
foundation of belief systems aiming to understand, and make sense of
this reality.
Beliefs encompass an enormous range of diversity in worldview;
philosophy, spirituality, religion, politics, culture. Beliefs are
unique to the individual, and susceptible to programming. Upon self
reflection, it is possible to recognize an attitude of open minded
curiosity, and conversely, recognize when the mind is made up, closed to
other points of view.
Most of the time, beliefs tend to be abstract, innocuous, vacillating,
hard to define and pin down. However, in times such as these, beliefs
have become the make it or break juncture of sensibility and sanity, or
gullibility and illusion. Add a hefty dose of dogma, and belief becomes
a toxic cocktail of persuasion and control. The disparity, the widening
gulf between truth and falsehood, is a threatening hypnotic trance of
discord that can be felt around the world.
Contributing to this toxic, murky, foggy atmosphere is Neptune's long
term transit through Pisces. On December 1st, Neptune shifts from
retrograde to direct. This means the planetary energy is bearing down,
pressing the issues, and pushing matters to a state of revelation.
Neptune can lift consciousness up into ascended and awesome heights of
enlightenment, but likewise, Neptune can be a slippery slope of
delusion, projection, and in extreme cases, mental illness.
This brings us to the United States astrology chart, a blueprint of the
nation's destiny. It is not a mystery, the country was founded on high
and idealistic principles, summed up as every human is created equal in
the eyes of Divinity, and therefore entitled to the pursuit of life,
liberty, and happiness. This chart shows Neptune overhead, elevated,
above and beyond all other planetary factors, like a lighthouse guiding
and shining for all to see.
These are ideals, but the question remains, how do we as ordinary,
struggling, evolving human beings, embody these ideals? Even though
answering this question remains elusive for most of the populace,
current planetary trends are pressing the issue, expanding consciousness
to at least begin giving credence to these original founding principles.
There are two major, long term trends involved. First, Pluto in a 246
year orbit, is returning to its exact position in 1776. Technically
called a Pluto return, momentum has been building for significant
restructuring on many levels of society. The writing is on the wall for
all to see as systems breakdown, infrastructure requires an overhaul,
and government agencies are under pressure to better meet the needs of a
growing population. Enormous changes are underway, but the first stage
of Pluto is to dismantle what is not working. More on this next year, as
the transit is exact three times in 2022.
For purposes of this article and trends in December, we go back to
Neptune, and its transit over a very sensitive point in the United
States chart. At the time of the country's founding, Mars was in
stressful aspect with Neptune, an indication of intense patriotism,
idealism, along with the urge to fight, rightly or wrongly, for
principles. This also suggests an exaggerated glorification of war with
an attitude of “might makes right.”
Neptune moves very slowly in its 165 year orbit, and this trend has been
building for a decade, at least. However, Neptune is activating this
dynamic fighting spirit of patriotism now, reaching a culmination point
in early 2022, remaining within orb of influence for several more years.
Therefore, astrology suggests the nation is being tested on how to work
through conflict in effective and constructive ways.
In combination with the Sagittarius Solar Eclipse on December 4, and the
Gemini/Sagittarius Full Moon on December 18, Neptune's powerful
influence is heightening awareness around ideology, individually and
collectively. Key dates: December 1, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18.
Admirable and beneficial characteristics of Sagittarius include levity,
humor, enthusiasm, inspiration, generosity and good will. However, in
excess, the challenges may appear extreme; dogmatic, zealous, fanatical,
outspoken and judgmental.
It is said that Sagittarius can “sell” anything from concepts to things,
so December is a month for buyer beware. Eyes wide open, listen
carefully to all versions of reality that are being sold, and be careful
of whose version you may be buying into . . . including your own
thoughts and perceptions.
In his seminal work, “Power vs. Force,“ Dr. David Hawkins writes, “To
transcend the limitation of the mind, it's necessary to dethrone it from
its tyranny as sole arbiter of reality. The vain mind confers its
imprint of authenticity on the movie of life it happens to be viewing;
the mind's very nature is to convince us that its unique view of
experience is the genuine article. Each individual secretly feels that
his particular experience of the world is accurate.”
Additionally, Mars enters Sagittarius on December 13. Giving an
energetic and enthusiastic boost to the holiday spirit, Mars will remain
in Sagittarius until January 24. For the most part, typical of New Year
celebrations, 2022 will launch with all the hopes and dreams of
optimistic good fortune.
Thankfully, there are some strong balancing and grounding trends for
December. Mercury enters practical and responsible Capricorn on December
13. Venus continues for a second month in Capricorn, albeit going
retrograde on the 19th. And our Sun enters Capricorn on December 21,
marking the annual passage of Winter's Solstice.
Another important trend to note is Venus in conjunction with Pluto,
exact on December 25, but within orb of influence throughout December.
Normally, this occurs once a year for several days. This year is
different as Venus begins a 6 week retrograde period. This planetary
alignment sets the stage for winter months with a final conjunction
early March.
Visible in the evening sky hanging around the same degree as Pluto,
Venus will apply pressure to issues that may have been hidden. This is a
rare combination, speaking to issues of the heart. Considering this is
Christmas Day, and typically family is gathered, emotions may be
heightened. This can create the environment for breakdowns as well as
breakthroughs in key relationships.
Not only can the Venus/Pluto alignment affect one's immediate
environment, but together these planets suggest global events on the
mass consciousness scale. From a purely symbolic standpoint, Venus is
associated with refined feelings of love and beauty as well as tangible
things such as money, wealth and possessions. Pluto is associated with
control, force, domination, criminality and revelations. At this point,
the manifestations are not clear, but this powerfully transforming
combination can work for good in the face of great challenges.
Wrapping up the month, in fact all of 2021, is the third and final
aspect of Saturn and Uranus, exact on December 24. Squaring off, vying
for the upper hand, these planets act as a bridge from past to future.
Saturn maintains the structures and traditions of the past while Uranus
encourages innovation and progress. Wherever we look, these themes are
present, personally and collectively.
One of the most blatant and obvious effects of transiting Saturn in
stressful square with Uranus revolves around authority, control,
responsibility, autonomy and freedom. Repeatedly, in a variety of
circumstances, the fine line between social responsibility and personal
freedom has been broached. Especially in regard to vaccines, the
national conversation has circled around this topic in a mishmash of
opinions, leaving each of us to sort it out for ourselves, families and
Evolutionary change occurs within a crucible of pressure and necessity.
2021 has been a year of “push comes to shove,” defined as situations
coming to a critical point, requiring commitment and decision. This
point can feel like a precipice, a jump into unexplored territory, an
experiment with no guarantees of the outcome. Clearly, there is no
turning back as time marches on.
Sitting here, contemplating the conclusion of another year, I am feeling
very grateful for each of you, dear readers. Your interest in astrology,
including your commitment to personal healing and planetary awakening,
is a beckon of light in the darkness. Living in these extraordinary
times is a very special gift. Together, in loving support with eyes open
and hearts expanding, we greet a new year. 2022 . . . here we come!
November 2021
Belinda C. Dunn
Scorpio New Moon
November 4 @ 5:15 pm (Eastern daylight time)
Taurus/Scorpio Lunar Eclipse
November 19 @ 3:57 am (Eastern standard time)
Echoing through the corridors of time, November begins with observance
of All Saints Day, honoring the perennial wisdom of sages, mystics,
ancestors, and continuity of life experience through all dimensions,
through all existence. Both Sun and Mars are in Scorpio now,
highlighting the interconnected nature of spirits in the
birth/death/rebirth process, repeatedly, as the wheel of fortune turns.
Scorpio is known as the most mysterious zodiac sign, the domain of
occult knowledge, sexuality, procreation, death, and the mythological
realm of unicorns, dragons, and phoenix rising from ashes of
destruction. Embodying the principle of surrender, transformation, and
transcendence, Scorpio can best be understood within the context of
release, letting go of earth plane limitations, and embracing the nature
of eternal existence.
November begins with a wrap-up of Mercury's transit through Libra. For a
full ten weeks, Mercury has been in the zodiac sign of arbitrator,
mediator, diplomat, peacemaker. As shared in the October article, many
relationships reached a “make it or break it,” decisive turning point.
In many cases, still reeling from disclosures, participants have a
better understanding of where the other stands, and can move forward
from here.
On November 2, Mercury makes its third and final tense aspect with
Pluto, leaving Libra on the 5th, and in rapid succession transits
through Scorpio until the 24th, entering festive Sagittarius just in
time for Thanksgiving on the 25th.
Setting the pace for the next lunar cycle, let's take a deeper look at
the Scorpio New Moon on November 4. The dark of the Moon gives way to a
powerful reset, calling for adaptation to shifting conditions,
particularly in the areas of commerce, finances, possessions,
investments and resources.
The holidays are going to be different this year; the grab and spend
mindset that has dominated seasons past will be undergoing an
evaluation. From the astrological standpoint, there are numerous factors
pointing to restructuring of financial markets, government agencies,
transport of goods, as well as personal cash flow.
Marking a new moon, Moon conjoins Sun in Scorpio, and together they are
in exact opposition to Uranus in Taurus. This combination tends to be
unsettling at the least, implying sudden and unpredictable conditions
requiring rapid response. An atmosphere of urgency may permeate the
collective mindset as individuals and groups come to terms with reality.
In the long run, Uranus tends to generate significant and necessary
breakthroughs, but immediate effects may appear disruptive.
Throughout 2021, Saturn and Uranus have been playing off each other, and
Saturn is a key factor in this new moon reset. While Uranus thrives on
risk, Saturn prefers predictability, and together these planets bestow
cautious optimism. Like a roller coaster of ups and downs, it's a wild
ride, thrilling for some, but terrifying for many.
These potentially unstable conditions act as a precursor to a lunar
eclipse on November 19. Eclipses always produce revelations, and in this
case, Mars, Mercury and Sun align in Scorpio to take the covers off, and
reveal what is really going on beneath the sheets, and behind the
scenes. With Uranus and Moon in Taurus, revelations help to ensure
progress through addressing corruption, and exposing power plays.
This is a particularly important lunar eclipse activating the zodiac
polarity of Scorpio/Taurus for the first time since 2012/2013. Due to an
18.6 year cycle, eclipses change zodiac signs. For example, recent
eclipses have been in Gemini/Sagittarius. Archetypal themes over the
past 18 months have centered around more abstract topics such as
information, education, ideology, justice, and global connection.
Although this eclipse sign change may be subtle, for those sensitive to
energy, it will be palpable and demonstrable as attention shifts to more
tangible areas such as finances, money, possessions, banking, insurance,
inheritance, and shared resources. The key phrase for Taurus is, “I
want.” The key phrase of Scorpio is, “I desire.” This lunar eclipse will
kick off a whole series of eclipses in effect throughout 2022
Energizing both the new and full moon, Mars is transiting through
Scorpio. Mars entered Scorpio on October 30, and throughout November
Mars will apply pressure to matters that have been suppressed, avoided,
ignored. As the planet of action, Mars can be impulsive and driven,
however in Scorpio, Mars adds an extra dose of emotional intensity.
For some individuals, this influence may contribute to obsessions,
brooding and introspection. It's as though everyday awareness is
brimming over with unresolved emotion. Mars in Scorpio drives the
consciousness deep within to reveal inner motives, an opportunity to get
to the bare bones of repressed emotion held within the memory track.
Psychologically probing, the zodiac sign of Scorpio lends courage in the
exploration of shadow material, subtle realms, and mystical experience.
Moment by moment, letting it go, and letting it flow, brings
rejuvenation through the clearing of trauma and unconscious material.
The most strategic and secretive of zodiac signs, Scorpio is very
penetrating in setting aside the superfluous, and getting to the heart
of most matters. Appearances can be deceiving, and beneath the surface
of everyday life, there exists a shadowy realm of criminal activity,
pornography, drug lords, authoritarianism, and covert operations.
Transiting through Scorpio until December 12, Mars in Scorpio is the
detective in ferreting out the truth, and exposing unlawful conduct.
This brings us to a very important transit beginning in November, and in
effect through winter months. Venus, the goddess archetype, enters
Capricorn on November 5, and due to an extended retrograde period,
remains in Capricorn until March 6.
Generally, Venus is associated with adornment (cosmetics, apparel, jewelry),
artistic expression, and many forms of beautification. At her best, Venus
is sensual, affectionate, loving, demonstrative and generous. However,
Venus transiting through Capricorn may curtail excess, frivolity,
glamour and ostentatious display, especially because Capricorn prizes quality
above quantity.
The key phrase of Capricorn is, “I utilize.” In practical terms, this
can alter the holiday gift list to focus more on what is useful and
functional. It's less about wants, and more about needs. Luxury
purchases may appear wasteful, not really addressing the needs of many
people struggling in an uncertain economy.
Venus is associated with money, suggesting a reining in, saving
mentality in the general populace. Venus in Capricorn suggests
moderation in a likely shortage of goods, and perhaps restrictions in
spending. Discussions and decisions can focus on prioritizing
expenditures on every level from household expenses as well as
governments of city, state and nations.
Overall, Venus in Capricorn is inclined to be matter of fact, detached,
moderate, reliable and committed. Love isn't all flowers and chocolate,
hugs and kisses. Over the next four months, as Venus transits through
Capricorn, attention will gravitate to demonstrating love in reliable,
workable, practical and tangible expressions.
In her transit through Capricorn, Venus will energize, harmonize and
complement Mars in Scorpio. These zodiac energies don't play around when
there is a task to accomplish, a mission to achieve. For many people and
projects, November is a month to make up for lost time, get ahead of
the curve, buckle down and get the job done.
Additionally, Mercury plays a supporting role in speaking up, and giving
voice to current events. Speeding through Scorpio (November 5 – 24),
Mercury enhances communication and mental acuity. While this suggests
major disclosures, Mercury in Scorpio may crack open the door to more
realistic and discerning attitudes.
In fact, revelations may be so potent as to cut through the dense, dark
fog of illusory, bizarre and fantastical ideas and ideology. November
10, an especially potent day, Mercury conjoins Mars, and together these
planets activate Saturn. The raw, unfiltered truth may engender
disturbance, but in the long run, this leads to progress based on
assessment of realistic goals.
Before we know it, 2021 is rapidly drawing to a close as November wraps
up with Thanksgiving. In a country overflowing with abundance, how can
there be so much scarcity? On a planet graced with beauty, how can human
greed wrought so much destruction?
Questions of the ages . . . answers buried deep within the labyrinth of
human nature. Answers ready to be discovered, treasures waiting to be
uncovered. When eyes are open, the heart is primed, it begins with
gratitude, endures in generosity, and circles around in everlasting
appreciation for all that is.
WHAT'S UP – October 2021
Belinda C. Dunn
Libra New Moon
October 6 @ 7:05 am
Mercury direct
October 18 @ 11:17 am
Aries/Libra Full Moon
October 20 @ 10:57 am
October dawns bright and clear in the northern hemisphere. Picture a
glorious autumn sky, bright blue without a cloud as dappled sunlight
shifts through leaves of golden yellow, orange and red. Earth emanates
the sweet fragrance of an abundant and rich harvest.
Against this backdrop, most humans continue to race around in their
heads, busy with business, so often missing the point of all this
beauty. The contrast between the natural world, filled with grace, and
the human drama is quite stark during October as Sun, Mercury and Mars
transit through Libra. This puts the focus squarely on relationships,
and how to cultivate and maintain peaceful co-existence with each other
as individuals, families, groups and nations.
The month begins with six planets retrograde, and over the course of
October, four planets complete this retrograde phase and turn direct.
It's as though we're sitting at a red light waiting for the signal to
turn green, giving the go ahead. How is this time spent? Tense,
frustrated, hurried, worried . . . or patiently awaiting the right
moment to deliberately press the gas pedal, and accelerate to the next
level? Slowly but surely, stagnation gives way to direction, and
decisive action.
The first planet to go direct is Pluto. Retrograde since late April,
Pluto is direct on October 6. However, due to a long orbital cycle of
246 years, Pluto appears to be almost at standstill, drilling down at 24
degrees Capricorn, very close to the exact degree in the United States
astrology chart. In fact, Pluto has been at this degree since
mid-August, intensifying dysfunction along with the pressing need to
address numerous challenges such as crumbling infrastructure, climate
related disasters, immigration, racial injustice, economic disparity and
authoritarian overreach.
The next planet to go direct is Saturn. Retrograde since late May,
Saturn goes direct on October 10. This is always good news as Saturn
retrograde typically puts things on hold, producing obstacles and
delays. The area of life where Saturn is transiting through your
personal astrology chart is an area for reassessment and revision.
Saturn direct signifies a completion of this assessment along with
practical ways to address challenges, gather momentum and manifest goals.
Saturn continues its transit through Aquarius skies (2019 – 2023). As
the zodiac sign of experimentation, science, ingenuity, collaborative
creativity and social progress, this current transit is testing the
waters, so to speak, for innovation that addresses the need for
comprehensive solutions. For most of 2021, numerous advances have been
attempted, only to get bogged down in red tape, bipartisanship, power
struggles and controversy. As Saturn goes direct, there may be more wide
spread acceptance of potential solutions.
The next planet to go direct is Jupiter. It too, has been transiting
through Aquarius. As Jupiter goes direct on October 18, it's as though
the dam breaks in a rushing forward of progress based on generosity and
good will. What were just ideas in January, now make sense. More than
likely, naysayers will fall away in the reality of a new world dawning,
and no one can stop the future.
Kicking off the entire week, October 18 is a Monday, signaling a time to
get ahead, breathing a sigh of relief as momentum builds and obstacles
fall away. Not only does Jupiter go direct on the 18th, but Mercury in
Libra goes direct. Additionally, Mars, the planet of action, lends
tremendous support in positive aspect with Jupiter. All this occurs
within a 24 hour time period. This is a week to pay attention. What
feels right and good? Where are the doors opening? Watch for glimmers of
hopeful enthusiasm, sparked with an intuitive, gut instinct knowing.
Now, all this seems very fortunate and timely, and in many instances,
not a moment too soon. But let's unpack Mercury's retrograde phase in
hindsight. First of all, Mercury entered Libra on August 30, and due to
its retrograde phase, remains in the zodiac sign of relationship until
November 5.
Turning the mind/heart/awareness to relationship can take many forms. On
the interpersonal level, a new relationship can begin, while another may
end, reaching a natural conclusion. In many cases, in all types of
relationship, the need for improved communication, and development of
relationship skills is a growing realization. Due to the aspects, which
I will cover shortly, in-depth healing can only be achieved with
transparency, laying all the cards on the table, although exposure of
underlying concerns can feel unfamiliar, and trigger vulnerability.
This brings up a unique combination of planetary forces between Mercury,
the communicator, and two other planets, Jupiter and Pluto. Due this
retrograde phase, Mercury aspects/engages each of these planets three
times. Therefore, during the autumn months, issues and situations
arising in late September may take time to expose, examine, deal with,
and resolve.
As October begins, remember Mercury is retrograde. If you feel pressured
to make decisions, know this is a time to step back, and get all the
facts, so decisions are made with assurance rather than being forced by
circumstances, and other people's agendas.
Let's start with the “bad” news, Mercury is in stressful square to Pluto
three times, exact on September 22, October 1 and November 2. Mercury in
Libra supports diplomatic efforts to settle disputes, and maintain
cooperation. However, facing off with Pluto, the scales of balance are
wildly fluctuating as suppressed tensions erupt, making it virtually
impossible to stay out of denial. Taking many forms, destabilizing
conditions present heavy challenges as people scramble to put out fires,
literally and figuratively.
Guarding one's mental health is important. Even if life is fairly
stable, this planetary combination can increase angst, irritability,
obsession, resistance and fear. Intense and revealing encounters tell a
deeper story as potentially life changing decisions hang in the balance.
Articulate, argumentative, and persuasive voices can purposely give
mixed messages, and it pays to consciously maintain a circumspect and
detached perspective.
OK, now for the “good” news, Mercury is in positive aspect to Jupiter,
exact on September 30, October 3, and November 1. Here the contrast is
stark, unequivocal, perhaps best summed up in “attitude is all.” As the
planet of optimism, enthusiasm, and good fortune, Jupiter is the light
at the end of the tunnel. This aspect tells a different story, a new
story, and for many people, in a variety of situations, things are
actually looking up. With hope on the horizon, every problem has a
solution, and all things are possible.
So, this is the choice. In reality, there are no strictly “bad” or
“good” aspects, but always a blend, and in this topsy-turvey year of
major planetary upheaval, it can be difficult to discern what is
actually true, helpful and relevant. It is not a new choice, but the
dilemma of human consciousness that thinkers of many ages have theorized
upon, and written volumes about.
Charles Dickens, in “Tale of Two Cities,” writes,“It was the best of
times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the
age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of
incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness,
it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”
An analysis of October is not complete without considering the lunar
cycle. Getting the ball rolling, a New Moon on October 6 is distinctly
focused on relationship with Sun, Moon, Mars and Mercury in Libra. This
alignment is made even more powerful at “critical degree,” and exactly
inconjunct Uranus in Taurus.
Money, investments, property and other resources may be a source of
disagreement. This speaks to alliances that may have been disrupted in
recent weeks, and the need to take active steps to repair broken trust.
Motives that have been hidden are now on the table for negotiation. As
Mercury is deep in its retrograde cycle, it is essential to acknowledge
all points of view, allowing difficult conversations to take place, and
think in terms of building bridges of understanding.
The Full Moon on October 20 continues to press issues around
cooperation, or lack thereof. By now, attempts to find mutually
satisfying solutions have either born fruit, and the way forward is
apparent, OR the differences are so stark that “agreeing to disagree,”
is the best option.
Both new and full moons are especially prominent in the United States
chart, shining a light on the nation, and its position on the world
stage. In particular watch October 16 – 22 as Sun, Moon and Mars
activate Pluto, suggesting overt power struggles as well as covert
Therefore, in addition to Mercury's aspects to Pluto and Jupiter,
Sun/Moon and Mars sweep through as triggers, underscoring themes of
leadership, alliances, and power. The wheeling and dealing of
governments and corporations in gigantic global markets is undergoing a
massive overhaul as leaders scramble to adjust in shifting alliances.
These planetary alignments will call into question these developments
along with significant disclosures from behind the scenes, perhaps
summed up best as, “character matters.”
All factors considered, October promises to be a page turning month, and
for the most part, people are ready and prepared to begin a new chapter.
However, these alignments in Libra intensify one of the most difficult
and elusive predicaments for humans which is the tendency to disown
responsibility, and project blame onto other people, places and things.
Shaming and blaming is a slippery slope going nowhere.
One more factor to consider, each time Mercury went retrograde in 2021,
it was in an air sign (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra). For example, last
January, Mercury was retrograde in Aquarius, the zodiac sign of
friendship and community. Last May, Mercury was retrograde in Gemini,
the zodiac sign of communication and connection. And now, once again
from a slightly different vantage point, Mercury in Libra is asking us
to look within before looking around.
For those ready, the planets provide a jolt of recognition, like
awakening from a dream, the trance of human consciousness. Ambiguity
falls away, as the mirror shatters to reveal the other as one's self. We
are more alike than different, and taking personal responsibility is the
key to productive, harmonious and peaceful co-existence.
September 2021
Belinda C. Dunn
Virgo New Moon
September 6 @ 8:52 pm
Pisces Full Moon
September 20 @ 7:54 pm
Autumnal Equinox
September 22 @ 3:21 pm
Mercury retrograde
September 27 – October 18
Signs of autumn are beginning to be more visible, although summer's heat
lingers for days to come. A renewed focus on work and school makes
September a transitional month, but the change occurs most notably in
the seasons. It begins with the light. Daylight dwindles a little
earlier each day, giving way to an evening sky; luminescent, indigo,
velvety, filled with stars, the perfect backdrop for Mercury and Venus.
September begins with both Mercury and Venus in Libra, the zodiac sign
of relationship. While Venus rapidly completes her time in Libra,
entering Scorpio on September 10, Mercury remains in Libra for many
weeks. Due to an approaching retrograde phase, Mercury transits through
Libra until November 5, a lengthy duration underscoring a core theme
revolving around people, partnerships, social interaction, and how to
reasonably keep the peace in a variety of circumstances. More on this
later . . .
A Virgo New Moon on September 6 introduces the necessity for practical
solutions. The astrology chart shows Sun, Moon and Mars in Virgo,
harmonizing with Uranus in Taurus. This is a supportive blending of a
realistic and practical approach combined with possibility. The Virgo
traits of analysis, precision and excellence, while admirable, may
obscure solutions that are readily available with flexibility and
spontaneity. It is a matter of showing up, and allowing the
extraordinary to make itself known.
However, it is helpful to be aware of another key planetary influence in
the New Moon reset, and September in general. The Virgo time of year
underscores the fundamental importance of health, and how it pertains to
productivity. Virgo is up close and personal in shining the light on
personal habits and lifestyle choices that may easily be ignored, and
appear inconsequential on a daily basis, but slowly erode vitality over
Meanwhile, Neptune in Pisces opposes these Virgo placements. The
downside of this alignment can erode confidence, confuse direction,
undermine vitality, and manifest hard to diagnose conditions. The high
side of Neptune transit through Pisces (2012–2025) can be accessed
through the spiritual gifts of trust, faith, compassion, and forgiveness
of self and others.
Neptune in in Pisces helps each of us to set aside the stressful burdens
of worry, fear, powerlessness, and other agendas, to actually open to
transcendent guidance. Sincere surrender allows space for grace to step
in, especially when the “best laid plans of mice and men,” fall short of
projections and expectations.
The Virgo New Moon carries forth to a Full Moon on September 20. At this
time, the Moon in Pisces joins Neptune, and together they are in
opposition to the Sun. If you find yourself or another having a hard
time “getting a grip on reality,” perhaps it is time to ask, “What
reality am I trying to get a grip on?”
Fleeting and illusory “reality,” may be mesmerizing and distracting,
whereas, the reality beyond all appearances bestows calming assurance.
The prominent emphasis on Virgo implies facing reality with Reality, a
honing of purpose that can offset confusion, aimlessness and apathy. Key
dates are: September 2–7, 13–14, 18-20.
Another key factor during September involves six retrograde planets:
Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. Retrograde implies
review, and it is important to continue steady progress, despite
possible setbacks. In many instances, it is a matter of holding the
course, one foot in front of the other, in a push to complete anything
and everything that may have been put on hold in 2020, due to pandemic
restrictions. Resilience and adaptation to what is now considered “the
new normal,” allows attention to flow into other areas, and in many
ways, playing catch up is the name of the game.
Due to extreme and vacillating conditions, one of the signatures of
these times is an atmosphere of uncertainty, and deception is rampant.
Confusing information is coming at the public from all sides, leaving
vast swathes of the population in the lurch in terms of housing,
employment, health care, education, finances and immigration. It may
appear hard, if not impossible, to pin people and plans down in these
shifting seas of social change.
Autumn begins on September 22 as the Sun enters Libra, symbolized by the
scales of balance, the only inanimate zodiac symbol. This gives an
important clue to Libra, the ability to see many perspectives, to
fairly weigh all evidence, and impart equitable and impartial
conclusions. If one thing is clear, this is a lofty aim in the current
social climate, and quite the challenge in this day and age!
Additionally, Mars is in Libra for the remainder of September through to
October 30, and Mercury is in Libra for weeks to come, beginning a
retrograde phase on September 27. All these factors taken together
indicate numerous and complex legal issues surging to the forefront with
potential resolution. However, there are no easy answers in these
contradictory and tumultuous times.
Mercury retrograde is typically challenging, but depending on the
aspects in your personal chart, some retrogrades are more intense than
others. You may find yourself breezing through a Mercury retrograde, and
even being grateful for the pause to complete projects, and catch your
breath. Other retrogrades may bring breakdowns in communication as well
as technical glitches and mechanical failures. Meanwhile, major life
decisions can hang in the balance awaiting further consideration in
order to proceed.
Aside from the personal effects, this upcoming Mercury retrograde
indicates major challenges on the collective level. Why? As Mercury goes
retrograde on the 27, it is within orb of influence to a square with
Pluto. Additionally, this alignment activates a long term Pluto square
to Eris, a little known but powerhouse planet, named after the ancient
goddess of discord. Eris cannot stand to see injustice, she embodies the
strong woman archetype that stands up, and speaks out for the
“underdog,” and those disadvantaged and vulnerable, for whatever reason.
Mercury will activate Pluto/Eris three times exactly (September 22,
October 1, November 2), however through the autumn months, it looks like
numerous circumstances, on many fronts, are coming to a boiling point.
Like a set of dominoes, one thing after another precipitates the next.
But this isn't child's play, the planet Pluto catalyzes breakdowns and
breakthroughs in very consequential, and ultimately life altering ways.
Pluto's action is to expose toxicity, dysfunction and corruption, all
that is hidden in the shadows, beneath the surface of everyday
acknowledgment. It blasts through denial, shakes up the status qua, and
reveals underlying conditions. Pluto's square to Eris was exact three
times in 2020, and now approaches a fifth and final activation in early
Thus, it is clear this process has been building for some time, perhaps
far too long, but it is Mercury that gives voice to the dysfunction.
Transiting through Libra, Mercury helps to acknowledge, confront and
call out dysfunction, perhaps once and for all, in some circumstances.
Emphatically, Mercury states, “Enough is enough!”
On the personal level, Mercury in aspect to Pluto may catalyze a crisis
in a specific relationship, or test one's internal reference point in
terms of relating in general. This can manifest in a variety of ways. On
one hand, this planetary configuration can expose deal breakers, and
catapult alliances to the breaking point. On the other hand, there is a
readiness to confront dysfunction by admitting secrets, and probing into
the more hidden and complicated emotions of relationship. This can
actually clear the air, deepen intimacy and support connection.
This planetary trend applies to large groups such as communities,
governments, corporations, and countries. This implies ethical dilemmas,
and the necessity to rework alliances, laws, contracts, agreements of
all kinds. Timing is everything. Watch the first week of September for
clues. But what erupts to the surface in late September will probably
simmer until early November when Mercury makes its final square to
Pluto/Eris, at which point, changes are more likely to be integrated.
To sum up, September is a month to pay attention by adding an extra dose
of discernment, self care, and by all means . . . “keep your wits about
you.” Like a log jam in the river of life, all sorts of things will be
breaking lose. This process is not to be feared, although there is great
fear upon the planet now. This process is not be controlled, because in
so many ways, it is out of any one person's hands. There may be moments
of feeling powerless, but this too, can be welcomed as a reckoning for
humanity, a reality check as to what is, and what is not important.
August 2021
Belinda C. Dunn
Leo New Moon
August 8 @ 9:50 am
Aquarius Full Moon
August 22 @ 8:02 am
It's August and the heat is on! Across the northern hemisphere,
and around the globe, record high temperatures soar as the Sun
beats down. This is the season of Leo, ruled by the Sun,
symbolized by the proud lion and majestic lioness.
From the esoteric point of view, the Sun is associated with the
third eye or ajna chakra located at the root of the nose, between
the eyes. Every mystic tradition, east and west, ancient and
modern, acknowledges this potent and sacred point. Even the Bible
states, “The light of the body is the eye. If therefore thine eye
be single, thy whole body shall be filled with light.”
The solar principle is that of full disclosure, complete
illumination. No more hiding in the shadows and being small, Leo
is about full on, dramatic expression of the individual spark of
life force. How this translates to the Leo personality is quite
interesting in that there is an underlying drive toward
All twelve zodiac signs are reflected in every astrology chart.
Leo, however it shows up individually, is the part of self that is
most conscious of the masking, the layers of conditioning and
programming that cover the true self. On and off the stage, the
Leo personality is aware of life as performance. Sometimes it is a
comedy filled with laughter and happiness; other times, life shows
up in tearful, tragic ways. To quote Shakespeare, “All the world's
a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their
exits and entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts.”
On August 8, a Leo New Moon sets the stage for a review, and
revision of roles. Beneath the masks, beyond appearances, there
abides eternal, unchanging being. As the Sun transits through Leo,
it is possible to tap into this field of pure potential,
discerning, more clearly than ever, one's place in the grand plan
of things. More often than not, this shows up as an innate sense
of authenticity as evidenced by relaxation, ease, connection,
presence, and a smooth integration of inner awareness with outer
The New Moon chart shows Sun, Moon and Mercury in Leo, but in
contrast to Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius, the zodiac sign
opposite Leo. Generally, this dynamic produces a push and pull
between opposites, in this case, the longing to belong is in
contrast with deep seated alienation that may translate to
isolation, indifference and loneliness.
This theme may be summed up, “Where do I belong?” And, “What is my
unique role in this situation/relationship/group?” Individuals,
organizations, governments and nations will be reviewing
participation. For example, questions may arise as to when to draw
a line in setting effective boundaries, and the vital importance
of transparency, congruity and integrity for the individual as
well as the group as a whole.
These themes carry forward to the Full Moon on August 22, at which
point the Sun and Moon are in opposition, in the final degree of
Leo/Aquarius. Considered a “critical degree,” this increases the
lunar influence, amplifying emotional reaction to changing and
destabilizing conditions. Weather related phenomena, natural
disasters, geopolitical events, and social instability are just a
few of the considerations that may increase during a Full Moon.
The potency of this Full Moon suggests a culmination, an ending of
sorts, a full circle completion.
In the United States astrology chart, calculated for July 4, 1776
@ 5:10 pm in Philadelphia, the Moon is in Aquarius. Additionally,
throughout 2021, Jupiter, the great benefactor and protector of
truth, is transiting through Aquarius, exactly conjoining the
nation's natal Moon for the second time on August 20.
It is interesting to note the lifting of many restrictions around
the time of the first Jupiter conjunction on April 23. There was
an air of optimism as travelers took to the roads and sky. Family
and friends started to socialize, and gather in public and private
locations. Many people stopped wearing masks, whether they were
vaccinated or not. Now that Jupiter is retrograde as of June 20,
the initial expansion, while risky, is meeting with another
reality check. Jupiter will again conjoin the nation's Moon on
December 15 for the third and final time.
As I mentioned in last month's article, Jupiter is giving a boost
of innovation and optimism throughout 2021, especially for the
United States. This Full Moon echos and reverberates the original
intentions at the time of the nation's founding. In so many ways,
too numerous to count, 2021 finds the nation and world standing
squarely in the crossroads. Where to from here?
The Moon in a country's chart exemplifies the general public, and
the emotional tone of the populace. In this case, the Moon in
Aquarius is inventive, progressive, scientific, and freedom
loving. The shadow side can include such traits as non-conformity,
suspicion of authority, careless rebellion and cultism. As the
planet of growth and expansion, Jupiter in Aquarius is touching
upon these themes while bringing to light undercurrents of
dissent, and exposing obstacles to social progress.
The planetary trends for August are set against the backdrop of an
on-going square between Saturn and Uranus. Right from the get go,
transiting Sun activates this square by opposing Saturn on the
1st, and squaring Uranus on the 6th. Within orb of influence all
year, and exact for the final and third time on December 24, these
planets present a confusing mix of tumultuous contradiction.
As the planet of order, Saturn respects tradition, and upholds the
law. However, life is not static; institutions outgrow their
purpose, structures deteriorate, relationships fall apart, bodies
grow old. It is only natural to salvage and rebuild when possible.
However, in many cases, there is a growing realization that some
things in this world of form are beyond repair, and require a
complete overhaul. This is part of the sorting and sifting process
of current planetary trends.
Enter Uranus, the planet of progress, bringing earthshaking news,
literally and figuratively. Existing foundations must undergo
major renovation in order to survive. This is occurring in very
visible and tangible ways as well as more abstract areas such as
personal growth, ideology, culture and societal norms. Often the
process is chaotic, pressurized, underscoring a vital truth,
“Necessity is the mother of all invention.”
Contemplating the energies of Saturn and Uranus in compellingly
stressful alignment, I was at a loss for words, until I came
across a statement by the president of the EU Commission, Ursula
van der Leyer. Speaking in regard to climate change and
environmental impact, she said, “Change on this scale is never
easy, even when it's necessary.” There you have it. Across the
board, in a variety of circumstances, this sums up standing at the
On the personal level, it may be helpful to take a deep look into
life structures, and determine where and how you may be facing the
necessity to grow, and initiate change, perhaps despite all odds.
Introspection is helpful. Possibly there are decisions to be made,
and one's attitude can make all the difference in the world.
The truism, “attitude is all,” is especially relevant in terms of
Saturn's aspect with Uranus this year. Saturn can feel especially
heavy, slow going, restricted, burdened with challenges. The
resulting attitudes tend to be pessimistic and cynical, close
minded and fatalistic. In so many instances, it is tempting to
succumb to the undertow of despair, anxiety and depression, the
zeitgeist of these times.
Meanwhile, Uranus is encouraging progress, welcoming improvements,
and even solutions to long term problems. But many opportunities
for improvement can be missed when negativity is taken as truth.
On August 19, Uranus begins a retrograde phase for the remainder
of 2021. Over the next five months, projects will be tested in the
laboratory of life. Astrologer Erin Sullivan writes, “Uranus
retrograde transits provoke an internal revolution against systems
that no longer support holistic survival. We gradually replace old
models with new models as the slow process of the Uranus transit
transforms our perspectives.”
Planetary trends support a keen look, an accurate diagnosis into
underlying conditions on many levels. This is well supported by
Mars transiting through Virgo the entire month of August.
Additionally, August begins with Venus in Virgo until the 16th,
and Mercury transits through Virgo, August 11 – 29. Then the Sun
enters Virgo on August 22. As the zodiac sign of discernment, the
predominance of Virgo energy can be of great assistance in
gathering realistic data, and making informed decisions.
In conclusion, the image of Leo the lion evokes a familiar story
from Aesop's fables, “The Lion and the Mouse.” The tale goes that
a lion captured a small mouse in his enormous paw. The mouse was
terrified, begging to be released. The lion playfully laughed,
agreeing to free him. A while later, the lion was hunted and
captured in a large net. The little mouse came across the lion in
a tangled mess, unable to escape his fate. The lion asked the
mouse to help him, and the mouse started to gnaw through the heavy
rope, eventually freeing the lion. In friendship, both went on
their merry way.
The message of the fable is generally distilled as, “mercy brings
its own reward,” but there seems to be a deeper message here. On
the surface, the lion appears to be all powerful, but in reality,
the lion is just as vulnerable, in his own way, as the mouse. The
power and might of the lion is nothing when entrapped. The lion is
humbled, reminded of his kindhearted generosity in letting the
mouse go. The mouse responds with service, carefully gnawing
through the ropes, taking care of the little things that are
really big things in the fact that all are joined together in this
interdependent web of life.
July 2021
Belinda C. Dunn
Cancer New Moon
July 9 @ 9:17 pm
Aquarius Full Moon
July 23 @ 10:37 pm
Remember the lazy days of summer? The exhilarating freedom of school
ending as summer days seemed to stretch out forever? On the last day of
school this year, I greeted my grandchildren with enthusiasm, all
smiles, clapping, and jumping for joy. Lumbering under the weight of
their stuffed backpacks, their response was solemn, exhaustion on their
little faces. After a school year of stops and starts, quarantines,
dutifully wearing masks, adjusting to virtual learning, no field trips .
. . no wonder they couldn't relate to my memories of a bygone era,
simpler times, to be sure.
As the heavy restrictions of a global pandemic appear to be lifting,
July is a month to acknowledge lingering stress. Healing is present for
the asking. It is a matter of practicing healthy lifestyle choices to
tap into this potential. Now is the time to take steps toward more
normalcy in social settings, and explore ways to ignite joyful
playfulness in daily life.
The month begins with both Venus and Mars in lion-hearted Leo, the
zodiac sign of creativity, entertainment, fun, play and pleasure.
Conjoining on July 13, in true Leo fashion, the planet of love meets the
planet of passion in dramatic displays of affection. Uplifting and
invigorating, the possibilities are endless in seizing the moment,
lighthearted and carefree.
But, as we know, life isn't all fun and games. Enter Saturn, the planet
of consequence in this training ground of earth school. As the
taskmaster, Saturn builds character through challenges requiring
discipline and patience. Metaphysically speaking, it is the planet of
karmic balance linked to repeating cycles of incarnation.
The overshadowing planetary alignment of 2021 is Saturn in stressful
square with Uranus. At the extreme, these are two very contradictory
urges. Saturn moves slowly and deliberately in building and maintaining
the structures necessary for function. The action of Uranus tends to be
sudden and disruptive in breaking through restrictions, and freeing up
energy. Both are necessary on this dimension, but they represent an
on-going struggle between acceptance of constructive limits, and
resistance to laws, rules and regulations.
Together these planets are catalyzing a rare moment of reckoning for the
nation and world. These choices are magnified as July begins with
combative Mars opposing Saturn on the 1st, and squaring Uranus on the
3rd. Additionally, Venus activates these points on July 6 – 8. This is a
shake-up, another opportunity to clarify and define boundaries,
personally and collectively, and what one will or will not participate in.
On a personal level, commitments are up for review. There is a big
difference between obligatory participation, and participation that is
genuinely enthusiastic, chosen freely. Obligations may loom large, with
strings attached, whereas the desire for freedom can be overwhelming. Of
course, this is a matter of sorting through these deeper responses,
because Saturn requires perseverance in the face of obstacles. Making a
conscious choice to persevere can offset resentment, and bring more
acceptance of hardships despite Saturn's slow march of time.
A New Moon on July 9 is in harmony with Uranus, setting the stage for
home based, family oriented projects with a unique and creative twist.
With Sun and Moon in Cancer, the zodiac sign of nesting, you may find
the restlessness of spring months starting to calm and settle into more
of a routine. To use a gardening analogy, it's as though the tender
shoots of new growth are taking root in deeply nourishing and fertile soil.
By the Full Moon on July 23, Mars is in the final degrees of Leo, and
Venus has entered Virgo. All the creative juices of their recent
conjunction begin to take form, and are tested for viability. Virgo is
analytic, no-nonsense, grounded and practical, all important virtues in
bringing creations down to earth.
July's big celebration is Independence Day, and festivities take place
across the country. The astrology for the United States is fascinating,
and the remainder of this article offers a current analysis of the
nation's chart set for July 4, 1776. This is by no means a complete
analysis, but a look at planetary trends based on directions,
progressions and transits. May it shed some light at this time of
tremendous polarity, transition and evolution.
First of all, the recent Mercury retrograde (May 28 – June 22), and
eclipses (Lunar Eclipse/May 26 and Solar Eclipse/June 10), have been in
Gemini. Crossing over the very potent planetary positions of both Uranus
and Mars in Gemini, the country has been in the process of sorting
through tremendous volumes of information and data, much of which has
been going on behind closed doors.
In my region, the shutdown of Colonial Pipeline caused significant
delays and inconveniences, but it also exposed these types of attacks on
the country's infrastructure. Meanwhile, corporations and government
agencies are now more aware, and taking steps to mitigate dangerous and
illegal interference.
Gemini is very strong in the nation's chart, emphasizing travel,
transportation, infrastructure and communication technology. Watch for
developments during July, and continuing through the year. Some
highlights include the opportunity for private citizens to venture into
space, infrastructure, immigration reform, and a report to Congress on
After a year-long pandemic, restrictions on travel are lifting as people
seek mobility and adventure. These eclipses are pushing the envelope of
new frontiers to explore, and setting the trajectory for travel to come.
Important diplomatic meetings are taking place, for example Biden's
meeting with Putin. A Gemini Solar Eclipse exposes underlying motives,
cutting though vague rhetoric and simplistic solutions. The high side of
Gemini supports clear thinking, frank words, and candid conversations.
Building bridges of understanding is not always easy, but valuable in
the long run.
All types of relationships are under the microscope, up for review.
Gemini is an air sign, the element of connection and collaboration.
Every time Mercury goes retrograde in 2021, it is in an air sign
(Aquarius, Gemini, Libra). Air is everywhere, light and free, moving
quickly, touching everyone and everything. In general, people are aiming
to understand each other, bridge differences, accept diversity, and
thereby heal deep rifts of misunderstanding and ignorance.
The air element is prominent in the United States chart. Saturn is in
Libra, the diplomat and partner. Uranus and Mars are in Gemini, the
educator and storyteller. Moon is in Aquarius, the innovator and
reformer. The air signs have everything to do with people, and the
common bond of humans joining together for survival and mutual support.
The Moon in a nation's chart symbolizes domestic issues, food supply,
protection, and the emotional tenor of the general public. Throughout
2021, Jupiter is conjoining the United States Moon. Considering Jupiter
has a 12 year orbit, this beneficial transit can boost morale, restore
confidence, increase generosity and humanitarian outreach.
Americans are known at home and abroad for an attitude of ”can-do.” With
inspiration and motivation, no challenge is too daunting, all is
possible. Due to a retrograde phase, Jupiter exactly conjoins the Moon
three times (April 22-24, August 19-21, December 19-21), marking 2021 as
a year of revitalization, optimism and opportunity, especially welcomed
during this time of recovery.
Jupiter's transit through Aquarius (December 20, 2020 – May 13, 2021 and
July 29 – December 29, 2021) puts the focus squarely on the future. The
most futuristic and progressive zodiac sign is not about the past, but
taking a proactive stance of experimentation. Not having definitive
answers to pressing problems is a call to innovation.
Another important planetary trend involves Neptune in Pisces, and its
transit over a very sensitive point in the United States chart. Neptune
is opposing the nation's Neptune, and squaring Mars. Additionally, the
progressed Sun is in Pisces. From the astrological point of view, this
is an indication of delusion, and the slippery slope of fraud,
addiction, rampant mental illness, conspiracy theories, and general
confusion between facts and fiction.
Neptune is not an easy influence to address, and it has been muddying
the waters since 2018. Peaking this year, and beginning to wane by 2023,
each planetary trend has its challenges and gifts. The key quality of
Neptune is idealism. Aware or not, the collective consciousness is
reviewing founding ideals, evaluating discrepancies, and updating
principles on a multitude of levels.
In completion, Pluto is a major player in the nation's destiny. On July
4, 1776, Pluto was transiting through Capricorn in the area of property,
possessions, and finances. As a result of Pluto's 246 year orbit, it is
returning to this exact degree. While it is exact throughout 2022, the
nation has been feeling the buildup since Pluto's entrance into
Capricorn, 2008. Again, we see mounting evidence of major overhauls in
core values, financial markets, demographics, institutions and government.
As the planet of toxicity, pollution, nuclear power, crime, dictators
and authoritarian regimes, Pluto's action is deeply transforming. It
serves to dig up dirt while exposing corruption in its many forms.
Grinding through the final degrees of Capricorn before it enters
Aquarius in 2023, Pluto is breaking down systems, and dismantling what
is obsolete. Likened to witnessing the demise of dinosaurs, there are no
half measures with Pluto.
Recently, I had a dream where everyone on earth was pregnant. I counted
down the nine months of gestation to January 2022. This powerful
metaphor invokes nuanced images of suspension, held within Creation's
womb, reaching out to notice walls of limitation,
safety within the darkness. Dwelling within the pregnant pause, awaiting
rebirth. Yes, there are many unknowns, but current trends suggest the
ripeness of the moment, the fullness of potential with lighter and
brighter days ahead.
June 2021
Belinda C. Dunn
Gemini Solar Eclipse
June 10 @ 6:53 am
Summer Solstice
June 20 @ 11:32 pm
Mercury direct
June 22 @ 6:00 pm
Capricorn SuperMoon Full Moon
June 24 @ 2:40 pm
The winds of change are blowing, vacillating, up and down, and all
around. At times with gale force, at times with a gentle caress,
June is a month of shifting dynamics on many levels. One moment, a
breezy and carefree atmosphere lifts the spirit, the next moment,
astounding developments can take one's breath away.
Before satellites could predict weather patterns, a farmer could
be seen standing in his field, all senses alert, reading the wind
to accurately determine the air's direction, moisture content and
velocity. This is the analogy for June, each of us, in our own
way, will be testing the trending winds for direction in the midst
of both little and big decisions.
The final week of May wrapped up with Mercury going retrograde,
and a powerful lunar eclipse. Talk about stirring things up! Due
to this retrograde phase, Mercury is in Gemini for nine weeks (May
3 – July 11). As Yoda in Star Wars said, “I sense a disturbance in
the force.” The overall atmosphere feels unsettled, and many
questions linger, leftover and unresolved. However, a Gemini Solar
Eclipse on June 10 promises a reset like stepping across the
threshold of a new world dawning.
The nature of Gemini is to vacillate in the face of options. Here,
there, and everywhere, Gemini energy is a challenge to nail down.
Therefore, frustrating delays can occur, but just perhaps . . .
this is a gift! Only through impartial and astute awareness, and a
curious mindset, can one venture forth with calm resolve.
Therefore, June is a month of discovery, and keeping options open.
Whether mulling over possibilities in great detail, or
instantaneously knowing the answer, acceptance of this process can
eliminate frustration, calm nerves, and ease the way.
Astrologer Lorna Bevan sums up these eclipses. “This is a time to
explore the possibilities. Expect situations to arise that force
you to disentangle from thinking that is no longer relevant.
Circumstances will change, prompting you to find new ways to work
collaboratively, in order to come up with original inventive
solutions. You'll want to follow your curiosity, break up routines
and find new stories to tell and new people to mix with.”
What does this look like in practical terms? Essentially, reaching
out is the direction. First of all, don't assume that you or
anyone else has all the answers. It may be a matter of picking up
the phone the next time you think of someone. Or take the day to
check out a new location. It may be taking the steps to initiate a
hard conversation that turns out to be beneficial for all
concerned. Research and review are the keywords in optimizing
Mercury retrograde.
The astrology chart for the solar eclipse shows Sun, Moon and
Mercury aligned within a degree, and positioned close to the north
lunar node in Gemini. This sensitive and mystical nodal point has
been in Gemini since May 2020. For the past year, people have been
pushed and prodded, urged to move into the high side of Gemini
which includes the admirable traits of adaptability, healthy
curiosity, honesty, impartiality and tolerance.
Let's explore some of the themes. Long distance travel has been
curtailed, but exploration of one's immediate locality has been
enhanced. For many people, working at home has replaced a long,
traffic jammed commute. Teachers and students, parents and
families have had to rapidly adapt to drastic changes in
education. There is renewed respect for essential workers, they
are no longer taken for granted. There is a new appreciation for
neighbors and neighborhood grocery stores. Additionally, not being
able to visit, converse and hug loved ones has underscored the
importance of these close relationships.
This Gemini Solar Eclipse in combination with Mercury will bring
circumstances of the past year into clearer focus. With the
lifting of mask mandates in many social settings, people can
return to more normal activities, but many residual considerations
remain. More than likely, events during May/June/July are the
exclamation point to this most extraordinary year.
From an even more serious perspective, the past year has brought
many facets of social justice, or lack thereof, to the forefront.
Snap decisions, violent acts, loud voices of dissent, prejudice in
all its ugliness . . . all this has come to a critical head.
Gemini thrives on diversity along with the mindset of how are we
similar, rather than how are we different.
Adding to the potential for breaking news, the Gemini Solar
Eclipse is in conjunction with Mars in the United States astrology
chart. Will this pour more fuel on the fire of social unrest? Or
bring more cognizance to the futility of violence in addressing
social problems? Most likely, extreme manifestations will bring
about more concerted action to maintain social justice, balance
and harmony.
In combination with Neptune in Pisces, the compassionate heart is
awakening from slumber. Due to Mercury's retrograde phase, it
aspects Neptune three times (May 22, June 5, July 6). Squaring
off, this is a tense and stressful planetary alignment with
ramifications for both good and ill.
In many cases, it will be necessary to ferret out the truth.
Considering the social environment of conspiracy theories,
outright lies and distortion of facts, this may very well be the
culmination of months, if not years, of chaos. Certain truths will
not be held back. Slowly, but surely, people are coming to their
On the other hand, Mercury/Neptune can bring a barrage of news,
leaving individuals, and society at large, to make sense of
information that initially may present as disorienting,
overwhelming and disconcerting. The intersection of mind with
belief can be a slippery slope of enormous proportions. The fact
is, the human mind can so easily be programmed, manipulated,
deceived and misled.
Whether it is recognized or not, core beliefs are shifting
dramatically. Known as the Zeitgeist, this is defined as, “the
spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the
ideas and beliefs of the time.” An entire narrative is shifting,
and it's messy business in the meantime. Allowing the dust to
settle may take months, but a breakthrough is underway.
Possibly the most extraordinary example is an upcoming report to
Congress on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, commonly known as
UFO's. In perfect timing, the television program, “60 Minutes”
aired a segment on May 15 showing footage of aerial phenomena that
is mind blowing, if not convincing. Even though it raises more
questions than answers, the likelihood of extraterrestrial life is
being investigated and exposed to the general public.
The field of inter-species communication is growing by leaps and
bounds as demonstrated by Neptune's long term transit through
Pisces. The aspect between Mercury and Neptune can build bridges
of understanding between the conscious mind and super-conscious
awareness, giving voice to an expanded view of existence. Not only
this, Neptune's influence is particularly strong the end of June
as it begins a retrograde phase on the 25th. With both planets
retrograde for a spell, it suggests major developments on many
fronts that will take time to digest.
Of course, everything occurring on the macro level is also on the
micro level. On the personal level, pressing situations can appear
complex and bewildering, requiring patience, although there may be
a push for snap decisions. More than likely, this phase will begin
to wrap up as Mercury goes direct on June 22, and come to
completion the week of July 4th, as Mercury makes its third and
final square to Neptune.
Another significant planetary alignment is exact on June 14. For
the second time, Saturn aspects Uranus in a tense and transforming
square. On May 23, Saturn started its annual retrograde phase,
backtracking through Aquarius. The first interaction between these
contrasting planets was February 17, the third and final aspect is
exact on December 24. Thus, the entire year is encapsulated in
this rare interface between Saturn, the planet of tradition, and
Uranus, the planet of progress. Signifying a major overhaul in
many areas of personal and collective experience, it may be
necessary to strike a balance between control and freedom,
responsibility and independence.
June 20 is especially relevant as the Sun enters Cancer, marking
the Summer Solstice. Meanwhile, Jupiter goes retrograde, and it is
Father's Day. This is an excellent day to remember and honor the
wisdom of ancestry along with the continuity of life. There is
always cause for celebration from the individual to the galactic.
Jupiter uplifts and expands purpose beyond the everyday struggles
of fathers and families.
June wraps up with a Full Moon on the 24th. With the Sun in
Cancer, and Moon in Capricorn, both luminaries harmonize with
Jupiter in the early degrees of Pisces. Bestowing fertility, water
and earth elements are prominent as summer gets underway. This is
a calming, settling influence, and it is natural to seek the
refreshing waters of lake and stream, ocean and inlet. It's time
for recreation, tapping into a playful spirit, re-creating one's
purpose in this magnificent dance of life.
May 2021
Belinda C. Dunn
Taurus New Moon
May 11 @ 3:00 pm
Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse
May 26 @ 7:14 am
Mercury Retrograde
May 29 @ 6:34 pm
Springtime in the Blue Ridge Mountains is like a taste of heaven on
earth. Often described as “Land of the Sky,” this is my 32nd spring in
this location, and once again, I wonder how to capture the essence in
words. Imagine . . . every shade of green from pale chartreuse to rich
emerald isle green, blooming azaleas ranging in color from pure white to
hot pink to vibrant red, tiny violets carpet the lawn. And the
fragrance! Freshly cut grass, flowers galore, all wafting in the
sweetest, most gentle breeze. It's the season to get out and about,
breathing in, breathing out, taking a deep breath of life itself.
Astrologically speaking, May is jam packed with significant trends, and
major turning points. Jupiter enters Pisces on May 13. Saturn begins a
four month retrograde phase on May 23. An upcoming lunar eclipse on May
26 is also a SuperMoon. Mercury goes retrograde on May 29. All these
factors work together, dovetail together, to generate a momentum of
possibility, tempered with rationality and down to earth goodness.
A Taurus New Moon on May 11 sets the stage. Practical and earthy, this
is an excellent time to plant seeds of intention. Taurus is the zodiac
sign of value in the most tangible form of things, money and
possessions, to the more abstract underpinnings of self-worth such as
merit, reward and achievement. For many people, these can be a highly
charged concerns, especially when lacking or absent, or complicated and
As the Moon joins our Sun to promote this new cycle, it can be very
helpful to set aside concepts, and review what is truly of value to you
now, aside from programming, apart from things, free from the past.
Additionally, Uranus is transiting through Taurus, and this lunation can
act as a powerful reset going forward, keeping in mind/heart that no
price can be placed on serenity and happiness, considering the wisdom
of, “the best things in life are free.”
We are coming off seven weeks of Mars in Gemini, and May begins with
Mars in the early degrees of Cancer. Restless and roaming, Mars in
Gemini has re-invigorated the traveling spirit. Throughout May, and into
the first 2 weeks of June, a homing instinct takes over. Projects around
the home and garden take precedent along with family events, and other
social activities closer to home.
However, according to astrology, the traveling season is just beginning.
Mercury enters Gemini on May 3, and due to a retrograde phase, will
spend nine weeks in the zodiac sign of travel, education, storytelling,
networking, news media, generally all exchanges of information and
Gemini is sociable, curious, changeable, flexible, going with the flow.
Thus, it is helpful to prepare for a faster, upbeat tempo during May and
June. The natural versatility of Gemini can be helpful, especially
considering the upcoming retrograde phase, May 29 – June 22. Retrograde
means just that, to reverse, back up and review plans. Change of plans
may occur based on new information and insight. Many problems can be
averted by double checking facts and figures, dates and schedules.
Amplifying these trends is the Sun's transit through Gemini starting on
May 21, feeding into a lunar eclipse on May 26. Therefore, the final
week of May can bring about abrupt changes along with major revelations
and disclosures of sensitive and timely information.
On the personal level, it is helpful to be more aware of clear
communication, aiming toward inclusive decisions. At the same time,
one's personal point of view is expanding, undergoing change based on
open minded receptivity. The inclination to listen and learn can enhance
relationships, and build bridges of understanding. At the same time,
eclipses tend to reveal the true essence of a person or situation, and
good boundaries may be necessary. Self awareness is key.
On the public stage, these are especially powerful months. Of course, a
lunar eclipse amps up the energy, intensifying reaction and response.
This isn't just any eclipse. Known as a SuperMoon, the Moon appears
larger and more illuminated at perigee, its closest approach to the
Earth. This lunar eclipse will be followed by a solar eclipse on June
10, therefore, we are in eclipse season until late June.
A variety of revelations will startle the public at large, altering the
trajectory for months to come. Eclipses are known for shining the light
of truth, and clearing away illusion. Random events can manifest
suddenly, outside of one's immediate control. Long standing challenges
may transform instantly, and in surprising ways.
The theme of disclosure, the unknown becoming known, is especially
pertinent as Mercury aspects Neptune repeatedly (May 22, June 5, July
6). Computers can give exact dates, but the effects will be prevalent
throughout these months. This planetary alignment is a tense square,
whereby facts collide with fantasy, and everything in between. A dreamy,
fantastical atmosphere ensures the need to remain firmly grounded in
With Mercury in talkative Gemini, and Neptune in psychic Pisces, there
may be overlaps between the analytic mind, and intuitive mind.
Misunderstandings breed confusion, while secrets come to light. Forces
that prefer to dwell beneath the radar may be exposed for what they are.
Airwaves are riddled, rife with controversy and conspiracy as voices
rise to divert attention, attempting to gain control of the narrative.
Many people may experience heightened sensitivity, and feel susceptible
to outside influences. Depending on lifestyle, this can be stressful, or
spiritually uplifting and transforming. Extra care of the nervous system
can mitigate tension, calm the mind, and sooth emotions. Those
struggling with various forms of mental illness may be especially
challenged during this Mercury retrograde and eclipse season.
Another very significant factor during these final weeks of spring, and
early summer is Mercury's crossing over the solar eclipse degree three
times due to its retrograde phase. There will be more on this in the
June article, but for now, the effects of an upcoming Gemini Solar
Eclipse on June 10 are already manifesting. The exact dates of Mercury
conjoining this potent eclipse point are: May 24-26, June 11-13, and
July 1-3.
These planetary combinations can serve to break open and illuminate
tightly held assumptions. One of the highest potentials is for prejudice
and division to fall away in light of a greater truth, a more expansive
vision. Mind boggling and mind blowing, things that previously made
sense, are no longer relevant. Ultimately, this frees consciousness to
be more present and aligned with evolutionary trends.
Along the lines of evolution, let's take a look at the social planets,
Jupiter and Saturn. The year began with both planets entering Aquarius,
the zodiac sign of technology, community, and global connection. Jupiter
quickly made its transit through Aquarius, and on May 13 enters Pisces
for several months before it retrogrades back into Aquarius for the
remainder of 2021. This is another indication of profound spiritual
awakening for the masses.
Saturn continues its transit through Aquarius until spring 2023, another
two years. However, Saturn begins a retrograde phase on May 23, lasting
until mid-October. Over these coming months, Saturn will backtrack over
specific zodiac degrees in Aquarius. Typically, Saturn retrograde slows
down progress to ensure re-assessment of goals.
Astrologer Erin Sullivan writes on Saturn retrograde, “One is forced to
come to terms with one's inability to control one's environment, and
becomes acutely aware of a diminution of ego power. With rearrangement
of time and priorities, and after quiet withdrawal, one often finds
considerable peace of mind – either because one feels the difficult time
is over, or because one has reached the realization that such a profound
need for change must be contemplated slowly and with great reserve.”
Since the zodiac sign of Aquarius is global in scope, there appears to
be increasingly awareness of collective challenges that affect the
individual, but are experienced worldwide. The pandemic continues to
drive home this message of inherent connectivity. Technological
development, environmental degradation and climate change are another
areas of far reaching consequence on the global level. This unique
moment can bring humanity together to build a new tomorrow.
As a reminder, three powerful planets came together in 2020 - Jupiter,
Saturn, Pluto. This rare planetary alignment produced a year of hardship
and loss taking many forms. Together these planets revealed cracks in
the core foundations of society; time honored traditions, beliefs,
government, education, health care, economy, environment and more.
Almost nothing was left untouched.
In the darkest of circumstances, how does one access hope? In the depths
of depression and despair, how does one access optimism? This is the
juxtaposition of Saturn and Jupiter. The planet of karma and
consequence, meets Jupiter, the planet of enthusiasm and faith.
Like an addict, humanity as a whole has dug a very deep hole for itself. Saturn is here to offer the gifts of responsibility, the contemplation of purposeful participation. Jupiter is here to offer the gifts of renewal, encouragement and faith. As individuals, families, communities, and a global organism, from the micro to the macro, we're in this together.
April 2021
Belinda C. Dunn
Aries New Moon
April 11 @ 10:31 pm
Scorpio/Taurus Full Moon
April 26 @ 11:32 pm
A new month dawns bright and clear with all planets direct, all systems
GO! As our Sun transits through Aries, the first sign of the zodiac
wheel, there is a very real sense of rebirth along with an unrelenting
push to get up and running again, making up for lost time, as though
life can't move fast enough.
Throwing off winter's heaviness is like throwing off the shackles,
freeing up life force to flow, liberating the breath to inhale deeply of
earth's sweet fragrance. In a multitude of ways, on so many levels, all
appears new, rejuvenated, reborn.
On April 11, the Aries New Moon seals the deal. There is no looking back
now. In comparison to the past year, this is a month of leaps and
bounds, relatively speaking. By this I mean, after a year of
restrictions due to a global pandemic, the momentum is present to
initiate significant expansion with less hesitation and complications,
and actually welcome positive growth opportunities.
The astrology chart for the New Moon is very telling in that Sun, Moon,
Mercury, Venus, Ceres, Eris and Chiron are lined up in Aries. Symbolized
by the Ram, Aries is the pure, unconditioned urge from spirit to
express, move, and take action. Consider this, the battering ram doesn't
think, if at all, but instinctively moves from a spontaneous center of
strength; confident and bold, breaking through obstacles as they appear,
immersed in direct experience.
On the human level, what are these possible obstacles? Apathy, inertia,
confinement, despair, exhaustion . . . to name a few. The past year has
been beset with one challenging complication or another, simply
maneuvering through daily life has taken extra effort for many people.
This New Moon is outstanding, particularly advantageous for setting
intentions for manifestation, and being able to follow through necessary
steps to fulfillment. A unique planetary alignment, the minor grand
trine, binds together disparate energies to work as a whole in highly
creative, intuitive, insightful, “thinking outside of the box” potential.
In addition to the line-up in Aries, there is a supportive aspect
between Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, and Mars, the planet of
action. In combination, Jupiter and Mars work to dispel fear and
confusion by instilling an element of grace, ease, optimism, and trust
in positive outcomes. Individually and collectively, these planets can
help us come to terms with the enormous and evolving social changes
underway. While this alignment is exact on the 16th, it acts as a
protective influence throughout April.
Breaking it down further, Jupiter continues its year-long transit
through Aquarius. Forward thinking and solution oriented, Aquarius
supports synchronicity, chance encounters, even seemingly magical
occurrences. This is about collaboration, people coming together in
community to solve and resolve challenges. April is the month to be more
aware and appreciative of your unique tribe of fellow travelers upon the
journey of life.
This trend is well supported by Mars in Gemini for a full seven weeks
(March 4 – April 23). Most of us have noticed an uptick in outgoing
energy. Mars in Gemini craves variety, loves company, thrives on shared
experience. Restless, searching, not sure what's around the bend, but
eyes wide open, nevertheless. The only caveat to this full on, no holds
barred period is the impulsive nature of Mars. This is not a time to
throw caution to the wind, but a time to methodically and carefully
re-engage with meaningful activities.
Another significant planetary factor is Venus in stressful aspect with
Pluto, and conjoining Eris (April 9 – 11), reminiscent of a popular
bummer sticker, “The goddess is back and she's pissed.” On one hand, it
is helpful to check, and double check, underlying motives. On the other
hand, this alignment ensures a necessary reckoning in terms of personal
drives in relation to others. Issues can arise around control, anger,
resentment, differences in opinion and purpose. It can provide a deep
penetration into the heart of matters, within and without. While
personally revealing for those open to exploration, on the collective
level, these aspects intensify awareness of power struggles, inequality
and social justice.
Moving along . . . Sun enters Taurus on April 19. While Aries is all
fire, get up and go, Taurus is stable and grounding. Thus, the
progression of manifestation begins with inspiration, and continues with
practical follow-through. To use the analogy of a garden, Aries gets out
the rotor-tiller, preparing the soil and selecting seeds. Taurus makes
sure the seeds land in fertile soil, taking root, providing favorable
conditions for healthy plant growth.
While April begins with enthusiasm and drive, it will be the final two
weeks when inspiration is tested in the field of practical reality.
Aries and Taurus work hand in hand to make sure projects are not
haphazard and impractical, but fully functional. It can be helpful to
identity your place in this process. For example, some people are filled
with ideas, and get the ball rolling. They can inspire others to get on
board, while others find their place in carrying good ideas into step by
step manifestation.
Since 1970, April 22 continues to be set aside as Earth Day, a globally
recognized event, bringing awareness to environmental protection,
sustainable lifestyle, and the intrinsic connection of human beings with
nature. Timed perfectly, the Sun transits through earthy Taurus on an
annual basis. This year is especially potent as Venus, the planet of
love, beauty and creativity, exactly conjoins Uranus in Taurus, the
planet of discovery. Spending time outdoors, slowing down, grounding,
connecting with nature; earth-centered activities may be surprisingly
evocative, tangible and awe-inspiring.
However, keeping in mind/heart, the primary planetary aspect of 2021 is
Saturn in tense square to Uranus. It is exact three times (February 17,
June 14, December 24), but remains within orb of influence the entire
year. We will revisit this archetypal relevance repeatedly, some months
more than others. This aspect brings humanity to a crossroads whereby
progress, and the process of manifestation, can meet with some
resistance along with instantaneous reversals, and 180 degree turns.
Metaphysically, Saturn and Uranus are associated with the root chakra of
yogic tradition. Therefore, both planets are closely associated with
foundations and core principles, although their action can appear quite
contrary. For example, Saturn has the qualities of endurance, solidity,
constancy and constraint. Uranus, on the other hand, can precipitate
revelation and release, manifesting far reaching change in its wake.
Another way to look at it . . . Saturn is gravity, the downward pull of
earth itself, holding all things in form. Uranus can be likened to a
lightening bolt, and the instantaneous awakening of kundalini as life
force, the nerve current housed in base chakra, rising through the
spine, connecting with the brain. Both are necessary, both are
fundamentally related to the laws of existence.
So, what are the possible effects when these planets work together? In
general, 2021 is a year of stops and starts. When an impasse is reached,
when a detour arises, this is the time to stop, listen to guidance, and
learn from experience. When a sudden, perhaps inexplicable event occurs,
get your bearings, re-calibrate, open to possibility, see the opening as
freeing up attention and energy to refocus on what is truly of value.
This entire year is driving home the message of value and purpose. We
will see this in the marketplace as the economy reorients from the
slowdown. We will see this in our personal lives as relationships take
on deeper meaning. We will see this in our spiritual life as the purpose
of earth incarnation can no longer be ignored. And, of course, we will
see this trend on social levels, as a resurgence of humanitarian
outreach becomes the answer to so many communal challenges.
In light of this on-going Saturn/Uranus alignment, the Full Moon on
April 26, is dynamic, energizing, shaking-up the status qua. The faster
moving bodies such as Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus, take turns in
activating Saturn and Uranus. In fact, many individuals will find the
days of April 22 – 30 to be exceptionally definitive in clarifying
direction. It is like getting a road map when the terrain is steep,
there is a bend in the road, and there is no going backwards.
The astrology chart for this Scorpio Full Moon shows a rare planetary
configuration called a T-square. This allows a depth of processing, a
natural introspection that may ignite significant shifts in perspective,
especially in regard to core values. It can be helpful to ask yourself
basic questions such as, “What's really important?”
At the time of this Full Moon, there is an alignment of Sun, Mercury,
Venus and Uranus, all in Taurus. Hearkening back to the seminal
bestseller, “Don't Sweat the Small Stuff, and It's all Small Stuff,”
this is an optimal time to simplify routines, releasing and discarding
what is no longer necessary and functional; mentally, emotionally and
Meanwhile, Saturn transiting through Aquarius is challenging this
alignment in Taurus. Resistance may arise due to the contradictory
nature of Saturn and Uranus. Saturn is the planet of order, structure,
compliance, and responsibility. Uranus is the planet of freedom,
nonconformity, individuality and choice. Maintaining balance between
order and chaos is paramount. It may be tempting to choose the easy way
out, when in reality, accepting responsibility and managing expectations
is the optimal way forward with the most rewarding potential.
Belinda Dunn is a professional astrologer with 40+ years experience. She
is available for personal consultations. EMAIL:
belinda@astrodelight.com PHONE: 828-215-2101
March 2021
Belinda C. Dunn
Pisces New Moon
March 13 @ 5:21 am
Spring Equinox
March 20 @ 5:37 am
Libra/Aries Full Moon
March 28 @ 2:48 pm
In the northern hemisphere, March is typically a transitional month as
final weeks of winter come to a close, offering one last blast of bone
chilling cold. Meanwhile, fragile and fresh sprouts rise up out of
winter's restful darkness to make an appearance, signaling hopeful signs
of spring with warmer and lighter days ahead.
March begins with Sun in Pisces, the final sign of the zodiac wheel. As
with all endings, there can be resistance, bargaining for things to be
different, but Pisces is associated with Neptune, a planetary energy
that dissolves boundaries and instills faith in the unknown. After all,
Neptune is the mythological god ruling over the vast, mysterious oceans;
waters filled with awesome creatures, undulating currents, infinite
variety, a world unto itself.
For many reasons, as you read on, this article is a deep dive into the
affects of Neptune on human consciousness, especially important at this
juncture of history. During March, as the faster moving planets of
Mercury and Venus join Neptune, and the Sun aligns with Neptune, there
is an opportunity to not only understand Neptune better, but to
breakthrough the veils of this most elusive planet. Like diving beneath
the ocean's surface to witness another world, each of us are explorers
of the cosmos, a multidimensional existence.
From the spiritual standpoint, Neptune is associated with the vast
subconscious, unconscious and astral planes of existence. While these
worlds are not visible to everyday awareness, they are the substrata,
the undercurrent to all human activity. These realms are primarily
emotional, highly charged with desire, easily swayed and influenced by
outside forces, in particular the human mind.
Rightly or wrongly, clear or distorted, Neptune is the stuff of belief,
the essential factor that can elevate consciousness to heightened
communion with all that is. However, just as likely, Neptune can be the
slippery slope of delusion, addiction, falsehood, brainwashing, and in
the extreme, mental illness. Because of these extremes, and its illusory
nature, Neptune's influence can be one of the most difficult planetary
energies to get a handle on, personally and collectively.
The current social environment is particularly susceptible to the lower
vibrations of Neptune. Take for example, the prevalent and pervasive
input of technology in the form of television, movies, internet, social
media, video games, and more. On a daily basis, the impressionable mind
is bombarded by a smorgasbord of contradictory information, the
sensitive emotions are pummeled by ghastly images, and subliminal
programming interferes with sanity and reason.
Turning now to the most commonly used astrology chart for the United
States (July 4, 1776, 5:10 pm, Philadelphia). Neptune appears on the
mid-heaven, the most elevated and visible point of the nation's destiny.
In this case, Neptune is in Virgo, acting as an overarching influence
with great potential for extremes.
On the high side, Neptune in Virgo elevates the ideal of public service,
along with compassion for the underdog, summed up in the adage, “Love in
action.” From the more troubling and challenging vantage point, Neptune
has produced the glamour, seduction and fantasy of the entertainment
industry, and most of the world knows the United States through the
export of these images. Again, Neptune is about image, but not
necessarily practical reality.
Not only this, in the country's chart, Neptune in very stressful aspect
with Mars in Gemini, a core part of the nation's identity. On its own,
Mars in Gemini instills a fighting spirit, reminiscent of the wild west,
a showdown at the local saloon. This influence tends to be combative,
zealous, fanatical, prejudicial, and quick to judge. Mars in Gemini
thrives on debate and the presentation of legal argument. On the
positive side, Mars in Gemini bestows tremendous intellect, mental
strength, and the courage to examine other points of view.
According to astrology, the overall drive of the nation is curiosity,
impartiality, honest examination of the facts, and appreciation of
diversity. Mars in Gemini places value on free speech, fair elections,
impartial representation in legal affairs, education, transportation,
public parks and green spaces.
However, when Neptune is part of the mix, the passionate drive of Mars
can so easily be misled and distorted. Currently, this is especially the
case as slow moving Neptune is activating this Mars/Neptune combination
in the United States chart. This signals a confusion of sorts, because
the only factor that cuts through Neptune's foggy spell is awareness.
Like awakening from a bad dream, it is possible to shake off the spell
and see clearly, but it is a process.
(For those interested, from the technical perspective, Mars in Gemini
closely squares Neptune in Virgo in the USA chart. Transiting Neptune in
Pisces moved into orb of influence, squaring Mars and opposing Neptune
last year. The exact alignment continues through 2022.)
In light of recent events, specifically protests turned violent on
January 6, and unfolding repercussions, it is important to bring these
planetary patterns to the forefront. Throughout the nation's history,
there have been critical periods, even to the point of violence, but
underlying these dangerous time periods is exaggerated patriotism. In
fact, this planetary combination brings patriotism to whole other level.
Throughout this year and next, the nation will have a chance to review
the passionate urges of allegiance, get in touch with overriding
purpose, and renew commitment to fundamental goals.
In the more immediate picture, the month begins with Mercury in Aquarius
conjoining Jupiter on March 4. Due to a retrograde phase (January 30 –
February 20), Mercury has been in Aquarius since January 8th. This
retrograde has been especially relevant as the country has Moon in
Aquarius. These weeks have provided a dramatic view, and review of the
public's mindset, and its susceptibility to persuasive rhetoric.
Mid-March, specifically the weekend of 13/14, Mercury will cross over
this Moon in Aquarius for a final wrap up of this most controversial,
and difficult of presidential transitions. As a nation, there will be a
sense of putting the past in perspective along with the necessity of
moving on, even though residual struggles may continue for some time.
Another very important transit involves Mars leaving Taurus and entering
Gemini on March 3. More than likely, this shift will palpable for those
sensitive to energy. Since January 6, Mars has been in Taurus which is
stabilizing, at times slow going, giving the year a plodding start as
though things can't move fast enough.
As Mars transits Gemini for the next seven weeks, there may be a sense
of catching up from the slow start. Mars in Gemini can be hard to pin
down, the overall urge is to move quickly, unencumbered, throw off
reservations, and explore one's world. Additionally, on March 26, Mars
conjoins the North Lunar Node, another positive indication of
discovering the extraordinary in the ordinary course of daily life.
After a full year of COVID related restrictions, the general public is
not only disheartened and exhausted, but ready to get moving. Getting
children back in school, safe travel, reliable postal services . . .
these are just some of topics that will soar to the top of the list with
Mars in Gemini. This can mean different things for different people, but
the overall trend is to expand horizons.
Turning now to a New Moon on March 13. An atmosphere of mystical and
transforming potential is tangibly present with Venus, Neptune, Sun and
Moon in Pisces. Surprisingly creative, spontaneous and flowing, this
alignment can provide a welcome reprieve from mundane routine. Genuine
surrender to what is, opens up a world of beauty, but it cannot be
forced. In general, Neptune's long transit through Pisces (2010-2025)
supports a dynamic awakening of mass consciousness, a spiritual revival
of enormous possibility.
Venus is the planet of personal love, whereas Neptune is an uplifting
awareness of spiritual, unconditional love for every being, and life
itself. When combined, there is a blending of these energies, and
relationships are brought into a new light. While human love tends to be
focused on the needs and desires of personality, compassionate love
dissolves the bonds of attachment. Often the case in relationship, it is
so tempting to get caught in momentary trappings, when in reality, each
of us are spiritual beings.
Additionally, because this Pisces New Moon conjoins Neptune, activating
the Mars/Neptune in the USA chart, mid-March is a time of revelation
leading to the dismantling of systems that no longer serve the greater
good. On the surface this can manifest as a time of testing, calling
forth surrender, and relinquishment of control. “In God we trust,” is
not just an ideal, but a very real response to very challenging
conditions. The heart's yearning to participate in service, and lighten
the load for others, is a call to action.
By the Spring Equinox on March 20, the Sun moves into Aries, although
Mercury, Neptune and Venus remain in Pisces. This planetary combination
supports a deep letting go, perhaps cleaning out the clutter, initiating
spring cleaning, within and without. As spring gets underway, the urge
to purify is so easy and natural in comparison with other times of year.
The dynamic month of March concludes with a Full Moon on the 28th.
Illuminating the way forward, Sun in Aries is in exact, to the degree,
alignment with Venus and Chiron, the wounded healer. Meanwhile, Moon in
Libra supports emotional intelligence, and the need to consider all
points of view.
Issues may arise around individuality and partnership. When is it on
purpose to be independent, “doing your own thing?” When is it on purpose
to compromise for the sake of peaceful and harmonious co-existence? It
is not a matter of choosing self over others, or vice-averse. This Full
Moon encourages balance through refining communication skills. Truly
listening with an approach of loving care goes a long way in sorting
through differences, each person feeling heard, and everyone getting
their needs met.
On an annual basis, the Aries/Libra Full Moon precedes Easter. In fact,
the reason Easter changes from one year to the next is because of this
Full Moon. It is one instance where organized religion still observes
the lunar cycle. Easter is earlier than usual, the first Sunday in
April, and no matter one's religious/spiritual orientation, the month
wraps up with anticipation and celebration in the beautiful promise of
nature's renewal.
February 2021
Belinda C. Dunn
Aquarius New Moon
February 11 @ 2:06 pm
Mercury direct
February 20 @ 7:52 pm
Virgo/Pisces Full Moon
February 27 @ 3:17 am
Getting the month off to a good start, Venus enters Aquarius just after
dawn on Monday, February 1. There are many expressions of love on this
dimension. We can love a book or movie, a favorite flower or friend, or
favor certain foods and activities. Everyday we see and experience many
facets of love, but Venus encourages a very tangible exchange of human
love through touch.
Over the past year, a global pandemic has driven home many lessons in
regard to our shared humanity. The revitalizing comfort of tender touch
has been underscored in this fast moving, temporary dimension of birth,
life and death. Weeks and months of enforced isolation has made its mark
on a weary world ready for “normal” social interaction. Virtual hugs
can only go so far, February is the month to reach out and touch someone.
In esoteric astrology, Venus is associated with the heart chakra, the
center of positive feelings such as serenity, harmony, happiness, even
bliss. In addition to playing a key role in relationship, Venus is
highly creative in expressing love as beauty, adornment and artistry.
As Venus enters Aquarius, this planetary goddess will join Sun, Mercury,
Jupiter and Saturn, all transiting through Aquarius. Activating
throughout February, these outstanding alignments ensure a radical and
swift departure from previous issues; a real, definitive turning of the
corner. Time is of essence, condensed, as pressing problems clamor for
attention, begging for resolution.
Adding to this profound momentum is a New Moon in Aquarius on February
11, marking the Chinese New Year of the Ox. Attributes of the Ox such as
steadfastness, reliability, work and strength, are a welcome support in
a year that will require some heavy lifting on so many levels of
personal and collective experience.
This New Moon chart shows Sun and Moon conjoining Pallas Athene, the
asteroid goddess of mediation and diplomacy in protecting law and order.
Her gifts are many, including wise counsel in social matters that
require careful consideration of the facts to uphold justice for all.
Optimal for planting seeds of intention, this is an ideal time to
review the key characteristics of Aquarius. Awareness leads the way in
adjusting to the high frequencies steaming upon the planet. Symbolized
by the Water-bearer, the essence of life streams forth from the arms of
this celestial image. Aquarius is an air sign, taking humanity above and
beyond the heavy pull of gravity to soar into the upper stratosphere
where heaven meets earth. It is here the Water-bearer resides.
First and foremost, Aquarius is about subtler frequencies moving on and
through this dimension as a connection to other dimensions, all the way
to Source. Today we may take for granted the buzzwords of “good vibes,”
and “bad vibes.” However, as the Age of Aquarius got underway in the
1960's, these words became a mantra of sorts, and the awareness of these
subtler currents surged into mainstream consciousness. The fields of
quantum physics, vibrational medicine, intuitive development,
spirituality, technology . . . the list goes on, changing and expanding
what it means to be human.
Secondly, Aquarius is the zodiac sign of social connection through
friends, community, networks and organizations. This is especially
relevant in terms of social issues that are beyond the individual to
solve. People join together to share common interests, objectives,
ideology and values. One of the strongest, if not the strongest, of
human urges is to experience a sense of belonging. However, only too
common these days, the flip side of belonging takes the form of
isolation and alienation, including an attraction to powerful leaders
and cult mentality.
Another key trait of Aquarius is the drive for freedom. This is where it
gets complicated, because no one person knows where freedom begins or
ends. Freedom is an abstract ideal, but when applied to the social
level, each person is given permission to be unique, “dancing to the
beat of their own drum.” However, when one's personal freedom encroaches
upon another person's dignity and freedom, this is where the line is drawn.
Repeatedly, in the current social milieu, the word freedom is bantered
about with no real understanding of what this means for personal and
collective well being. Destructive and violent acts, with no
consideration for the common welfare, is the antithesis of what Aquarius
embodies. Acceptance of diversity is a key component of social
advancement in this current era.
This leads to another fundamental characteristic of Aquarius, and this
is equality. Each individual has their unique contribution in the social
fabric. Yes, some positions appear more desirable and glamorous than
others, but each person has a role to play in the big picture.
Therefore, value is given to each and every person. For example, the
pandemic is bringing attention to essential workers in this time of
need, and in turn, the public is demonstrating respect for their service.
Aquarius is androgynous, defined as “having the characteristics or
nature of both male and female.” Clearly, social trends are moving in
this direction. Increasingly, both men and women are given permission to
express the yin and yang of their true nature. Widespread acceptance of
gender orientation is just beginning to take root in a variety of movements.
This leads to one of the key characteristics of Aquarius, the drive to
experiment, to try something new, to discover viable solutions.
Experimentation takes many forms; science, technology, social sciences,
education, astrology, metaphysics and more. This takes an attitude of
open minded exploration that can be exhilarating when embraced as part
of the evolutionary process.
For example, over the past year, the role of medical science has surged
into plain view, addressing the challenges of a global pandemic. Another
relevant example is the on-going experiment in democracy, the ideals and
vision set forth by the founders. In any experiment, there will always
be challenges, unexpected discoveries, even strange twists and turns.
Major adjustments in the course of experimentation doesn't mean failure
as much as it points to a work in progress.
Over the next two years during Saturn's transit through Aquarius, we
will be exploring a variety of themes associated with this amazing
zodiac energy. For now, let's turn to the planetary trends for February.
Still reeling after the grand finale of the Trump “reality” show, our
nation staggers into 2021, a year that started off with a “bang,”
literally and figuratively. A second impeachment took place on the
Capricorn New Moon, January 13, a day that will go down in history as a
culmination of the Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto alignment of 2020.
In the uncertain, and potentially tumultuous months ahead, the
resounding question is, “Where do we go from here?” Once again, the
planetary patterns answer the call. The singular most prominent
planetary alignment for 2021 involves Saturn in aspect to Uranus,
activating three times over the course of the year with the first
activation exact on February 17th.
Forget the question, “What can we expect?” This is an all expectations
go out the window year. In fact, the less expectation, the less reliance
on what has gone before, the more possibility for creative problem
solving. However, pervasive feelings of being out of control can lead to
attempts to gain control. Recognizing this theme can help to shift one's
focus into more productive channels.
These two planetary giants have an approximately 44 year cycle. The
cycle started with a conjunction of Saturn and Uranus in 1988. This was
the year when the Berlin Wall came down; after years of painful
separation and restriction, surprisingly, the wall fell almost
overnight. Saturn rules structures, barriers, constraints of many forms.
The action of Uranus is sudden, revolutionary, progressive, releasing
and freeing.
The next step in the cycle was a waxing square in 1999-2000. One of the
most notable examples of this planetary action was Y2K, and doomsday
projections for 2000. These were also years of earth changes, and
growing awareness of environmental degradation.
The next step in the cycle was an opposition in 2008-2009, marked by the
election of the first African American president. In addition, these
years were marked by extreme economic challenges, resulting in the
drastic bail-out of financial institutions, and other corporate interests.
Currently, the cycle comes to a waning square, a technical term for the
final phase of this planetary cycle, and the reset when Saturn and
Uranus conjoin again in 2032. Therefore, events during this year will
test existing structures for strength and endurance. Already from the
get-go, a new administration is coming into power with the first
woman/multiracial U.S. Vice-president. The agenda for the administration
is enormous, and many issues require immediate attention and problem
It's no secret, factions within the United States are at “war” with each
other. It is an untenable situation in the long run, but a situation
that has to be addressed in order to move forward. In terms of timing,
2021 is the year that more and more comes out in the open, and
conversations begin to take place. It's as though the country has been
undergoing a crash course in democracy over recent years. True democracy
requires participation which requires unbiased presentation of the facts.
On the personal level, these planets amplify awareness of restrictions
and limitations. This can be beliefs, attitudes, perspectives and
circumstances that have outlived purposefulness. On so many levels, 2021
is a year of reckoning, taking stock of the past with a keen and
detached eye on the future. This is an evolutionary challenge requiring
people to think outside of the box, while respecting the groundwork,
commitment and tradition that has come before.
Summing up the current Saturn/Uranus juncture, astrologer Pam Younghans
writes, “The challenge is to build processes and systems (Saturn) based
on long-term vision (Uranus), to find new ways of relating to our
physical world and resources. To succeed in passing this test, we must
work together to find innovative solutions for political, economic, and
environmental issues.”
The week after the first Saturn/Uranus square, Mercury goes direct on
February 20. This is a welcome relief signaling a forward thrust after
weeks of uncertainty, upheaval and transition. A new sense of
understanding and comprehension supports decisions that may have been
delayed during the Mercury retrograde phase. While Mercury remains in
Aquarius until March 15, resolve and resilience can provide relief in
adapting to changing conditions.
February wraps up with a Full Moon on the 27th. By now the Sun is in
Pisces, and Moon in Virgo, illuminating the contrast between everyday
activities and spiritual awareness. Both of these zodiac signs support
holistic healing with the understanding that spirit dwells in the body,
and all levels work together for well-being.
I recall so clearly my first yoga teacher would instruct, “The spiritual
life is the earth life.” As a young adult, this always puzzled me. The
spiritual dimensions of love, light and bliss seemed so far removed from
the gravity of heavy earth challenges, and karmic lessons.
Yet today, almost fifty years later, realization is beginning to dawn.
The so-called spiritual virtues, such as forgiveness, compassion,
honesty, discipline, patience, charity, courage, humility, faith, and so
many more, comprise the core curriculum in this earth school. It is
possible to live in balanced harmony with self, loved ones, society, the
planet, and the whole existence.
2020-2029, is the decade when “the rubber meets the road,” a phrase
meaning practice is over. Earth incarnation is the training ground, the
cosmic school of opportunity, another swing at the bat to hit a home
run. Every single day provides the opportunity to cultivate the virtues,
to close the gap between heaven and earth. To not only realize, “the
spiritual life is the earth life,” but likewise, “the earth life is the
spiritual life.”
Belinda C. Dunn
January 2021
Capricorn New Moon
January 12 @ 6:00 pm
Leo/Aquarius Full Moon
January 28 @ 2:16 pm
Mercury retrograde
January 30 @ 10:15 am
Awakening to a new year, awakening to a new age, January 1st dawns
bright and clear. 2020, the year of all years, is behind us as an
expectant air of possibility surrounds these coming weeks. Posed and
prepared for transition, the next administration is stepping up to lead
the country out of troubled waters. Even though the challenges appear
immense, even daunting, steady and capable hands are steering the ship
into calmer seas and safe harbors.
Riding on the crest of a grand conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn in
Aquarius, the atmosphere is high minded, hopeful and inspired. Every
twenty years, Jupiter joins Saturn, and together these planets initiate
a new social cycle.
The last grand conjunction was exact in spring of 2000, in the earth
sign of Taurus. The past twenty years, for the most part, have been
materially based, driven by acquisition along with readily available
resources. Vast amounts of money, possessions and wealth have tipped the
scales of social balance. While so many people and corporations have
seen unprecedented profit, and ascent to powerful positions, it has left
so many others in the lurch, scrambling just to survive.
Not only this, as an earth energy, Taurus is literally the environment.
While environmental protections, and guidelines for sustainable living
have been put in place, the overall attitude continues to be take, take,
take. If Saturn's transit through Capricorn has taught us anything over
the past two years, unrestrained growth is unrealistic and harmful to
the very planet we call home. Earth is a finite biological system, an
interdependent web of existence, a rare gem of a planet.
January begins with Jupiter and Saturn in the early degrees of Aquarius,
initiating a social and cultural reset that will take place over the
next two years, and continue until 2044. Vastly different from
earth-based Taurus, Aquarius is an air sign. Air is all about people,
and how people connect in solving problems that are beyond the
individual. Futuristic and progressive, Aquarius is the zodiac sign of
friendship, community, togetherness, the tribe.
The sensational, hit musical “Hair,” announced the coming of a new age
in 1967. “Peace will guide the planets. And love will steer the starts.
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius.” This familiar refrain
continues to reverberate and ring true, however the question remains,
“When does the Aquarian Age begin, and what does this really mean?”
The concept of astrological ages is rooted in ancient tradition, the
sacred texts of the Vedas. Scholars, mystics and yogis have studied
these teachings, and observe a 26,000 year cycle consisting of twelve
ages, each age lasting approximately 2,100 years. Note the word
“approximately.” Nothing is set in stone, and there are numerous
conjectures and interpretations as to exact time periods. Most
astrologers agree that we are on the cusp, a 500 year interim period
between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius.
From my standpoint, there are many indications of a shift in the ages
in accordance with the zodiac sign of Aquarius. While the musical
“Hair,” introduced the concept of astrological ages to a large audience,
the public continues to respond and demonstrate the key characteristics
of this often misunderstood zodiac energy. In contemplating this shift,
and especially observing the planetary patterns for 2021, this is an
optimal time to delineate the trajectory and transition into the
Aquarian Age.
In my view, the sooner people get a handle on the upcoming trends, the
better. Underscoring Aquarian themes, due to a retrograde phase, Mercury
will spend an extended amount of time in Aquarius, a full nine weeks. As
the planet of cognition and thought processes, Mercury can bring
conscious awareness to this great transition. Mercury enters Aquarius on
January 8, turns retrograde on January 30, goes direct on February 20,
completing this lengthy phase on March 15.
Therefore, events during the early months of 2021 have the potential to
seed and support the Aquarian archetype, and its emergence into
collective consciousness. This month and next, I will be sharing some of
my observations as to the characteristics of this dawning new age. But
first, let's dig into the other important astrology trends for January.
Finally, after six months in Aries, Mars enters Taurus on January 6.
Common sense and practicality are a welcome grounding. As so much has
fallen away throughout 2020, there is now space for new starts to take
root. The reliability and constancy of Mars in Taurus can help everyone
regain equilibrium, and stand back up after the hard fall of a global
pandemic. After months of severe restrictions requiring rapid response,
there can be a sense of adaptation along with a real need to move on.
Mars in Taurus embodies the adage, “Stay calm and carry on.” Present and
tangible, incentive is easier to come by, essential in carrying ventures
forward into manifestation.
There may be some bumps in the road during the week of January 11. A New
Moon in Capricorn is super charged and cathartic in its exact
conjunction with Pluto. Exposure of tightly held secrets bring
revelation. For example, this time period may very well include a
culmination of the outgoing president's power plays, but this is one
among many possibilities.
As I was tuning in and writing the above paragraph, a massive tree fell
in my backyard. Living in a forest, I am familiar with the unmistakable
cracking, splintering sound, rafters rumbling, and finally, an
earth-shaking thud. At the time, this felt like an ominous warning, a
portent of a dangerous passage. Now, several days later, after further
contemplation, this apparent synchronicity symbolizes long standing
conditions coming to a natural completion. Like a house of cards or
line-up of dominoes, all it takes is just one touch, and it all comes
tumbling down.
This theme is also reflected in other planetary signatures this week,
such as Uranus stationary direct on January 14, a sign of sudden leaps
of progress based on breakthroughs, and freeing up of restrictions.
Contributing to this atmosphere of radical change, Mars is approaching
Uranus with an exact conjunction on January 20, Inauguration Day.
This event could not be timed more perfectly, but these planets can
indicate fervor, rebellion, unrest, and sudden developments. As the wild
card planet, Uranus is unpredictable while overturning the established
order. Simply put, this inauguration is unprecedented in its uniqueness,
and more than likely, there will be surprises along the way.
A Full Moon on January 28 brings a culmination to events of previous
weeks. With the Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Leo, the way forward is
illuminated even though some resistance remains. This Full Moon is part
of a T-square, one of the more complex and challenging of planetary
alignments. However, those individuals and groups that approach problem
solving in a free, curious and creative way can surmount obstacles, once
and for all.
One more noteworthy trend centers around Neptune, and its activation in
square to the lunar nodes. The lunar nodes are currently in
Gemini/Sagittarius, the zodiac axis of communication, education, travel,
media, networking and belief. While this influence has been building
since November, it is exact on Tuesday, January 26, beginning to wane by
As the planet of illusion, Neptune has been casting a spell of confusion
over earth plane matters. Recent months have been rife with paradox,
conspiracy theories, and other departures from the norm. In bizarre
ways, Neptune is playing a role in illuminating the gap between fact and
fiction, reality and fantasy. A strong Neptune transit such as this can
feel disorienting, and it is important to maintain the grounding of
present moment awareness in order to receive the higher octave of Neptune.
On the Winter Solstice it was possible to see with the naked eye the
joining of Jupiter and Saturn, a rare planetary event that many are
heralding as a definitive start to the Aquarian Age. For the past two
years, Saturn has been at home, orbiting in its own sign of Capricorn.
Now that Saturn has entered Aquarius, another planet comes to the
forefront, Uranus. In 1781, William Herschel discovered Uranus with a
homemade telescope. The discovery of Uranus expanded the visible solar
system, heralding a new era across a wide spectrum of science, human
rights, democracy, independence and freedom.
The zodiac sign of Aquarius follows Capricorn as a natural sequence in
the zodiac wheel. Capricorn tends to uphold tradition, protecting power
structures, and maintaining the status quo. Aquarius comes along next,
proclaiming “enough already!” With its signature detachment, Aquarius
looks toward the future, fearlessly overturning mediocrity, especially
in systems that are no longer relevant, or in keeping with the times.
Again, I return to the tree in my backyard. This giant of a white pine
stood over one hundred feet tall, a testament of endurance, a sentinel
of ancient forest standing watch. All it took was a deluge of freezing
rain one day, and stiff winds the next, to topple this giant. It took
out my back porch, but the house was untouched, a miracle in itself.
I'm sharing this story as a metaphor for the times we find ourselves in.
This symbol speaks of long standing conditions coming to natural
conclusions. In contrast to the action of Saturn that is slow but sure,
the action of Uranus is almost instantaneous in comparison; swift,
rapid, radical, maximum change in the shortest amount of time.
Winter is here in the northern hemisphere. It's time for a long winter's
nap followed by a warm beverage, slowly sipped in front of an enlivening
fire. Huddled at home, the storms rage outside. It's an ideal
environment for deep contemplation;
dreaming, envisioning, preparing for the year ahead, a year that holds
both promise and progress as the new age of Aquarius dawns upon planet
December 2020
Sagittarius Solar Eclipse
December 14 @ 11:17 am
Winter Solstice
December 21 @ 5:03 am
Cancer/Capricorn Full Moon
December 29 @ 10:28 pm
In the homestretch of a year to remember, December promises an upbeat
and hopeful turn toward the future. The past is rapidly receding in the
rear view mirror. Let the shifting landscape become a blur, quickly
rushing by, setting our sights on an historical shift of the ages. The
future waits for no one person, party, or nation. One epoch is
concluding, an entire new epoch is emerging, as immense long term
planetary cycles point the way.
First of all, let's consider the most consequential planetary transit,
the almost thirty cycle of Saturn. Three years ago, December 2017,
Saturn entered Capricorn, the zodiac sign of large corporate, financial
and government structures. Along with Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn,
this planetary combination has made the case for solid, stable and
dependable leadership as an essential foundation for progress.
Whether it is a government, business, community, family, or any other
form of social organization, the nation and world have witnessed a
variety of leadership styles. Like having a crash course, it will take
some time for these lessons to sink in. Rest assured, generations will
benefit from the lessons and challenges of 2020, an extraordinary year.
These cycles are reaching their natural conclusion as shown by Saturn
and Jupiter in the final degrees of heavy, serious, earthy Capricorn. In
tandem, both planets are entering the next zodiac sign of Aquarius on
December 17 and 19th, respectively. Aquarius is an air sign, light,
free, futuristic and inventive. If you haven't already, it's time to
take a deep, invigorating, rejuvenating breath of pure air. Let it go,
allow any residual tension to melt away, again and again.
On the very auspicious and sacred Winter Solstice, December 21, Jupiter
and Saturn conjoin in the very first degree of Aquarius. The last time
Jupiter and Saturn joined was 2000. Like clockwork, these planets come
together every 20 years, signifying the ending of one sociopolitical
cycle, and the beginning of another. Known as the social responsibility
planets, their sequential orbital partnership provides a reset of
collective trends. Marking time, this grand conjunction is the backdrop
for monumental change, all in preparation for 2021, and beyond.
Taking a step back to the beginning of December, Mercury the messenger
enters Sagittarius on the 1st. Mercury is picking up speed now, spending
just three weeks in the Archer's sign, and then entering Capricorn on
the December 20 to wind up the year. This supports an optimistic and
celebratory atmosphere during the holiday season.
After a year of hardship on so many levels, personally and collectively,
Sagittarius assists in lifting one's sights to a higher perspective.
This is not just positive thinking, but likely accompanied by real and
positive developments, such as an effective treatment and vaccine for
COVID. Bottom line, the planetary trends show an upswing of resilience
and courage born through adversity.
Eclipses always occur in pairs, and the Gemini/Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse
of November 30 is followed by a Sagittarius Solar Eclipse on December
14. These are the zodiac signs of cognition, information, education,
ideology, philosophy and belief. Taking many forms, the mind's
perspective is typically programmed and centered around heritage,
culture and creed.
However, these eclipses emphasize the mutable and vacillating nature of
mental constructs, including the impressionable nature of the human
mind, and its susceptibility to repetitive narratives of group
consciousness. The Sagittarius Archer is a profound symbol of aiming
toward truth beyond human interference, distortion and illusion. As
underlying issues are exposed, emotional reactions are heightened,
typically shaking up entrenched points of view.
Additionally, this solar eclipse is in stressful alignment with Neptune,
the planet of illusion. Zealous ideology, false claims and conspiracy
theories continue to erode trust in the perceived reality, spreading an
aura of glamour and confusion. It is important to listen between the
words, remembering, actions speak louder than words. Rounding the
corner, these eclipses expand the view, and serve to “seal the deal.”
The way forward is no less challenging, but an atmosphere of finality
permeates the airwaves. It's time to move on.
Taking into consideration the United States astrology chart, the country
is closely identified and expressed through its Sagittarius ascendant.
Aspiration, anything is possible, a “can do,” attitude is inherent
within the country's blueprint. This solar eclipse signifies a return to
this fundamental orientation, and a reset of the nation's place on the
world stage.
Not only is 2020 wrapping up, but Mars is completing a six month transit
through Aries. Due to a retrograde phase from September 9 – November 13,
forward motion has been quite a challenge. Between the pandemic,
economic slowdown, and election year, many circumstances, projects and
relationships have been on hold.
Retrograde planets are purposeful in delaying outward action to review
and clarify the optimal course ahead. Mars direct is another strong
indication of turning a corner, regeneration, and enthusiastically
setting sights on the future.
On the personal level, Mars retrograde in Aries has increased awareness
of self in relation to others. In many cases, distractions and energy
drains have become more obvious. Mars in Aries has been supportive in
clarifying boundaries, along with a keener sense of self-care, purpose
and motivation.
Additionally, beginning last August, Mars has been in challenging square
with the rare planetary conjunction of Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto in
Capricorn. Mars in Aries has been like the ram, butting its horns into
and through impenetrable barriers, indicative of breaking through the
established order.
The raw, bold and assertive intent of Mars has made itself known in a
multitude of ways, especially in its power packed conjunction with Eris,
a small planet in the outer reaches of our solar system. Named after the
goddess of discord, Eris stirs up bitter resentment, especially in those
individuals feeling left behind, disparaged, misunderstood and generally
disenfranchised. Like a cauldron simmering and ready to boil over at any
moment, Mars joining Eris has surfaced deep undercurrents of rage, along
with the willfulness to take action, no matter the consequences. The
third and final conjunction of Mars and Eris is exact on December 22.
Pouring fuel on the fire, Mars is in final square to Pluto on December
23. Astrologer Robert Hand sums up Mars square Pluto, “This can be a
time for creatively transforming the world around you, or it can be a
time of fierce power struggles and disagreements. Avoid the temptation
to act ruthlessly or underhandedly toward others no matter how angry you
are or how much you feel that they deserve to be beaten. Transit cycles
involving Pluto have a strange way of producing total destruction of
your own ends if you take illegitimate shortcuts.” He goes on to
emphasize a choice of fighting harder or giving up altogether. Just in
time for the holiday break, there can be a real sense of culmination in
regard to the trials and hardships of 2020.
On another level, the public health crisis is upending celebrations.
Speaking with others about holiday plans, some people are relieved that
a difficult family member is not visiting. Others are letting go of
traditions and exploring creative options, while many families are
mourning the absence of a loved one, and facing the reality of an empty
seat at the table.
Illuminating the night sky, a Full Moon on December 29 bestows a
calming, settling, earthy awareness into the week between Christmas and
New Year's Eve. With the Sun in Capricorn and Moon in Cancer, this
lunation is in harmony with Uranus in Taurus. This grounding influence
is welcome as a supportive bridge into 2021, facilitating practical
application and coordination of knowledge and information. It may feel
as though one's feet are on firmer ground than previously experienced,
embodied fully, posed and ready to face another year.
In early 2017, during a presentation at Crystal Visions, a local
metaphysical store, a participant spoke up about a recurring dream she
was having. The dream was of a gigantic, remarkably enormous, all
consuming tidal wave. Hands went up, others in the room, as well as
people they knew, were having similar dreams, myself included. Since
this event, we would check in, wondering about the symbolic potential of
this profound dream.
In this moment, wrapping up the final “What's UP” of 2020, it dawns on
me. The tidal wave dreams symbolize the massive upheavals over the
course of this year. Sickness and health, confinement and freedom, hate
and love, delusion and reality, greed and generosity, poverty and plenty
. . . the all encompassing, stark contrast of earth experience has been
on full display.
Riding the highs and lows of rolling waves has been quite the journey,
touching the deepest parts of what it means to be human, including our
common humanity. As Saturn and Jupiter transit into Aquarius, it is
clear, what has come before is in the process of being swept away as
enormous planetary cycles pave the way for a new era. In next month's
article, I will address the characteristics and signs of the dawning
Aquarian Age.
In the meantime, may your holidays be bright, filled with meaning and
love, gentle kindness and all good things freely given by Creator. With
gratitude, out here on the limb of the cosmos, I sign off for now. 2021,
full speed ahead, here we come, ready or not!
November 2020
Belinda C. Dunn
Mercury direct
November 3 @ 12:50 pm
Mars direct
November 13 @ 7:36 pm
Scorpio New Moon
November 15 @ 12:07 am
Gemini Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
November 30 @ 4:30 am
Penetrating beneath the surface of everyday awareness, November begins
with our Sun transiting through Scorpio skies. All Saints Day is a
reminder of the multidimensional nature of existence, the evolutionary
and karmic cycles of death/rebirth, and everything in between.
Symbolized by the scorpion grovelling in the darkness, ready to sting
unsuspecting prey, Scorpio brings humanity face to face with the raw
power of misguided desire fueling the undercover world of criminal
intent. Inevitably the scorpion relents, evolving into the mystical and
mythical Phoenix, arising from the ashes of destruction to discover
hidden reserves of power, truth, integrity and wisdom.
Spellbound, a nation awaits final election results as secret ballots are
cast and counted behind closed doors. Sitting on the edge of our seats,
the unfolding drama is hypnotic and intense, nerve wracking, however
interwoven with decisive and determined resolve.
In the grand plan of things, it is no accident that voting day, November
3, is particularly focused on communication. Mercury, the planet of
information, is completing a three week retrograde phase, exact around
mid-day. Mercury is especially important in reporting accurate and
definitive results.
However, the last time Mercury stationed from retrograde to direct on
election day was the unforgettable Gore/Bush contest. The historic
election of 2000 was defined by weeks of hanging chads and recounts,
partisanship and controversy, with final results ultimately decided in
the Supreme Court. No wonder the electorate is dubious, especially
focused on a fair and accurate count this time around.
The entire first week of November is held within the confines of a tense
aspect between Mercury and Saturn. Exact on November 1, and again on
November 6, this aspect ensures careful, methodical and meticulous
measures in finalizing election results. However, Mercury in stressful
aspect with Saturn tends to breed and exacerbate strong differences in
opinion, and it can be difficult to accept other points of view.
Yes, there may be discrepancies and delays, and not everyone will be
satisfied with end results, but the overshadowing energy of Mercury and
Saturn demonstrates a disciplined, practical, serious and law abiding
approach to this momentous election. As the reality check planet, Saturn
cuts through illusion, bringing everything and everyone down to earth.
Adding to the intensity of high drama during October and November is
another planetary trend. Known as an opposition, Mercury is in
challenging aspect to Uranus, the game changer planet. This trend
started the first week of October, repeated again on October 19, and
concludes for the third and final pass on November 17. Unusual and
sudden reversals, exposure of underlying issues, vacillating emotions,
and strategic change of plans are simply part of the process.
It is interesting to note Mercury's aspect with Saturn implies strict
adherence to the law, but Mercury's aspect with Uranus implies a
breaking free of the norm along with upheaval and reform. Essentially
and energetically, the past is colliding with the future in the crucible
of transformation, and this election promises to reset the nation's
trajectory for decades to come.
On another level, transiting Mercury in Scorpio is opposing Uranus in
Taurus. These are the zodiac signs of finances, possessions, and shared
resources. The entire Mercury retrograde period tends to further
destabilize these essential areas of monetary exchange. In so many
instances, due to COVID restrictions, business and household budgets
have been stretched to the max. Through the first half of November,
important decisions can free up resources to address the shortfall. More
than likely, the global economy and stock markets will continue on a
wild ride with extreme fluctuations until the beginning of next year.
Jupiter conjoins Pluto for the third and final pass on November 12. It
can be helpful to consider this long term pattern started on April 4,
repeated June 29, and completes this month. Powerfully transforming, the
concealed world of dark money and crime has surfaced into public
awareness. Jupiter is the planet of aspiration, ethics, truth and
justice. Power grabs in high places are increasingly obvious,
undermining public confidence. Fortunes have been made and fortunes
lost. The entire economy is undergoing an overhaul of gigantic
proportions as systems are updated and adapted to address current
On November 13, Mars stations direct, shifting into a sense of relief
and readiness to close this chapter, and turn the pages of history
toward recovery on many levels. Still in Aries, the zodiac sign of
action, Mars went retrograde on September 9. After a long haul of twists
and turns, delays and detours, Mars speaks to the pioneering spirit in
each of us. Mars in Aries gives that extra boost of vitality to pick up
the pace and begin anew.
However, we are not out of the woods yet, as Mars remains in Aries until
January 2021. Even though uncertainty looms large, and there are more
questions than answers, Mars direct can offset malaise and ignite
enthusiasm. On an individual level, Mars in Aries has served to clarify
boundaries, especially in terms of relationships. On a collective level,
Mars in Aries has contributed to civil unrest, heightening the potential
for aggression and conflict.
On November 14, a few days after Mars is direct, a Scorpio New Moon sets
the stage for progress. In supportive harmony with the
Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, this is a dig in,
persevere, keep on keeping on New Moon. Scorpio determination and
strategic resolve is in supportive harmony with Capricorn integrity and
practicality. This is an optimal New Moon for clarification of long
range goals and manifestation.
From here on out, Jupiter and Saturn are now direct, pulling away from
the potent alignment with Pluto that has been the planetary bugaboo of
2020. Astrologer Pam Younghans beautifully sums up this rare and life
transforming alignment. “Together, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn are
providing a powerful reality check, designed to make sure we don't
ignore social issues that need to be addressed. We are seeing the
downfall of many of the systems and structures that society has relied
upon to provide stability – but the truth is that many of these systems
have deteriorated and no longer functioning for the good of the people.
This is where we are seeing the strongest effects of the Saturn-Pluto
influence as dysfunction and decay are exposed.”
Additionally, the New Moon chart shows the protective influence of
Jupiter conjoining asteroid Pallas Athene, representing the guardian
goddess of mediation, teamwork and diplomacy. Together, this rare
combination supports the expansion of opportunity and optimism.
Combining with Venus in Libra, these planetary patterns promote harmony
in fair and equitable solutions.
Another important factor during these autumn months is Mars conjoining
the small, outermost planet Eris, representing the goddess of discord.
Taken as a whole, this entire combination is known as a T-square
(Jupiter/Pallas Athene/Saturn/Pluto in Capricorn – Mars/Chiron/Eris in
Aries – Venus in Libra). Perfecting mid-November, this alignment
presents an intense contrast between rich and poor, the advantaged and
disadvantaged. The clash of competing and opposing perspectives is
unmistakable, begging for attention, as diverse groups stand up to be
Contributing to the theme of diversity is the Gemini Full Moon Lunar
Eclipse on November 30. Our Sun is in Sagittarius now, and abstract
idealism meets earth plane reality, along with the necessity to rise
above diverse agendas to find common ground. Eclipses are revelatory,
peeling away layers of illusion and delusion to expose the true nature
beneath surface appearances. This happens within and without, on
personal as well as collective levels. Additionally, eclipses are
connected to an 18.6 year cycle of the lunar nodes. This particular
eclipse, and the following Solar Eclipse on December 14, expose belief
as the driving force of civilization.
Familial conditioning, societal and cultural beliefs are taken for
granted, accepted as truth, despite evidence to the contrary in so many
instances. These eclipses serve to “enlighten” the masses. For those
listening and receptive, these eclipses can bring relief from a heavily
conflicted election season, lifting consciousness toward high ground.
Another key planet during the final days of November is Neptune
stationing direct on November 28. Additionally, Neptune is in stressful
aspect to the lunar nodes, triggering a crisis of belief, representing
an enormous and definitive paradigm shift for the nation. While Neptune
dissolves limited concepts to reveal universal truth, Neptune is the
planet of unconditional compassion born through empathy, and
consideration of what is may be like to “walk a mile in someone else's
However, Neptune's delusional quality can exacerbate addiction and
mental health issues, especially in those vulnerable to Neptune's
influence. Neptune is highly sensitizing, and human beings have devised
many methods to escape reality, many of which are destructive to
mind/body/spirit. On a positive note, Neptune can increase the potential
for spontaneous surrender, dissolving the boundaries of everyday
awareness to instruct, uplift and redeem.
November comes to a close with the celebration of giving thanks. In a
nation of enormous wealth, alongside contrasting deprivation, the
attitude of gratitude is often overlooked, given a token nod, if that.
But, gratitude is a special feeling arising from the deepest part of
one's heart.
As one of the most fundamental virtues, gratitude is the key to
satisfaction, generosity, and even cooperation, in a world desperately
in need of solace. Sincere gratitude can transform everything! It can
take an ordinary moment and make it beautiful. It can mend broken hearts
and save lost souls. It can transform any meal into a joyous, sumptuous
feast. Enjoy!
October 2020
Belinda C. Dunn
Harvest Full Moon
October 1 @ 5:05 pm
Mercury Retrograde
October 13 – November 3
Libra New Moon
October 16 @ 3:31 pm
Taurus/Scorpio Full Moon
October 31 @ 10:49 am
Gazing into a vast, unfathomable, star studded sky, October begins with
the Harvest Moon. Even in the depths of night, it is possible to see the
fields ripen with nourishment, the landscape stretching, yawning, earth
fulfilled, preparing for rest. As the wide eyed owl hoots and swoops,
the wind rustles a sweet, melodious song. It's a magical month, a “once
in a Blue Moon” month. It's October, and the beauty of our Moon's full
illumination is a reminder to look up in more ways than one.
From the astrological perspective, October begins with the Sun in
Libra, the zodiac peacemaker. People awaken to another day of the news
cycle churning and burning, spewing out hot distractions, and from all
appearances, the world itself is nothing but peaceful. Yes, there are
little steps, small attempts, but in so many ways, the nature of genuine
peace alludes even the best of us. But, no worries, after all, this is
one of the basic core lessons in earth school, and it's OK, even
advisable, to acknowledge the growing pangs.
From the standpoint of esoteric astrology, Libra is one of the most
karmic zodiac signs. Why? The birth/death incarnation cycle is a
compelling pull into this dimension based on desire and relationship.
It's about settling the score, and balancing the scales of justice. It's
about each other, and learning heartfelt lessons of gentle kindness and
cooperation, neutrality and equanimity.
Libra is a prominent archetype in the United States astrology chart. At
the nation's inception, Saturn was in Libra, at the highest point in the
chart, the mid-heaven. Therefore, the country's destiny on the world
stage is closely aligned, and best expressed through diplomacy, and
peace keeping missions. But, in so many cases, the country has fallen
into an authoritarian big brother role, and heavy handed force has
become the order of the day.
Clearly, the presidential election is bringing radical inconsistencies
and differences of approach to the forefront. This brings us to another
facet of Libra, the slippery slope of projection, a psychological term
meaning the tendency to disown one's shadow, and project it upon
another. It can be likened to casting a spell of illusion that has
everyone buying into the drama, but unfortunately, projection disrupts
clear sight in terms of self awareness, relationships, circumstances and
Over the past several months, an avalanche of projection has been
unleashed. The country is divided as never before in our lifetimes, and
in so many cases, the polarization is spoken with vehement animosity and
hatred, overlaid with a sickening fear. In the space of one week, I
heard people of each “side,” express that if the other party won, the
country would be ruined. As a nation, how did we get here? Where did the
overarching nature of Saturn in Libra go? What will it take to return to
civility, impartiality, congeniality, and cooperation?
The planetary trends point to this impasse, rift with controversy and
dissent. September drew to a close with Mars in stressful alignment with
Saturn. Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place! So many
situations are demanding action, and yet the planets are reinforcing the
message of sitting it out, waiting it out, like a time out for a rowdy
toddler that doesn't know the meaning of socialization.
Mars continues to be a key player throughout October. Mars retrograde is
frustrating at best, downright infuriating in its slow march forward.
Triggering the major Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto alignment of 2020, it's as
though progress is frozen as the wheel of fortune spins wildly.
Enough time has passed since Mars started its retrograde phase on
September 9. Consider, go back to you calendar if necessary, what
changed for you? Take to heart the dawning realizations. Mars is in
Aries for months to come, and there is a specific message for each
person. Past conditioning is sloughing off, it feels cumbersome and
heavy. Typically, Mars is invigorating and energizing, but the burdens
are painful, enervating and draining. It's a fact, so much is ending
now, there is loss and grief. But, this empty space is sacred, luminous,
cleansing and clearing, paving the way for a rebirth as the new year dawns.
Contributing to the gut wrenching intensity, (sorry, these words just
popped out), is Pluto's slow burn as it shifts from stationary to direct
on October 4th. The coming week is filled with potential for power
plays, and disclosure of hidden motives, especially as Mars is in
stressful square with Pluto on the 9th. Raw and visible, no one is above
the law, even though many people will find it convenient to act without
conscience. There is tension in the air as these two giants test the
boundaries of acceptability. Out in the open, or covertly behind the
scenes, Mars and Pluto are the planets of personal power and willfulness.
In essence, Pluto is the archetypal god of the underworld, a world
beneath the surface of everyday life. The nature of Pluto is to expose
illicit activities, and the abuse of power can take many forms. For
example, pornography, propaganda, pollution, money laundering, financial
fraud, political corruption, corporate greed . . . the list goes on.
Throughout 2020, the law and order planets, Jupiter and Saturn, are
activating Pluto in its long transit through Capricorn (2008–2024).
Subverting the law is a dangerous game, and this is the year of
unprecedented exposure.
Hanging in the balance, waiting in suspense, the airwaves are echoing
the refrain, “October surprise.” It's common knowledge that presidential
elections typically come with startling, game changing developments in
October. This year is no exception, but it isn't just one surprise, but
it's most likely plural . . . surprises.
The potential for sudden reversals and change of plans, is due to a
Mercury retrograde period starting on October 13. Mercury goes
retrograde in Scorpio, the zodiac sign of secrets. Additionally, Mercury
will oppose Uranus, the change maker planet, on October 7 and 19.
Therefore, mid-October promises to be disruptive, casting an aura of
uncertainty in the wake of further revelations.
Uranus is a very revolutionary planetary energy in that it disrupts the
status qua, and overturns mediocrity. Passions will be running high,
words flying out of people's mouths. There is potential for Uranus to
destabilize the economy as it transits through Taurus, the sign of money
and possessions. Newsworthy trends in the financial markets, employment
and business can be revealed. Mercury in Scorpio is fearless in exposing
the hidden and treacherous underbelly of criminality, and will leave no
stone unturned in the quest for truth.
Mercury retrograde continues until it goes direct on November 3,
Election Day. BINGO! And, Mercury makes its third and final opposition
to Uranus on November 17. It is quite likely that election results may
take longer than usual, and there may be recounts and dispute in regard
to the election's validity. This is one potential in a host of
disruptive and unusual developments that will take time to unravel and
A New Moon in Libra on October 13 can help to sooth hot tempers, and
smooth out frayed nerves. However, the astrology chart for this lunation
shows a T-square, a planetary alignment representing the crossroads of
choice. The planetary players include the self absorbed attitude of Mars
in Aries in contrast to the objectives of fairness and balance, in the
face of major obstructions represented by Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto. This
requires some heavy lifting, and along with Mercury retrograde, this
suggests a stalemate whereby there are no easy, quick answers.
On October 22, our Sun enters Scorpio and joins Mercury on October 25.
This is always an important time in a Mercury retrograde cycle.
Contemplation yields a broader perspective, wisdom based on insight from
intangible and invisible realms. Watch for information and decisions to
come more naturally as a result of seeking guidance.
The planetary trends during the final week of October lend some harmony
to otherwise tumultuous conditions. On the 27th, Venus shifts into
Libra, and Mercury retrogrades back into Libra. Overall, this supports
peaceful communication, and the importance of diplomacy in settling
matters of differing opinion.
To conclude, on Halloween, the second Full Moon of October lights up the
sky, and the rarity of a Blue Moon takes on even more relevance. This
astrology chart shows an exact, to the degree alignment of Moon and
Uranus in Taurus. Again, the trends point to sudden and unprecedented,
180 degree twists and turns of fate and fortune. Uranus is the
breakthrough planet of innovation to overcome hurdles, and implement
scientific, technological and humanitarian solutions. “Thinking outside
of the box,” is what Uranus does best.
Halloween fun takes on an even more creative and unique flavor this
year. Perhaps due to COVID, festivities morph into new and improved
forms, bigger than life, people seeking comic relief, relevance and
meaning in this transitional year.
In summing up the planetary trends for October, I am reminded of a hall
of mirrors in an amusement park fun house. Each reflection is distorted
in extreme measure from short and squat, to tall and gigantic, and
everything in between. To most people, this is hilarious and fun, but to
a young child, this can be terrifying. Same with Halloween. It is meant
for fun, but it takes maturity and courage to laugh in the face of
monsters while skeletons dangle from trees.
This is the esoteric meaning of Scorpio, the zodiac sign of death. As
autumn leaves fall, it is a poignant reminder of the transitory nature
of physical existence. Sometimes the illusions are obvious, other times
life feels so real, too real, and it's tempting to get lost in the
forms, and take them on as the only reality.
Halloween is an exercise in seeing through the illusory nature of
existence, to walk through the haunted house with one's head held high.
To walk with strength, purpose and courage. To actually clear one's
sight enough to see and trust in the light at the end of the tunnel.
Echoing through the halls of history, the ancient and sacred texts of
the Upanishads state, “There is a light that shines beyond all things on
earth, beyond us all, beyond the highest heavens. This is the light that
shines within us all.” Blessed be.
September 2020
Belinda C. Dunn
Pisces/Virgo Full Moon
September 2 @ 1:22 am
Virgo New Moon
September 17 @ 7:00 am
Autumnal Equinox
September 22 @ 9:31 am
Lighting up the sky, illuminating the landscape, September begins with a
Full Moon. This is a magical turning point as Sun in Virgo represents
the harvest, and Moon in Pisces instills a sense of awe and connection
with the unseen dimensions of direct mystical experience. A feminine
symbol, Virgo is beautifully captured as a young maiden holding sheaves
of golden grain, the pure nourishment of field and farm.
Down to earth and practical, Virgo offers essential advice as the zodiac
sign of hygiene, sanitation, nutrition, food storage, public health and
safety, and healing in general. Additionally, Virgo governs public
service, the health care industry, employment and the work environment.
Considering the pandemic along with massive unemployment, it is more
than likely that a myriad of issues will surge into view, demanding
attention and effective solutions.
Virgo's natural analytic and diagnostic powers can play a major role in
the development of comprehensive solutions. Current trends suggest a
culmination of data and research that can begin moving society toward
recovery on many levels. Earthy and practical Virgo aims for efficiency
and productivity. If there is a job to do, and it needs to be done
“right,” give it to a Virgo, or someone that has plenty of Virgo in
their astrological blueprint.
Precise, concise and methodical, the Sun's yearly transit through Virgo
is an excellent time to focus on lifestyle changes that enhance personal
health. Tapping into the body's wisdom brings numerous improvements in
overall function, vitality and endurance. While the Full Moon brings
various issues to the surface, the Virgo New Moon on September 17,
supports a potent reset for those individuals taking the steps to
implement healthy habits. As the familiar adage states, “ Health is wealth.”
Service is a fundamental, but often overlooked, part of daily life. A
very good example of service is the role that domestic pets play in our
lives. Those that have pets realize the unconditional love, comfort and
well being that comes through serving pets, and the reciprocity of
sharing life's joys and sorrows with animals.
A typical September begins with enthusiasm for return to school and
work. Of course, this year is significantly different, but the themes of
education, communication and service are front and center. September
begins with Mercury and Venus in harmony. These planets connect in a
favorable aspect on Friday, September 4, and then transit into Libra and
Leo for the Labor Day weekend. This facilitates exchange of information
and ideas with an attitude of open minded curiosity for other viewpoints.
We would do well to hold onto, and expand this atmosphere of open
conversation, especially during the second half of September when
Mercury makes very challenging aspects. As the messenger, Mercury will
be in Libra for most of the month (September 5 – 26). This is the zodiac
sign of the peacemaker, negotiator and mediator. This is a high point
for the nation's destiny, and all eyes are on the upcoming presidential
However, by the New Moon on September 17, Mercury begins a series of
stressful aspects to the Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto alignment. The week of the
Autumnal Equinox is compellingly intense. Unified voices are speaking
out on behalf of the inequities and unfair burdens that have been placed
on so many citizens, to the point of extreme hardship. Game changing
information and significant disclosures contribute to the dialog
becoming more caustic, toxic and possibly slanderous.
Mercury's transit through Libra can be likened to the iron fist in the
velvet glove. By the way, Kamala Harris is a Libra with her Mercury in
Scorpio, and her style has been characterized as just this. Conveying
her message with smiling sincerity, she is very bold, direct, at times
blunt, and she is a force to be reckoned with, on and off the debate
stage. This is a very strong choice for the Biden ticket, and the
astrological compatibility between the two of them is quite dynamic.
Back to Mercury in Libra, and the unfolding time line. First, Mercury
activates Jupiter on the 17th. This can be uplifting and hopeful news,
but not necessarily based on reality, so fact check for validity. It's
like a pat on the back to placate distress, and shift the focus. This
can feed into Neptune's long term transit through Pisces whereby an aura
deception veils the truth as conspiracy theories, mental illness and
criminality distort perspective and cloud the narrative.
On September 20-21, Mercury is in stressful aspect to Pluto, kicking up
the storms, probably words and actions that incite violence, discord,
sudden disclosures and reversals. On September 23-24, Mercury is in
stressful aspect with Mars and Saturn, lending an atmosphere of despair,
hostility, negativity and cynicism. This is a week to remain mentally
alert and cognizant of the spoken word.
This theme is furthered by another major planetary development. On
September 9, Mars, the planet of action, motivation and momentum, begins
a nine week retrograde phase. Retro means just that, stepping back,
reviewing, halting forward movement. From the planetary perspective, the
cosmos is holding up a bright red stop sign!
This trend holds many possibilities and repercussions, personally and
collectively. On the individual level, Mars retrograde suggests
priorities being re-evaluated. Already the pandemic has uprooted and
upended daily life. Frankly, there is no going back to “normal.” Mars
retrograde can include a deeper acceptance of the quagmire, and the
so-called “new normal.” This stepping back implies the necessity for
cautious and patient review of direction.
In terms of the pandemic, Mars retrograde is highly suggestive of
lowered vitality and immune function. From the standpoint of health,
Mars tends to manifest critical conditions such as inflammation, fevers,
accidents. The underlying emotional charge relates to suppressed
hostility, resentment and frustration that erupts into illness.
Therefore, guarding one's health and emotional state is paramount
throughout these weeks.
Astrologer Erin Sullivan writes, “When Mars is transiting retrograde, it
is an ideal time to determine the difference between depression of the
senses, or psychic apathy, and simple lack of interest. To press on in a
situation which appears fruitless is sheer bloody-mindedness, not brave
assertiveness! It might be appropriate, therefore, to relinquish a
once-beloved project, attitude, relationship or goal, rather than
persist aggressively in outmoded activities once Mars completes its
retrograde cycle (November 13).”
On the collective level, Mars retrograde signals a deterioration of
conditions that can lead to major changes in circumstances. At the
beginning of the pandemic, the word, “migration,” surged into my
consciousness. It didn't make a lot sense at that point, but it is
apparent now. Huge swaths of population are being forced to move and
relocate as the result of businesses closing. The economic impact is
more evident, and over coming months many people may choose to leave
familiar surroundings, and head toward greener pastures.
Keeping this in mind/heart, let's consider that two major planets are
going direct in September. Jupiter goes direct on the 12th, and Saturn
on the 29th. Jupiter is the planet of justice and high minded ideals.
The current political climate is riddled with a perception of injustice
on all sides as citizens and factions take sides in a combative contest
of right vs. wrong. Jupiter direct, and Mercury in Libra can lift
consciousness out of game playing, out of the roles, and shift awareness
to a more unified realization of common welfare, aspirations and goals.
Traveling through the zodiac sky, Sun leaves Virgo and enters Libra on
September 22, marking the auspicious and sacred Autumnal Equinox. The
chart for the equinox sets the stage for the final week of September, a
potent inflection point whereby there is no turning back. This chart
shows an astrological configuration called a T-square, a crossroads
point of challenge and strategic choice. Not easy, but immensely
rewarding in the long run.
Dissecting the planetary energies, first and foremost, let's consider
that Saturn has been retrograde since May 10, and is now proceeding
forward on September 29. As the planet of karmic consequences, this
retrograde period has been particularly challenging this year in terms
of gaining traction to move away from already manifested scenarios. It's
as though many circumstances have just had to run their course. Saturn
is the truth telling planet. Heavy realities have taken their toll with
the realization that fundamental changes must be made in order to move
forward with any progress and stability.
There is no way around Saturn's lessons except to dig in, do the work,
and accept responsibility in matters that are relative to personal duty
and dharma. The Serenity Prayer is a good reminder in these challenging
times. “Creator, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot
change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know
the difference.”
On the very same day that Saturn goes direct, Mars is in stressful
square with Saturn. In order to grasp the enormity of this moment, it is
necessary to go back to the planetary signature of 2020, the alignment
of three consequential planets, Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto in Capricorn.
Energetically, this can feel like a heavy load with great weight, almost
impossible to carry without determination and faithful resolve.
Adding in the other significant planetary development for September,
Mars in Aries is now retrograde. As Mars meets Saturn, this can be
likened to taking a sledge hammer to an immovable brick wall. Mars will
aim for the weakest spot, but the wheels of massive transformation have
already been set in motion.
Summing up this planetary alignment, I am reminded of the axiom,
“failing forward.” John C. Maxwell, an American leader, author and
inspiration speaker popularized this idea, defined as “leveraging
mistakes, making a realistic assessment of the risks and the ability to
live with the downside and experiment with new approaches.”
Now, before this article reads as down and out dismal, let me reassure
readers of an approaching upswing in December, in preparation for 2021.
We really are at the climax point, the convergence point of many trends
that have been building for years, if not for generations. Truly, we are
witnessing unprecedented and massive change in a very short period of time.
At this point, it's anyone's guess as to the exact nature of coming
events. It may be natural disasters, the presidential contest coming to
a head, the global pandemic, economic restrictions, and/or racial
tension and protests. However things show up, September appears to be
another unpredictable month is this unpredictable year of 2020.
However, rest assured that no matter how dark the times, there is light
at the end of the tunnel. This heart breaking systemic breakdown
promises a breakthrough of gigantic proportions, beyond our wildest
dreams, beyond our heartfelt prayers. Civilization is not going
backwards, it's failing forward.
August 2020
Belinda C. Dunn
Aquarius/Leo Full Moon
August 3 @ 11:59 am
Leo New Moon
August 18 @ 10:42 pm
Between Mercury retrograde, and a trio of upending and dynamic eclipses,
the hurdles of June and July are rapidly receding in the rear view
mirror. Much has been revealed, much as been cast aside as the
priorities of the triple conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto
continue to drill down beneath the surface of just about everything.
This is a purging, a clearing, a reset of gigantic proportions.
Insistent and pressing, the necessity for adaptation is coupled with the
motivation to overcome obstacles and get the show on the road, the Leo
show that is. Beginning with a Full Moon on August 3, the energy shifts
from the weightiness of earthbound consciousness to rapid fire,
dramatic, determined and expressive Leo.
Right from the start, August begins with Sun opposite the Moon in
maximum illumination. Additionally, this Full Moon is energized by a
power packed and close square aspect with Uranus, the game changer
planet, the lightening bolt of sudden revelation. The action of Uranus
is even stronger this month as it appears stalled at 10 degrees Taurus,
going retrograde on August 15. Anything goes in these turbulent days,
and the action of Uranus tends to be rebellious, surprising and
disruptive, providing turnarounds that can free up tension, and release
For a moment, let's consider the contrast between the elements of earth
and fire. Each zodiac sign relates to an element. Right now, all the
major heavyweight planets (except Neptune in Pisces) are in earth signs.
Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are lined up in Capricorn. Uranus is in
Taurus. Earth can be nourishing and fertile, or earth can be dry and
barren, but however it manifests, earth is heavy and immovable without
sustained effort and the correct tools.
Symbolically, this is where we find ourselves, and repeatedly, I have
heard people liken current conditions to sticky, mucky mud. Even the old
adage, “stick in the mud,” comes from long ago days of a horse drawn
carriage stuck in the mud, its wheels spinning, going nowhere. Over
time, the adage has come to imply a person resistant to progress and
During August the fire element ascends, bringing much needed levity and
light. Together Sun and Mercury are transiting through the fire sign of
Leo for most of the month. Additionally, Mars continues its lengthy
transit through the fire sign of Aries.
August is the month to ignite playful spontaneity, reclaim enthusiasm,
and get in touch with your passion. An emphasis on the fire element can
go a long way in generating and sustaining the vitality needed to adapt
and meet challenges head on, without resistance, and without
procrastination. This is very important in preparation for the months ahead.
In particular, I am laying out this energetic pattern in detail, because
Mars, the planet of action and motivation, is in Aries for the rest of
2020. It is unusual for Mars to spend months in its own sign of Aries,
but this is due to an upcoming retrograde phase, September 9 through
November 13.
In general, Mars in Aries, symbolized by the Ram, can be willful,
impulsive, forceful, volatile and rambunctious. On the other hand, Mars
in Aries can be fearless, and positively energetic to plow through the
most difficult obstacles within the darkest conditions. The defining
point is the right use of will. When on target, and in alignment with
the welfare of all, Mars in Aries can help us meet the moment with
courage and strength. This moment is made for heroism.
Going back to the life-changing and consequential alignment of Jupiter,
Saturn and Pluto, taken together these planets represent long term, even
ancient karmic patterns coming to a crisis point. It is during August
that Mars activates these planets for the first time in stressful
square, but due to the retrograde phase, Mars will repeatedly activate
these planets at various times for the remainder of 2020.
Here is a brief summary of Mars and this unparalleled series of aspects,
keeping in mind this is an enormous collective evolutionary leap taking
place over the next 6 months. NOTE: Useful as guidelines, the enhanced
computer program can give exact dates, but in actuality, the trends are
in effect now through January 2021.
Mars square Jupiter: growing pains, taking risks, glimmers of hope based
on insight into cosmic law and order, willingness to address injustice,
reformation of laws and structures (August 4, October 18, January 23,
Mars square Saturn: initiative meets the hard/cold facts of reality,
detours, delays, persistence despite limitations, obligation vs.
responsibility, self-reliance, crisis of ethics, loss and grief,
surrender (August 24, September 29, January 13, 2021).
Mars square Pluto: exposure of corruption, cutting through
denial/illusion, confrontation with established authority, power
struggles, power used destructively vs. power used constructively,
ambition, obsessions, breaking open and breaking down, personal growth,
the fight for truth and justice, drastic alternations in the trajectory
of previously known experience, determination to thrive despite all odds
(August 13, October 9, December 23).
Additionally, Mars in Aries is joining Eris, a dwarf planet named after
the goddess of discord. Discovered in 2005, orbiting in the farthest
reaches of our solar system, Eris is slightly larger than Pluto. It
takes 558 years for Eris to cycle through the entire zodiac, therefore
Eris has been in Aries for decades. Mars will conjunct Eris for the
first time on August 17, but this slow moving planetary configuration
includes squares from Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. There is on-going
pressure to confront injustice; specifically directed toward segments of
society that have been disenfranchised, demoralized, ignored,
misunderstood and forgotten.
Upcoming articles will continue to detail this trend. For now, August is
the month to monitor the urge to take action. Awareness can make the
difference between frustrations and delays, plans gone awry, and goals
falling short OR implementing constructive, balanced, realistic and
effective action. More than likely, for the majority of us, it will be a
combination of all of the above.
In terms of social settings, everything is being re-evaluated due to
COVID. For example, school age children and their families are ready for
classes to start, but this year is drastically different, and
significant organization is underway for education on all levels. The
presidential election is around the corner, and conventions look like
they will take place virtually. Voting protocol is undergoing scrutiny,
and re-organization. Travel plans remain on hold, and it is debatable
for how long. A variety of businesses are hanging by a thread, awaiting
financial relief, and return to business as usual. In an environment
where so many factors out of one's personal control, it is a matter of
keeping an open mind, a readiness to experiment while accepting a
process of trial and error.
There is enormous potential here. The combining influences of three
planets in earthy Capricorn, along with an emphasis on the fire element,
can be summed up in a locomotive. The engines rumble as they are fired
up. Heavy, slow to start, the wheels are turning, gathering momentum,
but in no time, the locomotive is speeding through the countryside,
traveling toward a distant horizon. On many levels, now is the time to
ignite the fire in your belly, discover your big why, thereby activating
a sustainable purpose and plan.
On August 4th, Mercury enters Leo, completing a lengthy stint in Cancer
the crab. Over the past ten weeks, thinking, conversations and decisions
have primarily centered around home, family, protection and security.
Not only have people been thrown back into the nest, but relationships
and family responsibilities have come to the forefront for review.
In numerous ways the transit of Mercury through Cancer has been an
energetic summation of the past nine eclipses, solar and lunar, all tied
to the lunar nodes in Cancer/Capricorn. Now that basic foundations have
been examined and overhauled, many people are in a better position to
move forward with authenticity and creativity, making the best of new
realizations around the most intimate relationships in the home
Contributing to a sense of security within the immediate home
environment, Venus retreats into emotional, sensitive and emphatic
Cancerian waters on August 7. Over the past four months, since April 3,
Venus has been transiting through restless, on the move Gemini. This has
played a major role in the choice many people have made to dismiss
safety warnings around COVID-19. However, from the astrological
perspective it makes perfect sense, as Venus in Gemini has encouraged
socialization and travel.
As Venus enters Cancer, more than likely, there will be an obvious shift
toward retreat and protection. Venus remains in safety oriented Cancer
until September 6. This will take us through the remaining weeks of
summer vacation, and lay the groundwork for home as a safe haven.
However, it is still a stretch for many individuals and families to
juggle the responsibilities of home, work and school including the
financial strains of the social and economic environment.
The Leo New Moon on August 18 plants the seeds for new beginnings based
on these recent months of stay at home introspection. The last few days
before this New Moon, Mercury conjoins Sun in Leo, all in harmony with
Mars. This shows rare potential for breakthroughs of the most positive
sort in terms of esteem, confidence and self expression.
Recently, on May 5, the lunar nodes shifted from Cancer/Capricorn to
North Node in Gemini, and South Node in Sagittarius. This is a major
energetic shift, and this Leo New Moon is in harmonious configuration
with the lunar nodes furthering the next stages of expanding evolution.
It can be helpful to contemplate answers to questions such as, “Who am I
now?” And, “In what ways am I being called to authentically contribute
for the good of all?”
Finally, Mercury enters Virgo on August 19, followed by the Sun entering
Virgo on August 22. Again, the earth element predominates, bringing
realistic and practical issues to the forefront, especially in the areas
of health, hygiene and nutrition. Industrious and dedicated to service,
perhaps the Virgo influence can help turn the corner in the health care
crisis due to the pandemic. Energetically, Virgo informs, educates and
supports the personal lifestyle choices that are essential for a healthy
How to sum up August? On one hand, we're traveling at warp speed, God
only knows where. On the other hand, it's a month of hurry up and wait.
Similar to the impossible task of trying to repair a bicycle while
riding at top speed, this is a month of crisis in action. Conditions
demand action. In so many ways, as a society we can't afford to sit this
one out, despite everything telling us to do so.
Finally, guidance urges me to emphasize the vital nature of acceptance.
There is plenty of denial going around, but rather than brushing away or
minimizing the stress, take care of yourself and those around you.
Answers dwell in the potential of this enormous, multifaceted and
complex paradigm shift.
In a time of collective bereavement, we are witnessing unprecedented disruption. The world, as we have known it, is falling away and transforming almost overnight. This is not the time to further complicate matters with projections and negativity, but as much as humanly possible, make the choice to respond with connection, humility, sympathy, kindness, and ultimately reverence for the vast expanse of existence, truly beyond comprehension. Remembering, as the ancient and sacred Heart Sutra intones, “Gone, gone, gone beyond. Gone beyond the beyond. Hail the goer!”
July 2020
Belinda C. Dunn
Capricorn/Cancer Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
July 5 @ 12:44 am
Mercury Direct
July 12 @ 4:27 am
Cancer New Moon
July 20 @ 1:33 pm
Welcome to the July forecast, and my annual astrological “state of the
union” based on the Declaration of Independence as the inception point
for the United States of America. In observing planetary trends, the
majority of astrologers refer to the chart for July 4, 1776 at 5:10 pm
in Philadelphia. Over the decades, this chart has proven most reliable
in terms of characteristics, general trends and timing of historical events.
Red, white and blue, stars and stripes are flying high over this land of
the free, waving in the early twilight. As fireworks explode, this
awesome sight has been reenacted for 244 years. As the flag flies,
waving above it all, the founding principles of democracy waver,
floundering below in the mucky turmoil of messy affairs on earth. Storm
clouds have been gathering for some time, thunder gods announce their
warning, lightening flashes all around.
The country's overall destiny is illustrious, abundant, progressive and
humanitarian . . . but not easy. In fact, thus far, the path has been
complex, arduous and steep. How is it possible to climb the mountain to
reach the stars, and actually manifest the superlative vision of life,
liberty and justice for all? It is a grand experiment, and as in any
experiment, it is a matter of try, try, and try again.
There are whole books written on the United States astrology chart. For
purposes of this article, I am touching upon a few key points that are
relative to current trends. This is by no means an exhaustive
interpretation. However, as I share with clients, anything happening now
is always reflected back to the basic blueprint as shown in the birth
As I shared in recent articles, Venus is transiting through Gemini skies
(April 3 – August 7). This lengthy stint includes a retrograde period
(May 21 – June 25). Throughout these months, Venus has been activating
two very important planets in the nation's chart, Uranus and Mars in
Gemini. This combination enhances the out-spoken, inventive, thinking
outside of the box, freedom loving nature of the populace.
Symbolized by the twins, Mars in Gemini is mentally astute, bestowing
curiosity and intelligence, especially in regard to social interaction.
However, Mars will fight for what it “thinks” is right, and Mars in
Gemini has a propensity for tense debate, heated arguments, and blind
allegiance to unfounded information. Additionally, the nation's Mars is
prominent in the area of the general public, partnerships and open
Another dimension to this complicated configuration shows Mars in very
stressful alignment with Neptune, lending itself to false narratives,
manipulation, propaganda, subterfuge and other forms of deceit and
faulty thinking. This combination also intensifies emotional response,
giving rise to extreme and dramatic displays of patriotism.
Historically, this planetary combination has manifested in a multitude
of ways.
Now, fast forward to 2020. Embracing the positive evolutionary potential
of Gemini, the twins can look toward each other, and discover ways to
connect based on similarities rather than differences. For example, the
observant twins can see through and beneath skin color to find their
common humanity. The twins can approach daily interactions with an open
attitude of considerate and kind curiosity.
Thanks to Venus in Gemini, this attitudinal shift is very visible now;
it is to be encouraged. Instead of fanning the flames of division, it is
advisable to fan the flames of warm caring and heartfelt connection.
Together with Mars, Venus is speaking truth to power, bringing many
underlying conditions to the surface, specifically around relationships,
and the essential need for honest and transparent communication.
Together with Uranus, Venus is addressing social issues in unprecedented
and surprising ways.
In many ways, this combination is like a pressure cooker, volatile and
difficult to contain. Along with the North Lunar Node in Gemini, the
growth potential supports shaking up established points of view,
non-biased sharing of ideas, innovating solutions for the collective
good, creating community alliances, translating and integrating new
perspectives into daily conversation.
For purposes of this article and July's planetary trends, let's consider
slowly moving Pluto, orbiting at the outer reaches of our solar system.
In 1776, Pluto was in Capricorn in the area of possessions and monetary
wealth. When early settlers arrived on this continent, they recognized
an abundance of natural resources to own, possess, develop, and take
advantage of. In no time, the dark side of Pluto became the order of the
“new world.” Greed, avarice, brutality and cruelty gained a foothold. A
social order based on hierarchy, power, control and domination quickly
became the order of business, and the nation has been fighting this
battle ever since.
Astrologers track cycles, and since Pluto has a 246 year orbit, it is
returning to the exact position of the country's founding. A planetary
return of this magnitude is always proceeded by breakdown of the
established order, closure and completion. The Pluto return will be
exact three times in 2022.
Meanwhile, Saturn and Jupiter are currently transiting through
Capricorn. Like a perfect storm of gigantic proportions, these planets
are manifesting the conditions for a systemic breakdown to ultimately
lay the ground for a complete restructuring over a period of the next
five years. It is interesting to note that Saturn conjoined the USA
Pluto on February 23, and will again cross this sensitive point on
August 4 and November 20. As 2020 draws to a close, Jupiter conjoins
Pluto for the final pass on December 7.
Considering these long term trends as well as more immediate trends,
July is an especially important month. Not only is Mercury retrograde in
Cancer, but the Lunar Eclipse on July 5, exactly conjoins and activates
the nation's core identity and destiny as shown by Sun in Cancer along
with three other planets, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury. Since Cancer is
the zodiac sign of safety, security, home and family, issues that have
been put on the back burner in the immediate threat of a pandemic, are
now arising front and center.
It is during July when the pressing issues of the economy, personal
finances, employment and housing come to the forefront. Whether we
welcome it or not, like it or not, basic survival needs surge into plain
view. Saturn is retrograde, and has slipped back into Capricorn until
late December. As the taskmaster planet, Saturn tends to restrict and
delay, implying a need to pull back, cut back. Remember, these trends
are part of an enormous reset that cannot happen overnight, but will
require fortitude, discipline and sacrifice.
Occurring at a very critical time with so many essential matters hanging
in the balance, the current Mercury retrograde is especially important.
Going direct on July 12, Mercury conjoins Jupiter in the United States
chart. While this implies talk of another infusion of cash into the
system, it also stimulates generosity and goodwill. However, Jupiter is
prone to excess, and some rhetorical voices may fuel false hope and
unfounded optimism. Coming into balance means accepting Saturn's
limitations while encouraging Jupiter's enthusiasm and confidence in
positive outcomes.
The current Mercury cycle is very dynamic. Big decisions are in process,
big moves are underway. Due to the retrograde phase, Mercury is in
stressful alignment with Mars throughout July, exact on the 8th and
27th. There is a lot of pressure here. Many individuals and groups will
attempt to fight, force and argue their way through necessary changes.
Outspoken and loud voices can drown out the voices of reason and
restraint. The lazy days of summer are hard to come by, the heat is on.
Charging forward, no matter what, Mars entered Aries on June 27, and
will remain in Aries for the remainder of the year. This lengthy transit
is due to an upcoming Mars retrograde this autumn. In harmony with Venus
throughout the month, these planets support creative solutions,
especially when people work together. Artfully crafted alliances can
push through barriers and overcome hurdles. On the flip side, there will
be those individuals making unilateral, snap decisions without
considering repercussions. Overall, these planets stimulate spontaneous
action, along with surprising twists and turns, but with a majority of
planets retrograde, it is essential to consider long term repercussions,
even in the heat of the moment.
Finally, on July 20, a New Moon sets the stage for a new cycle. In the
zodiac sign of Cancer, this New Moon is in exact opposition to the
Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto alignment in Capricorn. Oppositions catalyze crisis
with a tendency to polarize in one direction or the other. Deeply rooted
survival and tribal instincts are pervasive in the “us vs. them”
mentality, keeping humanity stuck in the past.
Culminating this year, the rare historical conjunction of Jupiter,
Saturn and Pluto has a distinct planetary signature. Long standing
conditions, in place for years, decades and generations, are erupting in
“enough is enough!” A pervasive aura of threat and trauma has left many
people feeling as though they are backed into a corner. Jupiter and
Saturn are social planets, providing the glue of agreed upon beliefs and
laws, holding society together. Pluto is the planet of death and
rebirth. Purging and churning, inequities and injustice beg to be
The necessity to work together, get real, effectively address
challenges, overcome obstacles, and administer aid to those in need is a
heavy weight on the country. Sometimes things don't make sense, many
times there are no readily available solutions. But the starting point
is seeing others not as statistics or objects, but as people with
similar needs, hopes and aspirations.
Consider for a moment the early founders at the time of the Declaration
of Independence. White and wealthy, privileged and patriarchal, they did
the best they could with the mindset of the time, a mindset that is very
difficult to fathom now. They weren't perfect, but thinking outside the
box of previous possibility, they carved new idealistic principles into
the halls of history. Carried around the world, these ideals are
embodied in the Statue of Liberty on the shores of America, the melting
pot of the world.
Something profound is happening on planet Earth. Each of us are being
asked to participate in an upgrade of gigantic proportions, a complete
reconfiguration of meaning and purpose. This is an opportunity to
imagine anew, and challenge the unconscious assumptions that have led us
to this point.
This is not a dead end, but civilization will be held hostage until the
true lessons are grasped. These lessons are not as apparent outwardly,
even though many fingers are pointed out there. These are the eternal
lessons of the human heart and spirit, clearly visible for those that
turn within. Receptive, still, listening . . . the true love is waiting
with answers that will blow our minds, break open the boxes, and lead
the way out of discord into the true meaning of being human.
Belinda C. Dunn is a professional astrologer with over 40 years
experience. She is available for your personal consultation. PHONE:
828-215-2101 EMAIL: belinda@astrodelight.com
June 2020
Belinda C. Dunn
Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon
June 5 @ 3:12 pm
Mercury retrograde
June 18 @ 12:58 am
Summer Solstice
June 20 @ 5:43 pm
Cancer Solar Eclipse
June 21 @ 2:41 am
Neptune retrograde
June 23 @ 12:32 am
Venus direct
June 25 @ 2:48 am
It's June! Schools out, and summer fun is underway. . . well, almost.
What strange times we live in. Contradictory and confusing information
weighs heavy on the mind and heart. It is very tempting to just throw up
our hands and wish it all away. Setting boundaries, clearing the mind,
grounding in present moment awareness, perhaps to some extent this is
the most healing response.
Living in harmony with cosmic perspective is possible, so let's take an
in-depth look at current trends which include a lunar eclipse, solar
eclipse, Mercury retrograde, Neptune retrograde, summer solstice and
Venus direct!
Taken as a whole, June is a pivotal month of stops and starts, ups and
downs. We don't have to visit the beach to ride the waves. Mind spinning
and mind blowing, these weeks call forth a cautious pause for reflection
and careful planning. Due to the current social environment, people will
be having a variety of diverse responses, therefore, it is essential to
weigh all facts, and proceed accordingly.
On June 5, right from the get go, a Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon plays a key
role in exposing underlying issues. Since the Moon's orbit is inclined
by about five degrees to the ecliptic, the nodes are points in space
where the Moon's orbit crosses the ecliptic, heading north (north node),
and heading south (south node).
Occurring approximately every six months, eclipses are the result of an
exact alignment of Sun, Moon and Earth to the point that a shadow is
cast, darkening the light of the Sun (solar eclipse), or Moon (lunar
eclipse). Essentially, the lunar nodes are mystical points, representing
the dynamic interplay of luminary cycles upon our planet.
As mentioned in last month's article, the lunar nodes shifted into
Gemini/Sagittarius on May 4, where they will remain for the next 18
months. Due to an 18.6 year cycle, the last time the North Node entered
Gemini was October 2001, one month after 9/11, when the country was
immersed in the aftermath of major destruction and recovery efforts.
It is fascinating to note similar themes emerging now. Together, lunar
nodes and eclipses are upgrading the lesson plan, changing the narrative
while next steps in evolutionary potential are brought down to earth.
North Node in Gemini underscores the necessity for straight forward,
simplified and clear communication of factual information as the growth
point. South Node in Sagittarius amplifies hindrances, dogma, habits and
blind spots no longer serving positive growth potential. As so many
problems arise due to tainted and distorted communication, this is a
major development.
Let's zero in on this lunar eclipse with Sun in Gemini and Moon in
Sagittarius. Watch for major themes to come roaring into plain view,
themes that will continue to be unraveled and unveiled for the remainder
of this year and into 2021.
This is an especially potent and consequential eclipse for the nation.
Firstly, the current president was born on a lunar eclipse in
Gemini/Sagittarius. Secondly, these points energize the nation's
astrology chart in conjunction with Mars in Gemini, and ascendant in
While there will be numerous repercussions, one of the most problematic
can involve the politicization of essential information. For example,
the pandemic response has been riddled with misrepresentation and
misinterpretation, another fight between the parties for the upper hand.
Pointless blaming and projection is not contributing to solutions.
Frankly, as an astrologer reading the energies, this has to stop. As
people's lives and livelihood are on the line, the on-going war of words
only undermines public confidence in government.
Along with these factors, June begins with Venus retrograde in Gemini,
conjoining the Sun on June 3. A potent start to a month of revelation,
it is all about listening deeply, tapping into the heart of hearts. Game
playing is over, either one's heart is in it, or not. This applies to
relationships, situations, or projects.
Shifting perspective, losing interest, difference of opinion; all these
can all add up to fundamental adaptations in long range plans as summer
months unfold. Venus will go direct on June 24, freeing up energy,
signaling forward momentum based on previous weeks of in-depth soul
searching for meaning and relevance within the constructs of daily life.
This brings us to a very important factor in June's forecast, Mars
transits in Pisces until June 27. Additionally, Mars conjoins Neptune in
Pisces mid-month. Not only does Mars the doer meet Neptune the
dissolver, but Moon in Pisces energizes the combination. Thus, June
12-14 can be an emotionally trying weekend. As though treading water, it
may be hard to grab onto some semblance of reality. Individually and
collectively, literally and figuratively, this can produce a deep
surrender, a rare on the knees moment.
Another note on Neptune in Pisces (2012 – 2025), this long term transit
is testing reality in a multifaceted way. For example, how much attention
is being given to the glamorous and illusory world of the media including
films, television, video games, social media, etc. A world unto itself,
how much of it is a distorted version of that which is tangible and real?
In general, Neptune's influence is subtle, mostly ignored and denied,
but the low side of Neptune is escapism. Taking many forms, this lowest
and most destructive side of Neptune supplants integrity and other
positive aspects of character. This slippery slope of downward descent
leads to avoidance of responsibility, projections, entitlement,
addictions, substance abuse, and ultimately victimization of self and
Energized by a square from Venus for most of May, and now energized by
Mars, Neptune themes are compelling and visible. Recently, in trying to
describe it all with a family member, the word, “flummoxed” floated out
of my childhood memory bank. It is an old fashioned world that I recall
grandparents using. Just the sound of it rings true. So I looked it up,
and the definition is simply “confused.”
So, with an outer reality that is confusing, vacillating, changing by
the day, on June 23, from our vantage point on Earth, Neptune goes
retrograde for many months, until late November. This signifies an
erosion of unrealistic goals that are based on fantasy or false ideals.
Neptune's influence tends to be persuasive and emotionally charged, but
when retrograde, the mask comes off, illusions are unveiled, swept away,
and a more practical course of action can be revealed.
Considering the pervasive influence of Neptune over recent months,
coming to a critical head this month and next, it is helpful to remember
that Neptune is a planet of extremes. Most people I speak with are
experiencing the dreamy, surreal, disoriented, bizarre, otherworldly
qualities of Neptune. However, as Neptune dissolves the boundaries of
everyday consciousness, it is easier to access altered perception and
unfettered inspiration. Numinous, mystical and poignant, new vistas
break forth to reveal the big picture, cosmic perspective.
Mercury begins a 23 day retrograde phase on June 18th, closely followed
by summer solstice on the 20th, within hours of a solar eclipse just
after midnight on the 21st. The shift will be palpable and apparent as
all these factors take place in Cancer, the zodiac crab. Just the symbol
is telling in that the crab is industrious, scurrying around in wide
open space until it senses danger, making an instantaneous retreat into
safety. This instinct to defend and protect is at the core of this
zodiac sign, and its domain of home and family.
Therefore, by month's end, it will be interesting to see where
authorities stand on reopening businesses, and the public's response.
These trends imply an atmosphere of caution continuing to inform
decisions. Safety and survival are inextricably linked, and many issues
will come to the forefront such as employment, finances, housing, food,
and other basic necessities, across the board.
The shocking and disastrous reality of a global pandemic has been a hard
pill to shallow, calling forth resilience and adaptation. These final
days of June suggest a deeper, more serious reality setting in. For the
most part, now that immediate danger and initial shock is wearing off,
many families, communities, states and nations will be scrambling to get
ahead of the curve.
However, June begins with four planets retrograde, and concludes with
five planets retrograde. Retrogrades are not to be feared, although they
imply an abrupt halt to forward momentum. At a time when so many people
desperately need relief and positive reinforcement, this can be
especially challenging, but retrogrades serve a purpose in winnowing
options, and clarifying decisions. A retrograde season suggests that
effective solutions for the many problems that “plague” society, can
only be solved through careful planning, patience, discipline and reserve.
Finally, on the very last day of June, Jupiter makes its second
conjunction with Pluto. This year long transit was exact on April 4, and
will be exact again for the third and final time on November 12. The
expansive wisdom of Jupiter meets the toxic shadows of Pluto. All is
being brought to the light in a dramatic display of power struggles and
power plays. The stark contrast between the objectives of the “little
me,” or the “collective we,” is more apparent. The true meaning of
empowerment is calling each of us, through our unique set of life
circumstances, to higher ground. Together we can move mountains.
May 2020
Belinda C. Dunn
Taurus/Scorpio Full Moon
May 7 @ 1:45 am
Gemini New Moon
May 22 @ 7:38 am
I sit here drawing a blank. What can I share from the astrological
perspective that may dispel worry, alleviate despair, enlighten hearts,
and promote optimism? From personal conversations to media broadcasts to
YouTube, the uppermost question is repeated, “How long will this last?”
And for those of us with spiritual inclinations, “Is there something for
people to learn from this experience?” While solutions for the pandemic
are debated, life goes on, and planetary cycles deliver the timing.
Always a busy season, spring is “normally” filled with hope and promise.
Graduations take place like clockwork, gardens are planted, summer
wedding plans are finalized, family reunions and exciting trips are on
the calendar. The out and about, enthusiastic tone of May is palpable,
but clearly, it's a new world out there. On the cosmic calendar,
significant energetic shifts are scheduled, and being conscious of these
trends can help us ride these immense waves of transformation.
A fundamental shift begins on May 4. The Moon's nodes are transitioning
from the zodiac axis of Cancer/Capricorn to Gemini/Sagittarius. Potent
and mystical, the nodes are points in space where the Moon's orbit
crosses the ecliptic plane of the Sun. Having an 18.6 cycle, the nodes
are not static, but connected to the eclipse cycle in that Sun, Moon and
Earth align to manifest solar and lunar eclipses. The next series of
eclipses are set to occur next month, therefore this nodal shift
presages the powerful eclipses of June/July. More on this next month.
For now, let's consider the meaning of North Lunar Node in Gemini, and
South Lunar Node in Sagittarius. This is especially important in that
solar and lunar eclipses will be activating these zodiac signs through
2021. Therefore, for the next several years, social themes revolve
around travel, immigration, migration, connection, education and belief
The south lunar node in Sagittarius will shine a light on distorted
beliefs, dogma, arrogance and righteousness. The north lunar node in
Gemini encourages logic, listening, curiosity, and connecting with
others based on similarities rather than differences. There is potential
for minds to open, shifting perspective enough to see other points of
view. Considering where we find ourselves now, this can be a very
helpful and supportive trend.
Next up is the Full Moon on May 7. With Sun in Taurus and Moon in
Scorpio, the annual Wesak festival is celebrated around the globe. This
is an especially receptive, mystical and auspicious week for spiritual
guidance. The veiled boundaries between dimensions dissolve, and the
full illumination of the Moon shines wisdom upon the Earth. An optimal
time for spiritual practice, higher vibrations are easily accessed for
embodied manifestation. If you would like more information, please email
for my article, “The Sacred Wesak Festival.”
Available for the asking, expanded perspective and enlightened guidance
can make all the difference in the world. As the week of May 10 begins,
three planets are stationary, beginning retrograde phases. Saturn goes
retrograde on May 10. Venus on May 12, and Jupiter on May 14. Thus, this
week may bring reversals and change of plans.
Given current circumstances, this suggests the necessity of stepping
back for purposes of re-evaluation, and very importantly, integration.
Up to this point, many strategies have been debated and presented in the
face of a rapidly unfolding crisis. Now it's time to take a deep breath,
and hopefully aim for a more unified approach.
Let's consider each planetary retrograde, one by one, keeping in mind
that each planet works on many levels, personally and collectively.
First of all, on an annual basis, Saturn goes retrograde for
approximately four months. This year, Saturn is retrograde from May 10 –
September 29. This lengthy pause is a time for review and reorganization
of goals. Some projects may fall away, while other projects benefit from
improved organization.
Attitude is all. It is helpful to define one's role, and take personal
responsibility in realistic ways. This is not “pie in the sky” idealism,
but a reasonable down to earth assessment. Accepting limits, and working
within those parameters, can make all the difference between success and
failure. Strong words . . . but Saturn is the planet of dharma and karma.
In her book, “Retrograde Planets,” astrologer Erin Sullivan gives
helpful advice on Saturn retrograde. “One is forced to come to terms
with one's inability to control one's environment, and becomes acutely
aware of a diminution of ego power. With rearrangement of time and
priorities, and after quiet withdrawal, one often finds considerable
peace of mind – either because one feels the difficult time is over, or
because one has reached the realization that such a profound need for
change much be contemplated slowly and with great reserve.”
Next, let's consider Venus, the planet of artistry, love and
relationship. Due to this retrograde phase, Venus is transiting through
Gemini for many weeks (April 4 – August 8). In Gemini, Venus encourages
loving kindness, civility, cooperation, and shared creativity.
Symbolically, the Gemini twins can turn toward these virtues, or turn
away, and the contrast may be quite evident during May.
When Venus goes retrograde on May 12, a variety of issues will come to
the forefront for resolution. Since Venus is the planet of relationship,
there can be an abrupt turning away from a particular relationship that
may be unsustainable in the long run.
In general, Venus retrograde implies a need to step back and evaluate
one's connections and participation. In a very obvious way, decisions
for getting back to “business as usual” will be diverse. Given that
economic and social pressures are immense and growing daily, Venus in
Gemini can facilitate networking and the mobilization of human potential
for the common welfare of all.
On May 14, Jupiter is the third planet to begin a retrograde phase,
remaining retrograde until September 12. As the largest planet of the
solar system, Jupiter governs the principle of expansion, progress and
growth. This retrograde implies a dwindling of enthusiasm for what has
come before.
Last month Jupiter conjoined Pluto in Capricorn, and the largest
stimulus package in history was initiated. This retrograde period
suggests the necessity to narrow the focus, rein in spending, eliminate
waste, moderate expectations, and implement concrete strategies for
future sustainability.
The joining of Jupiter and Pluto throughout 2020, signals a crisis in
resources. For example, it is imperative to address the mining of wealth
below the surface of Earth in the form of fossil fuels. As Earth Day
reached the historic landmark of 50 years, a new documentary was
released, “Planet of the Humans.” Very revealing, it discloses the
current status of alternative fuel sources while presenting a powerful
Together, Jupiter and Pluto wield massive power for good or ill. They
will conjoin two more times this year, late June, and mid-November. In
vedic astrology, Jupiter is literally called “Guru,” energetically
bestowing guidance, wisdom and illumination. Pluto is god of the
underworld. Therefore, on a symbolic level, the ancient, perennial
wisdom is meeting the shadows, confronting the darkness, transforming
soul and spirit. This is a test of integrity, responsibility and ethics.
Those on the right side of history will find many opportunities to make
a difference.
Working together during the week of May 10, Saturn, Venus and Jupiter,
all stationary retrograde, imply an abrupt halt to forward movement
along with the necessity to rethink just about everything. Repercussions
will be numerous and far reaching: personally, nationally, globally.
Adding dimension to this poignant picture, Venus is going retrograde at
21 degrees Gemini. In the United States astrology chart, this is the
exact degree of Mars. This is a dramatic choice point for the country.
More than likely, significant events will test the very fabric of the
country's mindset and belief system. Mars in Gemini can easily get
embroiled in controversial arguments, and dead-end debates. On the other
hand, if necessary, Mars in Gemini will fight for truth and justice.
This week was already standing out in my analysis for May, but even more
so, when I noticed that key elements in Trump's astrology chart
(Sun/North Node/Uranus), precisely line-up to be activated by this
Venus. Then I came across the information that oral arguments concerning
Trump's bid to shield his financial records will be presented in the
Supreme Court, beginning on May 12. Additionally, there is a case on the
electoral college, and those electors who attempted to vote for
candidates other than the candidate who won their state.
For a variety of reasons, astrological and mundane, the United States
is experiencing one of the most perilous and polarizing times in its
history. Given that Trump is one of the most polarizing figures to dwell
in the White House, this alignment may activate a breakthrough in
relations; love is stronger than hate. Is Trump a con man or savior?
Only the history books will live to tell the story.
A Gemini New Moon is scheduled for May 22. Gemini is the zodiac sign of
short journeys, neighbors, relatives, networking, education and
communication. As an air sign, Gemini is also restless, bored easily,
and prefers to be on the go. As of this writing, this New Moon along
with Venus retrograde in Gemini, is probably the lifting of stay-at-home
guidelines, timing for the reopening of businesses, and other measures
to stabilize and return systems to some degree of function. However, the
dual nature of Gemini strongly suggests a wide range of protocol and
There is one more key ingredient in this forecast, and this is Mars
transiting into Pisces on May 13. Mars will remain in Pisces for the
next 6 weeks, until June 27. Be on the lookout for glamour and
sensationalism to be kicked up and whipped up. On the public stage,
there are voices and forces that prefer to distract, confuse and
misinform for purposes of promoting their own agenda.
In its more positive expression, Mars in Pisces is compassion
personified. Addressing widespread suffering, many heroes are rising to
the occasion in selfless service. Mars in Pisces also supports profound
breakthroughs in consciousness as the ulterior motives of ego suddenly
fall away to reveal pristine grace. Around the world, meditations and
prayers are cutting through illusion, permeating density, uplifting
minds and hearts for the moment at hand.
Finally, the astrology chart for the New Moon shows Saturn in Aquarius
in harmony with Sun/Moon in Gemini. These zodiac signs are airy, light,
free, social and inclusive. This is the month to break out of boxes,
learn, adapt, change and grow. Let's not forget, it is spring, and the
winds of change are blowing; precious air, the atmosphere of planet
Earth, the breath of life itself. Wafting fragrance . . . pause . . .
stop. . . beauty is everywhere.
Belinda C. Dunn is a professional astrologer with over 40+ years
experience. She is available for your personal consultation. For a full
listing of services, check out: www.astrodelight.com
April 2020
Astrologer Belinda C. Dunn
Libra/Aries SuperMoon Full Moon
April 7 @ 10:35 pm
Aries New Moon
April 22 @ 10:25 pm
A hopeful perspective for current planetary trends can be summed up in
the common adage, “April showers bring May flowers.” Surely, there has
to be a rainbow somewhere in this “perfect storm” of global proportions.
With this in mind and heart, let's take a closer look at the planets,
their timely messages, and the portent of dawning light on the horizon.
Rumbling, invisible, beneath the surface of everyday awareness, storms
of epic proportions have been brewing for months, if not years. Humans
share this planet with a multitude of life forms, including the
invisible world of microscopic existence. From the infinitesimal to the
gigantic, Earth is host planet for a vast array of creation. From a
planetary perspective, this is the vantage point of Neptune, and its
long term transit through Pisces (2012 – 2025).
The activation of these underlying conditions have been accentuated by
Mercury's retrograde transit through Pisces, the zodiac sign of
seclusion and retreat, including the places where people go for
recuperation (sanctuaries, hospitals, prisons). The evolutionary lessons
of Pisces, and its 12th house association, generally take the form of
unforeseen troubles, setbacks and confinement. Resistance only makes
matters worse. Relaxing, yielding to what is, opens the space for
faithful introspection and healing.
Mercury went direct on March 9, timed exactly as the week of major
disclosure when the World Health Organization announced a global
pandemic. Now, with Mercury on board, immediate action is being taken to
contain the virus, educate the public, and implement solutions. Mercury
joins Neptune on April 3, continuing its long stint in Pisces until
April 11, at which time, Mercury enters Aries, signaling a rebirth of
sorts, auspiciously timed with Easter, a celebration of resurrection.
The other ingredient in this perfect storm is the on-going planetary
alignment in Capricorn. For years astrologers have been contemplating
the possibilities in the once every 37 years joining of Saturn and
Pluto. Within orb of influence throughout 2019-2020, the exact alignment
was January 12, three days after the Covid-19 virus was named and made
Pluto, mythical god of the underworld, is associated with the life and
death potential of viruses, epidemics and pandemics. Typically hidden
beneath the surface, but when aroused, Pluto's action tends to be
catalytic, drastic, obsessive, compulsory and life altering. Strong
immune systems include effective boundaries, and it important to guard
against contamination, as well as getting caught up in mass hysteria.
Adding another major planetary player to this complex mix, Jupiter's
transit through Capricorn is exposing, expanding, spreading and
amplifying existing conditions that have remained hidden up to this
point. In fact, on April 4, Jupiter exactly conjoins Pluto, and the
perfect storm is raging, out in plain view to be addressed, dwelt with,
and lived through.
Across a vast array of social systems, on-going repercussions will continue
to roll out as Jupiter joins Pluto this month, and again in June and November.
Describing this trend in her eloquent words, astrologer Pam Younghans writes,
“Jupiter's magnifying glass is trained on all that has been exposed through
the Saturn-Pluto alignment, making sure that we fully dismantle structures
of the past and clear the way for a new future that is unfettered by what
has come before. Pluto is acting as the rototiller, digging out the deep
roots of weeds that have effectively been strangling the more positive
potentials and the resources needed for germination and growth.”
All things considered, perhaps the silver lining in this dark cloud is
Saturn's propensity for containment, limitation, caution, austerity and
discipline. All hands on deck, Saturn can help mobilize resources needed
to mitigate the virus while conveying the very real and stark message of
global connectivity.
As of March 23, Saturn entered Aquarius, the zodiac sign of world
community. On March 30, Mars entered Aquarius, conjoining Saturn on the
31st. Thus, April begins with this unmistakable and insistent planetary
pronouncement that it's time to heed warnings, and take effective
measures to address numerous crises sprouting up like weeds around the
globe. This is a game changer.
Aquarius is the zodiac sign of community based on the organization of
individuals with common goals and interests. It is right and natural for
people to discover and cultivate a sense of belonging. This includes the
freedom and permission for each person to be unique, giving rise to the
ideal of “unity within diversity.”
However, even though Aquarius enhances connectivity, Aquarius tends to
be detached, cool and reserved. Almost overnight, the reality of “social
distancing,” has rapidly soared into public awareness. In mass, people
are turning to technology for connection, an obvious sign of trends to
come as Saturn transits through Aquarius (2020 – 2023).
The planetary ruler of Aquarius is Uranus, the planet of technology,
science, invention and progress. In its thirty year orbit, Saturn's
entrance into Aquarius is closing the door on the past, heralding a new
way of living and being on planet Earth.
While Capricorn is the zodiac sign of tradition and the foundations upon
which society stands, Aquarius looks to the future. Even though there is
a plethora of dystopian/utopian viewpoints, for the most part, these are
fearful projections onto an uncertain future. Humans can hide their
heads in the sand, and conjure up doomsday scenarios, but at this point,
no one person definitely knows what the future will bring. This can be
nerve wracking and scary, but with a good dose of curiosity, living on
the cutting edge can be extremely freeing and exhilarating.
In terms of COVID-19, astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, an
enthusiastic spokesperson for science, recently commented that this
pandemic is a “massive experiment worldwide as to whether people will
pay attention and listen to the scientists, in this case, medical
professionals.” The ranting and raving of politicians is pointless, if
rational facts are disregarded. Whether the challenge is a pandemic,
climate change, pollution, poverty, addiction (fill in the blank),
Saturn's transit in Aquarius can be summed up as, “may cooler heads
The Full Moon on April 7-8 is a SuperMoon, and heightened emotions bring
relationship issues to a head. Sun in Aries supports self-reliance,
independence, and bold action. On the other hand, Moon in Libra
encourages a judicious pause in order to consider the perspective of
those around you. Creating an environment where all viewpoints are given
expression can enhance and harmonize every relationship.
However, especially given current circumstances, this Full Moon has a
shadow side as Sun activates Eris, a recently discovered dwarf planet
named after the goddess of discord. Together, Sun and Eris intensify
many of the evolutionary lessons that are currently plaguing humanity.
First and foremost, narcissism and self centered greed is rampant while
many of earth's citizens are barely getting by, existing in very
vulnerable conditions.
This said, survival instincts are hard-wired, and sometimes the best
choices may appear to be selfish. Entire families, cities, states and
countries are being forced by circumstances to juggle responsibilities,
and make very hard decisions. These trends are supportive to the
underlying message of Capricorn which cautions excess, while accepting
ethical, moral and social responsibility for the good and benefit of
society as a whole. In other words, we're all in this together.
Another very important planetary trend begins on April 3. Venus, the
planet of love, companionship, beauty and artistry enters Gemini. Due to
a retrograde phase, Venus will spend all of spring and most of summer in
Gemini. This is a long stint for Venus, underscoring the basic human
need for connection, especially collaboration, and the creative exchange
of information and ideas.
Curious, restless and sociable, Venus in Gemini is inclined to travel,
converse, learn, and explore. Considering the current restrictions on
travel, it will be interesting to see how plans change, and what's in
store for summer months. More than likely, overseas and long distance
travel will be halted or curbed substantially, but Gemini is about short
distance travel, such as exploring local surroundings. As a mother and
grandmother, I recall taking many walks with a toddler. Every little
leaf, stick, bug and rock becomes a reason to stop, and enjoy the sights.
In addition to Venus in communicative Gemini, Mars is transiting through
Aquarius all month, until May 13. Female and male, yin and yang, love
and sexuality, Venus and Mars are the relationship planets. In this
case, they are in harmony with each other. This supportive trend is a
big help as masses of people retreat to their homes, and aim to co-exist
in relative peace. Working together, Venus and Mars can unleash massive
Observed annually for the past fifty years, Earth Day is April 22. On
this evening a New Moon in Taurus exactly aligns with Uranus, giving
pause in mankind's relentless drive for acquisition, rooted in
dissatisfaction and self interest.
In the spring of 1970, Earth Day was established and honored as a result
of man's first Moon landing. Describing the view from space, astronauts
tell of discovering the Earth for the very first time, and “at that
moment everything changed.” Words can never fully describe the awesome
and spectacular view, but astronauts brought back photos of this
beautiful, glowing, blue-green planet, photos that have been shared
around the globe.
That spring the Environmental Protection Agency was voted into existence
along with many other local and global initiatives for the health and
preservation of natural habitats. For five decades humans have been at
odds, wasting time, wasting resources, arguing for or against, many
pleading on behalf of Earth. But most measures to protect this fragile
planet have fallen on deaf ears, and stone cold hearts. Sadly, for the
most part, people have continued to take advantage of Earth's generous
and forgiving nature.
Uranus transits through Taurus until 2025, just a few years, a small
window of time, a window not unlike the view from a space. Uranus in
Taurus has the potential of connecting each of us to Earth in a new way.
Many of us are feeling and experiencing this connection as a tangible
grounding in love and appreciation for our planet.
On a personal note . . . as readers know, I have been writing about an
approaching major planetary alignment since 2012, but especially last
year as Saturn and Pluto began to exactly conjoin. Last autumn, in the
middle of researching 2020, out to lunch with close friends, they asked
about 2020. For some reason, I recall that moment so clearly in that I
was speechless, shaking my head, and a heavy dread came over me. All I
could say was, “I don't like it.”
Earlier this week, my daughter asked me about astrology trends in regard
to the pandemic. It is always my goal to simplify and translate the more
complex terminology for friends, family, clients and readers. What
follows, in abbreviated form, was my explanation to her, and hopefully,
it is helpful to share with readers now.
We live in a cosmos of cycles upon cycles upon cycles. Our Earth, Sun
and Moon, each planetary body, every star and every galaxy, has an
established cycle in ordered synchronicity with each other. Over
thousands of years, astrologers have observed and notated these patterns
in terms of effect and outcomes.
So what happens when these enormous cycles coincide in exact, to the
degree timing? And what planetary cycles are in evidence now? Well, here
goes . . .
Pluto has a 246 year orbit. Saturn has a 29+ year orbit. The lunar
nodes, which are connected to the powerful eclipse cycle, has an 18.6
year cycle. Jupiter has a 12 year orbit. Mars has a 2 year orbit. Again,
what happens when these cycles come together in the same zodiac sign and
exact degree as they have been doing for the past two months? And what
about the outsider, disruptive Eris, in her 515 year orbit, in stressful
alignment with all of the above? What is the planetary message here?
It's worth some contemplation.
After I summed up this analysis, my daughter paused asking, “Mom, if you
knew this, why didn't you warn us?” To this, all I could offer was, “The
nature of this planetary alignment is sudden, unpredictable, and
thankfully, very rare. It won't happen again in our lifetimes.” But,
when I ask myself now, I realize my gut instinct was doing overtime all
last year. I felt, like so many of us, the squirmy fear and niggling
dread of something big and unprecedented approaching. It has been clear
for some time that society has been built on the fault lines of a house
of cards.
So here and now, with a mandatory step back, and a hefty dose of Saturn
on my Aquarius ascendant, it all makes sense as I return to the deep
peace within the Heart of all hearts, permeating and sustaining the
entire Creation. Reminding me of a favorite hit song from 1965, “To
everything there is a season. . . turn, turn, turn. . . and a time to
every purpose under heaven.”
Sending virtual hugs to each and everyone, with prayerful intentions for
health and happiness. May ALL be well.
March 2020
Belinda C. Dunn
Virgo/Pisces Full Moon
March 9 @ 1:47 pm
Mercury Direct
March 9 @ 11:48 pm
Spring Equinox
March 19 @ 11:49 pm
Aries New Moon
March 24 @ 5:28 am
The season of renewal and rebirth is here, but not before an in-depth
Spring cleaning. Clearing clutter, inwardly and outwardly, March begins
with Sun, Mercury and Neptune in Pisces, the zodiac sign of surrender
and purification. This is the month to sift and sort through
metaphorical, and perhaps literal garbage, in a process of intentional
and conscious release. March is a bridge month, in preparation for an
accelerated pace, a quickening in earthly affairs, just around the corner.
The kick-off is February 9. With Sun in Pisces and Moon in Virgo, a Full
Moon lights up the landscape. This is also a SuperMoon as the Moon is in
perigee, its closest approach to Earth. Implying stronger than usual
reactions, the Moon's surface acts as an intermediary, reflecting back
to Earth an accumulation of unresolved emotion.
Both Pisces and Virgo are driven by ideals, what is possible in a
perfect world. At times, personally and collectively, the gap between
ideals and reality can appear daunting, discouraging and frustrating.
The planetary energies during February support the dispelling of
expectations and illusions, while cultivating detachment as the
cornerstone of acceptance.
At the time of this Full Moon, Sun conjoins Neptune, heightening
otherworldly perception, intuition and visualization. Perhaps an
appropriate analogy is the visionary process of planning a garden.
Likely, in one's mind there is order and symmetry. Colors are vibrant,
the plants radiate healthy vitality, even the senses get involved with
the reminder of scents, and the almost tangible feel of bare feet on
fresh green grass. This is the gift of imagination, an essential part of
the manifestation process.
In fact, the astrology chart for the Full Moon demonstrates an
overwhelming emphasis on the earth element. Four planets transit through
Capricorn (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto), two planets transit through
Taurus (Venus, Uranus), and Moon is in earthy Virgo. With all these
planets in supportive alignment with the Sun/Neptune conjunction, the
message is loud and clear, back to the drawing board, prioritizing
practical matters, while bringing visions down to earth, and getting the
job done.
As the reflective Full Moon shines its light overhead, on the very same
evening, Mercury is going direct after three weeks in retrograde phase.
This is an especially strong Mercury station point as it conjoins the
USA Moon in Aquarius. Like never before in recent history, the general
public is enlivened and engaged in the democratic experiment. Despite
polarized opinion, controversy and dissent, even though some voices
threaten to drown out others, this month is a turning point in the
rehashing of recent events, especially in regard to the nation's
identity and destiny.
On March 16, Mercury re-enters Pisces for the next four weeks, until
April 11. Typically, as the planet of communication, Mercury prefers to
to solve problems with factual analysis. Throughout February, many
people experienced mind boggling overwhelm and overload as the mental
state became more responsive, intuitive and sensitive. Mercury in Pisces
can also be dreamy, foggy, forgetful and disinterested in worldly
pursuits. As the boundaries of everyday awareness dissolve, this lengthy
trend of Mercury in Pisces supports introspective soul searching in the
big picture of cosmic awareness.
However, perhaps overshadowing other astrological factors this month,
Mars is transiting through Capricorn. This is an exalted placement for
Mars meaning Mars can function at its best in terms of accountability,
productivity and achievement. For projects that require perseverance,
Mars gives that extra boost of energetic momentum. Reliably, Mars is the
planet that gets us up in the morning. In this case, Mars in Capricorn
is very methodical, practical and realistic in setting priorities for
the accomplishment of short and long term goals.
Now, mention of Capricorn probably rings a bell as astrologers have been
interpreting a major alignment of planets in Capricorn for several
years. Specifically, Saturn and Pluto conjoin approximately every 37
years, and they reached exact conjunction on January 13, remaining
within orb of influence for the rest of 2020. Working in tandem, these
breakdown/breakthrough planets are resetting the trajectory for decades
to come. Obviously, this is not an easy process, but clearly necessary
at this time in history.
Astrologers keep an eye out for slow moving, long term planetary cycles
as the hallmark of major social trends, especially when an alignment is
activated by a faster moving planet. Firstly, in its twelve year orbit,
Jupiter is in Capricorn this year, conjoining Pluto next month.
Secondly, in its two year orbit, Mars will sweep over all these planets
during the second half of March.
The heat really gets turned up the week of March 16, as fast moving Moon
joins this planetary cluster, exactly on March 18. Thus, more than
likely, a crescendo of events will come to a head. Astrologer Pam
Younghans describes this planetary trend as a snowball rolling downhill,
out of control, gathering momentum, growing in size with every bump,
twist and turn. In this sense, Mars can activate and bring to a head a
variety of circumstances that have been begging for attention, and
growing in evidence.
Frankly, this clustering of planets, namely Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and
Pluto, is ambitious in nature, tending to strengthen competing forces,
leaning toward compulsive, impulsive, combative and aggressive actions.
However, a specific reaction depends on the inherent temperament of the
individual. Obviously, some people are more susceptible to the downside
of this alignment than others.
It is important to state that these planets can empower the individual
and groups with the courage, diligence, discipline and determination to
fight and win against all odds. Across a spectrum of possibilities, no
matter the situation, ethical concerns and underlying motivation is the
foundation of co-creating win/win successful outcomes for all involved.
Another fascinating component of this major alignment involves the
asteroids Pallas Athene and Chariklo, and the small planet Eris. All
faces of the goddess, these heavenly bodies give a fuller picture,
helping to soften the potentially harsh and drastic indications of
current trends. Let's give each of them their due by taking them one by
Beginning with Pallas Athene, the patron goddess of ancient Greece, she
holds a spear and shield as the wise owl sits upon her shoulder
informing strategic decisions in times of war and peace. In her seminal
work “Asteroid Goddess,” astrologer Demetra George describes Pallas
Athene as “protectress and guardian of Athens, Pallas used her wisdom to
teach the populace how to peacefully settle disputes and uphold the law
by specific means. Ever compassionate in her wisdom, she was a firm
advocate of merciful justice.”
The asteroid Chariklo is named after the wife of Chiron, the wounded
healer. Discovered in 1997, and with an orbit of 63 years, she
symbolizes the supportive strength of holding space for those in healing
crisis. Chariklo facilitates breakthroughs and transformation through
the dark passages. How many of us can relate to this archetype? Think of
those around you, locally and globally. Sometimes the most effective
response is to simply be present as a loving and grounding presence in
the face of upset, crisis and change.
Last, but not least, let's consider the small planet Eris. She is
approximately the size of Pluto, but denser, and orbiting beyond Pluto.
Discovered in 2005, Eris is named after the goddess of discord, and the
archetypal myth is extraordinarily fitting. Eris was not invited to the
wedding party, because the other guests were concerned that Eris would
not behave properly, but she crashed the party anyway. In angry spite,
Eris threw golden apples at the other goddesses with the inscription,
“For the most beautiful.” The ensuing conflict is said to have led to
the Trojan War.
As an archetype, perhaps we can look to Eris as striking a deep chord of
“enough is enough.” Long suppressed resentment and rage appears to be
surfacing in society at large, giving voice to the other 99%. As the
female warrior, Eris is reputed to fight for the neglected and
disenfranchised. The rebellious side of Eris shows no restraint or
tolerance for social norms, capable of throwing the proverbial Molotov
cocktail, just to shake things up.
The astrology chart for Spring Equinox, exact on March 19, shows Pallas
Athene and Chariklo in the Capricorn alignment. In fact, they can't be
separated from the on-going trends of 2019 and 2020. Additionally,
playing her role dramatically, Eris transits through Aries, in stressful
alignment with this impressive cluster of planets in Capricorn. On
archetypal levels, each of these goddesses contribute to the larger
picture, giving a more nuanced understanding to current trends, and well
worth some contemplation.
As an astrologer, I consider Spring Equinox to be the starting point for
the next cycle, a new astrological year. Anything started on the Equinox
has great staying power. Likened to having the wind at your back, this
is the time to set intentions, undertake a discipline, focus on goals,
and begin projects.
This Spring Equinox is potently fueled by the Sun joining Chiron on
March 25, both transiting through Aries, the zodiac sign of rebirth and
self awareness. The highest expression is not a narcissistic, obsessive
selfishness, but a genuine look at personal faults and foibles,
admitting powerlessness over others, along with the commitment to be the
best one can be within the context of human imperfection. Herein dwells
acceptance, forgiveness and healing for self and others.
The Aries New Moon on March 24 drives home these essential points while
setting the stage for new beginnings. In the northern hemisphere, even
the earth rejoices as winter snows melt, water flows freely, and every
shade of green erupts and arises from previously dormant soil. Aries is
the archetypal pioneer, instilling an atmosphere of exuberant vitality,
get up and go. Inspiration plus action equals flowing manifestation.
Another major planetary transition is occurring now. On March 21, just
before midnight, Saturn leaves Capricorn and transits into Aquarius.
With an orbit of approximately 30 years, Saturn has been in the
Capricorn sky since Winter Solstice of 2017. Due to a retrograde phase,
Saturn's shift into Aquarius will take place over the course of the
year, marking 2020 as an energetic bridge into the new age.
Repercussions are many as Saturn moves from traditional, structured,
conservative Capricorn to inventive, eccentric, spontaneous, freedom
loving Aquarius. The intersection between Capricorn and Aquarius
represents the zenith of social contribution as it moves from personal
ambition to group endeavor. Saturn will cross this zenith point two
more times over the course of the year (June 30 and December 17).
Not one of us lives within a vacuum, and Saturn in Aquarius has the
potential of bringing people together through a synergistic blend of
identity and belonging. This suggest a building of community, an
inherent drive to find one's tribe. The antithesis of belonging is
disconnection, exile and alienation, already present in many forms.
However, as the most socially progressive of zodiac energies, Saturn's
transit through Aquarius can bring people together in common purpose to
address the many problems that face humanity at this historical juncture.
February 2020
Belinda C. Dunn
Leo/Aquarius Full Moon
February 9 @ 2:33 am
Mercury Retrograde
February 16 @ 7:54 pm
Pisces New Moon
February 23 @ 10:32 am
February begins with a keen sense that light is on the horizon. Whether
it is an ever so slight increase, such as another half hour of daylight,
or an internal lightness and release of tension, this is a month to breath
deep, and take advantage of winter's restful repose. Whether you are reading
this article from the deck of a cruise ship, or basking in the sunshine
on a remote beach, or enjoying a cup of tea in your most comfy chair at
home, it is important to take advantage of this pause.
In comparison to the last six months, February's planetary energies can
be likened to floating down a lazy river, enjoying the sights, and
allowing crystal pure water to wash away struggle and strife. The recent
conjoining of Saturn and Pluto in early January, alongside a triggering
and potent lunar eclipse, was a culmination of months, if not years, of
unsettling chaos and turmoil. These planetary trends have been quite
demanding in a myriad of ways; personally, nationally, globally.
However, this isn't just a month of, “row, row, row your boat gently down
the stream.” For challenges lie ahead, and fast moving rapids may appear
around the next bend. Even though Saturn and Pluto have defined the course
to a large degree, it is a matter of staying the course, alert to all possibilities,
ready to dig in and do the real work.
The month begins with Sun and Mercury in Aquarius, the zodiac sign of
detachment. Now it is possible to step back from the drama, and see with
new eyes while recognizing the endurance, work, focus and exertion
needed to positively manage and stay on top of these strenuous planetary
alignments. Together, Saturn and Pluto have called forth many virtues,
especially discipline. You may consider those areas of life where you
have been called to set aside personal agendas, and act on behalf of the
greater good. Like flashing neon lights, this resonant theme is
permeating throughout society.
As far as the nation goes, this is another story. The plot continues to
have many unusual twists and turns. In researching planetary trends, it
is clearly evident, 2020 is a pivot point for the United States.
Precisely on February 23, transiting Saturn exactly conjoins the
nation's Pluto. This activation will occur two more times, August 4 and
again on November 20.
Additionally, Saturn is opposing the country's Mercury, a hallmark of
deep thinking, serious decisions and long term consequences, paving the
way to a reset of fundamental principles. Clearly, this year that will
stand out in the nation's history for decades to come.
Not only do these planetary themes resonate in the United States chart,
but these trends are echoed in the president's chart. In fact, the point
where Trump's karma intersects the country's destiny is clearly shown as
transiting Saturn/Pluto oppose his natal Saturn/Venus throughout the
year. I am staring at a computer printout giving exact dates, but
suffice it to point out, whether he is removed from office through an
impeachment trial, or hangs in there to run for election in November,
this is a year of defeat and heartbreak for Trump.
A Full Moon on February 9 lights up the sky in early morning hours. With
Moon in radiant Leo, opposing Sun in cool, calm and collected Aquarius,
an enlightened perspective begins to dispel darkness. In fact, as the
zodiac sign of friendship and connection, Aquarius is all about
community and global networking. Informed by a prescient knowing, this
Full Moon supports a conscious turn toward the future. Aquarius is all
about asking questions, thinking outside of the box, discovering
extraordinary answers for the problems that plague society.
Putting another fascinating twist on current events, at the time of the
country's inception, the Moon was in Aquarius. In a nation's chart, the
Moon represents the public, and the emotional tone of the populace.
Generally, Moon in Aquarius is inclined toward free thinking,
innovation, progress and autonomy. Considering the conditions under
which the country came together, the call for freedom reverberated
strongly in the founders' original intentions, and continues to resonate
today. However, freedom is an ideal, subject to interpretation in terms
of practical issues and real time. No human can really know where
freedom begins or ends.
February begins with Mercury in Aquarius exactly joining the Moon of the
United States. Increasingly, politicians and leaders are realizing the
impeachment trial is now in the court of public opinion. It is unlikely
these issues will be resolved by early February, precisely because of an
upcoming Mercury retrograde. So, even though the senate may vote in
favor of the president remaining in office, these issues linger as a bad
taste in the mouth of the electorate.
Considering Mercury retrograde from this perspective, Mercury goes
retrograde on February 16. Astrologers consider what is called the
shadow of Mercury which relates to the zodiac degrees that a given
Mercury retrograde transits. In terms of this current shadow phase,
Mercury goes direct on March 9, exactly joining the United States Moon
in Aquarius. More than likely, decisions and repercussions will
continue to roll out until the Spring Equinox can potentially reset the
Additionally, our Sun enters Pisces on February 18, followed by a Pisces
New Moon on the 23rd. Along with Mercury retrograde in Pisces, these
factors can muddy the waters, and aggravate attempts for clear and
decisive action. The planetary ruler associated with Pisces is Neptune,
the mythological god of oceanic depths, undersea life, tidal currents, a
world of its own, hidden from view, but there nevertheless.
This brings us back to the United States astrology chart. In examining
current trends it is important to take into consideration the unfolding
destiny as seen in a technique called progressions. In this chart, the
progressed Sun is in Pisces. Over the past 4 years, transiting Neptune
has been activating the country's identity as represented by the Sun.
This influence is peaking over the next several months. This phase can
be likened to an enormous tidal wave; swirling, churning, stirring up
the sandy shore, painfully gritty, sweeping away all that has come before.
Outwardly Neptune represents the ocean. Inwardly, on a deeper level,
Neptune holds sway over the ocean of emotion, and the collective
unconscious. The watery influence of Neptune tends to vacillate,
manifesting in extreme highs and lows. Neptune is one of the more
challenging planetary trends to ride out, because emotions inform the
mind, and together they are highly susceptible to manipulation, delusion
and illusion. From the standpoint of astrology, these trends contribute
to the bizarre, weird, irregular and aberrant nature of current conditions.
As the final sign on the zodiac wheel, Pisces illuminates the imprisoned
ego, the lengths the human ego will go to defend, control and protect
its own interests, to the point of its own deception, and ultimate
demise; the insanity of it all within the context of a multidimensional
being that just happens to have a physical body at this timely point in
existence. Caught in the undertow, or riding the wave, from a mundane
perspective, all this too, shall pass.
Let's take an in-depth look at this upcoming Mercury retrograde in terms
of personal relevance. Beginning in February and carrying though to
mid-April, Mercury will spend weeks in the zodiac sign of Pisces. This
is not a strong placement for the mercurial mind that prefers to analyze
and deliberate over life's decisions. On a positive side, Mercury in
Pisces supports creativity, intuitive perception and spirituality. On a
more troubling side, emotions can overtake common sense. This trend
implies being comfortable with quiet introspection, and developing faith
in things unseen.
Staying grounded is paramount and possible as Mars enters Capricorn on
February 16. This is an exalted placement for Mars, the planet of action
and momentum. Goal oriented and practical Capricorn gives Mars a track
to run on. At the same time, Source beckons each of us to higher ground,
offering the invitation to step into high and higher vibrations of
divine love, given freely and available to all.
Belinda C. Dunn
Capricorn/Cancer Lunar Eclipse
January 10 @ 2:21 pm
Aquarius New Moon
January 24 @ 4:42 pm
Welcome to the new year, and the next decade! This auspicious passage is
solemn, marked by the weighty and heavy concerns of a world in
transition from past to future. As humanity is challenged to navigate
the uncertain and potentially treacherous currents of global change,
each of us are challenged to stay strong, spiritually clear, and
wholeheartedly engaged in constructive participation.
The major kick-off for 2020 is Saturn's conjunction with Pluto. Exact on
January 12, the meeting of these two heavyweight planets is part of an
enormous cycle. While they join approximately every 37 years, the last
time they joined in the zodiac sign of Capricorn was January 1518, a
year characterized by the beginning stages of the Protestant Reformation.
The essential nature of this planetary conjunction requires a realistic
appraisal of outdated systems along with breaking down what is no longer
relevant. It is intense, complicated, undeniable and controversial.
Stirring up competitive and combative forces, these planets ensure that
many sectors of society cannot get away without substantial and sweeping
reform. No doubt, the next decade will produce change beyond our
imagination, and life on earth will look very different by 2030.
Let's consider for a moment the potent and mythical symbol of Saturn as
the planet of karma, aging and the passage of time. In its positive
expression, Saturn bestows discipline, patience, caution, frugality,
responsibility and wisdom. The more troubling side of Saturn tends to
produce rigidity, narrow-mindedness, limitations, melancholy, pessimism,
greed and selfishness.
Quoting my astrology mentor Goswami Kriyananda, “Gains through Saturn
are great and permanent; losses are permanent also. It is through Saturn
that useless, worn-out, old forms and things of life are destroyed so
the new and more useful forms can replace them The movement of Saturn is
toward perfection. Through its tests, delays and disappointments, man
learns to be humble, patient and wise.”
Let's consider for a moment Pluto, the mythical god of the underworld,
ruling over the collective unconscious, including the shadowy depths of
illegal and criminal activity. Pluto's action brings about decay, and
the necessity for complete transformation. In positive expression, Pluto
bestows endurance, courage, revitalization and regeneration. The lower
expression of Pluto can be quite intense, stirring up fanaticism,
reckless ambition, control and domination.
In contemplating the action of these planets, and especially their
conjunction, I have made some observations, and many of these points
overlap. This list is by no means exhaustive, or in order of importance,
but represents some of the more obvious signs of this
breakdown/breakthrough process.
1. First and foremost, in my estimation, is the environment. Signs of
climate change are visible, scientifically measurable and clearly
evident. Natural disasters are on the rise. Species are going extinct at
an alarming rate, and many natural habitats are experiencing challenges
counter to sustaining life. The grave reality of toxic pollution is more
evident by the day.
2. Dependence on fossil fuels is a global addiction. Contributing to the
problem is the greed, deception and corruption of the fossil fuel
industry. Peak oil is coming. Thom Hartmann's book, “The Last Hours of
Ancient Sunlight,” provides an excellent, thorough, and insightful
analysis into this challenge.
3. Social systems are in a state of disorganization as many ideologies
and beliefs are becoming obsolete. Social media, while creating a
platform for connection, is riddled with distortion and manipulation of
facts for personal and political gain. New social movements are rising
to the occasion, and this includes political party affiliation.
Courageously facing many challenges, masses of young adults are stepping
up to lead.
4. Technology is changing the marketplace and employment. A large number
of people are working below their education level just to get by. Many
skills are becoming obsolete, and it's essential for education to
address the rising need for relevant training.
5. The era of power over, domination and control has reached a critical
and fevered pitch. This includes the shadowy threat of nuclear arsenals
in the hands of unstable, power hungry and tyrannical leaders. In order
to survive, governments and corporations must adapt and become more
receptive to the plight of the individual, families and communities they
are meant to serve.
6. Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn are exposing unethical activities and
practices on many levels. Society is becoming more savvy and informed in
terms of this darker side of human nature, and the destructive influence
on the whole.
7. Governments and corporations are top heavy, loaded down with red tape
and paperwork. Laws and regulations are complex and time consuming to the
point of ambiguity and ineffectiveness. This adds a complexity to what
could be simple and efficient transactions for the everyday citizen.
8. The Pisces Age is rapidly drawing to a close, and institutionalized
religion has been the primary moderating influence in terms of morality.
As society becomes more free, in many cases, a moral degeneration is taking
place, and each individual must come to terms with their own conscience,
and internal guiding light. A profound soul searching is underway as individuals
and groups seek higher ground.
9. On a worldwide level, the economy is a major consideration. Access to
basic necessities, products and services are dependent on more equitable
distribution of wealth. National debt is out of control. Financial
markets are in flux, at the mercy of the daily news cycle, governments
and leaders.
Where do we go from here? That is the question, but before all of this
gets too overwhelming, I would like to emphasize that the overall
planetary trends for 2020 offer a ray of light. The light may very well
come like a lightening bolt, jolting humanity awake, but despite the
obvious turmoil, there is an exhilarating, dynamic, energizing and
revitalizing quality to the year as a whole. After all, “necessity is
the mother of invention.”
The year begins smack dab in middle of two very profound, and potent
eclipses. A Solar Eclipse in Capricorn on December 26, sets the stage
with a conjunction of the Sun, Moon and Jupiter. This eclipse serves to
expand and elevate conversations around law, order, justice, ethics and
integrity. This is a high minded, reaching for the stars, yet feet on
the ground combination.
The Lunar Eclipse on January 10, is power packed, pounding the gavel,
and delivering consequences. While Jupiter acted as a protective and
somewhat moderating influence during December, this Lunar Eclipse
exactly aligns with the rare Saturn/Pluto conjunction that has been
building throughout 2019. Significant decisions and important
information will be exposed the week before and after this lunar eclipse.
Since it is the beginning of the year, and as much as I would prefer to
gloss over this lunar eclipse, I would be remiss to minimize and
sugarcoat the potency of this planetary alignment. More than likely,
there will be extreme power plays, confrontation and explosive
developments, alongside rising turbulence and social instability. All
bets are off. On the personal level, this eclipse calls for caution and
patient circumspection.
Even though intense and transforming events occur two weeks on either
side of the exact eclipse, eclipses have long term consequences. In this
case, the solar and lunar eclipses of last year (January & July), are
mirrored in these eclipses, and carry forward to this coming June/July.
Another way to look at it . . . the cosmos is driving home a specific
evolutionary lesson, and it takes repetition for integration.
Another very significant planetary trend, exact on January 10, is slow
moving Uranus is going direct. In contrast to Saturn's tendency to hold
onto the past, Uranus clears the way for progress. Its influence tends
to be sudden, freeing, and at times, inexplicable. The push and pull
between Saturn and Uranus is one of the most important planetary
interactions to embrace as humanity enters the Aquarian Age.
There will be a distinct shift by mid-January as Mercury enters Aquarius
on January 16, Sun enters Aquarius on the 20th, and a New Moon sets the
pace on January 20. This is quite literally a new year according to the
Chinese calendar. Attention turns toward the future. The demarcation
between those individuals and groups holding to the past will be in
sharp contrast to those on the cutting edge. Extraordinary openings can
occur for those open and receptive to progressive transformation in the
areas of social justice, science, technology, spirituality and human
No doubt, a Herculean task is before humanity, and Saturn's message of
focus and discipline can go a long way in the manifestation of positive
solutions. Take heart in the laser focus of this powerful planetary
alignment in Capricorn. Each of us are being shown where the work is,
and thus one's unique contribution to the whole. This is the natural
flow of Capricorn to Aquarius, and how these zodiac energies compliment
each other.
Most likely, the conclusion of January will look quite different from
the beginning. So, right out of the starting gate, 2020 gets off to an
extraordinary start. The Age of Aquarius is dawning. The positive
keywords for Aquarius are egalitarian, humanitarian, unique,
progressive, inventive and futuristic. Saturn enters Aquarius this
coming March. Pluto enters Aquarius in 2023. In concert, they will
address and ensure enormous transformation over the next decade.
December 2019
Belinda C. Dunn
Sagittarius/Gemini Full Moon
December 12 @ 12:12 am
Winter Solstice
December 21 @ 11:20 pm
Capricorn Solar Eclipse
December 26 @ 12:13 am
A new decade is ready to begin as the 11th hour looms over planet Earth.
Down to the wire, basking in the glory of tremendous progress, for the
most part, humanity remains clueless, in the dark of misguided
creations, missing the mark over and over again. Along with auspicious
celebrations giving pause for reflection, planetary patterns during
December are leading into a profound reckoning that cannot be ignored or
The potential for upheaval, and the necessity for sweeping reform cannot
be underestimated as Saturn approaches an exact conjunction with Pluto
on January 13. Likened to an earthquake, the rumblings have been present
for some time, and aftershocks will continue long after triggering
events. In the zodiac sign of Capricorn, widespread dysfunction is
evident throughout a multitude of systems, the very foundations that are
relied upon for social organization.
Let's take December's planetary picture step by step, beginning with
Jupiter's transit into Capricorn on December 2. While Saturn and Pluto
represent crumbling infrastructure, rising debt, environmental
degradation, lawlessness and government chaos, Jupiter enters the scene
to expand awareness of these critical factors while elevating the
conversation into more positive, and life enhancing directions. The
ancient sanskrit word for Jupiter is “Guru.” Over the course of the next
twelve months, Jupiter leads the way as wise teacher with some hard
truths. Illuminating and lifting consciousness to higher ground, Jupiter
is the planet of cosmic law and transcendental grace.
The month begins with Sun in Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter. Typically
the holiday season leans toward extravagance with over the top
decorations, rich meals, and frenzied gift buying. However, celebrations
may be tempered this year. Not only are the major and influential
planets of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, but Venus joins the
team. As the planet of décor, adornment, gifting and beauty, Venus in
Capricorn bestows a keen appreciation for the practical and useful, the
traditional and austere. Quality over quantity is the Capricorn motto.
On December 9, Mercury enters Sagittarius after nine weeks in Scorpio.
Completing its retrograde phase, Mercury, the messenger, is now full
speed ahead with what has been revealed, and there is no turning back.
Throughout October and November, this essential planet of information
and communication has been excavating behind the scenes activity.
Supporting and amplifying this trend, Mars entered Scorpio on November
19, just as Mercury went direct. Mars remains in Scorpio through
December, taking over where Mercury leaves off. As the planet of action,
Mars will continue drilling down in its relentless search for what
matters, especially in matters that have been hidden in our personal
lives as well as collective experience. For example, in light of recent
impeachment hearings, the revealing of hidden motives and undiscovered
content will continue to unravel and be exposed. There is an intensity
here, and Mars will fight for truth and justice.
The Full Moon just after midnight on December 12, shows the Sun in
Sagittarius and Moon in Gemini. These zodiac signs are outgoing, active,
communicative and inquisitive. A stressful aspect from Neptune has the
potential to cut through smoke screens, complexity, confusion, delusions
and denial. Affecting the planet, Neptune's long term transit through
Pisces (2012 – 2025) is exceptionally idealistic; lending itself to
false patriotic ideals, persuasive rhetoric, and emotional exploitation
of the masses.
Along with the Full Moon, upping the ante the second week of December,
Venus joins serious and consequential Saturn on the 11th, and
penetrating and exposing Pluto on the 13th. Airwaves will be
electrified, rife with controversy, and this entire week is very
decisive. It is possible for one illusion after another to tumble down
as this stressful alignment can actually shake up the status quo.
Perhaps I am portraying an overly optimistic picture, but the quest for
truth is often riddled with a contrast of fact and falsehood, especially
given current circumstances.
Winter Solstice marks the Sun's entry into Capricorn on December 21.
This also shifts the emphasis to primarily earth, the most practical and
realistic of elements. From Christmas Eve to New Year's Eve, our Sun
joins Jupiter while harmoniously engaging Uranus. This combination
provides a keen appreciation for tradition along with an exhilarating
focus toward the future.
As the reality of 2020 looms large, a profound recapitulation can take
place in the personal domain as well as collective experience. No doubt,
this is a global evolutionary moment. Of course, there will be much
contemplation, many celebrations, prayers and meditations around the
globe. The tide is turning as civilization has the chance to seize the
moment, and begin to positively engage the current trajectory. Momentum
has been building, but the next decade is when the consequences of human
activity become even more blatantly obvious and serious.
Driving home, and delivering this cosmic message is an auspicious Solar
Eclipse on December 26, followed by a Lunar Eclipse on January 10.
Because eclipses are so strong and definitive, I call them the
exclamation points of astrological signature. In general, the thematic
lessons begin to emerge a full four weeks before the first eclipse, and
continue two weeks after the final eclipse. Therefore all of December,
and most of January is encompassed within this eclipse season.
The line-up for the Solar Eclipse is impressive. Sun, Moon, Jupiter,
South Lunar Node, Ceres, Saturn, Pluto . . . all in Capricorn. In light
of this, I offer a short tutorial on this zodiac sign, considering the
zodiac cycle as a symbolic portrayal of the soul's spiritual evolution
through many incarnations.
Represented by the mountain goat ascending to the heights of
accomplishment, Capricorn is the zodiac sign of calling and career,
contribution and social participation; answering the question, “What do
you do?” The answer to this question is as faceted and personal as a
person's gender, age, intelligence, education, skills, talents,
ambition, social status, opportunity and destiny. Many contributions are
visible, out there for all the world to see, but most contributions are
private, within the confines of family, work and local community.
The internal foundation for contribution depends on that most illusive
and hard to define topic of character, defined in the dictionary as,
“the complex of mental and ethical traits marking and individualizing a
person, group or nation.” At the core of character, the majority of
people can easily tap into right and wrong, moral and immoral, ethical
and unethical. However, research into the psychological make-up of
character suggests that a small group of people, approximately 1 in 25,
do not have this barometer of what can be loosely defined as conscience.
Energetically, Capricorn exemplifies this test of character in the real
world of form and function. No matter which mountain one chooses to
climb, the journey requires focus and discipline, but the defining
reference point can be summarized by motive.
Motivation is what gets a person up in the morning. For the majority of
people, the day is about basic survival, but motivated by sharing love,
making a positive difference, contributing in big and small ways.
However, the range of motivation is wide, ranging all the way from
unselfish altruism to self aggrandizement, with many variations in between.
So what happens when someone is motivated by desire for power and
prestige, to the point they are able to sidestep any sense of
conscience, willing to deceive, lie, cheat, steal? Well, turn on the
news, and witness plenty of examples in the upper echelons of
leadership, even to the point of promulgating contempt for the law. And,
even more important, these are the leaders the masses look toward and
rely upon for conscientious, wise decisions in matters they know very
little about.
From the standpoint of astrology, it is not surprising to observe
current events within the context of this major alignment of planets in
Capricorn activated by powerful and definitive eclipses. Full blown, out
in the open, it is also not surprising to witness the house of cards
come tumbling down. At this point, immediate results and long turn
effects are anyone's guess, but the question remains . . . how will this
unfold in terms of social conscience, and practical solutions?
Standing at the apex of achievement, Capricorn is typified by worldly
accomplishment. On a spiritual level, Capricorn symbolizes the humble,
devoted and guileless disciple, or the wise hermit holding the lantern
high, lighting the way for seekers to ascend the heights.
Fundamentally, Capricorn represents the test of incarnation, and the
wisdom garnered through a multitude of lifetimes informed by a genuine
and deeply abiding conscience. This is law in its most pure form.
Society's laws are founded upon, and meant to be a reflection of
universal law.
As 2019 draws to a close, a profound soul searching is taking place in
each and every heart. Orbiting through an ineffable cosmos, spaceship
Earth has a purpose beyond the little wills of men, and to quote from
the Great Invocation, “The purpose which the masters know and serve.”
During this season of contemplation, I sincerely thank each of my dear
readers for giving me a platform to share spirituality and astrology. In
1992, the first article appeared in print, and it has taken many forms
throughout the years. Despite the heavy and serious nature of current
events, it all seems so temporary, and far removed from Reality. Sitting
at my desk, tuning into the universal big picture is my joyful service,
because I trust in the beauty and goodness of Life itself. We're just
along for the ride. May you and yours have a radiant, light and loved
filled season, and see you on the other side. 2020, clear vision, here
we come !!!
November 2019
Belinda C. Dunn
Scorpio/Taurus Full Moon
November 12 @ 8:34 am
Mercury Direct
November 20 @ 2:12 pm
Sagittarius New Moon
November 26 @ 10:06 am
November begins with a deep dive beneath the surface of just about
everything. On Halloween, Mercury entered a 21 day retrograde period in
the zodiac sign of Scorpio. Inquisitive, penetrating, fearless and
determined, Scorpio leaves no stone untouched in the quest for answers.
Symbolized by the detective, spy, psychoanalyst, researcher, shaman and
mystic, the essential nature of Scorpio is to uncover and reveal what is
typically hidden from conscious everyday awareness.
Speaking for my profession, astrology has an exceptionally profound
connection to psychology, and the famed psychoanalyst Carl Jung used
astrology extensively. In fact, psychology and astrology are very
complementary, and fields related to psycho/spiritual growth are
advancing and growing by leaps and bounds.
As Mercury transits through Scorpio until December 9, it is possible,
especially with the introspection provided by a retrograde phase, to
clearly see the concise and critical nature of the shadow within and
without. The shadow tends to sabotage the best of intentions on the
conscious level, and contains the unconscious emotions, conditioning,
urges and desires that typically drive the projected personality to act
out. In one of its most productive expressions, Scorpio exposes the
saboteur in human nature; the reality that anyone of us can be our own
worst enemy.
Getting to the bottom of mysteries is Scorpio's job, and the suspense
builds the very first week of November. On November 5, the planets
closely associated with Scorpio, Mars and Pluto, are in tense alignment.
These two powerhouse planets will square off, intensifying power
struggles, probably bringing disruption in their wake. Mars in Libra is
not afraid to fight for what is true and lawful while passionately
upholding justice.
Meanwhile, Pluto is plodding through Capricorn's in its slow march to
expose corruption. Adding to this volatile mix, Mars and Pluto activate
the trans-Neptunian planet Eris, named after the ancient goddess of
chaos and disruption. At a most basic level, the first week of November
is a time to choose battles wisely, and to quote from Star Wars, ”There
is a disturbance in the Force.”
The second week of November begins on Veteran's Day, November 11, as Sun
and Mercury conjoin in Scorpio. Acting as the messenger of solar intent,
this is a significant day in any Mercury retrograde cycle. Watch for
insight and revelation, those cosmic “aha” moments that serve to
catalyze decisions.
This conjunction of Sun and Mercury supports and feeds into the Full
Moon on November 12. The full illumination of the Moon's surface is an
energetic culmination of previous weeks. When activated, our Moon is
known as the luminary of emotion. Thus, as with any Full Moon, emotional
reactions are intensified. It is quite common to feel overwhelmed, but
it is also helpful to remember that a gut response can circumvent the
mind's tendency to minimize and distract. A raw, undiluted, honest
response may be out of character for the more stoic personalities, but
this process of disclosure leads to healing.
This Full Moon actually harmonizes with the taskmaster planets of Saturn
and Pluto. In their slow march toward a major conjunction in January
2020, Saturn and Pluto are exposing the cracks in numerous foundations.
On a personal level, it is time to identify the areas of your life that
need fortification and renovation. On the national level, it appears the
country is heading into a major constitutional crisis. On a global
level, the environment is deteriorating at an alarming rate. This Full
Moon enhances a unique receptivity to practical and wise solutions, but
not without work, focus and discipline.
A palpable energetic shift occurs the 3rd week of November. Especially
be aware of Mercury going direct on Wednesday the 20th. Armed with the
necessary insight and information, it is possible to move forward with
clear decisiveness. Regularly, I hear people bemoan a Mercury retrograde
period. Yes, there can be problems with communication, mechanical
breakdowns and delays. But we live in a wise and supportive universe,
and Mercury retrograde plays a role in slowing things down, just enough
to offset the tendency to willfully force issues, and rush headlong into
problematic situations.
Picking up where Mercury leaves off, Mars enters Scorpio on the 19th,
where it will transit for the remainder of the year. Like a detective
novel, Mars will continue delving into the secrets, unraveling the
mysteries behind the scenes. Watch the plot unfold in surprising and
unusual twists and turns. Adding an intensity to get a move on, Mars in
Scorpio can instill the determination and stamina necessary to carry
projects through to completion.
Luckily and fortuitously, the zodiac sign after Scorpio is Sagittarius,
the prophet, philosopher and seeker of higher truth. On November 1st,
Venus enters Sagittarius, and conjoins Jupiter on November 24. This
lends a buoyant, optimistic and celebratory mood to the approaching
holiday season. As Venus bestows a loving and generous atmosphere,
Jupiter comes along to expand and amplify these positive vibes.
As Venus and Jupiter join, they are transiting across the Galactic
Center of our Milky Way Galaxy (27 degrees Sagittarius). This is very
rare, and the last time Jupiter crossed this celestial point was twelve
years ago. Represented by the centaur aiming its arrow, Sagittarius
points to the great beyond in the quest for ultimate truth. As the
ancient Heart Sutra states, “Gone, gone, gone beyond. Hail the goer.”
Inspiring and aspiring, Jupiter entered Sagittarius last November.
Despite the tumult, chaos and dissent, this has been a year of examining
beliefs, gaining perspective, and seeking higher ground. Jupiter exactly
conjoins the Galactic Center on the 19th, thus November 18 - 24 is a
week of major planetary activation. This strongly suggests upgrades that
boost vibration, including renewals in faith and spontaneous openings to
cosmic consciousness. This lays the ground for Jupiter's transit
through Capricorn beginning next month when aspirations and ideals are
going to be tested in reality.
On November 26, a New Moon in Sagittarius seals the deal. Kicking off
the holidays with Thanksgiving, this week is a definite turning toward
the future. Throughout 2019, the focus has primarily been on the
deleting and clearing old programs from the past. It's similar to
pushing the “control alt delete” button on the cosmic hard drive.
To drive home this point further, Neptune is stationary on November 27,
and once again begins advancing through the zodiac sign of Pisces. In
its monumental and very slow orbit, Neptune remains in Pisces for the
next five years.
Neptune's influence can be summed up by the image of child's play;
frolicking by the seashore, building a sandcastle, only to have it
washed away by the next wave. Not only does Neptune dissolve creations,
it dissolves everyday awareness in its unbounded connection with Source.
On the larger collective level, Neptune's transit through Pisces is like
a tidal wave, churning up the surf, sweeping away any misguided
creations of the little and limited human mind.
In the final days of November, Thanksgiving is late this year, but it's
never too late to express gratitude. It's a very interesting phenomena
of human nature, but life hands us our lessons on a silver platter, and
yet we push them away in the push and pull of desire and personal will.
“We want what we want,” speaks volumes about the human predicament.
Surrounded by astounding wealth, progress and prosperity, many of the
country's citizens will consume Thanksgiving dinner with barely a
thought of the purpose of this holiday. Giving lip service to gratitude
is like eating the menu, it isn't the real thing. Gratitude can be
cultivated, and it is an attitude of the heart. This is a heart that
realizes the immense gifts of incarnation itself, and the selfless
nature of existence. To conclude, quoting one of the most influential
mystics of the last century, Osho reminds us, “Either you can be in
Existence or you can be in the self – both are not possible together.”
October 2019
Belinda C. Dunn
Libra/Aries Full Moon
October 13 @ 5:08 pm
Scorpio New Moon
October 27 @ 11:38 pm
Mercury retrograde
October 31 @ 11:42 am
October dawns bright and clear as our Sun transits through Libra skies.
Represented by the scales of balance, Libra is the zodiac sign of
relationship, including all the spoken and unspoken agreements binding
humanity into a synergistic whole. Over the course of October,
individually and collectively, the planetary trends support a deepening
awareness of these agreements.
In his landmark book, “The Four Agreements,” Don Miguel Ruiz writes of
these basic and essential agreements. If you are familiar with these
agreements, this is the month for review. For those readers that haven't
been introduced to Ruiz's work, the first agreement states, “ Be
impeccable with your word.” Followed by the second agreement, “Don't
take anything personally,” and next, “Don't make assumptions.” And the
fourth and final agreement stands as “Always do your best.”
Imagine your life and a world based on this very deep wisdom. However,
in order to access and live these principles, self-awareness and
communication is fundamental. This is where Mercury, the planet of
thinking, listening and speaking comes in. The month begins with Mercury
in Libra, but not for long, on October 3 Mercury enters the dark,
mysterious waters of Scorpio, where it will remain until December 9.
This is a very long haul for fast moving, ground covering Mercury, but
due to a retrograde phase, the messenger will explore and excavate the
depths of the human psyche for weeks on end. This can be likened to an
initiation, a collective vision quest, and preparation is advised.
Simply awareness and acknowledgment of this potential can go a long way
in overcoming inner resistance, including attempts to deny, control or
shut down the process.
This said, Mercury's lengthy transit through Scorpio will bring all
sorts of hidden agendas, control issues, corruption and secrets to the
surface. This is a purging with widespread implications on many levels.
Airwaves will be rife with one slanderous scandal after another. In many
cases, it may be advisable and necessary to update and re-negotiate
contracts, treaties, laws and mission statements.
From the personal standpoint, a gut level response can quickly shred
the veneer of appropriate nicety. “How are you? . . . I'm fine,” may not
suffice to tell the whole story as people may be more reactive as raw
emotion tends to bubble up from the subconscious. Scorpio is never
This brings us to Pluto, the planet associated with Scorpio. On October
3, as Mercury plummets the depths, Pluto appears to be stationary,
beginning a direct phase. This is an intense drilling down to what
matters. After all, Scorpio is the zodiac sign of death and rebirth. In
mythology, Pluto is god of the underworld. Astrologer Lorna Bevan
writes, ”Formally defined in 3D as the Lord of the Underworld, Pluto is
up-leveling to 5D Gatekeeper of Source Creation.”
Orbiting in the farthest reaches of our solar system, Pluto has a unique
purpose in cleansing and transforming the shadow consciousness. Pluto
brings us to our knees, and for those familiar with Twelve Step recovery
programs, Pluto can be likened to very 1st step, “I admit . . . (fill in
the blank).” Worldwide, hundreds of thousands of people have discovered
the healing potential in accepting powerlessness in the face of
addiction and other life challenges, and thereby turning to Source for
guidance and sanity.
Pluto has been retrograde since late April. That time period was also
important as Saturn went retrograde on April 30. You may consider
circumstances at that point, and realize significant progress has been
made based on realistic appraisal, focus, commitment and discipline. All
virtues these major planetary players have been encouraging, and in many
cases, demanding.
Transiting through Capricorn, Saturn will join Pluto soon, January 12,
2020 to be exact. These planets have an approximately 35-37 year cycle.
However, the last time they joined in the zodiac sign of Capricorn was
507 years ago. Whether it is recognized or not, current trends are a
conclusion of many years, and there is a rebirth underway. The new cycle
is to be welcomed, and it is calling everyone, including the entire
global community, to a higher level of accountability.
Look to your personal life. In what way, where and how have you been
called to get real, step up, contribute and participate? In terms of
timing, Pluto is going direct at 20 degrees, having first passed over
this point in 2018. It may be helpful to revisit and consider the
disruptions and challenges of last year. At that time, an in-between
limbo opened up with the stark realization. . . there are no maps for
what's next. From now on, as Saturn and Pluto approach their exact
conjunction in 2020, we are entering a moment by moment regeneration phase.
A Full Moon on October 13 shines light on these themes within the
context of relationship. First of all, Sun in Libra supports
collaboration, cooperation and synergy. However, with the Moon in Aries,
individuality and self reliance are amplified. Therefore, personal
desires and preferences may clash with the needs of the relationship
and/or group. Conversations and decisions can be derailed through
projection, blame, and black and white thinking. With awareness and a
good dose of patient compromise, this dynamic interplay can facilitate
and catalyze significant breakthroughs, but don't be surprised if some
relationships reach the point of, “make it or break it.”
The chart for this Full Moon shows major implications on the national
and world stage. Key alliances can strengthen while others fall away.
After all, Libra represents the diplomatic peacemaker. Adding an
interesting twist to this complex dynamic, Mars, the planet of
aggression, enters Libra on October 4, just as Mercury goes retrograde
and Pluto goes direct.
Independent and proactive Mars may be forced to consider other points of
view, identify blocks, and bend to teamwork. Remaining in Libra through
November 18, the next two months are very important in terms of
negotiation on the national and global levels. Of course, there will be
those leaders and countries listening to the drumbeat for war, while
others look to diplomatic solutions in the effort to avoid all out
Analyzing the planetary picture further, this Full Moon is in stressful
alignment with Pluto, and harmonious/supportive alignment with Jupiter.
This shows a clear distinction between forces promoting toxicity and
corruption, and powers promoting honesty, optimism and sustainability.
There is a touch of grace here, and providence opens doors of
opportunity. The choice is clear as courageous and confident voices rise
up to speak for solutions to age old problems.
As October draws to a close, a New Moon in Scorpio leads into the final
week of daylight savings time. Autumn leaves are releasing their hold,
reminding us of the cyclical and temporary nature of terrestrial
existence. In exact opposition to Uranus, this lunation brings
surprises, revelations, exposures and disclosures. Uranus encourages
freedom from restraint while disrupting normalcy and overthrowing
This New Moon sets the stage for the twin celebrations of Halloween and
All Saints Day. With Mercury in Scorpio going retrograde on Halloween,
this implies that events during October will require a stepping back, a
deep pause. This pause will allow for recapitulation and integration of
that which is true.
Supporting this penetrating look through and behind appearances, Mercury
harmoniously aspects Saturn and Pluto three times from mid-October
through the first ten days of December. Thus, current events carry much
weight, taking most of the autumn months to reconfigure and work through.
During October, Venus is also in Scorpio supporting an intuitive response, a very real connection with the heart of all terrestrial matters. As the planet of adornment, costume and apparel, Venus will bring out the creative, humorous and fun potential of Halloween. As spooky characters haunt the streets, skeletons are being rattled in the closet, emerging from their hiding places. But, at night's end, the costumes are put away for another year, reminding us of these earth bodies, and the impermanence of appearances in this passing show of life.
September 2019
Belinda C. Dunn
Virgo/Pisces Harvest Full Moon
September 14 @ 12:33 am
Autumnal Equinox
September 28 @ 6:03 am
Libra New Moon
September 28 @ 2:26 pm
September begins on the heels of a Virgo New Moon which took place on
August 30. As the Sun and Moon joined in this industrious zodiac sign of
work and service, three other planets joined to drive home the message
. . . summer vacation is over, and for most of us, it's back to
schedules and routine.
As with any New Moon, the seeds have been planted for the next 28 day
cycle. With the help of Sun in Virgo, and six other planets in earth
signs, these planetary trends support a practical, methodical,
consistent, grounded and reliable approach to the tasks of daily life.
Step by step, one foot in front of the other, the necessity to take care
of business is front and center as the month unfolds.
Launching the month in a productive mindset with clear goals and
realistic plans feels doable as Sun, Mercury and Mars join to aid the
decision making process. Additionally, these planets are in harmony with
Uranus giving a boost of excitement and potential in the manifestation
process. As Venus adds a substantial dose of enjoyable loving purpose,
September is the month to define priorities, overcome apathy, and rise
above limitations.
By the Harvest Moon on September 13-14, depending on your time zone,
fanciful ideas and ill conceived plans fall by the wayside as reality
dawns bright and clear. Awareness is essential to mitigate and offset
negativity, confusion and boredom, especially for those repeatedly
choosing to escape reality through a variety of means.
With the Sun in Virgo, and the Moon in Pisces, the contrast between
physicality and illusion may be stark. The chart for this Full Moon
shows Mars in opposition to Neptune. People may be acting out of
illusory, perhaps drug induced consciousness. Emotions may be extreme,
like a high tide, quick to advance and retreat. On the positive side,
inspiration and higher perspective is ever present, there for the
asking. The boundaries of everyday consciousness can easily dissolve,
crossing the threshold into genuine mystical experience.
As Mars is transiting through Virgo for the entire month, it can be
helpful to consider the zodiac polarity of Virgo and Pisces, two
opposite ends of the spectrum. Known as the “serve or suffer” zodiac
signs, this dynamic duo identifies the needs of those genuinely needing
help, and those ready to alleviate suffering through self-less service.
When Virgo and Pisces are prominent in an individual's chart, or by
current trends, troubled and complicated life situations tend to
manifest. The mind can conjure up all manner of self-made distortions
and distractions. Yet, behind the veil of physical appearances and human
stories, a greater Reality beckons. As my first yoga teacher frequently
voiced, “The earth life is the spiritual life.” There is no separation.
Heartfelt service, and compassion for the human condition in self and
others, is the connective link between heaven and earth.
This brings us to another very important planetary trend for September.
Since April 29, Saturn has been retrograde, and on September 18, Saturn
goes direct. This is very good news in terms of pulling out of
stagnation, and getting the ball rolling. Situations that have not been
advancing, perhaps delayed, and hung up in red tape, are now ready to
move forward. It is as though the cosmic wheel of fortune is turning,
like the gears of an engine, slowly reversing, aligning and gaining
momentum to move in new directions.
Saturn's forward motion is especially intense as it aligns with the
South Lunar Node on September 27, for the third and final time this
year. Additionally, Saturn is going direct as 13 degrees Capricorn.
Known as a “critical degree,” this potent zodiac point carries more
weight in terms of overcoming obstacles to fulfill destiny. This isn't
just any challenge, it is indicative of major life lessons bearing down,
like a final exam.
As Saturn retraces its tracks over the coming months, it is approaching
an exact conjunction with Pluto in January 2020. While these planets
remain within orb of influence for most of next year, many social
systems are in the thick of widespread dysfunction. Very deep veins of
corruption that have run deep within society for generations are coming
out of the shadows into the light of day.
Like a demolition crew, working together, Saturn and Pluto are
dismantling and breaking down what is no longer relevant in our personal
lives, and collective experience. In fact, humanity cannot progress
without this reckoning, no matter how difficult, arduous and challenging
it appears. What has long been denied, can no longer be ignored, hidden
and scooted under the rug.
On a lighter note, Jupiter is making its third and final aspect with
Neptune on September 21. Facing off, 2019 started with these planets of
inspiration and belief at odds with each other. On one hand, people are
examining their core beliefs around a variety of issues. On the other
hand, large groups of people are coming up empty handed,
disenfranchised, caught in the crossfire between ideologies. In last
month's article, I mentioned the birth of a new narrative. Glimmers of
truth are everywhere for those with eyes to see, and ears to hear.
The final week of September begins with the Autumnal Equinox on Monday,
September 23. This seasonal shift is a sacred passage to be honored and
celebrated. As the Sun enters Libra, symbolized by the scales of
balance, day and night are equal, and five weeks of daylight savings
time remain.
The chart for the Equinox as well as the Libra New Moon on September 28,
shows a dynamic interplay between individuality and partnership. Tension
can erupt as personal goals and needs may be quite different from the
perceived needs of the partner, family or group. Libra's preference is
equanimity and harmony. Libra's gifts include diplomacy, consideration
and kindness. However, peace doesn't necessarily come easily, and
communication is the missing link to overcome differences while
cultivating bridges of understanding. Energetically, Libra supports
mediation and cooperation, and it's OK to agree to disagree.
As Mercury is in stressful alignment with Saturn and Pluto, it is
advisable to pay attention to conversations and decisions throughout the
final week of September. There is a tendency to fall back on blame,
projection, pessimism and cynicism. Additionally, Venus is part of this
mix, and there is a tendency to shut down, burn bridges, and separate
from others.
Earlier this year, February 17 to be exact, Chiron entered the zodiac
sign of Aries where it will remain until 2027. Discovered in 1977,
Chiron is a small planet orbiting between Saturn and Uranus. Known as
the wounded healer, Chiron is in opposition to the Libra New Moon. The
themes of autonomy and personal freedom may stand in contrast to the
desires, needs and well being of others. Depending on the context of the
relationship, it is a matter of defining one's stance, listening to
others, and being attentive to hidden agendas.
In the current issue of, “The Mountain Astrologer,” astrologer Diana
Collis puts it bluntly, “Accepting that some things cannot be mended,
repeated or reframed can be quite progressive. We may stop trying to
force issues that have been going nowhere, despite our intense hope and
As a long term trend, Chiron in Aries is about healing aspects of the
programmed personality that may be overly self centered OR overly other
centered. It can be helpful to watch your interactions during this final
week of September. With self awareness, it is possible to create more
balance within yourself, and therefore your relationships. Considering
that relationship is an essential part of being human, perhaps the day
will come when Relationship 101 is taught in schools.
The current social climate, made possible by technology, leans toward
self-absorption. Glorification of the self, clinically known as
narcissism, is rampant, and disguised in many forms. Over the next
decade, it stands to reason that Chiron in Aries will expose this very
painful reality. Just living for self is baseless and potentially
destructive. Just living for others can be a slippery slope of
resentment and despair. But again, it is about balance.
We are not on this Earth to grow and magnify the personality. It is
simply the container of individuality within the context of each
person's eternal relationship with Source, ultimately, the only enduring
relationship. In the meantime, we can love and enjoy ourselves and each
other as beautiful flowers in this magnificent garden of the heart.
August 2019
Belinda C. Dunn
Aquarius/Leo Full Moon
August 15 @ 8:29 am
Virgo New Moon
August 30 @ 6:37 am
August begins with a green light go ahead as Mercury is now direct, and
a Leo New Moon sets the stage for new possibilities. Exact just before
midnight on July 31, both of these significant trends ensure that August
gets off to a good start with a sense of putting the past to rest. Even
though there is still clean-up from the messy eclipses of July, along
with Mercury retrograde, much has has been revealed, and the way forward
is a combination of “enough is enough,” and it's time to move on.
The eclipses during July were especially powerful as they activated the
on-going Saturn/Pluto conjunction, a rare configuration that occurs
every 35 years. While these tumultuous trends serve to excavate and
expose weakness in social structures, they serve to really get the ball
rolling in terms of fundamental and profound change. Even though it
appears that humanity is running into a brick wall with few solutions
available, this is exactly the type of planetary energy needed to
breakup stagnation, and propel progress forward.
August begins with Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars transiting through Leo
skies. On August 11, Mercury returns to Leo, completing its retrograde
cycle that week. Leo is warm, vivacious, commanding and creative. This
take charge energy can actively surmount the vacillating and uncertain
trends of recent months.
At the same time, Jupiter in Sagittarius begins its annual direct phase.
This gives an enthusiastic boost of optimism. With Jupiter in its home
sign of Sagittarius for most of the year, the impetus has been to keep
an open mind and explore options, especially in terms of ideology and
belief. Based on this exploration, a new narrative is emerging, and
humanity will begin to actualize and manifest expanded vision over the
autumn months.
In the United States astrology chart, the zodiac sign of Sagittarius is
prominent, ascending on the eastern horizon. Thus, Jupiter's current
trend has the potential to upgrade and define the nation's identity.
Ideals, motives and aspirations are receiving a face lift. For the most
part, Americans are freethinkers, and do not like to be told what to
believe or what to do. Over the coming weeks and months, it will be
interesting to see how the Mueller investigation and testimony sits with
the majority of voters now that foreign interference in the election
process is public knowledge.
This very important process has the potential to offset, counter and
balance other planetary influences, namely Saturn's transit through
Capricorn. In this case, Saturn is in its home sign of Capricorn
(2018-2020). Weighty, serious and consequential, this transit is the
backdrop for many long standing karmic conditions coming to a crisis
point. Personally and collectively, it is time to address pervasive
dysfunction, and take a stand for truth and justice, ethics and morality.
Another interesting vantage point in astrological delineation is
elemental balance. Infinite Source manifests in this dimension as the
elements, and each zodiac sign is associated with an element: fire, air,
water, earth. Contemplating the elements can be very revealing and healing.
August begins with an emphasis on the fire elemental. Fire is
illuminating, hot, passionate, enthusiastic and inspiring. Fire burns
away dead wood, but fire can easily get out of control, and its
destructive capacity needs to be monitored and respected. Some key dates
to watch for the positive activation of fire traits are August 5 – 11.
By mid-month, the elemental balance shifts to earth, signifying a
practical, sensible, feet on the ground, get the job done approach. Some
key dates to enhance positive earth traits begin on August 23 as the Sun
enters Virgo, and continue quite strongly through the remainder of the
month. In balance, fire and earth work together to breakthrough
stagnation and manifest goals. Look for this energetic shift as the
month unfolds.
A Full Moon on August 15 illuminates the way forward with a radical
edge, and tends to stir up controversy and dissent. Sun, Mercury, Venus
and Mars are all in Leo, the zodiac sign of the leader, while the Moon
is in Aquarius, the zodiac sign of the community. Additionally, the
voice of the public, Mercury, is in close aspect with Uranus. A
veritable flood of information that has been held back will be released.
Thus, sudden and radical departures from thinking inside the box of
consensus reality are possible as pieces of the puzzle fall into place.
Tension builds throughout the week of August 11, and conditions come to
a critical head on the 16th. Uranus, the planet of revolutionary change,
appears to be moving very slowly through the sky, due to a
stationary/retrograde phase beginning on the 11th. Individuals and
groups of people may be acting out of desperation, going out on a limb
to advance their cause. On a positive note, look for creative and
extraordinary solutions emerging for complex problems. However, be
prepared for what needs to be released and put to rest.
As summer vacations begin to wind down, a Virgo New Moon sets the stage
for return to work and school. On the Friday leading into Labor Day
weekend, the astrology chart shows Sun, Moon, Mercury, Juno, Mars and
Venus all aligned in Virgo. Clearly, this is a preponderance of Virgo,
and there are eight astrological factors in earth.
August is a transitional month in numerous ways, astrologically,
socially and seasonally. There are the obvious transitions, but
underneath social convention, there is a deep rumbling, a profound
unrest that can only lead to major change as the decade draws to a close.
This is the month to discover your fire. What moves you? What gets you
up in the morning? Tap into the freedom to create and innovate your
unique life expression. By mid-month, between a Full Moon, and Mercury
activating Uranus, embrace the courage and clarity to break away from
limiting mindsets, habits, relationships and environments.
On August 24, Venus joins Mars in Virgo, the zodiac sign of service and
stewardship. Together, the planet of love meets the planet of action. By
the New Moon on August 30, it's time to plant seeds of intention that
have been nurtured and held deep within. The beautiful and inspiring
qualities of purpose, commitment and dedication lead the way. Love in
action . . . gets the job done.
July 2019
Belinda C. Dunn
Solar Eclipse New Moon
July 2 @ 3:16 pm
Mercury Retrograde
July 7 – 31
Lunar Eclipse Full Moon
July 16 @ 5:38 pm
Leo New Moon
July 31 @ 11:58 pm
Marking the halfway point of 2019, July begins with a sense of destiny
for our nation and the world. Long standing and consequential
circumstances have remained suspended for months, if not years. This is
the month of push comes to shove, patience is exhausted, the limit has
been reached. Despite the chaos and turmoil, solutions emerge, and there
is a clear pivot to the future.
Between a Solar Eclipse on July 2, a Lunar Eclipse on July 16, and
Mercury retrograde, this is a month to proceed cautiously with a hefty
dose of optimism and confidence. I am reminded of Star Trek, and the
crew beaming down to potentially hostile and treacherous terrain.
Preparation is essential, and in terms of planetary trends, I aim to
shine a spotlight on the most positive, productive and healing
direction. Let's unpack each of these significant factors in a step by
step methodical way, and discover the silver lining in the stormy clouds
appearing on the horizon.
First of all, eclipses are cosmic wild cards. Typically, significant
events occur; shifting the terrain, altering perspective, realigning the
trajectory of goals. They take the covers off, and reveal what is truly
going on beneath appearances. Startling revelations can occur, and
eclipses serve to shake humans out of complacency by revealing
undercurrents of emotion that cannot be denied or hidden. This process
can lead to comprehensive assessment and redirection.
In last month's article, I wrote in detail about the North Lunar Node in
the zodiac sign of Cancer. This shows the most optimal direction which
is along the lines of finding home, and cultivating a deep abiding
security within and without. This is propelling individuals to find
practical solutions in terms of living arrangements, family structure,
income and environment.
The Solar Eclipse on July 2 closely conjoins the North Lunar Node. This
beneficial combination supports clarity and direction while opening
doors of opportunity. Two days before Independence Day, this eclipse
also conjoins the USA Sun. In recent years, the collective identity of
the nation has been demoralized and uprooted in deteriorating conditions
threatening the stability of democracy. No doubt, these eclipses can
serve to bring these matters into the light of day with repercussions
for years to come.
Astrologers have been following the trends for both the Declaration of
Independence (July 4, 1776), and the United States Constitution
(September 17, 1787). Considering these charts and current trends,
Neptune, the planet of confusion, delusion and glamour has been weaving
a spell, undermining the original tenets of the founding fathers. More
than likely, it is time for an upgrade, but governing structures are in
a state of disarray, and this process will take time.
Recently, I came across a a fascinating reference to the Constitution in
the long time bestseller, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.”
Written in 1989, author Stephen Covey states, “The United States
Constitution is the standard by which every law in the country is
evaluated. It is the document the president agrees to defend and support
when he takes the Oath of Office. It is the foundation and the center
that enables people to ride through major traumas such as the Civil War,
Vietnam, or Watergate. The Constitution has endured and serves it vital
function today because it is based on correct principles, on the
self-evident truths contained in the Declaration of Independence. These
principles empower the Constitution with a timeless strength, even in
the midst of social ambiguity and change. “Our peculiar security,” said
Thomas Jefferson, “is in the possession of a written Constitution.”
Covey's book is written for the individual, yet remains so timely in the
search for meaning and mission in the current social climate. This
brings us to the other half of this astrological equation, the South
Lunar Node in Capricorn. On July 16, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse activates
across the zodiac polarity of Cancer and Capricorn. Along with Saturn
and Pluto transiting through Capricorn, pressure has been building for
real evolutionary change.
This is all fairly clear on the national level, just turn on the news,
but let's take a look at the possibilities on a more personal level.
Both of these zodiac signs are about governing systems. Symbolically,
Cancer represents parenting, the family unit, and the essential balance
of proper discipline while providing sustenance and safety. Capricorn
represents larger governing bodies designed to provide structure for
cohesive social organization. These eclipses can highlight and expose
systemic weakness in these structures, and the reality of pervasive
dysfunction on many levels.
Therapists will be busy this month, as people are waking up from the
trance of conditioning, ready for healing around early childhood
experience. These deeply embedded emotional layers can easily peel off
and resolve, once and for all. There is a impulse to move beyond
external authority to internalize discipline that comes naturally as a
function of participation. With these new eyes, it is possible to take
steps toward healthy function, including a genuine sense of belonging.
However, the flip side of belonging is alienation and separation. These
themes are painfully present as individuals come to terms with family of
origin issues, generational differences, potential effects of addiction,
financial limitations, and a host of various stresses threatening to
undermine the sanctity of this most basic unit of family.
These planetary trends are putting pressure on households across the
country as well as the globe. As Saturn slowly moves toward a
conjunction with Pluto in 2020, economic and political conditions are
calling for adjustments, putting the squeeze on large segments of the
population. For example, loss, deprivation, desperation and untold
suffering is the backdrop for the refugee crisis along so many borders.
Additionally, mass migrations are taking place as natural disasters
displace whole communities.
These times are not for the faint of heart. Even though the eclipses in
July can exacerbate these conditions, as the common adage states,
“Necessity is the mother of invention.” The overall tone for July is
adapt and adjust, get real, and take care of business. Whenever Saturn
is involved, there is a need for patience, endurance, forbearance,
maturity and discipline.
Another planetary factor pointing to an attitude of patient allowing is
Mercury retrograde. From July 7 – 31, this important planet of
communication is pausing for purposes of review. The pressure to evolve,
improve, change and grow is enormous right now on many levels of
personal and collective experience.
Mercury goes retrograde 3 times a year for approximately 21 days. There
can be a wide range of effects depending on zodiac signs and planetary
aspects. In general, Mercury retrograde is excellent for research,
gathering more information, and widening perspective. The more troubling
and frustrating issues can include misunderstandings, technical
problems, breakdowns, and delays.
This particular Mercury retrograde begins in the zodiac sign of Leo,
suggesting that autonomy, freedom, humor and creativity will play a
significant role in solutions. Mercury joins our Sun on July 21st, and
this is always an important day in any retrograde cycle. Look for key
insights and communication supporting clarity and resolution.
When Mercury goes direct on July 31, it has retrograded back into the
zodiac sign of Cancer, emphasizing the on-going themes of home, family,
security and belonging. Additionally, Mercury touches back into
Saturn/Pluto territory, bringing long term issues full circle. For those
that have done their due diligence, there will be more perspective into
complex matters. Synchronously, just before midnight on July 31, a Leo
New Moon comes along to seal the deal. By month's end, there is a sense
of moving forward with realistic, productive and effective plans.
One more fascinating twist in July's planetary picture features an
alignment with Mercury, Mars and Uranus. Exact on July 8, with
significant influence during the first two weeks of July, Mercury joins
Mars in Leo. Bringing issues to the table for discussion, this is a
frank, bold, “tell it like it is,” combination. Additionally, on July
11, Mars is in stressful alignment with Uranus, one of the most
rebellious and freedom seeking of planetary combinations. Be prepared
for surprising turns of fate and fortune during this breakthrough week.
In considering this Mercury/Mars/Uranus alignment on a symbolic level,
it shows possible disruption of power. There are a number of possible
manifestations, especially in terms of electricity, power grids,
cyber-security, science and technology. This unusual combination is
erratic, high intensity, pulsing with energetic downloads.
On the personal level, it is an excellent time to journal, express and
create. This planetary configuration can heighten sensitivity, and
consequently jangle the nerves. Activities that calm the nervous system
can help to ground and nourish the body.
In recent weeks, I have noticed the frequent use of the word
“existential,” to the point of looking it up in the dictionary, and
researching its meaning. I came across, “If something is existential, it
has to do with human existence. If you wrestle with the big questions
involving the meaning of life, you may be having an existential crisis.”
It appears the collective mind is questioning the meaning and purpose of
life. Even though the word existential tends to be coupled with negative
words such as threat, angst and crisis (fill in the blank), this is
actually a good thing. It is essential, necessary and healthy to
question this reality! It's part of waking up and staying awake to find
meaning in this extraordinary cosmic experience. Look around you . . .
really take it in. Every part of life is a miracle, happening right now.
June 2019
Belinda C. Dunn
Gemini New Moon
June 3 @ 6:02 am
Gemini/Sagittarius Full Moon
June 17 @ 4:31 am
A New Moon in Gemini launches the new month. In this flowing, cyclical
dance of life, there are always endings and beginnings, and Gemini knows
this well. As our Sun transits through Gemini, each of us can benefit
from the curious, adventurous and adaptable qualities of this zodiac
At its very best, Gemini instills an atmosphere of open mindedness.
Consider for a moment the qualities of air, the element associated with
Gemini. Breathing, speaking, singing . . . air flows within us and
around us. Air is invisible, yet its effects are profound. Air is the
connective atmosphere of communication and free exchange of thoughts and
ideas within the shifting landscape of public discourse.
Many of the planetary trends for June are transitional in nature as
individuals, the nation, and the world stand on the threshold of new
experience. It is clear, a major evolutionary leap is in process. The
stakes are high. The Gemini New Moon seeds the potential for important
conversations over the course of the expanding lunar cycle.
The natural inclination of Gemini is to be open, frank and free. These
traits are intensified by the Full Moon on June 17. At this point, the
Moon in Sagittarius joins Jupiter in Sagittarius. A multitude of issues
are on the table for discussion, but not necessarily resolution. It is
essential to sort through ideas and ask questions to clearly determine
what is viable, possible, and practical in the long run. This is a month
to explore options, and stay awake to reality.
As Jupiter transits through Sagittarius, the call for truth and justice
is front and center. Along with the tension of this Full Moon, Jupiter
is in stressful alignment to Neptune. The fine line between reality and
illusion is vacillating, fluctuating daily, subject to argument,
righteous indignation and controversy. In this atmosphere of dissent,
individuals and groups are more susceptible to manipulation of the
facts, propaganda and zealous ideals. Emotions are heightened and nerves
are raw.
During the Trump presidency, public discourse has been louder and more
persuasive than ever. It is now reaching a fever pitch. The call for
diplomatic, productive and realistic dialog has long been ignored, but
the voice of reason can no longer be restrained.
The first stressful aspect between Jupiter and Neptune took place in
mid-January. Launching 2019, these planets gave a boost of exuberant
optimism along with tendencies toward excess, over extension of
resources, and an escalation of the crazy, weird and bizarre.
However, as these planets come into exact alignment on June 16, optimism
may be waning, and getting an attitude adjustment. The third and final
alignment takes place on the Autumnal Equinox. Thus, 2019 is a strange
blend of fact and fiction, and it is up to each of us to navigate these
trends on a personal level, and make decisions accordingly.
Neptune is, by far, one of the more difficult planets to get a handle
on. As the “pie in the sky” planet, it inspires vision and uplifts
consciousness. But all too often, its effects can appear enthralling,
glamorous, nebulous, dreamy and confusing. A Neptune transit tends to
sap energy and dissolve resolve. It is appropriate that mind altering
substances, and addiction itself, comes under Neptune's rule.
Eventually and inevitably, every idealistic Neptune vision is tested in
the tangible world of fact and form. On June 16, the same day of the
second stressful alignment between Jupiter and Neptune, Saturn is in
harmonious and supportive aspect with Neptune. On a planetary level,
Saturn is the voice of reason as well as the voice of wisdom and maturity.
Astrologer Leah Whitehorse articulates this beautifully, “If we are
going to create anything at all, we need to find a starting point, so we
can make a sensible plan. Saturn reminds us that we can't just wave a
magic wand and hope our dreams will manifest. Neither can we expect a
lucky break to appear out of nothing. Fulfilling our dreams takes hard
work, dedication and self discipline – and most of all, time.”
Sound harsh? That's Saturn the taskmaster. The voices of reason and
practicality are blending with voices of hopeful idealism. This is well
and good, and from a positive standpoint, greatly accentuates
imagination, whimsy and creativity. However, the contradictory nature of
the mind itself can present challenges. It's essential to pay attention,
and sort out various points of view.
Overall, June is the reality check month on many levels of individual
and collective experience. This process is supported and magnified by
the Sun, Mercury and Mars transiting through the zodiac sign of Cancer.
Mars entered Cancer on May 15, and will remain in Cancer all month.
Mercury is in Cancer for most of the month (June 4 – 26), and our Sun
marks its annual entrance into Cancer on the Summer Solstice.
Add to these fast moving transits . . . the fact that the North Lunar
Node is currently in the zodiac sign of Cancer. The North Lunar Node is
like an arrow pointing in the most optimal, advantageous and productive
direction. It fundamentally lights the way, and is a key factor in the
manifestation of eclipses, and the next round of eclipses are looming on
the horizon with a Solar Eclipse on July 2, and a Lunar Eclipse on July
16. Therefore, circumstances in June will spill over into July with
major consequences for the long haul.
While conditions have been building for some time, it is Mars in
opposition to Saturn on June 14, and Mercury in opposition to Saturn on
June 16, that reality sets in. Hitting the wall, individuals and groups
will be encountering limitations, examining ethics, and defining
responsibilities. Relationships can appear one-sided, especially in the
home and work environment, as people are encountering the boundaries of
what is, and what is not, acceptable and even doable. A supportive
attitude is to focus on what is working rather than give into Saturn's
propensity for cynical negativity.
This second week of June sets the stage, but the week to watch starts
with the Full Moon on Monday, June 17, and wraps up with the Summer
Solstice on Friday, June 21. These significant cosmic events act like
bookends to an exact alignment between Mercury, Mars and Pluto. This
very stressful and combustive combination of planetary energies can
bring numerous issues to a critical climax.
On Tuesday, June 18, Mercury joins Mars in a frank conversation of
blunt and undiluted truth. Words that may have been held back in
courtesy and caution tend to erupt and explode. If you find yourself or
others in an irritable or combative frame of mind, this is a day to be
extremely aware of what needs to be said, and perhaps what needs to
remain unspoken. This combination tends to be impulsive, and accident
prone, therefore exercise caution in all matters, not to the point of
rigidity, but keenly aware of these potent planetary forces at work.
The very next day, on Wednesday, June 19, this Mercury/Mars combination
makes an opposition with Pluto. Respected astrologer Robert Hand writes,
“This transit can represent the culmination of successful effort, or it
can be a time when the opposition becomes so fierce that you have to
give up. This transit is a powerful sign of severe interpersonal power
struggles. The chief danger is that either you or your opponent in a
struggle will act with absolutely no regard for ethics or for the other
person's feelings and situation. This combination acts ruthlessly and
relentlessly.” And, I might add, unconsciously.
In consideration of current events, and in light of the USA astrology
chart, this planetary combination suggests that what has been hidden
from the public is ready to be exposed, especially information regarding
legal and financial matters. More than likely, there will be major power
plays in an attempt to hide information that can very well alter the
course of history. The writing is on the wall . . . whether it's Trump's
tax returns, tariff negotiations with China, the Middle East,
immigration, stalemate in congress, the stock market, the economy
itself, this is a critical time for the nation.
On the personal level, let's hone in on the conjunction of Mercury, Mars
and the North Lunar Node. One of the definitions for hone is, “to make
more acute, intense or effective.” In this case, the process of honing
is actually a homing. All these astrological factors are in Cancer, the
zodiac sign of safety, security, family and home.
This combination can produce a heightened and persistent nagging, a
genuine gut response toward safety, and even retreat if necessary.
Fight, flight or freeze? People will be feeling and acknowledging
vulnerability, and the ways they do not feel secure. Beneath the
surface, behind the scenes, and out in the open, people will be asking
questions, and making decisions based on what feels safe. These themes
span every aspect of life on the individual and collective levels.
On an annual basis, our Sun reaches its zenith, marking the longest day
of the year in the northern hemisphere. Additionally, from our vantage
point on Earth, Neptune appears to be stationary (June 17 – 25),
initiating its annual retrograde phase exactly on June 21, the Summer
Solstice. The mystical and magical essence of Neptune's long term
transit through Pisces is blending with the Sun's illumination to expand
human consciousness beyond its current state.
Summer is typically a season for recreation, a chance to step away from
daily routine, and explore new horizons. As June draws to a close, four
major planets are retrograde, and working in pairs. The consequential
and heavy planetary influences of Saturn/Pluto are slowing things down,
calling a halt to forward momentum and progress. This is necessary for
catching up, resting up, and reviewing long term goals.
The inspirational planets of Jupiter and Neptune are working together to
uplift vision, and bestow a more transcendent point of view. Clearly, if
there was ever a time to invoke the surprisingly present and
transforming power of the supernatural, it's now.
May 2019
Belinda C. Dunn
Taurus New Moon
May 4 @ 6:46 pm
Taurus/Scorpio Full Moon
May 18 @ 5:11 pm
Welcome to glorious May! Everywhere we gaze, earth is coming alive as
delicate buds burst forth while every shade of green leaf unfolds,
perfectly orchestrated, in rhythm with the heartbeat of life itself.
The month starts with a New Moon in Taurus, the zodiac sign of
sensuality. Seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching, each of the
five senses awaken in appreciation for the beauty and experience of this
natural world. Out of all the zodiac signs, the essence of Taurus is
finding enjoyment in simply being alive.
Astrologers give consideration to elemental forces of fire, air, water
and earth. The chart for the New Moon on May 4, shows a 50% emphasis on
the earth element. By the Full Moon on May 18, the chart shows 60%
earth. So, according to the common adage, it's time to take the Taurus
bull by the horns; get real, down to earth, and take active, determined
steps in the manifestation of goals.
Against this backdrop of nature's beauty, humans continue to parade
across the stage of life. For the most part, humanity appears to be
asleep, entranced, lost and forgetful, missing the true purpose and
delight of what it means to be embodied. However, current planetary
trends are functioning as an alarm clock, shaking us from slumber with
an enormous, unmistakable, and electrifying jolt of wake up potential.
During the final week of April, from our vantage point on Earth, two
major planets entered a retrograde phase. On April 24, Pluto went
retrograde, and on April 29, Saturn went retrograde. In general, this
signals a necessary pause, an apparent halt to forward movement for
purposes of completion and integration. It's not that life doesn't move
forward, it simply means the “to do” list has reached its limit, and in
many cases, there is a backlog of complication that cannot be solved
overnight. These consequential and slow moving planets will remain
retrograde throughout the spring and summer months.
Not only are these planets retrograde, but they are currently within 3
degrees of each other in the zodiac sign of Capricorn. The lunar nodes
and the current eclipse cycle adds intensity to this alignment as Saturn
conjoins the south lunar node on May 20, June 23 and September 15.
To give perspective, let's consider the long term transits of Saturn and
Pluto. Saturn takes approximately 29 years to orbit through the entire
zodiac. Pluto's orbit is almost beyond conceptualization of time, taking
248 years to circle the zodiac sky. Therefore, they reach conjunction
every 37-38 years, marking major events that shift consciousness,
resulting in significant historical turning points.
For example, the last conjunction took place in the zodiac sign of Libra
in 1981-82. Reagan was president, a recession was affecting the USA
economy, and Epcot, Disney's futuristic theme park, opened. The previous
conjunction took place in Leo during the years 1946-47, as the world
recovered from the unfathomable destruction of WWII. Truman was
president, Stalin was still in power, the Diary of Anne Frank was
published, and the baby boom was in full swing.
These planets mark the cycles of life, with a long term generational
influence. Astrologer Lorna Bevan writes, “This aspect has a long
story-arc. It brings to a close a cycle begun in November 1982 and opens
a new cycle of your personal history and especially of American history.
To put it in perspective: the last time Saturn/Pluto met in Capricorn
was in 1518 when Martin Luther began the Protestant revolution.”
For those you familiar with the Tarot deck of divination, this current
era can be likened to The Tower, representing the decay and fall of long
standing power structures relating to ideology, authority and control.
All together, current trends point to a rare, once in a lifetime, cosmic
moment. What this means, practically and spiritually, will be the theme
for months to come as Saturn and Pluto will exactly conjoin in January
2020. Nationally and globally, history is being written before our eyes.
Taking many forms, April was a month of crisis. In the wake of
controversy and suspense, destruction and tumult, reality begins to set
in during the first week of May. Mars in Gemini makes a conjunction with
the highly sensitive and inflammatory point between Trump's chart and
the country. A detailed analysis of this trend is described in last
month's article, posted on my website.
Another significant planetary combination involves Mercury and Venus
transiting through Aries. On May 1-2, Mercury brings important
information to the light of day as it activates in stressful alignment
with Saturn/Pluto while conjoining Eris, the planet of radical,
revolutionary and evolutionary awakening. Communications can take the
form of hard conversations that press the necessity to make difficult
decisions. On May 7-9, Venus transits over this same degree, lending a
helping hand, increasing the potential for acceptance of differences in
opinion and approach.
On a personal level, awareness of these trends can automatically improve
the flow of everyday events. There are two competing factors; the immediacy
of now and the reality of time. It is tempting to fight or resist the need
for patience, discipline, and realistic appraisal of goals in the desire
for immediate relief. Complications can arise due to poor timing, such
as acting too fast or too late. This can feel jerky and stressful, but
easily remedied through exercising sound judgment in manifesting solutions.
These planetary trends are stirring up subconscious programming that is
very karmic in nature. At times, these blocks in the energy field can
feel invisible and daunting, even impossible to overcome. If you find
yourself slipping into self-defeating and pessimistic attitudes, it can
be helpful to question the root cause of these attitudes. In most cases,
this means radically breaking free from conditioning and projections,
within and without. This is the month to head off negativity, and take
conscious steps to enhance worthiness. In other words, give yourself a
break, forgive past mistakes, and let the planets give you a face lift
of self esteem.
There is a clear demarcation between the first half of May, and second
half. Planetary factors contribute to a more settling and stabilizing
atmosphere as Mercury transitions into practical, realistic and grounded
Taurus on May 6. During the week of May 13, Venus enters Taurus and Mars
enters Cancer. All together, these shifts can foster a healing
connection to one's roots. This may include an instinct to retreat and
nurture close relationships, the home environment, family and garden.
This week leads into a very sacred Full Moon on Saturday, May 18. Known
as Wesak Festival, Sun transits through Taurus, and the Moon is exactly
opposite in Scorpio. On an annual basis, mystics, spiritual aspirants
and light workers gather in meditation around the globe.
Many legends surround this festival. From an astrological perspective,
Taurus and Scorpio represent the natural cycle of birth, growth,
culmination, decay, completion and rebirth. The illumination from this
Full Moon can dissolve the boundaries between dimensions, supporting
access to guidance and enlightened consciousness. It is optimal for a
reset. If you choose to consciously honor Wesak, feel free to send an
email request for more detailed information (belinda@astrodelight.com).
During the week of May 20, Sun and Mercury transit into the zodiac sign
of Gemini. Working in tandem, and exact on Tuesday, May 21, this is a
very important week for communication. For some people, this process can
be more internalized as key realizations take place within self. In
general, Gemini is outgoing, active, curious and expressive. There is a
natural inclination to get moving, out and about, and make decisions for
summer travel plans.
Exploration and discovery can take many forms as Jupiter is transiting
through Sagittarius until December. 2019 is a year of expanding
horizons. If you find yourself yearning for greener pastures, pay
attention. Many times, the urge to expand can come from boredom, feeling
caged in, and limited by circumstances. Jupiter's beneficent rays can
break through obstacles, instilling optimism, confidence and enthusiasm.
Human beings have the tendency to project the present onto the future.
From utopia to dystopia, an overwhelming array of predictions are being
made, but I sense the reality is somewhere in between, even beyond
current standards and concepts. Powerfully enlightening planetary trends
during May evoke an invitation to see through the veils of physicality
while remaining more embodied and grounded than ever. Enjoy!
April 2019
Belinda C. Dunn
Aries New Moon
April 5 @ 4:50 am
Aries/Libra Full Moon
April 19 @ 7:12 am
The scents and sights of spring surround us as the season gets fully
underway. An increase of sunlight hours, along with nature's splendor,
creates a buoyant rising up of vitality and enthusiasm.
Planetary trends during April are quite a contrast from March, a month
of introspection provided by Mercury retrograde in Pisces (March 5 –
28). Mercury, the planet of everyday consciousness and communication,
entered the watery depths of Pisces on February 10. The soul searching
and turbulent nature of this transit has been churning up emotion in a
sink or swim environment.
It is fascinating to note that Mueller's long awaited report was
completed and released as retrograde Mercury was making its second
conjunction to Neptune. The month begins with Mercury just turning
direct, making its third and final conjunction to Neptune on April 2. It
is suggested that Mueller's findings “raise more questions than
answers,” and the timing demonstrates a striking combination of
Mercury's capacity for articulation and delineation into matters that
can be confusing, disorienting, abstract and moralistic.
On a personal level, it can be helpful to consider realizations you have
come to over these weeks, especially as Mercury wraps up its sojourn in
Pisces on April 16, entering Aries on April 17. The dreamy and visionary
potential of Mercury in Pisces is ready to be actualized and manifested.
While March brings to mind images of floating through foggy mists in
search of footing, April brings to mind the readiness of a racetrack.
Green grass radiates in vibrant technicolor as stately and well trained
horses are led to the starting gate. Spectators wait on the edge of
their seats as expectation and excitement permeate the air. It's spring,
and we're off to the races!
Thus, April is a pivotal month as pure light-filled prana burns through
any remaining fog and confusion. Clarity dawns bright. It is now
possible to make better decisions, and ultimately take clearly directed
Let's begin with the New Moon in Aries on April 5 (4:50 am EDT). As the
first sign on the zodiac wheel, Aries represents the undiluted pristine
urge of Source to manifest in this physical dimension. This is the time
to really pay attention to your motivation, and pave the way with
sincere awareness and intention.
The archetypal essence of Aries is bold and courageous, confident and
strong, intense and directed. It can be helpful to know where this New
Moon lines up in your personal astrology chart. This is the area of life
where you are called to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and face
Aries is symbolized by the rambunctious Ram, energetically breaking
through barriers and limitations. When Mercury enters Aries on April 17,
Venus closely follows, entering Aries on April 20. A sense of
rejuvenation, resurrection and rebirth are celebrated on this Easter
weekend. From the personal to the collective, these themes will manifest
in a variety of ways.
Contributing to the planetary picture, Mars is in Gemini for the entire
month of April. The zodiac signs of Aries and Gemini work hand in hand,
harmonizing and blending the Aries urge to be actively engaged with the
Gemini urge to give voice in self expression. Together these signs are
primarily extroverted, out and about, on the go, conversing, learning
and exploring.
Mars transiting through Gemini (March 31 – May 15) will give voice to
many current social trends. For example, a recent study show the rise of
white nationalism is up 182% over the past year. Over the course of
Trump's presidency there has been growing dissent and division in the
social fabric holding this nation together, and social media is
spreading these ideas abroad. These complex issues are building in
intensity, and what has been on the back burner will now seek expression
and direction.
As the warrior planet, Mars will fight for what it “thinks” is right. In
the zodiac sign of Gemini, the translator and communicator, April is a
month of collective outcry. Many points of view will be vying for
attention, authority and power. In a cacophony of dissent, this process
can easily turn into a shouting match to the point that many voices may
threaten to drown out the voice of reason.
This brings us to the USA astrology chart, and the destiny of a nation.
At the time of the Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776), Mars was
strongly placed in Gemini. Characterizing the fighting spirit of the
nation, Mars in Gemini is about working through differences to discover
commonality and authentic expression. The Gemini twins can face each
other, communicate and focus on similarities, or turn away and focus on
Out of all the zodiac signs, Gemini aims for unity in diversity, but the
flip side is prejudice and judgment. In fact, the country has fought numerous
wars based on the “enemy,” rather than embrace the potential of common
purpose and genuine human connection beyond stereotypes. Additionally,
the nation's chart shows Mars in stressful alignment with Neptune signifying
heightened emotional idealism, and attachment to principles that may or
may not have any basis in reality.
Repeatedly, throughout its history, the country's backbone has been
communication along with numerous inventions that have advanced and
expanded the potential for interconnection. Since the advent of the
internet, this capacity has grown exponentially. On a global level, news
is instantaneous and compelling in its potential to unite or divide
This brings us to Donald Trump, and his entrance on the national and
international stage. His charisma as a savvy media driven entertainer
catapulted him into power. In the years leading up to his election, the
media became fixated on him, and this obsession continues to this day.
From an astrological perspective, Trump's public persona is exemplified
by his Sun and Uranus in Gemini. This shows a very eccentric,
independent, magnetic, strong willed and “know it all” type of
personality. His vocal expression tends to be impulsive, rash, animated,
persuasive, inflammatory, and entrenched in his own point of view.
The synergy between Trump and the USA chart shows a profound alignment
and activation of the country's Mars in Gemini. Each zodiac sign has a
vast array for potential expression. In the case of Gemini, the low side
demonstrates characteristics such as dishonesty, duplicity, bias,
prejudice, gossip and slander. The high side of Gemini expresses as
conversational, impartial, honest, transparent, fact based, synergistic,
realistic and wise.
From an astrological point of view, Trump's personality literally
incites and activates the divisive and fighting spirit inherent in the
country's collective mindset. Over the coming weeks, transiting Mars in
Gemini activates the exact numerical degree of this potent alignment
between Trump and the nation's core identity. The timing is
extraordinary, and momentum builds to the second half of April, and the
first week of May. Even though it appears that a constitutional crisis
has been averted, April is a critical turning point in this complex and
controversial predicament.
In this war of words, there are no easy and quick solutions, and once
again, planetary trends suggest the timing. During the final week of
April, two major planets are stationary, beginning a long retrograde
period. Pluto is retrograde from April 25 – October 3. Saturn is
retrograde from April 29 – September 18.
Not only are these two potent and consequential planets going retrograde
within days of each other, but they are within three degrees of each
other in the zodiac sign of Capricorn. It is rare for these two planets
to come together. The last time that Saturn and Pluto joined was 1982.
Therefore, planet Earth is witnessing the completion of a 38 year cycle
with exactitude in January 2020.
Another major factor plays into and intensifies the slowly approaching
conjunction of Saturn and Pluto. The south lunar node, referred to as
the Dragon's Tail, is currently in Capricorn. As Saturn goes retrograde
on April 29, it exactly conjoins the south lunar node. Taking all these
factors into consideration, a consequential reckoning is taking place on
many levels of our collective experience as humanity stands at a karmic
This is a very big deal with far reaching repercussions, far beyond
Trump and the current administration. Saturn is a planet of principles,
the foundation of rules, laws, regulations, social structures and
government. Pluto is the wrecking ball of planets. In mythology, Pluto
is god of the underworld. One of its primary functions is to expose
corruption, and dismantle structures that allow individuals and groups
to hide in the shadows of criminality.
Energetically, it appears that very consequential and heavy situations
are moving full speed ahead, and there is progress. However, a great
deal of data will surface during the month of April, and it may take
months to assimilate and integrate this information to a point of
clarity, effective action and resolution. In the meantime, many areas of
our collective experience may hang in the balance.
On a personal level, it can be helpful to know where Saturn and Pluto
are transiting through your astrology chart. These are areas of life
that may feel out of your control, and appear to be deteriorating. This
can be frustrating to say the least, but these areas of life can benefit
and improve through realistic appraisal, discipline, patience and a good
dose of detachment.
Lightening up the planetary perspective is the Full Moon on April 19,
followed by the Sun's entrance into Taurus on the 20th. Not only is this
Easter weekend, but Earth Day is the 22nd. Especially pay attention to
the Sun's conjunction with Uranus in Taurus exact at 7:05 pm on Earth Day.
Uranus entered Taurus on March 6, and will remain in this very earthy
and practical zodiac sign for the next 7 years. As the Sun joins and
activates Uranus on Earth Day, new trends will be illuminated, because
Uranus is the planet of innovation and progress. Amplifying the body's
sensing capacity, this activation has the potential to bring more
awareness to one's physical reality. Over the next seven years, there
will be major advancements in understanding the body, and the
multidimensional nature of existence. Uranus in Taurus supports
initiatives on behalf of the environment, and the sustainability of life
on Earth.
In the early 1980's, I participated in an organization named CHOICE, an
acronym for Choosing Healthy Options In Changing Environments. We hosted
think tank workshops on a variety of topics including the natural
environment, lifestyle, healing, future trends, and the unfolding of
global consciousness.
Planetary trends during April present this choice. As individuals, as a
nation, and as a planetary organism, we may ask ourselves, “What is
healthy, what is life giving and life sustaining?” Real and eternal
answers promise to surprise the mind, and delight the senses. Stepping
aside from the noisy distractions of daily life, planting feet and
standing tall, it's time to plug into beautiful and precious Earth.
March 2019
Belinda C. Dunn
Mercury retrograde
March 5 – 28
Uranus enters Taurus
March 6 @ 3:35 am
Pisces New Moon
March 6 @ 11:04 am
Spring Equinox
March 20 @ 5:59 pm
Aries/Libra Full Moon
March 20 @ 9:43 pm
As noted above, March is a month of significant and profound shifts in
astrological trends. The familiar adage, “March comes in like a lion and
goes out like a lamb,” sums up the prevailing atmosphere on many levels
of personal, transpersonal and collective experience. As the last
vestiges of fierce winter wind blow away stagnation, there is a sense of
purification and release in preparation for a major seasonal shift. By
month's end, a more gentle, grounding and calm atmosphere prevails.
Let's begin with Mercury entering a retrograde phase on March 5. In
addition, this is the day before a New Moon in Pisces. Therefore, at the
very end of a lunar cycle, in the dark of the Moon, Mercury joins in to
convey a message of slow down, don't think so fast, it's OK to pause and
Why exactly? More than likely, a conundrum of ambiguous mixed messages
are swirling around, presenting complex dilemmas, and there are no easy
answers. This is not the time to make assumptions, but to ask questions,
seek guidance, and listen sincerely. Answers are forthcoming, but they
cannot be clearly accessed from habitual ways of thinking and doing.
Contributing to a prevailing atmosphere of uncertainty, and even a sense
of “flying blind,” is the New Moon on March 6. As our Sun and Moon
conjoin, they exactly align with Neptune, the planetary ruler of Pisces.
In mythology, Neptune is the god of oceanic depths, holding his trident,
ruling over the restless and mysterious realms of undulating seas.
Let's consider the fact that planet Earth is halfway through Neptune's
long term transit through Pisces (2012 – 2025). Just like the ocean,
Neptune's influence on terrestrial affairs can vacillate between extreme
highs and lows. Through various means, Neptune dissolves the boundaries
of everyday consciousness, opening perception to a multidimensional
cosmos. As the planet of contrast, its influence can feel confusing,
hard to define, and bring a person to their knees in surrender.
Astrologers attribute several important social trends to Neptune's
influence in Pisces. Considering that Pisces represents places for
retreat, confinement, healing and solitude, a variety of large
institutions are being affected. Prisons and the criminal justice system
are due for reform. Medical care and hospital systems are being bought
and sold, remodeled and expanded. Meanwhile, the planetary energies for
March shine a spotlight on the most needy and vulnerable sectors of the
Neptune's most fundamental influence is to escape or transcend. On one
hand, substance abuse is running rampant throughout society as people
seek diversion and escape from the pressures of daily life. Another
potential pitfall can manifest as apathy, aimlessness, self-pity and
On the other hand, there is a spiritual renaissance taking place as
meditation, yoga and a variety of spiritual techniques are growing in
public awareness. Thus, Neptune presents a stark contrast between
destructive options, and life promoting, healthy lifestyle choices.
When an individual is tapping into the highest potential for Neptune,
there is an attitude of “being in the world, but not of it.” In the
quest for meaning and transcendence, altered states of consciousness may
be invisible to the vast majority of people. However, to the person
experiencing these rarefied and elevated states, human life becomes a
gracious, beautiful and miraculous gift.
As astrology gives the gift of timing, let's lay out the time frame.
Look back to the powerful Super Full Moon on February 19. On that very
day, Mercury joined Neptune in Pisces. You may ask yourself, did
anything (events, discussions, creative projects, insights) call for
your attention? Contemplating the vast expanse of your eternal being . .
. is anything stirring and shifting in your consciousness? Be aware of
these subtle, or not so subtle, urges as Mercury goes retrograde on
March 5, followed closely by the Pisces New Moon on March 6.
Before and after, when Mercury goes direct on March 28, it is closely
aligned with Neptune (March 24 and April 2). This signals a decisive
moment, but complete clarity and resolution may not come until mid-April
when Mercury leaves the zodiac sign of Pisces and enters Aries on April 17.
At the time of writing this article, Trump just announced a national
emergency. Considering the planetary trends, especially in regard to
Mercury, it doesn't bode well for successful manifestation of long-term
goals. In fact, the very image of Mercury in Pisces brings to mind a
child playing at the seaside, only to have the next wave dissolve the
sand castle in a matter of minutes. In the meantime, chaos and confusion
reign supreme, keeping law makers on their toes in terms of feasible
This brings us to the Spring Equinox on March 20. Typically, this a time
of tremendous surges in vitality and energy. However, with Mercury in
Pisces for 9 weeks (February 10 – April 17), there may be a lag time.
The dreamy, emotional, fertile, romantic, artistic and humanitarian
energy of Pisces prevails for the time being.
That said, the Equinox is powerfully combined with a Full Moon. On the
evening of March 20, just as our Sun is entering Aries, the Moon enters
Libra. This Full Moon can surface and illuminate issues in regard to
relationships. Generally, the Sun in Aries tends to be self-motivated
and independently driven, whereas the Moon in Libra is about
collaboration, and finding common ground.
In big and small ways, lines are drawn in the sand. You may consider the
areas of your life where you need to act boldly and independently, and
the areas of your life where it is advantageous to slow down in order to
collaborate and harmonize with others. For the most part, relationships
require adaptation and conversation. This Full Moon highlights these
important matters that can make or break relationships and alliances.
In the swimming, swirling and choppy seas of human experience, these
prominent astrological trends can feel like treading water, in a sink or
swim environment. The collective consciousness may be faced with events
that incite a veritable tidal wave of emotional reaction, changing
terrain and altering perception. In times like this, when large numbers
of people encounter forces beyond their control, there may be no other
choice than to get out of the way, and seek higher ground.
There is good news from the planetary perspective as Uranus enters
Taurus on March 6. Just in the nick of time, Taurus is the most earthy,
grounding and stabilizing of zodiac energies. Boosting common sense and
bolstering morale, Uranus will remain in Taurus for the next seven years.
Uranus is the planet of innovation and progress. There will be advances
in the flow and exchange of money and resources. New channels will open
for an abundance of positive green energy to flow throughout the world
economy. This includes an increasing awareness of the natural
environment, and the mounting crisis for survival and sustainability.
Inventive and solution oriented, Uranus in Taurus is ready and poised to
offer viable options in many areas of our collective experience. Uranus
in Taurus can enhance a mindset of prosperity, and an attitude of
gratitude. In so many instances, there is plenty of money and plenty of
good will, but society is encountering a problem with distribution.
This brings us to another major planetary influence, the approaching
joining of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Even though the exact
conjunction takes place in January 2020, humanity is already
experiencing a building crescendo of far reaching challenges that demand
fundamental change. As the planet of law and order, Saturn's influence
is always very consequential. Meanwhile, Pluto is exposing the corrosive
nature of greed and self interest on many levels of our collective
experience. More on this next month, as these heavy hitters come within
3 degrees of each other, and enter their yearly retrograde phase by the
end of April.
On the personal level, you might be encountering real life circumstances
that require a transformation of what is not working in your life.
Saturn in Capricorn instills a sense of duty, grit and determination to
work through the underlying issues that Pluto brings to the surface. The
breakdown/breakthrough process is leading to a rebuilding in some area
of your life. Resolution and direction is supported by a patient,
practical, disciplined and focused approach.
All together, the planetary trends during March invoke vision, inspiration,
direction and clarity. Take time out from the busyness of everyday life
to settle and quiet the monkey mind. Pay attention to the still, small
voice within. Guidance is readily available in moments of receptive quietude.
Looking up, every moment is a chance to choose wisely, bringing heaven
a little closer to planet Earth.
February 2019
Belinda C. Dunn
Aquarius New Moon
February 4 @ 4:04 pm
Pisces/Virgo Super Full Moon
February 19 @ 10:54 am
As February begins, the northern hemisphere is cloaked in the barren,
frigid and dark days of winter. Marking the halfway point through this
introspective season, a variety of ancient traditions honor this potent
phase transition. On February 2, the Celtic tradition observes Imbolc,
the Christians celebrate Candlemas, and the American version is
Groundhog Day.
From an astrological standpoint, Sun and Mercury are transiting through
Aquarius, the most progressive and forward thinking zodiac sign.
Aquarius instills an atmosphere of experimentation and invention,
beckoning humanity to dream of a positive and light filled future.
In the depths of winter, how timely and perfect it is to settle around
an enlivening fire, hands wrapped around a warm beverage, bolstering
one's spirit. Sitting, drifting between past and future, remembering,
dreaming of sunshine, fantasizing about the garden to come, planning and
planting the next season in your mind's eye.
As the clock ticks in this 24/7 world, the normal human tendency is to
to keep going with social and work commitments, but this timely passage
is rich with potential, and these final weeks of winter are best used
for restoration. Meta-physician Richard Rudd writes, “Most of humanity
(in the northern hemisphere) find the early months of the year a
depressing time, and often seek to escape it in all kinds of ways. There
is a great collective pressure to get caught in negative ways of
thinking during this time, which can very easily cause us to lose track
of our true direction. The best advice is to shut down one's outer
faculties as much as possible during this period, but to open up one's
inner senses as widely as possible.”
Contributing to a sense of new beginnings, on February 4 a New Moon in
Aquarius underscores the need for quiet stillness to contemplate and
clarify direction. On an annual basis, this auspicious lunation marks
the Chinese New Year, and 2019 is associated with the year of the boar
or earth pig. The very image of the pig is that of living close to the
land, feet firmly planted with a spirit of sensual enjoyment and humble
appreciation. Along with plenty of celebration and fanfare, the entire
global family enters 2019 on the same calendar page.
The astrology chart for this New Moon is very dynamic, thus the need to
maintain balance between inner connection and outer action. Let's start
with Mars in its transit through Aries (January 1 – February 14). Mars
will fight for what it thinks it right, and this determined and
potentially self centered combination has been pouring fuel on the
flames of discord. Thus far, even though the overall mood has been full
speed ahead due to all planets direct, the road has been filled with
potholes and numerous hurdles to overcome.
Rambunctious and risky, forceful and insistent, February begins with
Mars in stressful alignment with Pluto. In this case, might does not
necessarily make right. This intense, complex and turbulent planetary
activation is to be watched, and it is advisable to avoid taking
unnecessary risk unless absolutely necessary.
You may recall, two slow moving and generational planets, Uranus and
Pluto, have been in discordant alignment for a number of years (2011 –
2018). A real game changer, these planets has been working together in a
breakdown/breakthrough evolutionary transformation. Essentially, this is
the signature aspect of the tumultuous decade drawing to a close.
Therefore, more than likely, we will see a culmination of this chaos
from February 1 to February 13 as Mars squares Pluto (February 1), and
conjoins Uranus (February 13). This revolutionary planetary combination
presses the point in a make it or break it moment.
Contributing to the intensity, is the fact that Uranus is in its final
and critical degree of Aries, thus completing a seven year phase of
major planetary change.
To recap Uranus in Aries . . . it was the summer of 2010 when Uranus
first touched down in Aries. Some of the most notable events include the
Gulf Oil spill, and Arab spring. Thus, a seven year phase of
destabilizing tumult started. Not only has this affected governing
structures, but woven together with widespread social upheaval, humanity
is facing the very real threat of environmental degradation as numerous
species struggle for survival. Uranus in Aries has brought to our
attention the painful reality of arrogant, short sighted and self
absorbed tendencies in self and others, and the complicated problems
that arise when unilateral decisions are made.
Despite the unnerving and unsettling upheaval of early February, there
are strong protective influences from Jupiter this month. Jupiter is
currently transiting through Sagittarius, supporting an optimistic
attitude that generates positive outcomes. Together with Mars in Aries,
and the New Moon in Aquarius, these zodiac signs work in concert to
expand horizons, and illuminate progressive solutions to the many
challenges that plague society at this time.
On February 14, Valentine's Day by the way, Mars enters Taurus. After
six weeks of Mars in Aries, this will feel like a welcome relief. It's
deep breath time. The tone shifts to a more common sense, back to
business atmosphere. Grounded and realistic, Mars will remain in Taurus
through March. So once the firestorm is over, we can look forward to
approximately six weeks of relative stability, hopefully. Hard to
predict in these turbulent times, but overall, Mars in Taurus seeks
comfort and tranquility.
Mercury enters Pisces on February 10, so look for an about face, and
midstream shift for the next nine weeks until Mercury enters Aries on
April 16. This includes a retrograde phase (March 5 - 28), so the sign
of the fishes (Pisces) may be swimming in the murky waters of toxicity.
On the other hand, it is quite possible to cultivate and choose the
crystal clear waters of a blue lagoon, teaming with creative and
productive life force.
Thus, the year begins with Mars in Aries pushing, fighting and
reinforcing the necessity for change. Then Mercury enters Pisces for the
next 9 weeks. These planetary factors mark a major shift during the week
of February 10. It may feel energetically confusing. We may find
ourselves in contradictory situations, even at cross purposes with outer
manifestations and expectations.
Keeping track of planetary influences in the USA astrology chart is
revealing. For the past several years, Neptune in Pisces has been
joining the USA progressed Sun. This very slow moving and long term
influence has been disorienting, especially in terms of the national and
collective identity.
One of the most obvious outcomes can been seen in the area of
communication, the media, and the confusion as to what constitutes “real
news” and “fake news.” The week of February 17, Mercury transits over
this important point in the USA chart, so be on the lookout for more
smoking mirrors along with delusions, and possible misinterpretation and
distortion of basic facts.
More than likely, whatever arises this final week of February will
require careful thinking as Mercury is preparing to go retrograde on
March 5. It will take time to sort through the facts, and full clarity
and resolution may not be possible until mid-April. This is the case for
individuals as well as the nation.
Amplifying these themes is the full illumination and intensity of
another SuperMoon Full Moon on February 19 as the Sun enters Pisces. The
chart for this lunation shows Mercury exactly conjoining Neptune. On one
hand, there is potential for extraordinary breakthroughs in
consciousness, and massive amounts of insight and information will be
surging into the light of day.
On the other hand, the chart for this Full Moon shows the Moon in
practical and fact based Virgo. This can only add to the atmosphere of
confusion between fact and fiction, reality and illusion. This strong
polarity can feel like an insurmountable gap between ideals and reality.
While this can play out in a variety of ways in one's personal life, it
is quite evident on the national level. The country was founded on high
ideals, and its time to go back to the drawing board in terms of
practical, realistic solutions.
Another grounding and practical trend begins on February 3 as Venus
enters Capricorn where she will remain for the remainder of the month.
Venus is normally sensuous, creative, gentle, kind and loving, but Venus
in Capricorn tends to be all business, more serious, even cold and
detached. So midst all the flurry of Valentine sentiment, this can place
many relationships in high alert, and bring more serious issues to the
forefront. Especially watch the week of February 18; Venus joins heavy,
serious Saturn on Monday, and controlling, intense Pluto on Friday.
Exposing the underbelly of any relationship, this combination can
provide an honest reckoning of connection, affection, and what truly
There is one more planetary shift to note, and this is Chiron's entrance
into Aries on February 18. It's fascinating to note that Uranus is
completing a seven year trend in Aries, as Chiron begins an eight year
trend in Aries.
As with each zodiac sign, there is a wide spectrum in expression. The
low side of Aries can express as self-absorption, bullying, and to the
extreme, narcissistic personality disorder. The transit of Uranus
through Aries has brought increased public awareness of these types of
personalities. The high side of Aries is bold and brave, expressed in
heroic action for the good of all. As Chiron enters Aries, there is
potential for awareness and healing of these tendencies in self and
others as well as society at large.
As February concludes with Sun, Mercury and Neptune in the zodiac sign
of Pisces, it can be helpful to contemplate the meaning of earthly
incarnation. The true purpose of this world is veiled for most of
humanity. Religion, philosophy and spirituality attempts to define what
can only be experienced.
As the 12th and final sign of the zodiac wheel, Pisces encourages
release, forgiveness, purification, faith, and sublime trust in the
goodness, truth and beauty of life. The word that comes to mind is
liminal, defined in the dictionary as “barely perceptible, relating to a
sensory threshold.” In this era of dissolving structures and widespread
consternation, perhaps tapping into one's faith is the only reliable and
constant response.
Belinda C. Dunn is a professional astrologer with over 40+ years
experience. She is available for your personal consultation. EMAIL:
belinda@astrodelight.com PHONE: 828-215-2101
Belinda C. Dunn
January 2019
Solar Eclipse in Capricorn
January 5 @ 8:28 pm
Lunar Eclipse in Leo/Aquarius
January 21 @ 12:16 am
Welcome to a new year, according to the Gregorian calendar, I might add.
Throughout the ages, a variety of cultures have structured cycles into
set patterns based on belief and observation. For example the Mayan
calendar contains a very different interpretation of cycles, and the
Chinese New Year begins on February 5 this year. East and west, ancient
and modern, the calendar is the means by which human affairs can be on
the same page, and organized within a timely manner.
In terms of January, there are many astrological indications of major
cycles of completion, and significant new developments. Let's begin with
a Solar Eclipse on January 5. This is the first eclipse in Capricorn
since December 2000. The eclipses follow an 18.6 year cycle, and right
on time, 2019 begins with an eclipse in the zodiac sign of the mountain
goat, an apt symbol in these current times.
The mountain goat is known for its agility in maneuvering through very
complex and rocky terrain. There is no room for a misstep, and the
slippery slope is ever present as a reminder to stay true to the marked
path, holding steady and alert to potential detours and change of direction.
The zodiac sign of Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the tough love, reality
check planet. Its very tone and resonance can feel heavy, determined and
inevitable. Like gravity, Saturn holds weight, and even though gravity
is taken for granted most of the time, there is no denying gravity.
Repeatedly, through decades of observation, I have seen a variety of
responses to Saturn's influence. All the way from pessimism and
depression to resistance and fear, it is tempting to give in to the
slippery slope of negativity.
However, Saturn has a very constructive side, a purpose despite life's
distractions and detours. As the planet of time and space, form and
function, Saturn is a constant reminder of the temporary nature of
physicality. Saturn beckons to higher ground and broader perspective. As
the planet of consequence, Saturn doesn't let an individual, group or
nation get away with anything less than responsibility and integrity.
At the time of this Solar Eclipse, the Sun and Moon join together,
couched between Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Astrologers call this
rare planetary alignment a stellium. Not only does a stellium deliver
powerful and pointed focus, Capricorn is the zodiac sign of law and
order. This entire combination signals a year whereby there is little
room for deviation from what is moral, upright and true. When Saturn is
involved, there is no getting around or avoiding the consequences, and
all these factors join together as a planetary reset of gigantic
What does this look like for the individual, nation and the world? On
the personal level, a variety of restrictions can be apparent and need
to be addressed. Saturn is associated with the bones, joints, teeth and
aging. In general, January is a good month to address underlying health
issues, and aim to strengthen areas that need fortification.
Even though Saturn brings up problems that need to be addressed, it
offers the perfect antidote of discipline, perseverance and
determination. For example, it is easier to stick with a weight loss
program during a Saturn transit. Another example is that of sticking to
a budget or any other issue that needs structure and follow through. As
2019 begins, the planets are fully behind the successful formulation and
step by step completion of short and long term goals. Thus, it is
important to clarity intentions in a very realistic and effective manner.
The next level of Saturn's influence takes us to the national picture.
The tug of war between political parties and competing ideologies is
destined to get ugly (sorry, this is the word that popped in). But, the
writing is on the wall, so to speak. For two years, a toxic stew of
controversy has been simmering, and now it begins to boil over. It's
going to be messy, wasteful and hard to clean up.
A rising crescendo of voices are speaking out on behalf of the country's
welfare. The nation is faced with many challenges desperately needing
attention, and the dysfunctional state of government is hitting a crisis
point under Trump's leadership. In the tumult and chaos of this
administration, Trump may very well be doing his job in the larger
cosmic picture. Acting as a reflection of many social ills, trickster
Trump is mirroring considerable dysfunction that must be addressed in
order to move forward into the next decade.
In a social environment where the national dialog has become riddled
with lies and deceit, this is a time of reckoning. The fault lines are
already visible. The prominent influence of Saturn throughout January,
spells out a candid and transparent view of reality. The destiny of the
nation rests on these weeks and coming months as the tide turns toward
responsible action, and restoration of integrity that is so closely
aligned with national identity.
From an astrological standpoint, as Pluto continues its slow march
through Capricorn (2008-2023), the true purpose of these drastic
measures will be revealed. Pluto serves to dismantle and evolve
structures that have outlived their relevance.
We can look forward to key turning points as Saturn enters Aquarius in
spring 2020, and Pluto enters Aquarius in spring of 2023. Like a fire
moving through a forest, dead wood is being cleared. This is a “don't
look back” moment as humanity is catapulted into the future. Over the
course of the next five years, as these heavy weight planets leave
Capricorn and enter Aquarius, rebuilding is destined to begin in earnest.
On the global level, Saturn influence points to dwindling resources for
many of Earth's inhabitants, and impending environmental crisis.
Governments and corporations are the social structures that support
progress and prosperity, but in a multitude of cases, these enormous
entities have been neglecting social and fiscal responsibility to the
larger whole. The restricting and limiting effect of Saturn can put
resources to the test on many levels.
Additionally, Saturn's slow, but sure, approach to Pluto, is a key
component in the trends for 2019. Even though this joining is exact in
January 2020, there is building momentum throughout 2019. This is the
month to pay attention, and watch arising themes and circumstances,
especially as the Solar Eclipse acts as the kick-off point for the next
12 months. Additionally, Sun, Moon and Mercury activate these
consequential planets on January 2, 5, 6, 11, 13, 18, 29.
To understand the importance and strength of this alignment, it is
important to consider Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, coinciding with
an enormous economic bailout. Despite what authorities say, the economy
is still in flux due to many complex factors. Shortly after this
collapse, Uranus entered Aries and aligned with Pluto for a total of
seven times through 2010 – 2017. This very destabilizing and chaotic
planetary trend has left many financial institutions, corporations and
governments in a vulnerable position.
On January 6, closely following the Solar Eclipse, Uranus in Aries
stations direct, making its final exclamation point before entering
Taurus on March 6. This is a major energetic and evolutionary shift.
Throughout the winter months, it is as though the log jam in the river
of life is now free to untangle and flow. Over the next seven years,
Uranus Taurus will provide an optimal mindset for progress in the areas
of investment, finances, and environmental protection. Innovation is the
way to go.
If this isn't enough to kick off 2019, there is a Lunar Eclipse on
January 20/21. Known as a Super Blood Full Moon, this is one of the most
potent eclipses of the year. Orbiting very close to the Earth, the Moon
tends to stir up and amplify emotional reaction. During this eclipse,
the Sun is in Aquarius and the Moon is in Leo. This is the final eclipse
activating the zodiac signs of Leo/Aquarius that has been in effect for
two years. Events surrounding this eclipse further the necessity for
closure. The atmosphere is supercharged and unpredictable, and may very
send shock waves of change throughout the system.
As an optimist, I would prefer to sugar coat reality, but January is a
month of very challenging planetary trends. Many people and groups will
remain on the low road of cynical and pessimistic negativity. In fact,
this attitude is rampant in our world these days. Humanity can go
kicking and screaming, complaining and resisting, OR . . .???
It is clear, this unprecedented and unique moment is calling humanity to
the high road. For decades, light workers around the globe have held the
vision and the space to actualize a brilliant future in alignment with
Source. Beyond little minds of self interest and personal gain, there is
a larger Plan at work here. Hear and heed the call, the paradigm shift
is happening! It is no longer off in some distant future. It is here and
now, and each of us are called to participation.
December 2018
Mercury Direct
December 6 @ 4:22 pm
Sagittarius New Moon
December 7 @ 2:20 am
Winter Solstice
December 21 @ 5:23 pm
Capricorn/Cancer Full Moon
December 22 @ 12:49 pm
Here we stand at year's end. Another year older, hopefully another year
wiser . . . dancing on the razor's edge of past and future. During this
season of sacred honoring, celebration and contemplation, each of us, in
own way, are faced with the reality of the current human condition,
stuck between a rock and a hard place. No doubt, the “shift is hitting
the fan,” and we may finding ourselves asking a whole litany of vital
questions. Seeking answers to such questions as, “What is the meaning
and purpose of life?”
There are no easy answers in these challenging times. For many people
the world over, humanity's current trajectory appears grim and fated,
dreadful and hopeless. And yet, during this season of celebration, it is
more important than ever to promote kindness and foster levity. Moment
by moment, fanning the flames of inspiration, rather than flames of
hatred and division. Really and truly, one heart at a time, finding
light in the face of darkness.
The planetary trends are full on, 100% behind this sentiment. On
December 7, a New Moon in Sagittarius sets the stage. The astrology
chart for this lunation shows a major emphasis on the zodiac signs of
Sagittarius (Sun, Moon, Jupiter), and Pisces (Mars, Chiron, Neptune).
Both of these signs are related to Jupiter, a planet that bestows
optimism and confidence even in the most troubling of circumstances.
In fact, on the very day of this auspicious New Moon, Mars joins
Neptune, furthering the themes of inspiration. Since this word
repeatedly comes to mind as December's message, and just for fun, I
looked up inspiration in Webster's dictionary. The definition is quite
telling, “A divine influence or action on a person believed to qualify
him (or her) to receive and communicate revelation.”
This is an important thing to consider as the majority of people look
outwardly for inspiration, but dissecting the word further, inspiration
is a clear directive to go “in” and “spire.” Reminiscent of a bell tower
rising up to meet Spirit, current planetary trends provide profound
ascending potential for those prepared for these extraordinary times.
Genuine inspiration is intangible yet real, infused with truth, infused
with a sense of clarity and mission.
Another analogy can be helpful. You may recall flying, and taking off in
stormy, foggy, choppy weather. The view is obscured, the atmosphere is
turbulent, there is nothing to see outside the window, except gray. But
suddenly, you can feel the plane powerfully meet the resistant, and
minutes later, you experience a soaring, buoyant sensation as the plane
bravely breaks free from gravity and the heaviness of terrestrial
affairs. Rising above the clouds, the Sun is radiant, reassuring,
shining bright . . . as always.
Current planetary trends have wonderful potential to lift consciousness
out of the muck and mire, but it is a choice. Many people will give into
the heaviness, seeming to lose momentum, unsure and unaware of
possibility. This is where vision comes in. Jupiter entered the zodiac
sign of prophecy on November 8, but it is the New Moon in Sagittarius on
December 6, along with Mercury going direct on the very same day, that
puzzle pieces appear to fall into place.
If this isn't enough to throw open the blinds and let sunlight in, Mars
is transiting through Pisces, joining Neptune exactly on this
Sagittarius New Moon. Taken together, these planetary influences
actively support spontaneous opening of consciousness. Premonition,
prophecy and vision are all heightened. However, it is advisable to
remember the vastness of universal dimensions, and even though there is
an opening, people tend to draw upon and attune to the level of their
At this time in history, social discourse is riddled with lies,
exaggeration and untruths. It has become common place to interject
falsehoods into the system, but they fester like a virus, throwing the
entire system into chaos. Of course, the internet is buzzing with all
sorts of proclamations and predictions. Some of it accurate, some of it
ludicrous, and much that is downright bizarre. The common adage,
“Actions speak louder than words,” can cut through and offset a
confusing spin of fact and fiction.
But that's not all, during the week between Christmas and New Year's,
Mars joins Chiron. We will experience a building crescendo throughout
December, testing the beliefs we hold dear, and ultimately culminating
in a new view. In this case, as the wounded healer, Chiron works to
illuminate false and destructive mindsets that keep humanity lost,
trapped and stuck in illusion. This entire alignment begs the question,
“What do you believe?”
Over the course of December, more than likely, there will be events,
perhaps conversations and news, that conspire to shatter preconceived
notions. Intertwined within this process is a deep letting go.
Metaphorically, and perhaps literally, there can be a throwing up of
one's hands in surrender. However, only in this yielding and surrendered
state can truth stream forth.
Winter Solstice on December 21 supports an atmosphere of meditative
contemplation. The Sun has just entered Capricorn, the zodiac sign of
tradition, and it is natural to reminisce during the holiday season.
Familiar smells, sights and sounds are embedded in every cell. In
preparation for the calendar page to turn from 2018 to 2019, it is right
and natural to remember family and friends with a toast of good cheer.
On December 22, within 24 hours of the annual solstice, there is a Full
Moon. Solstice is the longest night of the year, however the Sun in
Capricorn is opposite the Moon in Cancer, shining in full illumination
of the star studded sky. A Full Moon is always an optimal time to see
through the veils of consciousness, and penetrate to the heart of any
matter. This is especially true this year as these two powerful
astrological events join together.
Once our Sun enters Capricorn, the collective mood deepens, becoming
more reverential, sober and solemn. As 2018 draws to a close, the planet
Saturn signals completion and readiness for what's next. As of December
12, Saturn returns to nine degrees of Capricorn, the same degree of its
retrograde station point last April.
Saturn spends approximately 2 ½ years in each zodiac sign, and Saturn is
completing its first year in Capricorn. As the taskmaster planet, Saturn
helps us keep a realistic eye on goals. Typically a worthwhile endeavor
takes discipline, focus, planning and intention. Even though the
challenges of 2018 are wrapping up, it is helpful to take stock in
preparation for 2019.
Contributing to a genuine feeling of putting the past behind, and
beginning a new chapter, Mars enters Aries on New Year's Eve (9:20 pm
EST). By now, Mars has been in Pisces since mid-November. The high side
of Mars in Pisces is inspiration, guidance, compassion, faith and
spiritual surrender. The more difficult and low side of Mars in Pisces
can be apathy, addiction, resignation, despair and confusion. As Mars
enters bold, energetic, courageous Aries, the tone really changes.
Surely this is a beneficial way to begin a new year.
Drawing upon the fabled story of Scrooge along wit h the ghosts of
past/present/future, the holiday season is typically a time for
generosity and consideration of those in need. During December, numerous
and rare planetary influences join together to illuminate a tremendous
contrast in life circumstances around the globe.
In this era of rampant materialism and spiritual bankruptcy, it is
tempting to lose faith in humanity. But, in this season of contradiction
and contrast, perhaps keeping the faith alive is the whole point. My
first yoga and astrology teacher, Kriyananda, repeatedly pointed out,
“There is only one miracle, and that is the softening of the hardened
human heart.” Saints and sages, meta-physicians and mystics all claim
that deep within each heart is a wellspring of love, inspiration,
compassion and goodness. This is the real miracle, and the true joy,
abiding within each and everyone.
On this note, signing off for 2018, I send love and best wishes for
peace, prosperity and happiness to you and your loved ones. 2019, here
we come !!!
November 2018
Scorpio New Moon
November 7 @ 11:02 am
Mercury Retrograde
November 16 @ 8:33 pm
Sagittarius/Gemini Full Moon
November 23 @ 12:39 am
As daylight noticeably shortens, and shadows grow long, November is a
month for contemplation as significant shifts in consciousness take
place. Altering perception and shifting priorities, planetary trends
demonstrate new patterns coming into play.
On this dimension of truth and consequence, we will witness a variety of
long term conditions take a turn for the better, and naturally evolve to
the next stage. This includes secrets coming into the light of day along
with increased support for telling the truth and exposing lies.
Palpable, heartfelt and relevant, life never ceases to amaze and astound.
On November 7, the day after elections in the U.S., a Scorpio New Moon
sets the stage for these new beginnings. No matter the outcome, the very
process has brought to light the underbelly of corruption, distortion
and manipulation characterizing current election practices. And, very
importantly, it seals the deal on a full year of Jupiter's transit in
Scorpio that has churned and burned one illusion after the other.
Gigantic, massive Jupiter is the truth telling planet. Over the past
twelve months, Jupiter has been drilling deep beneath the surface of
everyday decorum to expose secrets. One investigation leads to the next,
fueling a treadmill of reaction and revenge. Collective emotions are raw
and exposed; similar to a wound that starts to heal only to be torn off
again. In fact, Scorpio's evolutionary job is to surface residual trauma
and repressed emotion so the organism can finally heal. When the time is
ripe, the process naturally occurs as a healing release that cannot be
denied or ignored.
On November 8, Jupiter makes its shift from deep, dark and mysterious
Scorpio to uplifting, exuberant, tell all Sagittarius. As people shake
off the limitations and burdens of long ago wounds, there will be a
collective readiness to share stories, learning and healing through
common experience.
Jupiter is the natural ruler of Sagittarius, therefore at home in this
zodiac sign. This amplifies and strengthens the transit's effect over
the next 12 months. November is the kick-off month for specific
archetypal themes, capturing humanity's imagination and attention for
months to come.
Accentuating this shift, Mercury is in Sagittarius and begins a
retrograde phase on November 16 that continues until December 6.
Additionally a Full Moon in the first degree of Sagittarius occurs on
November 23, exactly aligning with Jupiter.
Taking all this into consideration, it is helpful to pay attention to a
collective shift in consciousness. Jupiter transiting through
Sagittarius will expand horizons. As the zodiac sign of global
connection, we will see a renewed interest in international relations,
long distance travel, law, philosophy and spirituality. This soaring,
buoyant, optimistic potential supports the quest for understanding
across a wide spectrum of human experience.
Some people will seek out connection through travel, others through
higher education, others through the written and spoken word. Jupiter is
the planet of journalism and publishing, thus these fields will get a
boost of empowerment to get the truth out. In this era of misinformation
along with the confusion of “fake news” vs. real news, this will more
openness to learning, and education in general.
However, with Jupiter's expansive influence comes a tendency to
exaggerate, inflate, and promote unrealistic claims. There is a tendency
for scams and con jobs to surge in frequency. Gambling, and other risky
ventures can lead to downfall. Dishonesty already permeates the current
social discourse. As these tendencies are illuminated, the call for
truth and justice can only increase, but it will be a mixed bag of
tricks, and in my estimation, this is not the time to take unnecessary
The hot topic of immigration is at a crisis point on the southern
border. More than likely, the on-going debate and clash in belief
systems is going to intensify with Jupiter in Sagittarius. Major events
during November can press the point and set the stage for resolution
over the next year.
From a more personal perspective, let's consider Mercury retrograde
(November 16 – December 6). So often, when I tell a client that Mercury
is going retrograde, I hear a grunt of dissatisfaction and aggravation.
It's true, Mercury retrograde can cause mess-ups and delay for a variety
of reasons. Typically, there is a need for stepping back, and gathering
more information and perspective to make decisions and move forward.
This natural pause is best used for reviewing the course ahead. It is
advisable to avoid jumping to conclusions or trying to force
circumstances, as humans are apt to do. Since Mercury rules
communication and transportation, this is the month to carefully and
methodically make holiday travel plans.
Fast forward decisions in your mind. Do you really want to spend the
holidays with that group or people? How much do you want to spend? What
is the most meaningful way to celebrate this sacred season? And be sure
to double check dates and times for travel plans. Taking these pointers
into consideration, can vastly improve a Mercury retrograde phase.
Another major planetary retrograde started on October 6, and completes
on November 16. This is Venus, the planet of artistry, beauty, money,
relationships, affection and love. Contemplate these recent six weeks.
What have you learned about yourself in light of those you are in
relationship with? Have you stepped back from an important relationship?
Or have you received clarity and motivation to improve a relationship?
Have you seen deeply into the heart of matters, and come to clear
Throughout these autumn months, Venus engages Uranus in a stressful
opposition exactly three times (September 12, October 31, November 30).
Uranus is the wild card planet, shaking things up and turning things
around. This planetary combination instills a potent urge for freedom
from restriction. However, in matters of the heart, the virtues of
constancy, loyalty and honesty are essential.
Thus, it is a tumultuous month for relationship, but shaking things up
can be the perfect antidote for routine, and taking things for granted.
Like the lightening bolt, the action of Uranus tends to be sudden and
unpredictable. While this trend is unsettling, it can clear the way for
keen understanding and unmistakable clarity in this important area of
relationship including shared resources.
Adding to this complex picture is a major shift of the lunar nodes from
one zodiac polarity to another. Invisible yet potent, the nodes are
mystical points where the Sun, Moon and Earth align to manifest those
rare astronomical events known as eclipses. As part of an 18.6 year
cycle, the lunar nodes have been in Leo/Aquarius for several years.
Thus, recent eclipses, both solar and lunar, have been in these zodiac
signs including the unforgettable “Great American” Total Solar Eclipse
of August 2017.
On November 6, the north lunar node enters Cancer and the south lunar
node enters Capricorn. Therefore, for example, the upcoming solar
eclipse next January will be in Capricorn. With this shift, new
archetypal themes will emerge over the next several months.
The interplay of these zodiac signs, Cancer and Capricorn, is very
significant in terms of the nation's destiny, and obviously the country
is at a major turning point. Using the July 4, 1776 birth time, the
astrology chart shows the Sun in Cancer along with Venus, Jupiter and
Mercury. On the other side of the polarity is Pluto in Capricorn.
Pluto's orbit is a very slow 248 year cycle, and Pluto is returning to
this exact placement in 2022 – 2023. Pluto is the death/rebirth planet,
and its action is to dismantle those structures that are no longer
relevant. This is an evolutionary process as all manifestations reach a
point of breakdown and disintegration. Messy, inconvenient and
uncertain, this natural process brings breakthroughs while activating
the mysterious ways of transmutation and transformation. More on this in
January's article, but it is clearly evident that conditions are
unstable on many levels. Social unrest, financial instability,
diplomatic challenges, and more, add to the picture of a nation and
world in turmoil.
November is a month for seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, and
envisioning a benevolent future. Even in the darkest moments, a rare
alignment of planets is poised to bestow an atmosphere of hopeful
optimism. On Thanksgiving Day, our Sun enters Sagittarius and joins
Jupiter on the 26th. Adding talkative, communicative Mercury to the mix
gives a radical boost of clarity and truth.
In addition, there is a prominent Neptune influence as this planet goes
direct on Saturday, November 24, and Mars is transiting through Pisces
(November 15 – January 1, 2019). All together these trends can
illuminate the way forward, dispelling the murky, fogginess of
confusion, lies, deception and illusion.
As an astrologer, it looks like a veritable flood of information coming
into the light of day. On a spiritual level, this appears as Divine
intervention, a massive download of expanded perception that in turn
expands perspective. At the same time, in our collective experience,
these revelations can be challenged, therefore kicking up more dust,
bringing situations to a crisis point. More than likely, public
acceptance and integration of these extraordinary events will take some
Spanning eons, across cultures and beliefs, saints and sages speak of
the natural harmony of universal law. The essence of this law is devoid
of philosophical, religious and political dogma. This is truth with a
capital “T.” Beyond forms, beyond time, this manifested existence is but
a shadow of this eternal way. Within the heart of hearts of every being,
this Truth is present as love, kindness, forgiveness, compassion, grace
and liberation. May your holiday season be filled to overflowing with
these eternal riches, the true wealth of life. Enjoy!
Libra New Moon
October 8 @ 11:47 pm
Scorpio/Taurus Full Moon
October 24 @ 12:45 pm
October begins with our Sun, and its messenger Mercury, in the zodiac
sign of Libra. Symbolized by the scales of balance, daily life reveals
itself as a balancing act of epic proportions. Contemplation on Libra
reveals the fundamental nature of relationship on this dimension. Known
as one of the most karmic zodiac signs, Libra tests each of us in terms
of heart attitude, continually asking us to refine and upgrade this
delicate art of relationship harmony, or lack thereof.
To sum up October, is to sum up the current state of your personal
relationships. People are habituated to focus on linear, person to
person interaction, but don't leave out the most primary relationship of
all, the personal and direct connection with Source. In this sense,
there is a deep dive of consciousness to address some of the most
compelling questions of our interactive existence.
On a conscious, or perhaps unconscious level, October is a month of
preparation. Daylight is rapidly shortening, there is a frosty chill in
the morning air. You may find yourself looking ahead to the holidays.
Who will you be celebrating with? And as winter days descend, do you
know who you will be sitting with around the fire? This may seem very
simple and obvious, but as we take a peek at current planetary trends,
you will understand how significant this topic of relationship is.
Each zodiac sign has a planetary ruler. In this case, Venus is the
planet most closely associated with Libra. Many areas of life come under
the domain of Venus. A feminine goddess archetype, she is associated
with beautification in many forms. She is the artist's muse, the
gardener's inspiration, the decorator's assistant, the diplomat's right
hand. Every time you go to the closet and choose what to wear, Venus
comes to the forefront as the planet of adornment. As the planetary
ruler of the heart, Venus is continually nudging each human heart to
awaken and choose love, tenderness, kindness and connection.
Venus has a very mystical path through our sky, and her orbit has been
closely tracked since first humans gazed into vast reaches of heavenly
space. Like many planets, Venus goes through retrograde cycles. When
tracing these cycles over the course of years, Venus marks a perfect
five pointed star in the sky, the sacred pentagram.
On October 5, Venus makes her mark once again as she stations retrograde
for the next six weeks. The very word retrograde implies an instinct to
pull back for the purpose of review. In some situations and
relationships, this may appear as a very intense recoiling from the
unsettling, distasteful, crass and gross. You may find desires suddenly
take a turn in new directions, altering the course of relationships.
This natural and necessary phase of withdrawing can end some
relationships as well as deepen relationships that are meant to continue.
On the most subtle level, Venus represents core values, what we hold
dear. Many of us will be reviewing what is important and valuable, and
where this matters in a variety of settings. Differences in values may
arise in terms of money, sexuality, politics, art, decorations,
adornment . . . the list goes on.
Venus is also the planet of human love, thus deep seated issues around
affection, intimacy, self expression and compatibility can arise.
Sensibilities are heightened with Venus in magnetic and charismatic
Scorpio. The flip side of attraction is repulsion and revulsion, so
there is a wide range of potential effects.
Adding to this compelling and strange mix of planetary influences is the
fact that Venus engages Uranus in her retrograde phase. This means that
three times Venus will oppose Uranus, the wild card planet, so anything
goes during these potentially tumultuous and unsettling weeks. The exact
dates of this opposition are: September 12, October 29 & November 30.
Thus, we will see a distinct overhaul within and without. It's like
getting a makeover, whether we ask for it or not.
In addition to the more immediate and personal level, these trends point
to many twists and turns that can significantly alter social, national
and global interactions. Let's consider the fact that Mars is part of
this mix. During the entire month of October, Mars is completing its
lengthy transit through the zodiac sign of Aquarius (May 17 through
August 12 & September 11 through November 15).
Unsettling to say the least, Mars in Aquarius has kept us guessing, on
the edge of our seats, ready to pivot and change plans at a moment's
notice. An aura of uncertainty has kept many projects from moving
forward as one delay after another arises in surprising and unexpected ways.
The week of October 7 brings things to a potential breakthrough point.
First, there is a Libra New Moon on Monday evening. There can be a clear
and definitive knowing as to who you are, what is important to you, and
where you need to be. The desire for connection and belonging can set
the stage for releasing relationships that you have outgrown while
opening to new relationships. On a global level, new alliances will be
formed as old alliances fall away.
Secondly, on October 10, Venus engages Mars in a tense relationship
known as a square. Normally, Venus and Mars are lovers, working in
tandem, tuning out the world, locked in intimate, passionate embrace.
However, in this case, Venus and Mars are at war with each other,
rubbing each other the wrong way, on edge, grumbling, perhaps competing
for the upper hand.
Another piece to the planetary puzzle is Venus going retrograde in
Scorpio as Jupiter is completing a one year transit through Scorpio. As
you may recall, it was last October when Jupiter entered Scorpio, and
the first allegations of sexual misconduct and the #metoo movement
really got underway. On October 9, Mercury enters Scorpio to give voice,
and sum up many explosive revelations that have been brought into the
light of day. Nothing can hide in this rare moment of illumination.
Entering Scorpio on October 23, the Sun moves into stressful alignment
with Uranus in Taurus. By the next day, October 24, Moon joins Uranus in
this opposition, forming a T-square, and this is also a Full Moon.
Unusual and extraordinary events can transpire, especially around power
and shared resources. Information that has been carefully hidden may
surface, precipitating crisis, and the necessity for reorganization. By
Friday, October 26, as the Sun joins retrograde Venus, there is a keen
awareness of what needs to be released in order to move forward.
One more fascinating piece to this planetary puzzle . . . in a rare
moment, Pluto is crossing the ecliptic from north to south on October
31. Metaphorically, this represents Pluto's return to the underworld.
Pluto has a 248 year orbit, and the last time this occurred was 1770.
Pluto governs enormous collective cycles including the evolution of
collective consciousness.
A profound purging is in process. I am reminded of a burnt pan,
encrusted and abandoned as ruined, but this is a valuable cooking pan,
albeit neglected, so it is a matter of exerting the elbow grease to
scrub it clean to the very bottom. In other words, those individuals and
groups with clear goals and focused plans will not recoil from putting
in the time, effort and discipline to surmount obstacles.
Taken together, these trends point to conflict. There will be those
individuals and groups that hold fast to the past, and resist progress.
All these planets are in what astrologers call “fixed” zodiac signs. In
everyday language “fixed” basically means stubborn, obstinate,
unyielding, unteachable, unchanging. Thus, the powers that be may meet
their match in terms of strength and commitment.
Again, we are living the theme of core values. What can you stand by, no
matter what? What needs to be released once and for all? Even
destructive mindsets may be revealed for what they are, simply
programmed habit. As long standing conditions can no longer sustain in
the gale force winds of planetary change, these trends support a true
breaking free from limitations.
And, finally, be on the lookout for sabotage. On a personal level, this
means all the ways a well meaning individual can trip themselves up. On
a social level, we may see intense slander and subterfuge lay to waste
the best laid plans of the powerful and elite. The house of cards is
about to fall. I realize this is a strong statement, but these are the
words that come to mind as I contemplate these extraordinary planetary
Halloween, the very last day of October, takes on special significance
this year. A festival of rattling skeletons, and laughing away fear,
Halloween is the reminder that life on this dimension is transitory. Not
only is Pluto crossing the ecliptic signifying a breakdown/breakthrough
transformation of epic proportions, but Venus in Scorpio is preparing to
rise in the morning sky. Clearly, a multitude of terrestrial affairs
hang in the balance, awaiting the dawn.
September 2018
Belinda C. Dunn
Virgo New Moon
September 9 @ 2:01 pm
Autumnal Equinox
September 22 @ 9:55 pm
Aries/Libra Full Moon
September @ 10:52 pm
Bridging summer and autumn, September is typically a transitional month,
and this year is no exception. The first glimmers of autumn appear as
nature's palette takes on a distinctive range of golden oranges and
exuberant reds. Even the atmosphere shimmers with subtle shifts in light
and fragrance, the unmistakable signs of autumn's harvest.
The month begins as our Sun transits through the zodiac sign of Virgo.
Studious, diligent, conscientious and dedicated, Virgo lives to work and
serve the greater good. Virgo sees what needs to be done on the most
practical level. The astrological symbol of Virgo is the maiden holding
sheaves of freshly harvested grain, the very substance of nourishment.
She represents the perennial wisdom garnered through many incarnations
in this earth school.
In addition to the Sun in earthy Virgo, we start the month with three
planets in the earth sign of Capricorn. Mars, Saturn and Pluto span the
Capricorn sky. You may recall that Mars has been retrograde since June
26, and just turned direct on August 27. During the first ten days of
September watch for completion of many circumstances that may have been
put on hold over summer months.
In many cases, these circumstances have required patience as Mars
retrograde can be quite frustrating. But we're over the hump now, in new
territory, and the way forward becomes more apparent with each passing
day. Especially be aware of September 10 as Mars re-enters Aquarius, and
retraces its path for the coming weeks, fully completing its retrograde
shadow around the time of the New Moon on October 9. As the common adage
denotes, “Hindsight is clear sight.” You may find situations in your
life coming full circle over these coming weeks.
As September begins with Mars, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, let's take
a deeper look at these powerful planetary influences. Known by
astrologers as heavy hitters, these planets cannot be ignored when they
are activated by transit. Together in Capricorn, the zodiac sign of
consequences, it's as though the bill is due, and there's no getting
around it. The game is up, so to speak.
Capricorn is the most goal oriented, realistic and no nonsense of all
zodiac signs. Capricorn can take a person to the very heights of
successful contribution and accomplishment. Likewise, it can take people
to the very depths of depravity, loss and despair. Symbolized by the
mythological seagoat, a creature from the sea that climbs to the
mountain top, the very symbol represents potential extremes on this
planet of consequence.
Capricorn relates to physical structure. For example, the basement and
foundation of a building, and the bones and teeth in a human body. On a
societal level, Capricorn has everything to do with law and order,
taking the form of rules, laws and regulations. Just turn on the daily
news feed, and the story is there for all to see. Mars, Saturn and Pluto
are bringing circumstances to a head in an explosive, compelling, and
consequential crescendo.
Mars entered Capricorn on March 17, so after months in Capricorn,
including a retrograde phase, Mars enters new territory on September 9.
Mars is an activator, and perhaps the question to ask yourself is, “What
are you aware of now, that you weren't aware of earlier this year?“ Are
there specific situations in your life that have erupted? Situations
that require a diligent and determined effort to surmount and turn around?
You may wonder why I am putting so much emphasis on this topic, but the
very nature of current planetary trends is such that realistic appraisal
is the first step in overcoming great odds and making the ascent from
oceanic depths to the mountain top. During this year, Mars has been the
instigator, bringing conditions to a head, out in the open, while Saturn
and Pluto remain in Capricorn for years to come. In other words, the
social turmoil we are witnessing is not going away any time soon.
In fact, from an astrological perspective, Saturn and Pluto are
currently orbiting in parallel of declination, a technical term which
means the two planets are working together. In this case, they are
working together to reveal dysfunction on many levels, personally and
collectively. Their action is to breakdown barriers to change,
especially in structures that have outlived their purpose, or situations
that are not in alignment with universal law.
Saturn and Pluto align by zodiac degree in January 2020. Thus, the
circumstances of 2018 are part of a long term trend. The pressure to
evolve, the urgency to evolve, this task is calling each and everyone to
the task at hand.
As tempting as it may be, this is not a time to hide one's head in the
sand or put on rose colored glasses. For each individual has a part to
play in this divine tragedy/comedy. Humanity has put itself between a
rock and a hard place, and it is up to each individual to carve out
their life purpose, and unique contribution.
Here again, we turn to Capricorn as the zodiac sign of practical
manifestation. Whether a goal is tangible or spiritual, or most likely,
a combination of both, Capricorn helps to define the way ahead in the
most structured and disciplined, step by step way. More than likely, the
successful completion of goals will require exertion, dedication and
perseverance over a period of time.
On September 6, Saturn in Capricorn completes a 20 week retrograde
phase. Once again, this is another signal from the cosmos that now is
the time to move forward. Saturn's action tends to be cautious and
deliberate. If you are not sure of your steps, by all means, seek out
mentors, and listen to their experienced wisdom. Other people's input
can make all the difference in moving toward optimal and successful
outcomes. This is not the time to go it alone.
There is a New Moon in Virgo on September 9. As with any New Moon, this
is an auspicious time to clarify intention, set goals and renew
commitment. With the majority of planets in earth signs, September is a
month to honor and connect with earth energies, within and without. Pay
attention to your body, talk to your body, and listen to your body. Your
body is always ready with messages to support health and happiness. An
excellent resource on the holistic nature of body/mind/spirit is the
book, “Your Body Speaks Your Mind” by Deb Shapiro.
There are other planetary alignments for September that may present
contradictory impulses. On one hand, there is a powerful Jupiter/ Pluto
connection that can add a dose of good luck for those determined to
reach their goals. On the other hand, Mars makes its third and final
aspect to Uranus on September 18. I have been writing about this
planetary alignment over recent months as it tends to be a destabilizing
and rebellious influence. This combination can point to choosing your
battles wisely, in addition to clarifying specific and unique goals.
The Autumnal Equinox on September 22 is especially strong and
illuminating this year as the Sun enters Libra. Libra is the zodiac sign
of relationship, represented by the scales of balance. Initiating the
first stages of autumn, day and night are perfectly balanced. As the Sun
transits through Libra, many issues may come to a head in regard to
partnerships, and possible legal matters. The delicate art of diplomacy,
mediation and cooperation are essential components in all types of
relationships, personally, nationally and globally.
Closely following the equinox is a Full Moon on September 24. This Full
Moon promises to be spectacular as the Sun sets on the western horizon,
and the Moon rises on the eastern horizon. Known as the Harvest Moon,
the Moon appears enormous and awe inspiring, beautiful and entrancing.
From an astrological perspective, the Moon is in Aries, the zodiac sign
of “me.” Opposite the Moon is the Sun in Libra, the zodiac sign of “we.”
This will provide a fascinating combination of influences, especially as
Chiron, the wounded healer, joins the Moon in Aries. There is potential
struggle here. Aries wants to go it alone, but in many instances that
can lead to isolation and disconnect from those that can be a source of
assistance and support. The wounded inner self may be triggered, and
without even knowing it, certain personalities may reflexively and
defensively retreat. Of course, this is just one example of possible
effects. Simply put, these days can be very instrumental in clarifying
and healing the human pain of separation, loneliness and
misunderstanding. This is a time to go slow, bringing conscious
awareness into every thought, word and deed. Sharing validation,
reflection and positive reinforcement can overcome the tendency to
withdraw, and even deepen meaningful relationships.
Adding to this astrological puzzle, Saturn in Capricorn is in close
alignment with this Full Moon. Forming a T-square, this is one of the
most challenging of planetary influences. Once again, we turn to the
scales of balance with Saturn as the fulcrum upon which everything
rests. On an energetic level, T-squares can be very difficult, if not
impossible, to resolve. At best, it is the “agree to disagree” of
planetary signatures.
It can be very complicated and time consuming to balance a variety of
contradictory factors. In this case, a T-square represents three points,
the triad of the individual within the context of relationship within
the context of society's ethical and legal standards. Considering the
national discourse tends to revolve around an “us vs. them” mentality, I
expect many issues to collide in a decisive climax over these final
weeks of September.
In the evening on the very last day of September, Pluto in Capricorn
concludes its retrograde phase, and begins a seven month direct phase.
As the planet of breakdown/breakthrough, Pluto has been bringing to
conscious awareness many lessons around power, authority, government,
financial institutions, corporations and right livelihood.
This trend started in 2008 during the financial collapse, and the
lessons are pressing in very heavily now. It is the nature of Pluto to
transform, and in this case, it is transforming the institutions that
hold society together on a very large scale. Psychiatrist Dr. Judith
Orloff sums it up succinctly in her words, “We need a new conversation
around what it means to be successful and powerful to dispel
dysfunctional stereotypes that keep us from soaring. We must break the
rules of our psychotically materialistic society to find a more heartful
way to live that yields concrete, everyday gains.”
At this time of harvest, as the earth gives forth vital nourishment
essential to survival, may we cultivate genuine and real gratitude. We
live in a society driven by greed, filled with glitz and glitter,
overflowing with things, and yet the majority of people are starving,
lost in their own creation, searching for sustenance and meaning.
Perhaps the only “thing” this country needs is graceful and grateful
recognition of these blessings which includes each individual's choice
to stand on this earth in stewardship for the good of all.
Belinda C. Dunn is a professional astrologer with over 40 years
experience. She is available for your personal consultation. EMAIL:
belinda@astrodelight.com PHONE: 828-215-2101
August 2018
Belinda C. Dunn
Leo Solar Eclipse
August 11 @ 5:58 am
Mercury Direct
August 19 @ 12:25 am
Pisces/Virgo Full Moon
August 26 @ 7:56 am
August begins with five retrograde planets (Mercury, Mars, Saturn,
Neptune, Pluto), and another preparing to go retrograde on August 7
(Uranus). The very word retrograde brings to mind the necessity for
review. Every now and then, life offers the opportunity to back up, take
stock, release and complete what has already been set in motion. If you
have been feeling overwhelmed with the weightiness of current events,
personally and collectively, this is the month to catch your breath,
catch up, and in many cases, make some very profound decisions.
On August 1, Mars comes into stressful alignment with Uranus, the game
changer planet. Due to its retrograde phase, Mars already joined forces
with Uranus mid-May. This planetary combination is known as one of the
most rebellious influences for humankind. In general, any areas of life
where people feel boxed in, limited and defeated by circumstances, there
may be a feeling there is nothing to lose by taking extreme action to
break free. This can lead to explosive and unpredictable reactions.
On a personal level, this planetary combination can bring clarity to
conditions that may have been inhibiting productive and effective
action. All of a sudden, people will be waking up, and knowing where
they truly stand in regard to a multitude of issues. This is not a
wishy-washy, lukewarm influence. It is a strong, powerful statement from
the universe about freedom, including taking the blinders off and
meeting life in an effective and realistic way. This process cannot be
rushed, and the grand finale is mid-September as Mars squares Uranus for
the third and final time this year.
The current Mercury retrograde phase started on July 25/26, and
continues to August 18/19. When Mercury appears to be marching backwards
through the zodiac sky there is a general need for integration of recent
events. Trying to force resolution can be met with resistance,
frustration, detours and misguided efforts. It's just not time to make
sweeping resolutions. It's time to gather the facts, and entertain guidance.
This particular Mercury retrograde phase is further strengthened by its
repeated activation on the exact degree of the Leo Solar Eclipse on
August 11. Amplifying the plethora of information coming to the surface,
this is a time of revelation. Dark secrets are slowly but surely coming
into the light of day. August 8, a few days before the Solar Eclipse,
the Sun joins Mercury. This is always an important part of any Mercury
retrograde phase. This is when the solar will of Source is made known to
the conscious, everyday mind of humanity.
This month's solar eclipse mirrors “The Great American Eclipse” on
August 21, 2017. Part of a larger trend, these eclipses activate
fundamental lessons around the issues of effective leadership and group
synergy. Highlighting this dynamic interplay, a variety of leadership
styles have been on display on the national and international stages.
The age-old, taken for granted, programmed dynamic of “power over” OR
“power under” is out of balance as the collective consciousness moves
into the more refined and uplifting vibrations of the Aquarian Age. New
choices are being made as to what it means to be a leader, and what it
means to be led.
Venus is a significant moderating and harmonizing influence this month.
On August 6, Venus enters Libra, the zodiac sign of diplomacy,
cooperation, mediation and partnership. Individuals, as well as nations,
will be on the lookout for key alliances, actively taking steps to
cultivate supportive connections. This can mean that some relationships
reach a point of no return, falling apart to come together in a new,
upgraded form at some point down the road.
Signaling it's time to move forward with clarity and good intentions,
Mercury the messenger goes direct on August 19. Contributing to a sense
of positive momentum, a profound dose of grace blesses this day as
Jupiter is in harmonious alignment with Neptune for the third and final
time since December 2017. Both of these planets aim to uplift and soften
the harsh blows of temporal life circumstances. Offering faith and
inspiration, these planets work together to illuminate the bigger
picture above and beyond the grasp of limited perspective.
By August 23, the Sun leaves playful, dramatic and intense Leo, and
enters the next zodiac sign of Virgo. Summer vacations are winding down.
Diligent, thoughtful and service oriented Virgo welcomes the return to
school and work. Shortly thereafter, A full moon dawns on August 26.
With Sun in Virgo and Moon in the opposite zodiac sign of Pisces, this
lunation promises to be a spectacular sight for early risers.
Each zodiac sign is aligned with an element; fire, air, water, earth.
Associated with the earth element, Virgo brings a practical, realistic,
down to earth approach to daily life. The full moon astrology chart
shows a prominent emphasis on the earth element. One of the most
stabilizing and fortunate of planetary influences is coming together in
an earth grand trine between Sun in Virgo, Saturn in Capricorn and
Uranus in Taurus.
Just in the nick of time, especially in the wake of summer's three
eclipses, this earth grand trine helps to sooth tensions, and allay
fears. In some ways, it may feel like a thud down to earth. All of a
sudden, people will have an opportunity to get with the program.
Reliable routines come into place, and there is a sigh of relief as the
way forward is more apparent.
Saturn is the planet of existing foundations, and Uranus is the planet
of progress. Many times, these forces can be at odds with each other.
However, in this case, they work together to realistically implement
strategies and systems to overcome hurdles. Having a track to run on
provides stability in this era of accelerated and unprecedented change.
Another turning point comes on August 27 as Mars completes a nine week
retrograde phase, and begins to march forward once again. For several
months, the natural and normal disposition of Mars has been thwarted. As
the planet of action, Mars retrograde slows things down, presenting a
variety of challenges that need to be addressed in order to effectively
move forward.
As this powerhouse of a planet goes direct, it rises above the horizon.
For the remainder of the year, Mars will be dramatically visible in the
evening sky. Additionally, Mars is orbiting out of bounds of the
celestial equator. This is quite rare for a planet to reach beyond its
north or south declination.
The term “out of bounds” was given by astrologer B.T. Boehrer. Research
shows that when a planet is out of bounds it represents the possibility
of crossing the line of socially accepted behavior. Spanning the
extremes of criminality to genius, a celestial body out of bounds is a
potent force. In this case, Mars out of bounds is testing the limits of
reality according to the status quo.
An enormous paradigm shift is taking place, perhaps invisible to most
people. For those individuals attuned to more subtle energies, it is
quite apparent as the past seems to be falling away to make room for
what's next. Contributing to this shift is the fact that Mars started
its retrograde phase in the zodiac sign of Aquarius, and goes direct in
Capricorn. Additionally, Mars activates the south lunar node in Aquarius
three times (June 14, July 18, September 22).
One of the most potent symbols for Mars is the surgeon's knife that cuts
away disease to allow healing to take place. In this case, Mars in
Aquarius is a major wake up call for the collective consciousness. Due
to technology, the shear volume of input on a daily basis is staggering,
and each individual has a choice to engage with information as
conditioned by their peer/social group or consciously participate in a
way that requires sincere, eyes wide open inquiry.
The downside of Aquarius energy is to depersonalize, and detach from
reality. The hypnotic effect of technology adds to this tendency. This
is not an optimal and effective response at this point. The Leo Solar
Eclipse along with the north lunar node in Leo is calling for active
engagement, thinking outside the box, and personal integrity. Our Sun,
as center of the solar system, is continuously radiating life sustaining
light which translates into human nature as warm, caring and ebullient
heart expression.
Mars will remain out of bounds until the Autumnal Equinox on September
22. As Mars picks up momentum over the autumn months, many challenges
will naturally resolve, but keep in mind that August is the month to
stand strong, and consciously cultivate resilience and forbearance. In
this dimension of shape shifting form and transitory conditions, truly,
this too shall pass.
Belinda C. Dunn is a professional astrologer with 40+ years experience.
She is available for your personal consultation. Email:
belinda@astrodelight.com Phone: 828-215-2101
July 2018
Belinda C. Dunn
Solar Eclipse Cancer New Moon
July 12 @ 10:48 pm
Mercury Retrograde
July 26 – August 19
Lunar Eclipse Aquarius/Leo Full Moon
July 27 @ 4:20 pm
As the United States marks the 242nd year since the Declaration of
Independence, it's time for my annual “state of the union” forecast. As
I research and contemplate the planetary picture, it is not too strong
to state that events and decisions over these summer months are intense,
pivotal game changers. The building chaos is coming to a climax with
profound ramifications for the well being and prosperity of the nation
for months, and potentially years to come.
The week of July 4th comes on the heels of a recent Mars retrograde on
June 26, and Full Moon on June 28. As the planet of action and momentum,
Mars retrograde calls a halt to forward movement. Each planet has a wide
spectrum of potential influence, and Mars is no exception, but as the
planet of desire, conflict and competition, Mars retrograde is generally
frustrating, especially for those prone to aggression. The impulsive and
reflexive nature of Mars is inclined to willful fighting, and failed
attempts for control only fuel more turmoil.
Considering the summer season is more active with travel and outdoor
activities, it is helpful to know the implications of Mars retrograde.
Roadblocks, metaphorical and real, can slow down progress, and make
surprise detours necessary. Framing the summer months, Mars does not go
direct until late August, and the affects will be quite noticeable.
While there are many possible manifestations, unique to each situation,
it is important to exercise caution, pay attention to gut feelings, and
cultivate patience and circumspection.
The week of July 9 provides a turning point as Jupiter, the largest
planet in our solar system, begins a direct phase in the zodiac sign of
Scorpio. Jupiter has been drilling deep into matters beneath the surface
of everyday consciousness. Since October of last year, Jupiter has been
supporting countless people in coming forward to tell their story,
giving voice to abuse on many levels, but most notably sexual abuse.
This planetary influence is optimal for breaking through denial as it
allows hidden and unresolved trauma to surface. Typically, this is not
an easy or pleasant process, but the release of shame, guilt, and other
heavy emotion is cathartic. As dark, tightly held secrets surge into the
light of day, Jupiter's healing potential supports forgiveness and release.
In the evening of July 12, a solar eclipse in the zodiac sign of Cancer
kicks off a series of potent eclipses. This eclipse is followed by a
lunar eclipse on July 27, and another solar eclipse on August 11. This
is extremely rare for three eclipses to occur in sequence, and this
combination spells an unusually dynamic, unpredictable and dramatic July
and August.
Eclipses are the exclamation points of astrology! Events occurring
around the time of an eclipse get our attention. Not only do eclipses
take the blinders off, and expose what is really going on, but eclipses
demand change. They illuminate what is not working, and reveal the next
evolutionary step, personally and collectively.
Occurring in a series, eclipses are part of an 18.6 year cycle of lunar
nodes corresponding to the repetitive alignment of Sun, Moon and Earth.
Astronomically, the lunar nodes are invisible points where the Moon
crosses the plane of the ecliptic on a regular basis. Over a period of
time, specific themes come to the forefront based on the zodiac signs
the eclipses energize.
Starting with a lunar eclipse early last year, exact on February 11,
2017, the zodiac axis of Leo/Aquarius has been strongly activated. From
an evolutionary standpoint, society has been grappling with group
consciousness. In a very simple way, Leo represents leaders, and
Aquarius represents the masses. We don't have to look far to see these
themes in the current political environment, nationally and globally.
A variety of leadership styles have been exposed on the world stage as
masses of people are forced to awaken from a numbing, mesmerizing
trance. Self aggrandizement, along with political ploys and power plays
are increasingly obvious, transparent, on full display.
Meanwhile, the Aquarian Age is dawning, and each individual is
challenged to cultivate a sense of internal freedom through alignment
with inner guidance. As each person connects with their inner GPS of
true knowing, the cosmic law of synchronicity activates, bringing people
together. As the zodiac sign of community and group synergy, Aquarius
supports a concerted, orchestrated and unified movement to discover and
implement viable solutions to the large and looming challenges before
The solar eclipse on July 12 introduces new themes that are already
visible in our collective experience. In the zodiac sign of Cancer, the
themes for the next several years are centered around safety and
security, family and home. The humanitarian crisis on our southern
border is touching a heartfelt chord of public response, and this is
just the beginning of more attention going to the plight of families.
Ask anyone in the social services arena, and they will confirm that over
the past decade, enormous sums of funding have been sucked out of the
social safety net for those in need.
The lunar eclipse on July 27 reactivates the Leo/Aquarius polarity.
Events in August are more a wrap up and confirmation of what has been
revealed since early 2017, especially around themes of leadership as
well as personal empowerment within the context of community.
The lunar nodes in an individual's chart as well as a nation point to
profound evolutionary lessons. In calculating a chart for the recent
North Korea/USA summit on June 12, it is fascinating to note that the
lunar nodes, in an 18.6 year cycle, exactly correspond to the degree of
the lunar nodes on July 4, 1776. (South Node in Aquarius and North Node
in Leo).
What does this tell us about the karmic path of the nation? To summarize
this complex picture is not easy, but the collective lessons appear to
repeatedly circle around freedom, and specifically freedom from
authoritarian leadership. It points to the grand experiment of
democracy, and the high ideals of freedom and justice for each citizen.
Contemplating the astrology chart for this lunar eclipse, I must confess
that I am at a loss for words. But, like a flashing neon light, the word
“extreme” keeps coming to mind. On one hand, I would like to put on rose
colored glasses, and keep it totally positive. On the other hand, the
cosmos is giving an alarming, wake up, take notice warning.
One of the joys of being an astrologer, is the daily engagement with
curiosity and wonder that comes with a healthy dose of detachment. To
summarize, it's fascinating to witness that Mars retrograde joins the
Moon and South Lunar Node in Aquarius while the Sun joins the North
Lunar Node in Leo. Meanwhile, rebellious, freedom loving Uranus is part
of the mix in this unique combination. And, not only this, Mercury goes
retrograde in Leo on July 26.
Together, Mercury and Mars retrograde work to augment this extraordinary
combination of celestial forces by sweeping across the eclipse points
multiple times throughout July, August and September. There will be more
clarity by the time Mercury goes direct on August 18, signaling forward
momentum. Then again on August 27, as Mars goes direct. Then September
6, as Saturn goes direct.
Over the course of these weeks, challenges can arise in terms of
authority figures, and the balance of power in relationships. This is a
very adolescent energy that normally bristles and resists when told what
to do or what to believe. Seeds of unrest have been fomenting for some
time, and this is a summer of revolutionary, radical, tumultuous and
potentially destabilizing forces. Numerous protests, rallies and other
group gatherings are planned. Masses of people will take to the streets,
and demonstrate for a variety of causes. The lines are already drawn,
and some factions are prepared and looking for a fight.
Suffice it to say, events transpiring over these next weeks/months are
unforgettable turning points, and there may be days when it feels like
it is all coming at a dizzying, overwhelming pace. But, not so fast . .
. eclipses have profound influence beyond the exact days. Much will be
going on behind the scenes of public view, and it will take some time
for adjustments and decisions to be visible. In fact, the consequences
tend to build in strength over the course of 3 – 4 months. So, take
care, slow down, breath deep.
On a personal level, these planetary trends present an opportunity to
listen carefully to inner guidance. Pause, ask questions of yourself and
others. Go beyond the status quo, and take the time to tap into deep
wellsprings of true understanding.
There are many external leaders, but there is only true authority,
Source within as love and light. It is a part of you, and radiates
through you as life itself. There is no distance. Here there are no more
questions, only answers. Find your bliss and follow your heart.
In writing this article, another word keeps getting my attention, the
Mayan word, “zuvuya.” In 1987, at the time of the Harmonic Convergence,
this word became popularized in the image of surfing the waves of
current reality, and rising above the constraints of conditioned memory.
Zuvuya is the shared, intergalactic memory circuit connecting the past
to the future. In this moment, humanity stands on the threshold of a new
world that is beyond imagination. It can only be lived, day by day,
surfing the waves in this vast ocean of love.
June 2018
Belinda C. Dunn
Gemini New Moon
June 13 @ 3:43 pm
Summer Solstice
June 21 @ 6:07 am
Cancer/Capricorn Full Moon
June 28 @ 12:53 am
Happy, sunny, hopeful and enthusiastic June begins with an uplifting
combination of Venus, Jupiter and Neptune (June 1- 3). In harmony, these
three planets activate the intuition while freeing and lifting hearts to
divine connection. Bestowing grace and ease, this combination is known
as a grand trine, one of the more fortunate of planetary alignments.
Later in the month, Mercury joins Jupiter and Neptune in a second grand
trine (June 18-21). Like bookends to the month of June, these grand
trines provide a backdrop of gentle compassion and intuitive sensing.
These alignments are subtle, numinous, and even elusive in the hustle of
everyday pressures. Simply being aware opens the door of consciousness,
allowing access to these gifts.
To understand these alignments, it is helpful to consider the elements.
In astrology, as in many traditional and mystical systems, considerable
attention is given to the elements; fire, air, water, earth. Both of
these grand trines are in the element of water, activating the zodiac
signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
The imagery of water speaks volumes. Cancerian water is symbolized by
the lake, river, brook and stream. On the surface, Scorpio water appears
to be a stagnant, muddy swamp, but beneath the earth are hidden
subterranean rivers, and deep wellsprings of pure, vital and refreshing
water. Pisces represents the fathomless ocean filled with mysterious
life. Bestowing nourishment, water is life itself, pouring forth upon
the wasted plains of dry and arid earth.
This brings us to the element of earth, equally represented by three
major planets in their transit through the earth signs of Capricorn and
Taurus (Saturn, Pluto, Uranus). The emphasis on earth is substantial,
and current trends are all about practical manifestation.
This clear and important pivot is toward realism, common sense and
taking responsibility for manifesting ideals. It is now possible to
actually bring inspiration down to earth, and live the dream. Thus, June
provides a beautiful interface between intuitive guidance, heartfelt
feeling, and the practical steps to overcome obstacles and manifest a
new reality.
Back to the imagery of water and earth. Consider the garden. Too much
water floods the tender seedlings. Too little water leaves the earth dry
and barren. It's all about balance. This delicate balance translates to
daily life. Water = emotion. Earth = manifestation.
One more image . . . think of moving earth with a shovel and wheelbarrow.
Moving earth takes great effort, persistence and patience. This is not
the month to give up on your goals, but develop the fortitude to carry
through. What gives that extra assurance to power through obstacles? It
is positive emotion, and deep heartfelt feeling that leads the way and
inspires all action.
More than likely, planetary trends during June will bring up tremendous
emotion. Mercury, the planet of cognition, is highly activated. The month
begins with Mercury in Gemini, and enters Cancer on June 12. When Mercury
opposes Saturn on June 15, and opposes Pluto on June 23, logic goes out
the window, and the mood may sour, turning pessimistic and cynical. This
clouds decisions as there is a tendency to analyze and perceive from a
negative, self defeating standpoint.
From beginning to end, Mercury aligns with all major planets. Thinking
tends to vacillate between subjective to objective at a moment's notice,
and current social dialog adds to potential confusion and delusion. In
the swirl of emotion, it can be very difficult, if not impossible, to
keep one's feet on the ground, and actually put one foot in front of the
The New Moon on June 13 provides a boost of insight and important
information. In the zodiac sign of Gemini, be on the lookout for
significant communication that flings open doors of understanding, and
alters perspective. Gemini is the networker and translator of the
zodiac. The air waves will be active with controversy along with plenty
of revelation.
The Gemini New Moon is the day before Trump's 72nd birthday, and
activates the most challenging area of his karmic blueprint. In esoteric
astrology, the evolutionary lesson for Gemini is honesty on every level.
Honesty begins with self then emanates from this center of self
awareness. However, when Trump was born, Mercury was in stressful
relationship with Neptune, the planet of illusion. His critics point out
his habitual lies, tendency to blow things out of proportion, and say
whatever is on his mind. His supporters believe and hang on every word
he utters.
Once again, this planetary combination of Mercury and Neptune is in full
swing throughout June. Not only does Mercury square Neptune on June 5 –
7, but Neptune appears to be stationary at 16 degrees Pisces in preparation
for its annual retrograde phase beginning on June 18. Personally and collectively,
there is a wide spectrum of possible effects, but these conditions are
reminiscent of a thick, all encompassing fog. It's virtually impossible
to see the way ahead. Thus, it's advisable to slow down, gather more information,
take a second look, and question appearances.
The word “smokescreen,” is coming in loud and clear. The dictionary
definition is stated as “something designed to obscure, confuse or
mislead.” Uncertainty and confusion are rampant on a national and global
level. Those individuals and groups that dwell in the shadows may take
advantage of these conditions to manipulate and sway public opinion.
Considering the sensitive and attuned psychic nature of two grand trines
in water, it is important to stay alert throughout June, and not absorb
the temper and tone of public discourse.
We have all known people that talk incessantly, wrapped up in their own
story. It is as though they live in their head, barely able to recognize
that others have a point of view, and something to add to the conversation.
But, genuine communication is a two way street that goes way beyond words.
In fact, it is body language, intonation of voice, and even psychic connection
that conveys the true message between humans.
June is the month to deepen communication skills. Listening, empathy,
focus and presence are essential components of genuine communication.
Activating these skills makes it possible to effectively respond to
others when timing is optimal. Active and conscious engagement
facilitates positive and supportive relationships.
The lightest and longest day of the year occurs on Thursday, June 21.
The Sun's annual entrance into the zodiac sign of Cancer marks the
Summer Solstice, and it's time to get outside and enjoy the beauty of
Look for a spectacular Capricorn Full Moon on the evening of June 27/28.
The Moon joins Saturn, the planet of responsibility. Putting three days
on either side of the exact Full Moon, this final week of June is best
used for realistic appraisal of what needs to be taken care of. Necessary
projects and activities can no longer be avoided through procrastination.
Issues that have been put on the back burner now beg for attention. Saturn's
influence can feel heavy and obligatory, but it is a matter of striking
a balance between responsibilities and self-care.
In addition to the solstice, Venus and Mars engage each other in a rare
opposition. In mythology, Venus is the goddess, promoting beauty, love,
sensuality, affection, adornment and creativity. Mars is the warrior
archetype, and tends to express as active, aggressive, competitive and
sexual. The interaction of this divine duo increases attraction and
magnetism between the sexes. Perfect for a romantic solstice picnic!
However, as much as these two planetary energies can attract, they can
also repel. For example, what happens when someone comes on too strong?
Or one person tries to dominate and control the other? There are a
myriad of examples to draw upon in the dance of interpersonal relationship.
However, in taking a look at this opposition between Venus and Mars,
there is a wider and bigger picture. Mid-month, these dynamic and
relational planets join the lunar nodes, the most karmic and potent of
contacts. It's as though the pendulum of cause and effect is swinging
widely, and the general atmosphere tends to be chaotic, combative and
hostile. An eruption of contrary forces may threaten to weaken and
disrupt alliances. This can show up in interpersonal relationships as
well as nationally and globally. It is a defining moment as these two
planets illuminate the contrast between hatred and acceptance, fear and
love, war and peace.
This brings us to the red planet, Mars. On June 26, Mars begins a
retrograde phase that continues until August 27. In its eccentric orbit,
Mars only goes retrograde every two years. For two whole months,
altogether nine weeks, this important planet, in terms of momentum and
action, is taking a hiatus.
As in any retrograde phase, momentum turns inward. Generally, situations
come to a head, and external drive tends to reverse. There can be a
reversal of interest, involvement and engagement. Since human nature
tends to impose, push and force personal agendas onto life
circumstances, this phase of stepping back is a necessary stepping stone
to clear perspective.
With Mars retrograde, the hazy, lazy days of summer take on greater meaning.
When obstacles arise and frustration mounts, it is time to slow down, and
step back. Individuals and groups will be addressing issues around action,
and questioning what is worth fighting for. The incessant cacophony of
discordant voices in the media fuels the spin, and it's a conscious choice
to step away from the demands and pressures of the daily grind.
Quiet contemplation, perhaps sitting near flowing water, is the perfect
antidote to the relentless and habitual striving so pervasive in modern
society. With two grand trines in the element of water, June is the
month to invoke the healing, releasing and cleansing waters of
forgiveness. Along with Mars retrograde, these trends serve to remind
each of us that we are human beings, not human doings.
Most of us can recall the exhilarating ring of dismissal bell on the
last day of school. Signaling weeks of playful freedom, the bell rings
with a contrary sigh of relief along with a burst of energy, and sense
of adventure.
As summer fun gets underway, it's time to throw caution to the wind. Or
is it? Looking to the distant horizon, a storm appears to be brewing. Just
a heads up . . . there are eclipses ahead. Two eclipses in July, and one
eclipse in August (July 13 & 27, August 11). Eclipses usually come
in pairs, so this is a rare occurrence. And not only are there three eclipses,
but Mercury is retrograde (July 26 – August 19).
These summer months are pivotal, and things can turn on a dime. Why know
about it ahead of time? In my decades of following the planetary trends,
I have found repeatedly that awareness can actually soften, uplift and
transmute the challenges.
The young child is content to spend hours seaside building sand castles
and chasing waves. The older child seeks the thrill and dare of
amusement parks and roller coaster rides. No matter what your passion
is, the coming season is filled with excitement. Yes, there will be
highs and lows, ups and downs, twists and turns, but one thing is for
sure . . . we're along for the ride.
Belinda C. Dunn
May 2018
Taurus New Moon
May 15 @ 7:48 am
Uranus enters Taurus
May 15 @ 11:23 am
Gemini/Sagittarius Full Moon
May 29 @ 10:19 am
As May begins, planetary trends have the potential to feel more gentle
and stabilizing as our Sun transits in earthy, sensual, back to the
garden Taurus. For those individuals pausing to slow down enough and
smell the roses, the healing power of nature bestows many gifts,
especially the gift of remembrance. Even sitting here, recall your
favorite flowers, the colors, the scents, perhaps the season. Remember
what it feels like to have your bare feet on the earth, calmly
connecting with essence and innocence.
This article is going to focus on the zodiac sign of Taurus, and its
many manifestations and possibilities. Not only is there a New Moon in
Taurus on May 15, but Uranus, known as the most dynamic, surprising and
awakening planet, is entering Taurus on this same day. The shifts will
be observable and give many clues as to trends for years to come as
Uranus spends approximately seven years in each zodiac sign.
First, let's recap the last several months of Mercury's transit in
Aries. Due to its retrograde phase, Mercury has been driving home many
lessons around self reliance, independence and courage. As the first
sign on the zodiac wheel, Aries encourages heroic, bold and courageous
action in the face of dysfunction and challenge. Aries is about claiming
your space on the planet, and it is not always easy to summon up the
courage that Aries calls for. On the other hand, there are many
personalities living in a state of constant defense, using right and
might to get their way and sway others to their side.
Over recent months, we have witnessed many courageous acts, and like
each zodiac sign, Aries has a wide range of possibility. The downside of
Aries is quite evident on the public stage, and the slippery slope into
self absorption, narcissism and self aggrandizement is in clear public
view. The high side of Aries is the true leader called into action based
on unselfish motives that are in alignment with an inherent sense of the
common good beyond self interest.
Adding to this picture, is the fact that Uranus has been in the zodiac
sign of Aries for the past 7 years. Additionally, within the first three
days of May, Mercury in Aries moves out of its shadow phase, closing the
chapter,of recent weeks, but not without some electrifying fireworks as
Mercury joins Uranus on May 13. Both planets are in the final degree of
Aries, and like a final exam, the pressure is on to rise above
uncertainty and tension, posed and prepared to enter new territory. Day
by day, over the course of May, attention will naturally turn to what's
next and what's new, begging the question of what now?
This complex planetary trend involves another major player. As Mercury
and Uranus join, they rush headlong into a potentially disruptive
alignment with Mars, the warrior planet. Mars can manifest in a variety
of ways, but tends to embolden certain personalities, acting as a
stimulus for defiance, aggression and combativeness. Mars will fight for
what it believes to be true, no matter what.
It's not hard to predict that many issues and situations are coming to a
climatic head during May. Especially be alert May 12 – 16. These
planetary trends are to be recognized and respected for potentially
irrevocable change. This is the most rebellious, impulsive and
contradictory of alignments. Individuals and groups will be demanding
freedom from restrictions, and the desire to break free can precipitate
jaw dropping events. This shake, rattle and roll can also serve to
breakdown areas of life that have become stagnate and in desperate need
of reform.
A key ingredient in this planetary alignment involves Mars in stressful
combination with Uranus. Known as a square, these energies are generally
chaotic, and quite challenging to manage or control. Situations that
erupt this month may very well set off circumstances that take the
better part of 2018 to wind down, and return to some semblance of order.
This is the beginning, and this powerful and catalyzing combination of
Mars and Uranus will activate again in July/August and finally in
On the personal level, these are days to stay alert, and take care and
caution in all personal matters. The common adage, “Choose your battles
wisely,” is apropos. These are intense and demanding planetary energies,
and you can see why I am encouraging the calming influence of Taurus as
the antidote to these complex and potentially anxiety producing trends!
As the month rolls along, Mars enters the air sign of Aquarius on May
16, and the Sun enters the air sign of Gemini on the 20th. Both of these
zodiac signs tend to be restless, ready for adventure. By the
Gemini/Sagittarius Full Moon on May 29, the energetic thrust is toward
heightened communication, social engagements, travel and exploration.
This outgoing trend promises playful fun along with a few surprises.
Attention naturally turns to wrapping up the school year, graduations
and summer plans.
In addition to these outgoing trends, there is a potent alignment
between Jupiter and Neptune on May 25. Together, these planets stimulate
subtle awareness, intuitive development and compassion. In the midst of
disruptive conditions, these planets support engagement with the
mystical and magical side of life, enhancing trust in divine guidance.
Orbiting beyond the rings of Saturn, Uranus appears to be a slow moving
planet with an eighty-four year cycle. The fact that Uranus is posed to
enter new territory this month is a big deal. Typically, the shift is
palpable and real. It may take up to a year to get into the full swing
of Uranus in Taurus, but the signs are already evident.
From the standpoint of cookbook astrology, let's take a look at the
ingredients in this unusual blend of astrological influences. First
let's consider Uranus. Some positive keywords are: innovation, progress,
breaking the mold, thinking outside of the box, eclectic, spontaneous,
egalitarian, freedom-loving, extraordinary and out of the ordinary. On
the more challenging side, the effects of Uranus tend to be erratic,
radical, extreme, rebellious, uncontrollable, sudden, electrifying,
detached and distant.
Now let's consider the zodiac sign of Taurus. In its most positive and
uplifting expression, Taurus is calming, soothing, comforting,
grounding, beautifying, patient, stable and stabilizing. In its more
difficult expression, Taurus can be stodgy, stubborn, attached, greedy,
craving, resistant and possessive.
At this point, on the front end, it's anyone's guess as to how these
unusual, mixed up, contradictory influences will manifest, but it's
guaranteed to be a spectacular and fascinating show. Symbolically, the
Uranus lightening bolt is lighting up the terrain in an instant of awe
inspiring clarity as it plunges to earth to electrify, enlighten, inform
and transform.
While there are a multitude of possibilities as Uranus makes its way
through the zodiac sign of Taurus, here are some ideas I have received
in recent contemplation.
Taurus is the zodiac sign of currency, banks, financial institutions,
possessions, trade, and the general flow of resources throughout
society. Obviously, technology is drastically transforming the exchange
of goods/services and money, and this is only the beginning. More than
likely, there will be attempts to control virtual currency, but the
trend is toward freedom and financial independence. Banks may come
forward to build more public trust as a result of negative publicity.
Whispers of a possible trade war may grown louder and more ominous. The
erratic nature of Uranus can produce extreme highs and lows in terms of
the stock market as well as the global economy in general.
As a result of the current political climate in the USA, a new
conversation is emerging that can be summed up in the very Taurus word
“value.” Most people think of value in terms of what is tangible,
linear, concrete and measurable. However, across the airwaves, there is
mention and discussion of core values. Although loosely defined, these
fundamental and key values can take the national conversation beyond
political affiliation, and bridge the discord so prevalent in the
current dialog.
Another area of special interest and potential revolves around the
environment. As Taurus is the most earthy, sensual and physical zodiac
sign, attention will naturally turn to preservation of species, habitat
and survival. Humans can stockpile all the money and stuff in the world,
but what is it worth without a healthy and habitable planet? Despite the
current political upheaval that appears to be reversing decades of
environmental protection, urgency can propel the global marketplace to
address environmental degradation while Uranus in Taurus accelerates the
development of sustainable solutions.
Along these lines, humanity will be increasingly faced with a distinct
choice, and the contrast will be clear. Individually and collectively,
attitudes and actions that promote what is destructive, ugly, toxic,
dark and poisonous will be in sharp contrast to the beautiful gifts of
nature, and life on planet Earth. The movement to take the Earth back
from the precipice of human greed, shortsightedness and selfishness will
grown and find true direction. Over the next decade, this movement has
the potential to unite the world in purpose.
This brings us to a very important factor in terms of Uranus. This
planet is linked with the Aquarian Age, symbolized by the water bearer,
giver of life force. It is predicted that as these new energies become
more understood and accessed by each human being, there will be a mass
rising of life force. In terms of the true human design given by Source,
it is possible to feel and benefit from one's natural connection between
heaven and earth. Alternative, natural and body-centered therapies will
grow by leaps and bounds. These very exciting and life changing
developments have to be experienced to be fully appreciated.
I'm very happy to share this forecast with you. Some of these
predictions can kick up fear, while other predictions are welcomed. As
always, life on planet Earth is a contrasting blend of light and dark.
No doubt, this is a momentous time as the great wheel of fortune turns.
Meanwhile, this moment beckons, right here and now. Look about you, feel
your body, engage your senses, claim your space. My all-time favorite
Rumi quote says it all, “Let the beauty we love, be what we do, there
are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.”
Astrology Forecast for March 2018
Belinda C. Dunn
Mercury Direct
April 15 @ 5:21 am
Aries New Moon
April 15 @ 9:57 pm
Taurus/Scorpio Full Moon
April 29 @ 8:58 pm
Since the beginning of time, as we know it, mystics of all traditions
speak of an immediate, direct experience of a cosmos that is
ever-expanding love and joy. Life is cyclical, continually renewing
itself as April begins with festive Easter, a potent symbol of
resurrection. Here and now, I gaze upon the grace of tiny violets
carpeting the earth, along with happy daffodils and hopeful tulips. Like
a rainbow of hope, flowers of all colors inspire our vision and
tantalize the senses. It's spring!
The planetary overview for April dynamically speaks to this renewal. An
unmistakable momentum has been building over winter months, many
situations hanging in the balance. But, beneath the surface, hidden from
view, like tiny seeds awaiting the perfect moment to burst open,
resistance gives way to super charged release.
The line up is impressive. Mercury goes direct on April 15, and within
the next week Saturn and Pluto are stationary as they begin their annual
retrograde motion. In reality, there is enormous potential for change,
in what may appear to be about face, 180 degree turns. Taking all this
into consideration, it is advisable and beneficial to hold off major
decisions until this pivotal time.
While these planets provide the backdrop, the most potent trigger, in my
estimation, will be the Aries New Moon on April 15. Couched between Eris
and Uranus, Sun and Moon align in the final degrees of Aries. In
supportive harmony with the USA Moon in Aquarius that was activated by
February's solar eclipse, this crescendo of release can expose what is
really going on, free up resources, and dramatically turn the tables in
many terrestrial matters.
Why is this so potent? Uranus, the planet of progress, is in the final
degrees of a seven year transit through Aries. Anything left undone,
will beg for resolution. When Uranus entered Aries in the summer of
2010, numerous events spelled out the trend. On the heels of the
economic meltdown of 2008-2009, it was a summer of explosive events
including Arab spring, and the Gulf Oil spill, followed by Fukushima
nuclear facility meltdown in the spring of 2012. This destabilizing
turbulence continued unabated as Uranus squared Pluto for a full seven
times during 2012 – 2015.
On a personal level, it can be helpful to contemplate how you, your
perspective, and your life has transformed. In the midst of upheaval, it
can appear that everything is breaking down, there is nothing to hold
onto, but Uranus is always about individuality and freedom. In the face
of social uncertainty, especially when situations are out of one's
control, there is true potential to drop expectations. Instead of
placing power outside of self, at the mercy of random events, Uranus in
Aries has helped each individual discover purposeful empowerment through
awareness and accountability.
It has been a challenge to carve out this authenticity, and make the
decision over and over again, to be true to self and find happiness no
matter what is going on. The whole illusion that there is a savior
outside of self is false. It is up to each of us to fashion our destiny
as a reflection of personal connection with Source. As never before, “We
are the ones we have been waiting for.”
As a planetary influence, Uranus brings us to the edge of our seats with
surprises, shake ups and turnarounds while birthing new perspective. The
sacred law of synchronicity is in full activation as it guides events,
and open doors of opportunity. On the front end, it can appear as a
falling apart, only to bring things together for a new, improved upgrade.
It's edgy, rebellious appeal can give certain personalities license to
act aggressively and impulsively. There is a wide spectrum of life
lessons to be realized through this dynamic. For many of us, Uranus in
Aries has felt like a swift kick to get moving, once and for all,
stepping out of apathy, resignation and victim consciousness to not
only, “walk the talk,” but stand independently on one's own two feet.
Consider how you have found freedom to be yourself over these past seven
years, and what this means in terms of relationships and enhanced
communication skills.
In tandem with the Aries New Moon, and Mercury going direct on April 15,
there is a powerful long term transit that gives even more emphasis to
these themes. Chiron, discovered in 1977, representing the wounded
healer archetype, leaves the zodiac sign of Pisces and enters the new
terrain of Aries on April 17.
Early on, astrologer Barbara Hand Clow wrote a book, “Chiron - Rainbow
Bridge Between the Inner and Outer Planets.” Along with many others, the
astrological community has tracked this potent planetary influence for
decades. Repeatedly, in transit, Chiron triggers the surfacing of
wounds, those deep painful secrets that most people suppress out of fear.
However, Chiron presents both a choice and a gift. The choice is numb
down, shutdown OR allow healing to take place. With trust and
acceptance, an increase of life force acts as a balm to heal the very
wounds that one would deny. Over the decades a plethora of healing
alternatives have surged into the mainstream with effective strategies
for resolution of life draining wounds. Chiron's long term transit
through Aries (2018- 2026) will support this process while teaching that
one's personal healing journey is not something to be avoided, but
ultimately a contribution to the greater good.
The year started with enormous shifts as Saturn entered the zodiac skies
of Capricorn. This serious, responsible, disciplined energy is leading
the way for reliable structures to be implemented in one's personal life
as well as collective experience. Slowly, marching to its own beat,
Saturn will join Pluto in 2020, and for numerous reasons, 2020 already
stands out as a definitive turning point for the nation and world.
It is important to note that Mars in Capricorn conjoins Saturn on April
2, and conjoins Pluto on April 26. Adding intensity, both of these
planets appear to be moving slowly as Saturn goes retrograde on the
17th, and Pluto the 22nd. Thus, the entire month takes on a serious tone
as karma ripens, and reality begs for attention and problem solving. The
downside of this dynamic can be low energy, depression, despair and
cynicism, so self-care is essential, and it is helpful to simply allow
things to be. This means focus, discipline, detachment and
responsibility for those things within your control, while keeping
perspective on everything else.
To add to this potentially complex picture, Mercury, in its retrograde
phase, is in stressful alignment to Saturn three times (March 11, April
5 & 25). On a personal level, the desire and exuberance to turn a corner
and implement new direction can be tested for feasibility. If you find
yourself, and those around you, running into obstacles and delays, trust
the timing to make better informed decisions in the process of
These planets tightly engage Trump's Mercury, the essential planet of
analysis, decision and communication. Not only are his efforts thwarted,
he can feel misunderstood, backed into a corner, and forced to face
reality. There is a price to pay, and perhaps the noose is tightening. I
anticipate many discussions and meetings behind closed doors. There are
no easy answers in this time of crisis.
At this point, the reality is staggering, and it is only natural to ask,
“Where is the grace?” Here is where lovely, beautifying Venus comes
along. Transiting through Taurus, Venus will harmoniously engage this
entire alignment of three heavy hitting planets; Mars, Saturn and Pluto.
Earthy, sensual, creative, kind and affectionate Venus makes the choice
very clear. Power or Love?
Meanwhile, Earth Day festivities on the 22nd, act as a reminder to
continuously cultivate gratitude for this beautiful experience of
terrestrial life. As our Sun transits through Taurus, the themes of
sustainability and preservation of natural resources comes into full
view. A Taurus/Scorpio Full Moon on the 29th furthers a profound and
connected interplay between invisible and visible realms.
In times like this, according to Native American tradition, the sacred
“whirling rainbow” can be invoked. Respected elder Jamie Sams writes,
“You are being asked to remove any type of discord from your life in
order to grow. Don't feed the negativity. Look at any lessons being
presented at this time, learn from them, then focus your attention on
creating new beauty and abundance in your life.” Spinning, swirling,
whirling rainbow sweeps away negativity, removes discord, and bestows
the promise of peace between people and nations. And it is so.
Belinda C. Dunn is a professional astrologer with over 40 years
experience. She is available for your personal consultation. EMAIL:
belinda@astrodelight.com PHONE: 828-215-2101
Pisces/Virgo Full Moon
March 1 @ 7:51 pm
Pisces New Moon
March 17 @ 9:12 am
Spring Equinox
March 20 @ 12:16 pm
Mercury Retrograde
March 22 @ 8:19 pm
Aries/Libra Full Moon
March 31 @ 8:37 am
The most dynamic seasonal shift in any given year is typically
experienced during March, and this year is no exception. As winter gives
way to spring, as darkness gives way to light, as brutal, forceful,
frigid winds give way to soft, gentle breezes, earth creatures inhale
deeply; sensing, feeling, longing, anticipating fairer days ahead.
Coming in like a lion, and going out like a lamb, March is exhilarating,
enlivening and revitalizing.
As noted above, there are numerous astrological factors to consider in
this transitional month. So, let's get to it!
A Full Moon on March 1, wraps up the eclipses of January and February.
There is a distinct turning of the page as one chapter ends, and a new
chapter begins. In fact, this is the underlying theme of March.
Releasing the past, pivoting to what's next, and . . . keeping one's
feet on the ground in this expanding universe of all possibility.
The astrology chart for this Full Moon shows Sun, Neptune, Mercury,
Venus and Chiron in the zodiac sign of Pisces. Opposing this potent
alignment is Moon in Virgo. There is no choice but to take a deep
breath, yield to what is, realizing and accepting a profound clearing
occurring on the deepest levels of consciousness. Dreams and intuitive
knowing open to give a few clues as to specifics, but overall, this
strong Neptune influence is more to be acknowledged as a gift from an
all loving and forgiving Source.
For those individuals that are highly attuned and sensitive to Neptune's
influence, it may be helpful to strengthen the aura, and protect one's
energy field from toxic and disruptive influences. While there are
numerous techniques, a YouTube video by William Bloom, called “Psychic
Protection,” is filled with very practical and effective methods that
can be easily integrated into daily life.
The zodiac signs of Pisces and Virgo represent two sides of the same
coin. Pisces relates to the more subtle areas of psychological and
spiritual health. Virgo relates to physical health, and lifestyle
choices that undermine or support health. Holistically, they work hand
in hand, and March is a perfect time to upgrade healthy habits on every
Granted, the Moon in Virgo can produce stress, and stimulate the mind's
tendency to analyze, worry and control. This Full Moon provides a
beautiful chance to surrender earth matters, allowing tensions to melt
and release within an expanding trust in the greater good.
Beginning on March 10, and continuing through the remainder of March, is
the seasonal shift known in oriental medicine as “Doyo.” Traditionally,
a full ten days on either side of an equinox or solstice is a phase to
align with nature, and pay particular attention to health. Climate
change can be destabilizing, especially the body's adaptation from
winter to spring. While it may be tempting to throw off heavy layers of
clothing in anticipation of warmer days, it is important to keep the
body warm and nourished as temperature extremes vacillate.
A New Moon in Pisces sets the stage on March 17. In this case, both Moon
and Sun conjoin with Chiron, the wounded healer. Here is a triple dose
of healing potential. Discovered in 1977, Chiron is a small planet
orbiting between Saturn and Uranus. Over the decades, astrologers have
observed that core wounds tend to surface when Chiron is activated.
Chiron has been transiting through Pisces skies since 2010. For
approximately eight years, this planetary combination has been
dissolving the boundaries of consciousness, pointing to humankind's
original wound of separation from Source. On a collective level,
humanity is being pressed to awaken from the trance of denial, addiction
and dysfunction.
Turn on the daily news, it is clear, the majority of people are treading
water, seeking realistic answers to pain and suffering. Next month,
exact on April 17, Chiron leaves Pisces, entering the new terrain of
Aries. Thus, begins a very activated phase for the next nine years of
Chiron in Aries. This implies a breaking free from karmic restrictions
through taking responsibility for current conditions, and consciously
choosing to be in high vibration on behalf of all life.
Next up, let's take a look at our Sun's annual entrance into Aries,
known as the spring equinox. Exact on March 20, at high noon on the east
coast (12:15 pm), this equinox shines light on Washington D.C. Neptune,
a major player in the USA astrology chart over the past year, is
overhead potentially breaking through clouds of illusion and deception.
This chart illustrates the on-going struggle for existing
conditions/structures to maintain and survive, and th |